3.1.9 Hot fix LOCAL platform 3.1.8 Hot fix LOCAL platform 3.1.7 Fix issue StatsSnippet (job_st typo) Fix issue recovery platforms to test Fix issue s_rt SGE directive 3.1.6 Fix issue when creating, no option FILE_JOBS_CONF Fixes in documentation 3.1.5 Connect fixed to use Proxy Command Fixes in documentation 3.1.4 Documentation for Variables Minor bug fixes 3.1.3 Minor bug fixes, mostly related to SLURM 3.1.2 Minor bug fixes 3.1.1 Hotfix for issue with noleap calendar 3.1.0 Added archive and unarchive commands 3.0.6 Fixed bug in setstatus. Change in test. 3.0.5 Fixed bug in recovery. 3.0.4 Fixed bug in platform headers. Fixed bug in delete. Added readme and changelog commands. MAX_WAITING_JOBS and TOTAL_JOBS now defined by platform. Simplified console output of run subcommand. 3.0.3 Fixed bug in expid test. 3.0.2 Fixed bug in localplatform. 3.0.1 Fixed bug in config. 3.0.0 Restructure layout.