# Nemo modelfactors Script used to get important metrics from NEMO # Installation and requeriments This script requires Python 3 and relies on *Extrae*,*Paraver* and *Dimemas* being installed and available through the PATH environment variable. * *Extrae* available at https://ftp.tools.bsc.es/extrae/ !!! Install 3.7.1 version !!! * *Paraver* available at https://tools.bsc.es/paraver * *Dimemas* available at https://tools.bsc.es/dimemas If not already done, install both tools and add them to the PATH environment variable with: ``` export PATH=/bin:$PATH export EXTRAE_HOME= export PATH=/bin:$PATH export PARAVER_HOME= export PATH=/bin:$PATH export DIMEMAS_HOME= ``` Also the different modules needed to compile and execute NEMO should be loaded before the script execution. * subversion (svn) for version control of XIOS sources * git for version control of NEMO sources * Perl interpreter * Fortran compiler (ifort, gfortran, pgfortran, ftn, …), * Message Passing Interface (MPI) implementation (e.g. OpenMPI or MPICH). * Network Common Data Form (NetCDF) library with its underlying Hierarchical Data Form (HDF) Additionally, plotting relies on the according SciPy(>= 0.17.0), NumPy, pandas, searborn and matplotlib (>= 3.x) modules for Python 3. Furthermore, the gnuplot output requires gnuplot version 5.0 or higher. # Usage Copy all the content of this folder into the folder used to run NEMO, the one that contains the data the namelist and the executable. Edit the file config.yaml adding the information required. Execute script.sh ''' ./script.sh '''