2.0.0 - Python 3 - first_time option - erase_auxiliary_files option 1.0.4 2019/07/19 - Specified version on timezonefinder to be less than 4.0.0 (not further support to python 2.7.X) - Solved bug on some grid creation that makes one cell more sometimes issue #23 1.0.3 2019/06/07 - Solved bug on WRF-Chem unit change - Solved issue #16 1.0.2 2019/04/30 - Corrected error on MONARCH rotated NetCDF metadata - Regional regular lat-lon domain 1.0.1 2019/03/12 Temporal gridded profiles (dst resolution) Fixed bug for GFAS point in parallel mode. Daily profiles to Weekly profiles (7 elements). New Daily profiles (365/366) elements (Gridded & CSV) Added checks for the used temporal profiles. Fixed bug on hourly profile Added new preprocs 1.0.0 2019/03/01 HEMRESv3_GR stable version GFAS emission inventory as point source emission. 0.0.0 2018/09/18 HERMESv3_GR beta version first release