context("Use cases") test_that("in1: 1 val; targ. dims: 0; out1: 0 val", { f <- function(x) NULL expect_equal( Apply(1, NULL, f), list(output1 = array(logical(0), dim = c(0, 1))) ) f <- function(x) numeric(0) expect_equal( Apply(1, NULL, f), list(output1 = array(logical(0), dim = c(0, 1))) ) }) test_that("in1: 1 val; targ. dims: 0; out1: 0 val", { f <- function(x) NULL expect_equal( Apply(1, 1, f), list(output1 = array(logical(0))) ) f <- function(x) numeric(0) expect_equal( Apply(1, 1, f), list(output1 = array(logical(0))) ) }) test_that("in1: 1 val; targ. dims: 0; out1: 1 val", { expect_equal( Apply(1, NULL, mean), list(output1 = array(1)) ) }) test_that("in1: 1 val; targ. dims: 1; out1: 1 val", { expect_equal( Apply(1, 1, mean), list(output1 = 1) ) }) test_that("in1: 1 val; targ. dims: 0; out1: 3 val", { f <- function(x) x:(x + 2) expect_equal( Apply(1, NULL, f), list(output1 = array(1:3, dim = c(3, 1))) ) }) test_that("in1: 1 val; targ. dims: 1; out1: 3 val", { f <- function(x) x:(x + 2) expect_equal( Apply(1, 1, f), list(output1 = array(1:3)) ) }) test_that("in1: 1 val; targ. dims: 0; out1: 1 dim", { # unnamed output dim f <- function(x) array(x:(x + 2)) expect_equal( Apply(1, NULL, f), list(output1 = array(1:3, dim = c(3, 1))) ) # named output dim f <- function(x) array(x:(x + 2), dim = c(time = 3)) expect_equal( Apply(1, NULL, f), list(output1 = array(1:3, dim = c(time = 3, 1))) ) }) test_that("in1: 1 val; targ. dims: 1; out1: 1 dim", { # unnamed output dim f <- function(x) array(x:(x + 2)) expect_equal( Apply(1, 1, f), list(output1 = array(1:3)) ) # named output dim f <- function(x) array(x:(x + 2), dim = c(time = 3)) expect_equal( Apply(1, 1, f), list(output1 = array(1:3, dim = c(time = 3))) ) }) test_that("in1: 1 val; targ. dims: 0; out1: 2 dim", { # unnamed output dims f <- function(x) array(x:(x + 2), dim = c(3, 4)) expect_equal( Apply(1, NULL, f), list(output1 = array(1:3, dim = c(3, 4, 1))) ) # named output dim 1 f <- function(x) array(x:(x + 2), dim = c(time = 3, 4)) expect_equal( Apply(1, NULL, f), list(output1 = array(1:3, dim = c(time = 3, 4, 1))) ) # named output dim 2 f <- function(x) array(x:(x + 2), dim = c(3, region = 4)) expect_equal( Apply(1, NULL, f), list(output1 = array(1:3, dim = c(3, region = 4, 1))) ) # named output dims f <- function(x) array(x:(x + 2), dim = c(time = 3, region = 4)) expect_equal( Apply(1, NULL, f), list(output1 = array(1:3, dim = c(time = 3, region = 4, 1))) ) }) test_that("in1: 1 val; targ. dims: 1; out1: 2 dim", { # unnamed output dims f <- function(x) array(x:(x + 2), dim = c(3, 4)) expect_equal( Apply(1, 1, f), list(output1 = array(1:3, dim = c(3, 4))) ) # named output dims f <- function(x) array(x:(x + 2), dim = c(time = 3, region = 4)) expect_equal( Apply(1, 1, f), list(output1 = array(1:3, dim = c(time = 3, region = 4))) ) }) test_that("in1: 1 val; targ. dims: 0; out1: 1 val; out 2: 1 val", { # unnamed outputs f <- function(x) list(mean(x), mean(x) + 1) expect_equal( Apply(1, NULL, f), list(output1 = array(1), output2 = array(2)) ) # named outputs f <- function(x) list(a = mean(x), b = mean(x) + 1) expect_equal( Apply(1, NULL, f), list(a = array(1), b = array(2)) ) }) test_that("in1: 1 val; targ. dims: 1; out1: 3 val; out 2: 2 dim", { f <- function(x) list(a = x:(x + 2), array(x:(x + 2), dim = c(3, region = 4))) expect_equal( Apply(1, 1, f), list(a = array(1:3), output2 = array(1:3, dim = c(3, region = 4))) ) }) test_that("in1: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0; out1: 0 val", { # unnamed dim # unnamed output f <- function(x) NULL expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10), NULL, f), list(output1 = array(logical(0), dim = c(0, 10))) ) # named dim # named output f <- function(x) list(out1 = NULL) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10)), NULL, f), list(out1 = array(logical(0), dim = c(0, a = 10))) ) }) test_that("in1: 1 dim; targ. dims: 1; out1: 0 val", { # unnamed dim # unnamed output f <- function(x) NULL expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10), 1, f), list(output1 = array(logical(0))) ) # named dim # named output f <- function(x) list(out1 = NULL) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10)), 1, f), list(out1 = array(logical(0), dim = c(0))) ) # named target dim expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10)), 'a', f), list(out1 = array(logical(0), dim = c(0))) ) }) test_that("in1: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0; out1: 1 val", { # unnamed dim # unnamed output expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10), NULL, mean), list(output1 = array(1:10)) ) # named dim # named output f <- function(x) list(out1 = mean(x)) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10)), NULL, f), list(out1 = array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10))) ) }) test_that("in1: 1 dim; targ. dims: 1; out1: 1 val", { # unnamed dim # unnamed output expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10), 1, mean), list(output1 = 5.5) ) # named dim # named output f <- function(x) list(out1 = mean(x)) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10)), 1, f), list(out1 = 5.5) ) # named target dim expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10)), 'a', f), list(out1 = 5.5) ) }) test_that("in1: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0; out1: 3 vals", { # unnamed dim # unnamed output f <- function(x) x:(x + 2) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10), NULL, f), list(output1 = array(sapply(1:10, function(x) x:(x + 2)), dim = c(3, 10))) ) # named dim # named output f <- function(x) list(out1 = x:(x + 2)) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10)), NULL, f), list(out1 = array(sapply(1:10, function(x) x:(x + 2)), dim = c(3, a = 10))) ) }) test_that("in1: 1 dim; targ. dims: 1; out1: 3 vals", { # unnamed dim # unnamed output f <- function(x) x[1]:(x[1] + 2) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10), 1, f), list(output1 = array(1:3)) ) # named dim # named output f <- function(x) list(out1 = x[1]:(x[1] + 2)) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10)), 1, f), list(out1 = array(1:3)) ) # named target dim expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10)), 'a', f), list(out1 = array(1:3)) ) }) test_that("in1: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0; out1: 1 dim", { # unnamed input dim # unnamed output # unnamed output dim f <- function(x) array(x:(x + 2)) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10), NULL, f), list(output1 = array(sapply(1:10, function(x) x:(x + 2)), dim = c(3, 10))) ) # named input dim # named output # named output dim f <- function(x) list(out1 = array(x:(x + 2), dim = c(b = 3))) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10)), NULL, f), list(out1 = array(sapply(1:10, function(x) x:(x + 2)), dim = c(b = 3, a = 10))) ) }) test_that("in1: 1 dim; targ. dims: 1; out1: 1 dim", { # unnamed input dim # unnamed output # unnamed output dim f <- function(x) array(x[1]:(x[1] + 2)) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10), 1, f), list(output1 = array(1:3)) ) # named input dim # named output # named output dim f <- function(x) list(out1 = array(x[1]:(x[1] + 2), dim = c(b = 3))) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10)), 1, f), list(out1 = array(1:3, dim = c(b = 3))) ) # named target dim expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10)), 'a', f), list(out1 = array(1:3, dim = c(b = 3))) ) }) test_that("in1: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0; out1: 2 dims", { # unnamed input dim # unnamed output # unnamed output dims f <- function(x) array(x:(x + 2), dim = c(3, 4)) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10), NULL, f), list(output1 = array(sapply(1:10, function(x) rep(x:(x + 2), 4)), dim = c(3, 4, 10))) ) # named input dim # named output # named output dim f <- function(x) list(out1 = array(x:(x + 2), dim = c(b = 3, c = 4))) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10)), NULL, f), list(out1 = array(sapply(1:10, function(x) rep(x:(x + 2), 4)), dim = c(b = 3, c = 4, a = 10))) ) }) test_that("in1: 1 dim; targ. dims: 1; out1: 2 dims", { # unnamed input dim # unnamed output # unnamed output dim f <- function(x) array(x[1]:(x[1] + 2), dim = c(3, 4)) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10), 1, f), list(output1 = array(sapply(1:10, function(x) rep(x:(x + 2), 4)), dim = c(3, 4))) ) # named input dim # named output # named output dim f <- function(x) list(out1 = array(x[1]:(x[1] + 2), dim = c(b = 3, c = 4))) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10)), 1, f), list(out1 = array(sapply(1:10, function(x) rep(x:(x + 2), 4)), dim = c(b = 3, c = 4))) ) # named target dim expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10)), 'a', f), list(out1 = array(sapply(1:10, function(x) rep(x:(x + 2), 4)), dim = c(b = 3, c = 4))) ) }) test_that("in1: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0; out1: 1 dim; out2: 2 dims; out3: 1 val", { # unnamed input dim # unnamed output # unnamed output dim f <- function(x) list(array(x:(x + 2), dim = c(3)), array(x:(x + 3), dim = c(4, 5)), mean(x)) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10), NULL, f), list(output1 = array(sapply(1:10, function(x) x:(x + 2)), dim = c(3, 10)), output2 = array(sapply(1:10, function(x) rep(x:(x + 3), 5)), dim = c(4, 5, 10)), output3 = array(1:10)) ) # named input dim # named output # named output dim f <- function(x) list(a = array(x:(x + 2), dim = c(b = 3)), b = array(x:(x + 3), dim = c(c = 4, d = 5)), c = mean(x)) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10)), NULL, f), list(a = array(sapply(1:10, function(x) x:(x + 2)), dim = c(b = 3, a = 10)), b = array(sapply(1:10, function(x) rep(x:(x + 3), 5)), dim = c(c = 4, d = 5, a = 10)), c = array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10))) ) }) test_that("in1: 1 dim; targ. dims: 1; out1: 1 dim; out2: 2 dims; out3: 1 val", { # unnamed input dim # unnamed output # unnamed output dim f <- function(x) list(array(x[1]:(x[1] + 2), dim = c(3)), array(x[1]:(x[1] + 3), dim = c(4, 5)), mean(x)) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10), 1, f), list(output1 = array(sapply(1, function(x) x:(x + 2)), dim = c(3)), output2 = array(sapply(1, function(x) rep(x:(x + 3), 5)), dim = c(4, 5)), output3 = 5.5) ) # named input dim # named output # named output dim f <- function(x) list(a = array(x[1]:(x[1] + 2), dim = c(b = 3)), b = array(x[1]:(x[1] + 3), dim = c(c = 4, d = 5)), c = mean(x)) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10)), 1, f), list(a = array(sapply(1, function(x) x:(x + 2)), dim = c(b = 3)), b = array(sapply(1, function(x) rep(x:(x + 3), 5)), dim = c(c = 4, d = 5)), c = 5.5) ) }) test_that("in1: 2 dim; targ. dims: 0-2; out1: 1 dim; out2: 2 dims; out3: 1 val", { # no target dim # unnamed input dim # unnamed output # unnamed output dim f <- function(x) list(array(x[1]:(x[1] + 2), dim = c(3)), array(x[1]:(x[1] + 3), dim = c(4, 5)), mean(x)) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10, dim = c(10, 3)), NULL, f), list(output1 = array(rep(sapply(1:10, function(x) x:(x + 2)), 3), dim = c(3, 10, 3)), output2 = array(rep(sapply(1:10, function(x) rep(x:(x + 3), 5)), 3), dim = c(4, 5, 10, 3)), output3 = array(1:10, dim = c(10, 3))) ) # named input dim # named output # named output dim f <- function(x) list(a = array(x[1]:(x[1] + 2), dim = c(c = 3)), b = array(x[1]:(x[1] + 3), dim = c(d = 4, e = 5)), c = mean(x)) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10, b = 3)), NULL, f), list(a = array(rep(sapply(1:10, function(x) x:(x + 2)), 3), dim = c(c = 3, a = 10, b = 3)), b = array(rep(sapply(1:10, function(x) rep(x:(x + 3), 5)), 3), dim = c(d = 4, e = 5, a = 10, b = 3)), c = array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10, b = 3))) ) # first target dim # unnamed input dim # unnamed output # unnamed output dim f <- function(x) list(array(x[1]:(x[1] + 2), dim = c(3)), array(x[1]:(x[1] + 3), dim = c(4, 5)), mean(x)) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10, dim = c(10, 3)), 1, f), list(output1 = array(rep(sapply(1, function(x) x:(x + 2)), 3), dim = c(3, 3)), output2 = array(rep(sapply(1, function(x) rep(x:(x + 3), 5)), 3), dim = c(4, 5, 3)), output3 = array(5.5, dim = c(3))) ) # named input dim # named output # named output dim f <- function(x) list(a = array(x[1]:(x[1] + 2), dim = c(c = 3)), b = array(x[1]:(x[1] + 3), dim = c(d = 4, e = 5)), c = mean(x)) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10, b = 3)), 'a', f), list(a = array(rep(sapply(1, function(x) x:(x + 2)), 3), dim = c(c = 3, b = 3)), b = array(rep(sapply(1, function(x) rep(x:(x + 3), 5)), 3), dim = c(d = 4, e = 5, b = 3)), c = array(5.5, dim = c(b = 3))) ) # second target dim # unnamed input dim # unnamed output # unnamed output dim f <- function(x) list(array(x[1]:(x[1] + 2), dim = c(3)), array(x[1]:(x[1] + 3), dim = c(4, 5)), mean(x)) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10, dim = c(10, 3)), 2, f), list(output1 = array(sapply(1:10, function(x) x:(x + 2)), dim = c(3, 10)), output2 = array(sapply(1:10, function(x) rep(x:(x + 3), 5)), dim = c(4, 5, 10)), output3 = array(1:10, dim = c(10))) ) # named input dim # named output # named output dim f <- function(x) list(a = array(x[1]:(x[1] + 2), dim = c(c = 3)), b = array(x[1]:(x[1] + 3), dim = c(d = 4, e = 5)), c = mean(x)) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10, b = 3)), 'b', f), list(a = array(sapply(1:10, function(x) x:(x + 2)), dim = c(c = 3, a = 10)), b = array(sapply(1:10, function(x) rep(x:(x + 3), 5)), dim = c(d = 4, e = 5, a = 10)), c = array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10))) ) # two target dims # unnamed input dim # unnamed output # unnamed output dim f <- function(x) list(array(x[1]:(x[1] + 2), dim = c(3)), array(x[1]:(x[1] + 3), dim = c(4, 5)), mean(x)) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10, dim = c(10, 3)), c(1, 2), f), list(output1 = array(sapply(1, function(x) x:(x + 2)), dim = c(3)), output2 = array(sapply(1, function(x) rep(x:(x + 3), 5)), dim = c(4, 5)), output3 = 5.5) ) # named input dim # named output # named output dim f <- function(x) list(a = array(x[1]:(x[1] + 2), dim = c(c = 3)), b = array(x[1]:(x[1] + 3), dim = c(d = 4, e = 5)), c = mean(x)) expect_equal( Apply(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10, b = 3)), c('a', 'b'), f), list(a = array(sapply(1, function(x) x:(x + 2)), dim = c(c = 3)), b = array(sapply(1, function(x) rep(x:(x + 3), 5)), dim = c(d = 4, e = 5)), c = 5.5) ) }) #test_that("in1: 3 dim; targ. dims: 0-3; out1: 1 dim; out2: 2 dims; out3: 1 val", { #}) #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 val; targ. dims: 0, 0; out1: 0 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 val; targ. dims: 1, 0; out1: 0 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 val; targ. dims: 0, 1; out1: 0 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 val; targ. dims: 1, 1; out1: 0 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 val; targ. dims: 0, 0; out1: 1 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 val; targ. dims: 1, 0; out1: 1 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 val; targ. dims: 0, 1; out1: 1 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 val; targ. dims: 1, 1; out1: 1 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 val; targ. dims: 0, 0; out1: 3 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 val; targ. dims: 1, 0; out1: 3 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 val; targ. dims: 0, 1; out1: 3 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 val; targ. dims: 1, 1; out1: 3 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 val; targ. dims: 0, 0; out1: 1 dim", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 val; targ. dims: 1, 0; out1: 1 dim", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 val; targ. dims: 0, 1; out1: 1 dim", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 val; targ. dims: 1, 1; out1: 1 dim", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 val; targ. dims: 0, 0; out1: 1 dim; out2: 1 val; out3: 3 dim", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 val; targ. dims: 1, 0; out1: 1 dim; out2: 1 val; out3: 3 dim", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 val; targ. dims: 0, 1; out1: 1 dim; out2: 1 val; out3: 3 dim", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 val; targ. dims: 1, 1; out1: 1 dim; out2: 1 val; out3: 3 dim", { #}) # # # # # # # # # # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0, 0; out1: 0 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 1, 0; out1: 0 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0, 1; out1: 0 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 1, 1; out1: 0 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0, 0; out1: 1 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 1, 0; out1: 1 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0, 1; out1: 1 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 1, 1; out1: 1 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0, 0; out1: 3 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 1, 0; out1: 3 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0, 1; out1: 3 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 1, 1; out1: 3 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0, 0; out1: 1 dim", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 1, 0; out1: 1 dim", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0, 1; out1: 1 dim", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 1, 1; out1: 1 dim", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0, 0; out1: 1 dim; out2: 1 val; out3: 3 dim", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 1, 0; out1: 1 dim; out2: 1 val; out3: 3 dim", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0, 1; out1: 1 dim; out2: 1 val; out3: 3 dim", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 1 val; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 1, 1; out1: 1 dim; out2: 1 val; out3: 3 dim", { #}) #test_that("in1: 2 dim; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0, 0; out1: 0 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 2 dim; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 1, 0; out1: 0 val", { ##first in first dim ##first in second dim #}) # #test_that("in1: 2 dim; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0, 1; out1: 0 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 2 dim; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 1, 1; out1: 0 val", { ##shared target dims ###first in first dim ###first in second dim ##not shared target dims ###first in first dim ###first in second dim #}) # #test_that("in1: 2 dim; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 2, 1; out1: 0 val", { ## shared first target dim ## shared second target dim ## not shared target dims #}) # #test_that("in1: 2 dim; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0, 0; out1: 1 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 2 dim; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 1, 0; out1: 1 val", { ##first in first dim ##first in second dim #}) # #test_that("in1: 2 dim; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0, 1; out1: 1 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 2 dim; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 1, 1; out1: 1 val", { ##shared target dims ###first in first dim ###first in second dim ##not shared target dims ###first in first dim ###first in second dim #}) # #test_that("in1: 2 dim; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 2, 1; out1: 1 val", { ## shared first target dim ## shared second target dim ## not shared target dims #}) # #test_that("in1: 2 dim; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0, 0; out1: 3 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 2 dim; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 1, 0; out1: 3 val", { ##first in first dim ##first in second dim #}) # #test_that("in1: 2 dim; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0, 1; out1: 3 val", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 2 dim; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 1, 1; out1: 3 val", { ##shared target dims ###first in first dim ###first in second dim ##not shared target dims ###first in first dim ###first in second dim #}) # #test_that("in1: 2 dim; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 2, 1; out1: 3 val", { ## shared first target dim ## shared second target dim ## not shared target dims #}) # #test_that("in1: 2 dim; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0, 0; out1: 1 dim", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 2 dim; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 1, 0; out1: 1 dim", { ##first in first dim ##first in second dim #}) # #test_that("in1: 2 dim; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0, 1; out1: 1 dim", { #}) # #test_that("in1: 2 dim; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 1, 1; out1: 1 dim", { ##shared target dims ###first in first dim ###first in second dim ##not shared target dims ###first in first dim ###first in second dim #}) # #test_that("in1: 2 dim; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 2, 1; out1: 1 dim", { ## shared first target dim ## shared second target dim ## not shared target dims #}) test_that("in1: 2 dim; in2: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0-2, 0-1; out1: 1 dim; out2: 1 val; out3: 3 dim", { # no target dims ## no shared margins # unnamed input dim # unnamed output # unnamed output dim # equal dimensions -> crash f <- function(x, y) { z <- mean(x) + mean(y) list(array(z:(z + 3)), z, array(z:(z + 4), dim = c(5, 6, 7))) } expect_error( Apply(list(array(1:10, dim = c(10, 3)), array(1:3 * 10, dim = c(3))), NULL, f, guess_dim_names = FALSE), "multiple unnamed dimensions of the same length" ) expect_warning( Apply(list(array(1:10, dim = c(10, 3)), array(1:3 * 10, dim = c(3))), NULL, f), "Guessed names for some unnamed dimensions" ) expect_equal( Apply(list(array(1:10, dim = c(10, 3)), array(1:3 * 10, dim = c(3))), NULL, f), list(output1 = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function(x) { x + rep(sapply(1:10, function(y) { y:(y + 3) }), 1) }), dim = c(4, 10, 3)), output2 = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function (x) x + rep(1:10, 1)), dim = c(10, 3)), output3 = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function(x) { x + rep(sapply(1:10, function(y) { rep(y:(y + 4), 6 * 7) }), 1) }), dim = c(5, 6, 7, 10, 3))) ) # unnamed input dim # unnamed output # unnamed output dim expect_equal( Apply(list(array(1:10, dim = c(10, 4)), array(1:3 * 10, dim = c(3))), NULL, f), list(output1 = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function(x) { x + rep(sapply(1:10, function(y) { y:(y + 3) }), 4) }), dim = c(4, 10, 4, 3)), output2 = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function (x) x + rep(1:10, 4)), dim = c(10, 4, 3)), output3 = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function(x) { x + rep(sapply(1:10, function(y) { rep(y:(y + 4), 6 * 7) }), 4) }), dim = c(5, 6, 7, 10, 4, 3))) ) # named input dim # named output # named output dim f <- function(x, y) { z <- mean(x) + mean(y) list(a = array(z:(z + 3), dim = c(d = 4)), b = z, c = array(z:(z + 4), dim = c(e = 5, f = 6, g = 7))) } expect_equal( Apply(list(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10, b = 4)), array(1:3 * 10, dim = c(c = 3))), NULL, f), list(a = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function(x) { x + rep(sapply(1:10, function(y) { y:(y + 3) }), 4) }), dim = c(d = 4, a = 10, b = 4, c = 3)), b = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function (x) x + rep(1:10, 4)), dim = c(a = 10, b = 4, c = 3)), c = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function(x) { x + rep(sapply(1:10, function(y) { rep(y:(y + 4), 6 * 7) }), 4) }), dim = c(e = 5, f = 6, g = 7, a = 10, b = 4, c = 3))) ) ## one shared margin # named input dim # named output # named output dim f <- function(x, y) { z <- mean(x) + mean(y) list(a = array(z:(z + 3), dim = c(d = 4)), b = z, c = array(z:(z + 4), dim = c(e = 5, f = 6, g = 7))) } expect_equal( Apply(list(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10, b = 3)), array(1:3 * 10, dim = c(b = 3))), NULL, f), list(a = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function(x) { x + rep(sapply(1:10, function(y) { y:(y + 3) }), 1) }), dim = c(d = 4, a = 10, b = 3)), b = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function (x) x + rep(1:10, 1)), dim = c(a = 10, b = 3)), c = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function(x) { x + rep(sapply(1:10, function(y) { rep(y:(y + 4), 6 * 7) }), 1) }), dim = c(e = 5, f = 6, g = 7, a = 10, b = 3))) ) #one target dim only ##no shared margins ###first in first dim as target # unnamed input dim # unnamed output # unnamed output dim f <- function(x, y) { list(array(rev(x)), mean(x) + mean(y), array(rep(x + y - 1, 30), dim = c(10, 5, 6))) } expect_equal( Apply(list(array(1:10, dim = c(10, 4)), array(1:3 * 10, dim = c(3))), list(1, NULL), f), list(output1 = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function(x) { rep(10:1, 4) }), dim = c(10, 4, 3)), output2 = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function(x) { x + rep(5.5, 4) }), dim = c(4, 3)), output3 = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function(x) { rep(1:10 + x - 1, 30 * 4) }), dim = c(10, 5, 6, 4, 3))) ) # named input dim # named output # named output dim f <- function(x, y) { list(a = array(rev(x), dim = c(d = 10)), b = mean(x) + mean(y), c = array(rep(x + y - 1, 30), dim = c(a = 10, e = 5, f = 6))) } expect_equal( Apply(list(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10, b = 4)), array(1:3 * 10, dim = c(c = 3))), list('a', NULL), f), list(a = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function(x) { rep(10:1, 4) }), dim = c(d = 10, b = 4, c = 3)), b = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function(x) { x + rep(5.5, 4) }), dim = c(b = 4, c = 3)), c = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function(x) { rep(1:10 + x - 1, 30 * 4) }), dim = c(a = 10, e = 5, f = 6, b = 4, c = 3))) ) ###first in second dim as target # unnamed input dim # unnamed output # unnamed output dim f <- function(x, y) { list(array(x[1]:(x[1] + length(x) - 1)), mean(x) + mean(y), array(rep(x + y - 1, 30), dim = c(4, 5, 6))) } expect_equal( Apply(list(array(1:10, dim = c(10, 4)), array(1:3 * 10, dim = c(3))), list(2, NULL), f), list(output1 = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function(x) { sapply(1:10, function(y) { y:(y + 3) }) }), dim = c(4, 10, 3)), output2 = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function(x) { 1:10 + x }), dim = c(10, 3)), output3 = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function(x) { sapply(1:10, function(y) { rep(rep(y, 4) + x - 1, 30) }) }), dim = c(4, 5, 6, 10, 3))) ) # named input dim # named output # named output dim f <- function(x, y) { list(a = array(x[1]:(x[1] + length(x) - 1), dim = c(d = 4)), b = mean(x) + mean(y), c = array(rep(x + y - 1, 30), dim = c(b = 4, e = 5, f = 6))) } expect_equal( Apply(list(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10, b = 4)), array(1:3 * 10, dim = c(c = 3))), list('b', NULL), f), list(a = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function(x) { sapply(1:10, function(y) { y:(y + 3) }) }), dim = c(d = 4, a = 10, c = 3)), b = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function(x) { 1:10 + x }), dim = c(a = 10, c = 3)), c = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function(x) { sapply(1:10, function(y) { rep(rep(y, 4) + x - 1, 30) }) }), dim = c(b = 4, e = 5, f = 6, a = 10, c = 3))) ) ###second in first dim as target # unnamed input dim # unnamed output # unnamed output dim f <- function(x, y) { list(array(rev(y)), mean(x) + mean(y), array(rep(x + y - 1, 30), dim = c(3, 5, 6))) } expect_equal( Apply(list(array(1:10, dim = c(10, 4)), array(1:3 * 10, dim = c(3))), list(NULL, 1), f), list(output1 = array(rep(sapply(1:10, function(x) { c(30, 20, 10) }), 4), dim = c(3, 10, 4)), output2 = array(rep(sapply(1:10, function(x) { 20 + x }), 4), dim = c(10, 4)), output3 = array(rep(sapply(1:10, function(x) { rep(c(10, 20, 30) + x - 1, 30) }), 4), dim = c(3, 5, 6, 10, 4))) ) # named input dim # named output # named output dim f <- function(x, y) { list(a = array(rev(y), dim = c(d = 3)), b = mean(x) + mean(y), c = array(rep(x + y - 1, 30), dim = c(c = 3, e = 5, f = 6))) } expect_equal( Apply(list(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10, b = 4)), array(1:3 * 10, dim = c(c = 3))), list(NULL, 'c'), f), list(a = array(rep(sapply(1:10, function(x) { c(30, 20, 10) }), 4), dim = c(d = 3, a = 10, b = 4)), b = array(rep(sapply(1:10, function(x) { 20 + x }), 4), dim = c(a = 10, b = 4)), c = array(rep(sapply(1:10, function(x) { rep(c(10, 20, 30) + x - 1, 30) }), 4), dim = c(c = 3, e = 5, f = 6, a = 10, b = 4))) ) ##one shared margin. the remaining dim in first in is the target # named input dim # named output # named output dim f <- function(x, y) { list(a = array(x[1]:(x[1] + length(x) - 1), dim = c(d = 4)), b = mean(x) + mean(y), c = array(rep(x + y - 1, 30), dim = c(b = 4, e = 5, f = 6))) } expect_equal( Apply(list(array(1:3, dim = c(a = 3, b = 4)), array(1:3 * 10, dim = c(a = 3))), list('b', NULL), f), list(a = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function(x) { sapply(1:4, function(y) { y[1]:(y[1] + 3) }) }), dim = c(d = 4, a = 3)), b = array(sapply(c(1:3), function(x) { x + x * 10 }), dim = c(a = 3)), c = array(sapply(c(1:3), function(x) { rep(x * 10 + rep(x, 4) - 1, 30) }), dim = c(b = 4, e = 5, f = 6, a = 3))) ) #one target dim from each in ##no shared target ##shared target #two target dims first in, no target dim second in #all target dims ##no shared target # unnamed input dim # unnamed output # unnamed output dim f <- function(x, y) { list(array(rowMeans(x)), mean(x) + mean(y), array(sapply(y, function(z) z + x - 1), dim = c(10, 4, 3))) } expect_equal( Apply(list(array(1:10, dim = c(10, 4)), array(1:3 * 10, dim = c(3))), list(c(1, 2), 1), f), list(output1 = array(1:10), output2 = 25.5, output3 = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function(x) { rep(1:10, 4) + x - 1 }), dim = c(10, 4, 3))) ) # named input dim # named output # named output dim f <- function(x, y) { list(a = array(rowMeans(x), c(a = 10)), b = mean(x) + mean(y), c = array(sapply(y, function(z) z + x - 1), dim = c(a = 10, b = 4, c = 3))) } expect_equal( Apply(list(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10, b = 4)), array(1:3 * 10, dim = c(c = 3))), list(c('a', 'b'), 'c'), f), list(a = array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10)), b = 25.5, c = array(sapply(c(10, 20, 30), function(x) { rep(1:10, 4) + x - 1 }), dim = c(a = 10, b = 4, c = 3))) ) ##shared target # named input dim # named output # named output dim f <- function(x, y) { list(a = array(rowMeans(x), c(a = 10)), b = mean(x) + mean(y), c = array(rep(t(apply(x, 1, function(z) z * y)), 3), dim = c(a = 10, b = 4, c = 3))) } expect_equal( Apply(list(array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10, b = 4)), array(1:4 * 10, dim = c(b = 4))), list(c('a', 'b'), 'b'), f), list(a = array(1:10, dim = c(a = 10)), b = 30.5, c = array(rep(sapply(c(10, 20, 30, 40), function(x) { 1:10 * x }), 3), dim = c(a = 10, b = 4, c = 3))) ) }) ##test_that("in1: 2 dim; in2: 3 dim; targ. dims: 0-2, 0-3; out1: 2 dim", { ### shared first target dim ### shared second target dim ### shared two target dims (first two in second in) ### shared two target dims (last two in second in) ### shared two target dims (extreme two in second in) ### not shared target dims ##}) # #test_that("in1: 2 dim; in2: 3 dim; targ. dims: 0-2, 0-3; out1: 1 dim; out2: 1 val; out3: 3 dim", { ## shared first target dim ## shared second target dim ## shared two target dims (first two in second in) ## shared two target dims (last two in second in) ## shared two target dims (extreme two in second in) ## not shared target dims #}) # #test_that("in1: 2 dim; in2: 3 dim; in3: 1 dim; targ. dims: 0-2, 0-3, 0-1; out1: 2 dim", { ## shared first target dim ## shared second target dim ## shared two target dims (first two in second in) ## shared two target dims (last two in second in) ## shared two target dims (extreme two in second in) ## not shared target dims #}) # Real cases test_that("real use case - standardization", { standardization <- function(x, mean, deviation){ r <- (x - mean) / deviation names(dim(r)) <- NULL r } x <- array(1:(2*3*4), dim = c(mod = 2, lon = 3, lat = 4)) y <- array(1:12, dim = c(lon = 3, lat = 4)) z <- array(1:12, dim = c(lon = 3, lat = 4)) expected_result <- array(c(0:11 / z, rep(1, 3 * 4)), dim = c(3, 4, mod = 2)) expect_equal( Apply(data = list(x,y,z), target_dims = list(c('lon', 'lat'), c('lon', 'lat'), c('lon', 'lat')), fun = standardization)$output1, expected_result ) names(dim(expected_result)) <- c('lon', 'lat', 'mod') expect_equal( Apply(data = list(x,y,z), margins = list('mod', NULL, NULL), fun = standardization, output_dims = c('lon', 'lat') )$output1, expected_result ) expect_equal( Apply(data = list(x,y,z), margins = list(c('mod', 'lat'), 'lat', 'lat'), fun = standardization, output_dims = c('lon') )$output1, multiApply:::.aperm2(expected_result, c(1, 3, 2)) ) x <- multiApply:::.aperm2(x, c(3, 2, 1)) expect_equal( Apply(data = list(x,y,z), target_dims = list(c('lon', 'lat'), c('lon', 'lat'), c('lon', 'lat')), fun = standardization, output_dims = c('lon', 'lat') )$output1, expected_result ) }) # Test .aperm2 test_that(".aperm2", { data <- seq(as.POSIXct('1990-11-01'), length.out = 6, by = as.difftime(1, units = 'days')) dim(data) <- c(3, 2) expect_equal( class(multiApply:::.aperm2(data, c(2, 1))), c('POSIXct', 'POSIXt') ) }) # TODOS: # TESTS FOR MARGINS # TESTS FOR DISORDERED TARGET_DIMS # TESTS FOR FUN WITH TARGET_DIMS AND OUTPUT_DIMS ATTACHED # TESTS FOR FUNCTIONS RECEIVING ADDITIONAL PARAMETERS # TESTS FOR SPLIT FACTOR # TESTS FOR NCORES # TESTS OF WALLCLOCK TIME # TESTS OF MEMORY FOOTPRINT