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Project reference number: 101056933. Start date: 1 September 2022. Duration: 54 months.

Timely delivery and effective use of climate information is fundamental for a green recovery and a resilient, climate neutral Europe, in response to climate change and variability. Climate services address this through the provision of climate information for use in decision-making to manage risks and realise opportunities.

The market and needs for climate information has seen impressive progress in recent years and is expected to grow in the foreseeable future. However, the communities involved in the development and provision of climate services are often unaware of each other, and lack interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary knowledge. In addition, quality assurance, relevant standards, and other forms of assurance (such as guidelines, and good practices) for climate services are lagging behind. These are needed to ensure the saliency, credibility, legitimacy and authoritativeness of climate services, and build two-way trust between supply and demand.

Climateurope2 aims to develop future equitable and quality-assured climate services to all sectors of society by:

  • Developing standardisation procedures for climate services
  • Supporting an equitable European climate services community
  • Enhancing the uptake of quality-assured climate services to support adaptation and mitigation to climate change and variability

The project will identify the support and standardisation needs of climate services, including criteria for certification and labelling, as well as the user-driven criteria needed to support climate action. This information will be used to propose a taxonomy of climate services, suggest community-based good practices and guidelines, and propose standards where possible. A large variety of activities to support the communities involved in European climate services will also be organised.

Two challenges are hence faced by the climate services community: the need to support climate services development through the self-awareness of those who play a role in the market, and the development of methods and criteria that favour the quality assessment of the different components of a climate service to assure that these are trustworthy. This proposal addresses these challenges by developing activities that 1) engage and support the climate services community, taking stock of what has been developed so far, and 2) formulate recommendations to standardise the service practices. Climateurope2 focuses on the underpinning capability that is required to improve the salience, credibility, legitimacy and usability of current climate services, and also to develop future equitable and quality-assured climate services of greater value to society.

The Climateurope2 high-level objectives in relation to the work packages (WPs) of the project.

          The Climateurope2 high-level objectives in relation to the work packages (WPs) of the project

Climateurope2 participants

                Climateurope2 kick-off meeting, 27th of September 2022, Lecce, Italy

The Climateurope2 consortium is made of 33 parties (29 beneficiaries, 1 affiliated entity and 3 associated partners) from 13 countries that cover a large spectrum of expertise and capabilities. This project involves 33 institutions: the Barcelona Supercomputing Center-Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC), Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneosui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC), Universita Degli Studi di TRENTO (UNITENTRO), Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologish Institut (KNMI), Sveriges Meteorologiska Och Hydrologiska Institut (SMHI), Mariene Informatie Service Maris BV (MARIS), Centre Europeen de Recherche et Deformation Avancee en Calcul Scientifique (CERFACS), Republicki Hidrometeoroloski Zavodsrbije (RHMZ), Universitaet Bremen (UBREMEN), Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GMBH (DKRZ), Helmotz-Zentrum Hereon GMBH (HEREON), Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Zur Forderung der Angewandten Forschung EV (Fraunhofer), Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU), Ecologic Institut (ECO), LGI Sustainable Innovation (LGI), The Climate Data Factory (TCDF), World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Wyzsza Szkola Bankowa W Poznaniu (WSB), Stichting Wageningen Research (WR), Stichting Deltares (Deltares), Fundación Tecnalia Research and Innovation (TECNALIA), Centar Za Promociju Nauke (CPN), Technische Universitaet Muenchen (TUM), Climate-Kic Holding BV (CLIMATE-KIC), Ramboll France SAS (REH), Ramboll Management, consulting (RMC), Weblyzard Technology GMBH (WLT), European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Din Deutsches Institut Fuer Normung EV (DIN), DNV AS (DNV), University of Leeds (UNIVLEEDS), Met Office (MET OFFICE), and United Kingdom Research and innovation (UKRI). The contract is led by the BSC.