library(easyNCDF) library(sp) library(rgeos) library(rgdal) ### Choose one to source the function #source("/path/to/file/shp_mask.R") source("/esarchive/scratch/aho/tmp/shp_mask.R") # reference grid file ## 0.1x0.1 deg ref.file1 <- '/esarchive/recon/ecmwf/era5land/monthly_mean/tas_f1h/' ## 1x1 deg ref.file2 <- '/esarchive/exp/ecmwf/system5c3s/monthly_mean/tas_f6h/' #============================ # NUTS #============================ <- paste0("FI1D", c(1:3, 5, 7:9)) <- list(FI = c('Lappi', 'Kainuu'), SI = c('Pomurska', 'Podravska')) mask1 <- shp_mask(shp.file, ref.file1, reg.ids = mask2 <- shp_mask(shp.file, ref.file2, reg.names = str(mask1) str(mask2) #============================ # ADM #============================ shp.file <- '/esarchive/scratch/cdelgado/focus_outputs/Shapefiles/tza_admbnda_adm1/tza_admbnda_adm1_20181019.shp' # Use reg.ids to specify the shape regions mask <- shp_mask(shp.file, ref.file1, reg.ids = c("TZ07", "TZ20"), shp.system = "ADM") which(mask == 1, arr.ind = T) which(mask == 2, arr.ind = T) str(attr(mask, 'index')) # Use reg.names to specify the shape regions mask2 <- shp_mask(shp.file, ref.file1, reg.names = list("United Republic of Tanzania" = c("Dar-es-salaam", "Mara")), shp.system = "ADM") identical(mask, mask2) #[1] TRUE