# auto-schism2 This project was created as a demo, for the `schism2.sif` singularity container provided by Hereon / Benjamin. It was successfully tested on MareNostrum 5 using a personal laptop with Autosubmit, and also using EDITO Model Lab. ## Instructions ```bash $ # Create a new Autosubmit experiment using this project $ autosubmit expid \ --HPC MN5 \ --description "Benjamin Schism test" \ --minimal_configuration \ --git_repo https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/bdepaula/auto-schism2.git \ --git_branch main \ --git_as_conf "conf/" Autosubmit is running with 4.1.9 The new experiment "a000" has been registered. Generating folder structure... Experiment folder: /home/kinow/autosubmit/a000 Generating config files... Experiment a000 created ``` Modify the `minimal.yml` created for your experiment, in this example: `~/autosubmit/a000/conf/minimal.yml`. Please, add the following to your file (indentation matters here). ```yaml # These settings are not necessary for your experiment, but are required # by Autosubmit: https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/autosubmit/-/issues/1091 EXPERIMENT: DATELIST: "20000101" MEMBERS: "fc0" CHUNKSIZEUNIT: month CHUNKSIZE: "4" NUMCHUNKS: "2" CHUNKINI: '' CALENDAR: standard PLATFORMS: MN5: TYPE: slurm HOST: glogin1.bsc.es PROJECT: bsc32 # You need a valid BSC user, in this case from bsc, or adjust # the project above and maybe the scratch dir below if needed. # Write your username replacing . USER: QUEUE: gp_debug SCRATCH_DIR: /gpfs/scratch ADD_PROJECT_TO_HOST: false MAX_WALLCLOCK: 48:00 TEMP_DIR: '' ``` Now run `autosubmit create a000`, followed by `autosubmit run a000`. After some minutes, you should have successfully executed the workflow locally, that submits a `SIM` to MareNostrum 5 (note that there is no platform defined, but the `expid` command was called with `--HPC MN5` to set the default platform). You can verify the output log of the `SIM` task (copied to your local environment by Autosubmit after the successful run of `SIM`) with: ```bash $ autosubmit cat-log -f o a000_SIM Autosubmit is running with 4.1.9 [INFO] JOBID=3779706 schism develop git hash 4511e7e OK! ``` This shows the version of Autosubmit used, and the ID of the Slurm job executed, followed by the output of the Singularity execution. For a real execution of the model, adjust the parameters of passed to the Singularity container. Finally, if you are running this on another platform, adjust the location of the container.