# C3S-512 Data Checker This project main goal is to summarize the existing data checkers and to give a list of data inventory in CDS with its corresponding format files

Available files: * [Existing Data Checkers](01_summary_data_checkers.md) * [CDS Inventory by product](02_cds_inventory.md) **UPDATED (January 23 2019)**
Added the CF checker results for Climate Projection Product
* [CF Checker for Climate Projection](CF_checker_log/LOG-climate_projections.md) **UPDATED (February 1st 2019)**
Added the CF checker results for: * [CF Reanalysis](CF_checker_log/LOG-CF-reanalysis.md) * [CF Satellite Observations](CF_checker_log/LOG-CF-sat_obs.md) * [CF Sectoral Climate Indexes](CF_checker_log/LOG-CF-sec_climate_idx.md)