#!/bin/bash # # ./nccf_atm_monthly.sh path_to_config_file >& EXPID-startdate.log & # # # This script will extract variabls from EC-Earth monthly atmospheric output # which is available in MMA files, save each variable in one file and also # combine members together. It will modify the header informaton of the # generated files according to CMIP5 standard and the variable names will be # modified according PCMDI standard variable names. # # Written by Hui Du # # Institut Català de Ciències del Clima / Climate Forecasting Unit (IC3/CFU) # Created: February 22, 2010 # Adapted: Pierre-Antoine Bretonnière - IC3 , January 2013 set -ex #v msg='Your experiment crashed! Your workdir \($WORKDIR\) will be kept for one week from now and then deleted' trap " echo $msg ; rm -rf $WORKDIR | at now + 7 days ; exit" SIGINT SIGHUP SIGTERM SIGSEGV SIGKILL EXIT ################################# #### User Defined Funtions #### ################################# # check if args are ok function check_args(){ NB_ARGS=$# if [ $# -ne 1 ] ; then echo echo "USAGE: config_file " echo "For example: ./nccf_atm_monthly.new.sh /home/$user/cfu_git/autosubmit/pp/atmos/config_file " echo exit 1 fi } function get_leadtime(){ #gets lead_time and checks if all members have the same number of months NMONTH=9999999 for DIR in $MEM_LST do cd ${DATADIR}/${EXPID}/${SDATE}/${DIR}/outputs # hard coded # NFILE=$(ls MMA*|wc -l) NFILE="$( find . -maxdepth 1 -name "MMA*" |wc -l)" # for TMPFILE in $(ls MMA*) for TMPFILE in $( find . -maxdepth 1 -name "MMA*" | sed -e 's/\.\///g' ) do NMONTHS_LOC=$(tar tvf $TMPFILE | grep GG | wc -l) [ $NMONTH -ne $NMONTHS_LOC ] && [ $NMONTH -ne 9999999 ] && echo "all members or start dates don't have the same number of months, be careful" [ $NMONTH -ge $NMONTHS_LOC ] && NMONTH=$NMONTHS_LOC done export NLT=$((NFILE*NMONTH)) cd ${WORKDIR} done } function header(){ SD=$1 rtime 19500101 ${SD} ncks -h -d ensemble,0,$((ENSEMBLE-1)),1 ${HEAD_DIR}/template.nc toto.nc # select sub member cp toto.nc toto1.nc TIME_BND1=0 TIME_BND2=$(get_hours $SD) LEADTIME=$(((TIME_BND1+TIME_BND2)/2)) ncap2 -O -h -s "leadtime(0)=${LEADTIME};time_bnd(,0)=${TIME_BND1};time_bnd(,1)=${TIME_BND2}" toto.nc toto.nc for ((i=1;i<=$((NLT-1));i++)); do FORDATE=$(leadtime2date $SD $i) INTERVAL=$(get_hours $FORDATE) TIME_BND1=$TIME_BND2 TIME_BND2=$((TIME_BND1+INTERVAL)) LEADTIME=$(((TIME_BND1+TIME_BND2)/2)) echo $fordate $interval $time_bnd1 $time_bnd2 ncap2 -O -h -s "reftime(0)=${REFTIME_VALUE};leadtime(0)=${LEADTIME};time_bnd(,0)=${TIME_BND1};time_bnd(,1)=${TIME_BND2}" toto1.nc toto1.nc ncrcat -O -h toto.nc toto1.nc toto.nc done mv toto.nc header.nc; rm toto1.nc ncap2 -O -h -s "reftime(0)=reftime(1)" header.nc header.nc } # function to get reftime time function rtime(){ DATE1=$1 DATE2=$2 # FACTOR=day # h for hour, d for days # echo "NFRP:",$NFRP # FACTOR=day # h for hour, d for days YEAR1=$(echo $DATE1|cut -c1-4) MONTH1=$(echo $DATE1|cut -c5-6) DAY1=$(echo $DATE1|cut -c7-8) YEAR2=$(echo $DATE2|cut -c1-4) MONTH2=$(echo $DATE2|cut -c5-6) DAY2=$(echo $DATE2|cut -c7-8) SEC1=$(date --utc --date "${YEAR1}-${MONTH1}-${DAY1}" +%s) SEC2=$(date --utc --date "${YEAR2}-${MONTH2}-${DAY2}" +%s) # case $FACTOR in # hour) # FACTOR=3600 # 60*60 # ;; # day) # FACTOR=86400 # 60*60*24 # ;; # esac REFTIME_VALUE=$(((SEC2-SEC1)/FACTOR)) } function leadtime2date(){ # function leadtime2date, based on starting date and lead time to calculate date(year & month) of the corresponding leadtime INIDATE=$1 OFFSET=$2 YY=$(echo $INIDATE|cut -c1-4) MM=$(echo $INIDATE|cut -c5-6) MM=$(echo $MM | sed 's/^0*//;s/^$/0/' ) YY1=$((YY+offset/12)) NMONTH=$((offset%12)) MM1=$((MM+NMONTH)) if [ $MM1 -gt 12 ]; then YY1=$((YY1+1)) MM1=$((MM1-12)) fi if [ $MM1 -lt 10 ]; then MM1="0$MM1" fi } # get the total number of HOURS for a specific MONTH function get_hours(){ YYMM=$1 YEAR=$(echo $YYMM|cut -c1-4) MONTH=$(echo $YYMM|cut -c5-6) NDAYS=$(cal $MONTH $YEAR |egrep "^[ 0-9][0-9]| [ 0-9][0-9]$" |wc -w) HOURS=$((NDAYS*24)) echo $HOURS } function extract(){ typeset var jt typeset var YEAR0 typeset var YEARF typeset var MON0 typeset var MONF for MEM in ${MEM_LST[@]}; do # untar and unzip MMA SH files and GG files if [ -z $( echo ${LEAD_LIST[@]} ) ];then PATH_TO_SEARCH=${DATADIR}/${EXPID}/${SDATE}/$MEM FILE_LIST=$(find $PATH_TO_SEARCH -type f -iname "MMA*" 2> /dev/null) else export YEAR0=${LEAD_LIST[0]} export MON0=${LEAD_LIST[1]} export YEARF=${LEAD_LIST[2]} export MONF=${LEAD_LIST[3]} export CHUNK_SIZE=${LEAD_LIST[4]} export YYYY0=$(echo $SDATE | cut -b -4) export MM0=$(echo $SDATE | cut -b 5-6) export LTIME0=1 export LTIMEF=$(( ( ($YEARF - $YEAR0) * 12 + 10#$MONF - 10#$MON0+1 )/$CHUNK_SIZE )) jt=$LTIME0 while [ $jt -le $((LTIMEF)) ] do YEAR1=$(( $YEAR0 +(10#$MON0+($jt-1)*$CHUNK_SIZE-1)/ 12 )) MON1=$(( ( 10#$MON0 + ( $jt - 1 ) * ($CHUNK_SIZE) ) % 12)) YEAR2=$(( $YEAR1 + ( 10#$MON1 + $CHUNK_SIZE-1 ) / 12 )) MON2=$(( ( $MON1 + $CHUNK_SIZE-1 ) % 12 )) if [ $MON1 -eq 0 ];then MON1=12 YEAR1=$(expr $YEAR1 - 1 ) fi if [ $MON2 -eq 0 ];then MON2=12 YEAR2=$(expr $YEAR2 - 1 ) fi jt=$(($jt+1)) if [[ 10#${MON1} -le 9 && $( echo $MON1 | wc -c) -eq 2 ]]; then FILE="$( find ${DATADIR}/${EXPID}/${SDATE}/*/outputs/ -maxdepth 1 -name "MMA_${EXPID}_${SDATE}_${MEM}_${YEAR1}$(printf "%02d" $MON1)01-${YEAR2}$(printf "%02d" $MON2)*.tar" )" else FILE="$( find ${DATADIR}/${EXPID}/${SDATE}/*/outputs/ -maxdepth 1 -name "MMA_${EXPID}_${SDATE}_${MEM}_${YEAR1}${MON1}01-${YEAR2}${MON2}*.tar" )" fi if [[ -z ${FILE} ]]; then echo "Expected file ${DATADIR}/${EXPID}/${SDATE}/${MEM}/outputs/MMA_${EXPID}_${SDATE}_${MEM}_${YEAR1}${MON1}01-${YEAR2}${MON2}*.tar not found, check your Namelist parameters" exit fi FILE_LIST="$FILE_LIST ${FILE}" done fi echo ${FILE_LIST} for f in ${FILE_LIST};do SH_FILES=$(tar tf ${f}|grep SH) for FILE in ${SH_FILES};do tar xvf ${f} ${FILE} ;gunzip -q ${FILE}; mv ${FILE%???} ${FILE%???}.$MEM done GG_FILES=$(tar tf ${f}|grep GG) for FILE in ${GG_FILES};do tar xvf ${f} ${FILE} ;gunzip -q ${FILE}; mv ${FILE%???} ${FILE%???}.$MEM done done echo "jt ltimef " $jt $((LTIMEF)) if [ $jt -le $((LTIMEF)) ]; then echo le else echo gt fi echo "sortie de extract" $MEM -- ${MEM_LST[@]} done echo "sortie de extract" } function read_vars(){ #if no list of variables is provided in the namelist, looks for all variables in the files OUTPUT_FILE=$1 GRID_TYPE=$2 VAR_LST_DIM=$(ncdump -h $OUTPUT_FILE | grep float | sed -e s/float//g | sed -e s/\,\ /@/g | sed -e s/\;//g ) #get the names of the variables in output files for VAR_DIM in $VAR_LST_DIM do NB_DIMS=$(echo $VAR_DIM | sed -e s/[^@]/\ /g | wc -w) #count the number of dimensions of each variable VAR=$(echo $VAR_DIM | sed -e 's/(.*)//g' ) case $GRID_TYPE in GG) [ $NB_DIMS -eq 2 ] && VAR_LST_2D_GG=$(echo ${VAR_LST_2D_GG} $VAR) || VAR_LST_3D_GG=$(echo ${VAR_LST_3D_GG} $VAR) #create a separate list of variables for 2d and 3d ;; SH) [ $NB_DIMS -eq 2 ] && VAR_LST_2D_SH=$(echo ${VAR_LST_2D_SH} $VAR) || VAR_LST_3D_SH=$(echo ${VAR_LST_3D_SH} $VAR) #create a separate list of variables for 2d and 3d ;; esac done } # for surface variables (manipulate GG files) function surface(){ export YEAR0=${LEAD_LIST[0]} export MON0=${LEAD_LIST[1]} export YEARF=${LEAD_LIST[2]} export MONF=${LEAD_LIST[3]} # [[ $( echo $MONF | wc -m ) -eq 2 ]] && MONF=$(echo $(printf "%02d" ${MONF}) ) echo ${MEM_LST[@]} for MEM in ${MEM_LST[@]}; do # FILES=$(ls MMA*GG*.nc.$MEM) FILES="$( find . -maxdepth 1 -name "MMA*GG*.nc.$MEM" | sed -e 's/\.\///g' )" nb_months_asked=$(( ( ($YEARF - $YEAR0) * 12 + 10#$MONF - 10#$MON0+1 ) )) if [[ $NLT -ne $nb_months_asked ]];then echo "Warning, the number of months in MMA (",$nb_files,") is different from the number of months you required according to the LEADLIST",$(( ( ($YEARF - $YEAR0) * 12 + $MONF - $MON0+1 )))," check your configfile!" exit fi #### process each variable #### for VAR in ${VAR_LST_2D[@]}; do # untar once and extract all the variables new_name $VAR case $VAR in "PRECIP") # for precip, have to add CP and LSP to get total precip varnew=prlr for f in ${FILES}; do SUFFIX=$MEM.${f%????} cdo selname,CP $f CP.$SUFFIX # select CP ncrename -h -v CP,prlr CP.$SUFFIX cdo selname,LSP $f LSP.$SUFFIX # select LSP ncrename -h -v LSP,prlr LSP.$SUFFIX cdo add CP.$SUFFIX LSP.$SUFFIX ${varnew}.${SUFFIX} # add CP and LSP to get total precipitation cdo divc,${FACTOR} ${varnew}.${SUFFIX} toto.nc;rm -f ${varnew}.${SUFFIX}; mv toto.nc ${varnew}.${SUFFIX} done # prlr_files=$(ls ${varnew}*) prlr_files="$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name "${varnew}*" | sed -e 's/\.\///g' )" cdo -O mergetime ${prlr_files} tmp_${varnew}_$SDATE.$MEM.nc # combine all the time steps in one file rm -rf prlr*.nc CP* LSP* ;; "SSRU") varnew=rsus for f in ${FILES}; do SUFFIX=$MEM.${f%????} cdo selname,SSRD $f SSRD.$SUFFIX ncrename -h -v SSRD,rsus SSRD.$SUFFIX cdo selname,SSR $f SSR.$SUFFIX ncrename -h -v SSR,rsus SSR.$SUFFIX cdo sub SSR.$SUFFIX SSRD.$SUFFIX ${varnew}.${SUFFIX} cdo divc,${FACTOR} ${varnew}.${SUFFIX} toto.nc;rm -f ${varnew}.${SUFFIX}; mv toto.nc ${varnew}.${SUFFIX} done # rsus_files=$(ls ${varnew}*) rsus_files="$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name "${varnew}*" | sed -e 's/\.\///g' )" cdo -O mergetime ${rsus_files} tmp_${varnew}_$SDATE.$MEM.nc # combine all the time steps in one file rm -rf rsus*.nc SSR* SSRD* ;; "STRU") varnew=rlus for f in ${FILES}; do SUFFIX=$MEM.${f%????} cdo selname,STRD $f STRD.$SUFFIX ncrename -h -v STRD,rlus STRD.$SUFFIX cdo selname,STR $f STR.$SUFFIX ncrename -h -v STR,rlus STR.$SUFFIX cdo sub STR.$SUFFIX STRD.$SUFFIX ${varnew}.${SUFFIX} cdo divc,${FACTOR} ${varnew}.${SUFFIX} toto.nc;rm -f ${varnew}.${SUFFIX}; mv toto.nc ${varnew}.${SUFFIX} done # rsus_files=$(ls ${varnew}*) rsus_files="$( find . -maxdepth 1 -name "${varnew}*" | sed -e 's/\.\///g' )" cdo -O mergetime ${rsus_files} tmp_${varnew}_$SDATE.$MEM.nc # combine all the time steps in one file rm -rf rlus*.nc STR* STRD* ;; *) new_name $VAR for f in ${FILES};do echo $f -- cdo selname,${VAR} ${f} ${VAR}.$MEM.${f%????} done # TMP_FILES=$(ls ${VAR}*.nc) TMP_FILES="$( find . -maxdepth 1 -name "${VAR}*.nc" | sed -e 's/\.\///g' )" TMP_OUT=tmp_${varnew}_$SDATE.$MEM.nc # combine all the time steps in one file cdo -O mergetime ${TMP_FILES} ${TMP_OUT} [[ ${VAR} != ${varnew} ]] && ncrename -h -v ${VAR},${varnew} ${TMP_OUT} case ${varnew} in "rss"|"rls"|"rsscs"|"rsds"|"rlds"|"hflsd"|"hfssd"|"rlt"|"rst"|"rltcs"|"rstcs") cdo divc,${FACTOR} ${TMP_OUT} toto.nc; rm -rf ${TMP_OUT}; mv toto.nc ${TMP_OUT} ncatted -O -h -a units,${varnew},m,c,"W m-2" ${TMP_OUT} ;; esac rm -rf ${TMP_FILES} # cdo divc,${FACTOR} ${TMP_OUT} toto.nc; rm ${TMP_OUT};mv toto.nc ${TMP_OUT} ;; esac done # loop for VAR done # loop for members echo "after loop on memebers in surface" # finish selecting the variables # combine members and change the attributes for VAR in ${VAR_LST_2D[@]}; do new_name $VAR LSMBSH="${LISTMEMB[0]}-${LISTMEMB[${#LISTMEMB[@]}-1]}" # PREVIOUS_FILE="$(ls -tr ${SAVEDIR}/${EXPID}/monthly_mean/${varnew}_${NFRP}hourly/${varnew}_${SDATE}_*.nc | tail -1)" (if left like this, we have the "no such file" pb. but if we chose the "find" option, we can sort the files and get hte last one edited => have to make a find to be sure there are some previous_files and then, if so, get the actual previous_file with the ls command. echo okkkk0000 #savedir PREVIOUS_FILE="$( find ${SAVEDIR}/${EXPID}/*/* -maxdepth 1 -name "${varnew}_${SDATE}_*.nc" )" echo okkkk if [ ! -z $( ls $PREVIOUS_FILE ) ] ; then PREVIOUS_FILE="$(ls -tr ${SAVEDIR}/${EXPID}/monthly_mean/${varnew}_${NFRP}hourly/${varnew}_${SDATE}_*.nc | tail -1)" cd ${SAVEDIR}/${EXPID}/monthly_mean/${varnew}_${NFRP}hourly/ # FILE_NAME_PREVIOUS="$(ls ${varnew}_${SDATE}_*.nc | tail -1)" FILE_NAME_PREVIOUS="$( find . -maxdepth 1 -name "${varnew}_${SDATE}_*.nc" | tail -1 | sed -e 's/\.\///g' )" cd - IDX_1ST=$(echo ${varnew}_${SDATE}_ | wc -m ) FIRST_MEMBER_PREVIOUS=$(echo $FILE_NAME_PREVIOUS | cut -b$IDX_1ST ) IDX_LST=$( expr $IDX_1ST + 2 ) LAST_MEMBER_PREVIOUS=$(echo $FILE_NAME_PREVIOUS | cut -b$IDX_LST ) #security check: if [ $LAST_MEMBER_PREVIOUS -le $(expr ${LISTMEMB[0]} - 1 ) ] ; then cp $PREVIOUS_FILE tmp_$FILE_NAME_PREVIOUS if [ $LAST_MEMBER_PREVIOUS -eq $(expr ${LISTMEMB[0]} - 1 ) ] ; then LSMBSH=${FIRST_MEMBER_PREVIOUS}-${LISTMEMB[${#LISTMEMB[@]}-1]} else echo "Actual list of members does not follow directly the ones already post-processed! Check you did not forget any members at the beginning of your list" MISSING_FIRST=$(expr ${LAST_MEMBER_PREVIOUS} + 1 ) MISSING_LAST=$(expr ${LISTMEMB[0]} - 1 ) LSMBSH=${FIRST_MEMBER_PREVIOUS}_${LISTMEMB[${#LISTMEMB[@]}-1]}-${MISSING_FIRST}_${MISSING_LAST} fi else echo "Some members are going to be treated twice! If you are not adding new lead_times, revise the consistency between your member list and the previously processed files" fi echo ok2 fi echo ok3 pwd ls #YRSO=${YEAR0}${MON0}_${YEARF}${MONF} if [[ 10#${MONF} -le 9 && $( echo $MONF | wc -c) -eq 2 ]]; then YRSO=${YEAR0}${MON0}_${YEARF}"$(printf "%02d" ${MONF})" else YRSO=${YEAR0}${MON0}_${YEARF}${MONF} fi gather_memb tmp_${varnew}_$SDATE ${varnew}_${SDATE}_fc${LSMBSH}_${YRSO}.nc $varnew $VAR #test chloe gather_memb tmp_${varnew}_$SDATE ${varnew}_${SDATE}_${LSMBSH}_${YRSO}.nc $varnew $VAR output=${varnew}_${SDATE}_fc${LSMBSH}_${YRSO}.nc ##### Change the header informations ##### # # Get the CFU standard attributes to be written in the variable # variables="$(cat ${HEAD_DIR}/table_of_variable | cut -f$idx -d'|' | sed -e 's/ /@/g')" #to be changed into more interactive with xml table cfustandard_name="$(echo $variables | cut -f2 -d' ' | sed -e 's/@/ /g')" # variable standard name cfulong_name="$(echo $variables | cut -f3 -d' ' | sed -e 's/@/ /g')" # variable long name cfucell_methods="$(echo $variables | cut -f4 -d' ' | sed -e 's/@/ /g')" # variable cell methods cfuunit="$(echo $variables | cut -f5 -d' ' | sed -e 's/@/ /g')" # variable unit cfuunit_long="$(echo $variables | cut -f6 -d' ' | sed -e 's/@/ /g')" # variable unit long name cfulevel_number="$(echo $variables | cut -f7 -d' ' | sed -e 's/@/ /g')" # variable level cfulevel_type="$(echo $variables | cut -f8 -d' ' | sed -e 's/@/ /g')" # variable level type cfulevel_units="$(echo $variables | cut -f9 -d' ' | sed -e 's/@/ /g')" # variable level unit # # Adding the variable level # ncap2 -h -O -s level_${varnew}="$cfulevel_number" ${output} ${output} # # Removing unnecessary attributes # #if [[ $idx -ne 40 ]]; then for att in units valid_range actual_range code table GRID_TYPE ; do ncatted -O -h -a ${att},${varnew},d,c, ${output} done # # Adding and modifying the {varnew}iable attributes # ncatted -O -h -a _FillValue,${varnew},a,f,1.e+12 ${output} ncatted -O -h -a standard_name,${varnew},o,c,"$cfustandard_name" ${output} # {varnew}iable standard name ncatted -O -h -a long_name,${varnew},o,c,"$cfulong_name" ${output} # {varnew}iable long name ncatted -O -h -a cell_methods,${varnew},o,c,"$cfucell_methods" ${output} # {varnew}iable cell methods ncatted -O -h -a unit_long,${varnew},o,c,"$cfuunit_long" ${output} # {varnew}iable long unit name ncatted -O -h -a units,${varnew},o,c,"$cfuunit" ${output} # {varnew}iable units #fi ncatted -O -h -a data_type,level_${varnew},o,c,"$cfulevel_type" ${output} # {varnew}iable level type ncatted -O -h -a units,level_${varnew},o,c,"$cfulevel_units" ${output} # {varnew}iable level units ncatted -O -h -a coordinates,${varnew},o,c,"longitude latitude reftime leadtime time_bnd experiment_id source realization institution level_${varnew}" ${output} # variable coordinates # # If the NetCDF file had a horizontal axis name different from longitude # ncrename -h -d lon,longitude -v lon,longitude ${output} [[ ! -z $( ncdump -h ${output} | grep record ) ]] && ncrename -h -d record,ensemble ${output} # [[ ! -z $( ncdump -h ${output} | grep ensemble ) ]] && ncrename -h -d record,ensemble ${output} # # If the NetCDF file had a vertical axis name different from latitude # ncrename -h -d lat,latitude -v lat,latitude ${output} # # Adding variable axis # ncatted -O -h -a axis,longitude,o,c,"X" ${output} # variable longitude axis ncatted -O -h -a axis,latitude,o,c,"Y" ${output} # variable latitude axis #[[ $idx -ne 40 ]] && ncatted -O -h -a axis,level_${varnew},o,c,"Z" ${output} # variable level axis # modify level information # reshape the dimension and make time unlimited # [[ ! -z $( ncdump -h ${output} | grep record ) ]] && ncpdq -O -h -a time,ensemble ${output} ${output} [[ ! -z $( ncdump -h ${output} | grep ensemble ) ]] && ncpdq -O -h -a time,ensemble ${output} ${output} cp ${output} hhh.nc ncks -h -A header.nc ${output} #if [[ $idx -ne 40 ]]; then nt=$(cdo ntime ${output}) ncatted -O -h -a standard_name,level_${varnew},c,c,"height" ${output} # standard name ncatted -O -h -a long_name,level_${varnew},c,c,"reference height" ${output} # long name ncatted -O -h -a data_type,level_${varnew},c,c,"float" ${output} # data type ncatted -O -h -a units,level_${varnew},c,c,"m" ${output} # units ncatted -O -h -a axis,level_${varnew},c,c,"Z" ${output} # axis ncatted -O -h -a positive,level_${varnew},c,c,"up" ${output} ncap2 -O -h -s "level_${varnew}=float(${cfulevel_number})" $output $output #fi # delete history ncatted -h -a history,global,d,, $output # change institution name ncatted -h -a institution,global,m,c,"IC3" $output # create a script to change the EXPID, insitutution, ensember, source and realiazation i=0 # index echo "before modify ncvalue" $output ; ncdump -h $output for MEM in ${LISTMEMB[@]}; do cat>modify_ncvalue</dev/null echo llll # [[ ! -z $( find ${SAVEDIR}/${EXPID}/monthly_mean/. -type f ) ]] && find ${SAVEDIR}/${EXPID}/monthly_mean/. -type f | xargs chmod 664 2>/dev/null echo ${TARDIR} -- ${output} if [ -e ${TARDIR}/${output} ] ; then mv ${output} new_${output} ncpdq -O -h -a ensemble,time new_${output} new_${output} # shape the dimensions mv ${TARDIR}/${output} old_${output} ncpdq -O -h -a ensemble,time old_${output} old_${output} # shape the dimensions ncrcat -O -h old_${output} new_${output} ${output} ncpdq -O -h -a time,ensemble ${output} ${output} # again reshape the dimensions as per requirement of final output rm -f old_${output} new_${output} fi chmod 770 ${output} #for tos, change value on land from 0 to NaN if [ $varnew == "tos" ]; then cp ${MASK_PATH} mask1.nc ncrename -h -v lon,longitude -v lat,latitude mask1.nc ncrename -h -d lon,longitude -d lat,latitude mask1.nc for i in $( seq 1 4); do cp mask1.nc mask1.nc.$i done ncrcat mask1.nc.* mask.nc cdo -gtc,0.1 mask.nc mask2.nc mv mask2.nc mask.nc ncrename -v leadtime,time $output ncks -h -A $output mask.nc cp mask.nc $output ncap2 -O -s "tos=tos/(1-LSM)" $output ${output}.tmp ncks -h -x -v LSM ${output}.tmp ${output}.tmp2 ncdump ${output}.tmp2 > tmp.txt sed -i s/Infinityf/NaN/g tmp.txt ncgen -b tmp.txt -o ${output}.tmp2 # echo "where( tos = \"Infinityf\" ) tos[time,latitude,longitude]=\"NaN\"; " > mynco.nco # ncks -h -A mask.nc $output # echo "where( LSM != 0 ) tos[time,latitude,longitude]=\"NaN\"; " > mynco.nco # ncap2 -O -S mynco.nco ${output}.tmp2 ${output}.tmp3 # ncks -h -x -v LSM ${output}.tmp ${output}.tmp2 ncrename -v time,leadtime ${output}.tmp2 mv $output.tmp2 ${TARDIR}/${output} rm mask1.nc ${output}.tmp fi mv ${output}.tmp ${TARDIR}/${output} #to make a smooth transition between the 2 versions of nccf_atm_monthly, as R functions look for atmospherical monthly means called $var_yyyymmdd.nc (without the members), a link between the 2 naming conventions is created so that R functions still work while they have not been updated. ln -sf ${TARDIR}/${output} ${TARDIR}/${varnew}_${SDATE}.nc } # Select variables and levels function combine_3d(){ for MEM in ${MEM_LST[@]}; do # FILES=$(ls MMA*SH*.nc.$MEM) FILES="$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name "MMA*SH*.nc.$MEM" | sed -e 's/\.\///g' )" echo $FILES for f in ${FILES}; do for var in ${VAR_LST_3D_SH[@]}; do new_name $var TMP_OUT=tmp_${varnew}_$f cdo selname,${var} -sellevel,${LEVEL_LST} ${f} ${TMP_OUT} done rm -f ${f} done # FILES=$(ls MMA*GG*.nc.$MEM) FILES=$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name "MMA*GG*.nc.$MEM" | sed -e 's/\.\///g' ) for f in ${FILES}; do for var in ${VAR_LST_3D_GG[@]}; do new_name $var TMP_OUT=tmp_${varnew}_$f case $var in #pab Q) cdo selname,${var} -sellevel,${LEVEL_LST} ${f} ${TMP_OUT} # ;; *) cdo selname,${var} ${f} ${TMP_OUT} #pab ;; esac done done # combine all time step in one file for var in ${VAR_LST_3D[@]}; do new_name $var # FILES=$(ls tmp_${varnew}_*) FILES="$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name "tmp_${varnew}_*" | sed -e 's/\.\///g' )" output=${varnew}_$SDATE.$MEM.nc cdo -O mergetime ${FILES} ${output} # combine all the time steps in one file ncrename -h -v ${var},${varnew} ${output} rm -rf ${FILES} done #loop for variables done # loop for members } ######end of combine3d ########## # interpolate from SH to regular grid function regrid2x2(){ for var in ${VAR_LST_3D_SH[@]}; do new_name $var FILES=$( find . -maxdepth 1 -name "${varnew}_$SDATE.*.nc" | sed -e 's/\.\///g' ) for f in ${FILES}; do cdo -r sp2gp -selname,${varnew} ${f} rg_${f}; rm -f ${f} done done for var in ${VAR_LST_3D_GG[@]}; do new_name $var # FILES="$(ls ${varnew}_$SDATE.*.nc)" FILES=$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name "${varnew}_$SDATE.*.nc" | sed -e 's/\.\///g' ) for f in ${FILES}; do cdo selname,${varnew} ${f} rg_${f}; rm -f ${f} done done } function upper(){ for var in ${VAR_LST_3D[@]}; do new_name $var echo ${LISTMEMB[0]} -- ${#LISTMEMB[@]} -- ${LISTMEMB[${#LISTMEMB[@]}-1]} LSMBSH="${LISTMEMB[0]}-${LISTMEMB[${#LISTMEMB[@]}-1]}" # PREVIOUS_FILE="$(ls ${SAVEDIR}/${EXPID}/monthly_mean/${varnew}_${NFRP}hourly/${varnew}_${SDATE}_*.nc | tail -1)" # PREVIOUS_FILE="$( find . -maxdepth 1 -name "${SAVEDIR}/${EXPID}/monthly_mean/${varnew}_${NFRP}hourly/${varnew}_${SDATE}_*.nc" | tail -1 | sed -e 's/\.\///g' )" #savedir PREVIOUS_FILE="$( find ${SAVEDIR}/${EXPID}/monthly_mean/${varnew}_${NFRP}hourly -maxdepth -name "${varnew}_${SDATE}_*.nc" | tail -1 | sed -e 's/\.\///g' )" if [ ! -z $( ls $PREVIOUS_FILE ) ] ; then cd ${SAVEDIR}/${EXPID}/monthly_mean/${varnew}_${NFRP}hourly/; FILE_NAME_PREVIOUS="$( find . -maxdepth 1 -name "${varnew}_${SDATE}_*.nc" | tail -1 | sed -e 's/\.\///g' )"; cd - IDX_1ST=$(echo ${varnew}_${SDATE}_ | wc -m ) FIRST_MEMBER_PREVIOUS=$(echo $FILE_NAME_PREVIOUS | cut -b$IDX_1ST ) IDX_LST=$( expr $IDX_1ST + 2 ) LAST_MEMBER_PREVIOUS=$(echo $FILE_NAME_PREVIOUS | cut -b$IDX_LST ) #security check: if [ $LAST_MEMBER_PREVIOUS -le $(expr ${LISTMEMB[0]} - 1 ) ] ; then cp $PREVIOUS_FILE rg_$FILE_NAME_PREVIOUS if [ $LAST_MEMBER_PREVIOUS -eq $(expr ${LISTMEMB[0]} - 1 ) ] ; then LSMBSH=${FIRST_MEMBER_PREVIOUS}-${LISTMEMB[${#LISTMEMB[@]}-1]} else echo "Actual list of members does not follow directly the ones already post-processed! Check you did not forget any members at the beginning of your list" MISSING_FIRST=$(expr ${LAST_MEMBER_PREVIOUS} + 1 ) MISSING_LAST=$(expr ${LISTMEMB[0]} - 1 ) LSMBSH=${FIRST_MEMBER_PREVIOUS}_${LISTMEMB[${#LISTMEMB[@]}-1]}-${MISSING_FIRST}_${MISSING_LAST} fi else echo "Some members are going to be treated twice! Revise the consistency between your member list and the previously processed files" fi fi # YRSO=${YEAR0}${MON0}_${YEARF}${MONF}.nc [[ 10#${MONF} -le 9 ]] && [[ $( echo $MONF | wc -c) -eq 2 ]] && YRSO=${YEAR0}${MON0}_${YEARF}$(printf "%02d" ${MONF}).nc gather_memb rg_${varnew}_$SDATE ${varnew}_${SDATE}_fc${LSMBSH}_${YRSO}.nc $varnew $VAR output=${varnew}_${SDATE}_fc${LSMBSH}_${YRSO}.nc # gather_memb rg_${varnew}_$SDATE ${varnew}_${SDATE}_${LSMBSH}.nc $varnew $VAR # output=${varnew}_${SDATE}_${LSMBSH}.nc rm -f ${FILES} for CHECK_VAR in $VAR_LST_3D_SH do if [ $CHECK_VAR == $var ];then ncrename -h -d lon,longitude -d lat,latitude -d lev,level ${output} ncrename -h -v lon,longitude -v lat,latitude -v lev,level ${output} fi done for CHECK_VAR in $VAR_LST_3D_GG do if [ $CHECK_VAR == $var ];then # ncrename -d lon,longitude -d lat,latitude -d mlev,level ${output} # ncrename -v lon,longitude -v lat,latitude -v mlev,level ${output} ncrename -h -d lon,longitude -d lat,latitude ${output} [[ ! -z $( ncdump -h ${output} | grep "mlev =" ) ]] && ncrename -h -d mlev,level ${output} if [[ ! -z $( ncdump -h ${output} | grep "depth =" ) ]]; then ncrename -h -d depth,level ${output} ncrename -h -v depth,level ${output} fi ncrename -h -v lon,longitude -v lat,latitude ${output} fi done # # Get the CFU standard attributes to be written in the variable # variables="$(cat ${HEAD_DIR}/table_of_variable | cut -f$idx -d'|' | sed -e 's/ /@/g')" cfustandard_name="$(echo $variables | cut -f2 -d' ' | sed -e 's/@/ /g')" # variable standard name cfulong_name="$(echo $variables | cut -f3 -d' ' | sed -e 's/@/ /g')" # variable long name cfucell_methods="$(echo $variables | cut -f4 -d' ' | sed -e 's/@/ /g')" # variable cell methods cfuunit="$(echo $variables | cut -f5 -d' ' | sed -e 's/@/ /g')" # variable unit cfuunit_long="$(echo $variables | cut -f6 -d' ' | sed -e 's/@/ /g')" # variable unit long name cfulevel_number="$(echo $variables | cut -f7 -d' ' | sed -e 's/@/ /g')" # variable level cfulevel_type="$(echo $variables | cut -f8 -d' ' | sed -e 's/@/ /g')" # variable level type cfulevel_units="$(echo $variables | cut -f9 -d' ' | sed -e 's/@/ /g')" # variable level unit # # modify variable attributes # for att in units valid_range actual_range code table GRID_TYPE truncation; do ncatted -O -h -a ${att},${varnew},d,, ${output} done ncatted -O -h -a _FillValue,${varnew},a,f,1.e+12 ${output} ncatted -O -h -a standard_name,${varnew},o,c,"$cfustandard_name" ${output} # variable standard name ncatted -O -h -a long_name,${varnew},o,c,"$cfulong_name" ${output} # variable long name ncatted -O -h -a cell_methods,${varnew},o,c,"$cfucell_methods" ${output} # variable cell methods ncatted -O -h -a unit_long,${varnew},o,c,"$cfuunit_long" ${output} # variable long unit name ncatted -O -h -a units,${varnew},o,c,"$cfuunit" ${output} # variable units ncatted -O -h -a data_type,level,o,c,"$cfulevel_type" ${output} # variable level type ncatted -O -h -a units,level,o,c,"$cfulevel_units" ${output} # variable level units ncatted -O -h -a coordinates,${varnew},o,c,"longitude latitude leadtime reftime time_bnd experiment_id source realization institution level" ${output} # # If the NetCDF file had a horizontal axis name different from longitude # [[ ! -z $( ncdump -h $output | grep record ) ]] && ncrename -h -d record,ensemble ${output} # # modify logitude attributes # lon_min=0 lon_max=359.25 lat_min=-89.4270841760375 lat_max=89.4270841760375 # These valuse shoud be obtaind from the file instead of hardcoded ncatted -O -h -a axis,longitude,o,c,"X" ${output} # variable longitude axis ncatted -O -h -a topology,longitude,c,c,"circular" ${output} # variable longitude axis ncatted -O -h -a modulo,longitude,c,f,"360" ${output} # variable longitude axis ncatted -O -h -a valid_min,longitude,c,f,"$lon_min" ${output} # variable longitude valid_min ncatted -O -h -a valid_max,longitude,c,f,"$lon_max" ${output} # variable longitude valid_max # modify latitude attributes ncatted -O -h -a axis,latitude,o,c,"Y" ${output} # variable latitude axis ncatted -O -h -a valid_min,latitude,c,f,"$lat_min" ${output} # variable latitude valid_min ncatted -O -h -a valid_max,latitude,c,f,"$lat_max" ${output} # variable latitude valin_max # modify level attributes ncatted -O -h -a standard_name,level,o,c,"air_pressure" ${output} # standard name ncatted -O -h -a long_name,level,o,c,"air pressure" ${output} # long name ncatted -O -h -a data_type,level,o,c,"float" ${output} # data type ncatted -O -h -a units,level,o,c,"hPa" ${output} # units ncatted -O -h -a axis,level,o,c,"Z" ${output} # axis ncatted -O -h -a positive,level,c,c,"up" ${output} ### # modify the level values, should be hPa instead of Pa ncap2 -O -h -s "level()=level()/100" ${output} ${output} ncpdq -O -h -a time,ensemble ${output} ${output} # reshape the dimension and make time unlimited # ncks -h -A $HEAD_DIR/${SDATE}.nc ${output} ncks -h -A header.nc ${output} ncrename -O -h -v time,kaka $output # delete time variable ncks -O -h -x -v kaka $output $output # delete time variable ncatted -h -a history,global,d,, $output #delete history ncatted -h -a institution,global,m,c,"IC3" $output ## change institution name in global attributes #pwd #ls #exit # create a script to change the EXPID, insitutution, ensember, source and realiazation i=0 # index for mem in ${LISTMEMB[@]}; do cat>modify_ncvalue<modify_ncvalue<> /scratch/${USER}/pp/VAR_LST_2D.txt VAR_LST_3D=$(echo ${VAR_LST_3D_GG} ${VAR_LST_3D_SH}) rm -f /scratch/${USER}/pp/VAR_LST_3D.txt else VAR_LST_3D_SH_DEFAULT='T U V W Z' VAR_LST_3D_GG_DEFAULT='Q CC CIWC CLWC' VAR_LST_2D_GG_DEFAULT='T2M D2M SSTK MSL PRECIP SSR STR TTR TSR TSRC TTRC SLHF SSHF U10M V10M SSRD CP SF E SSRU SSRC STRU STRD TCC' #if list of variables read from config_file, separation between GG and SH variables for var in ${VAR_LST_3D[@]} do for var_sh in ${VAR_LST_3D_SH_DEFAULT[@]} do [ $var == $var_sh ] && VAR_LST_3D_SH=$(echo $VAR_LST_3D_SH $var) done for var_gg in ${VAR_LST_3D_GG_DEFAULT[@]} do [ $var == $var_gg ] && VAR_LST_3D_GG=$(echo $VAR_LST_3D_GG $var) done done for var in ${VAR_LST_2D[@]} do for var_gg in ${VAR_LST_2D_GG_DEFAULT[@]} do [ $var == $var_gg ] && VAR_LST_2D_GG=$(echo $VAR_LST_2D_GG $var) done done fi echo $YEARF - $YEAR0 - $MONF - 10#$MONF - $MON0 echo "before surface" surface echo "after surface" combine_3d regrid2x2 upper if [[ ${#VAR_LST_MXMN[@]} > 0 ]]; then maxmin #else # echo "" #empty line to avoid trap issue fi cd; rm -rf $WORKDIR # clean up date trap - EXIT #### End of the Main Part of Script ####