% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/ArrayToList.R \name{ArrayToList} \alias{ArrayToList} \title{Split an array into list by a given array dimension} \usage{ ArrayToList(data, dim, level = "list", names = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{data}{A multidimensional array.} \item{dim}{A character string indicating the name of the dimension to split or an integer indicating the position of the dimension.} \item{level}{A string character 'list' or 'sublist' indicating if it should be a list or a sublist. By default it creates a list.} \item{names}{A vector of character strings to name the list (if it is a single string, it would be reused) or a single character string to name the elements in the sublist.} } \value{ A list of arrays of the length of the dimension set in parameter 'dim'. } \description{ This function splits an array into a list as required by PlotLayout function from package "s2dv" when parameter 'special_args' is used. The function ArrayToList allows to add names to the elements of the list in two different levels, the 'list' or the 'sublist'. } \examples{ data <- array(1:240, c(month = 12, member = 5, time = 4)) # Create a list: datalist <- ArrayToList(data, dim = 'month', level = 'list', names = month.name) class(datalist) class(datalist[[1]]) str(datalist) # Create a sublist: datalist <- ArrayToList(data, dim = 'month', level = 'sublist', names = 'dots') class(datalist) class(datalist[[1]]) class(datalist[[1]][[1]]) str(datalist) } \seealso{ \link[s2dv]{PlotLayout} }