## Autosubmit GUI ### Overview: Autosubmit GUI is a front-end software developed using [ReactJS](https://reactjs.org/docs/getting-started.html) as the main framework, and JavaScript in general. This front-end software consumes most of its information from [Autosubmit API](Autosubmit-API), an API that retrieves information from an internal file system that results from the execution of [Autosubmit](https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/autosubmit) to execute experiments on a High Performance Computing environment. These two systems, the API and the GUI, are tightly coupled. However, it is possible to adapt the API calls to other sources of information you might prefer, and for that purpose we provide with response examples (more details in the installation section) that can help the developer understand how the information is used in the components of the GUI. Autosubmit GUI uses [FancyTree](https://github.com/mar10/fancytree/) and [vis.js](https://visjs.org/), two popular and very useful libraries, to show the experiment information in a graphical and comprehensive way. The GUI implements creative ways to use these libraries to display information dynamically without losing performance. Some of the expermients in our environment can include more than `10000` items. ### General Knowledge Requirements: * NPM * Javascript: asynchronous functions, promises, event handling, etc. * Bootstrap 4 and CSS * DOM manipulation * JSON * ReactJS ### Installation The main development framework is **npm**, we are currently using version `6.9.0`. You can find the main **npm** dependencies in the file: [package.json](package.json). Refer to: [npm documentation](https://docs.npmjs.com/) for more information about installation and first steps on this platform. Make sure to have npm installed in your local environment. Execute: `git clone https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/wuruchi/autosubmitreact/` As default, the GUI will request data from the `Autosubmit API`, which is inacessible from outside the Barcelona Supercomputing Center internal network. So, we should open the file: `/autosubmitreact/src/components/context/vars.js` And change the line: `export const NOAPI = false;` to: `export const NOAPI = true;` This will effectively set the API calls to be redirected towards an internal data samples folder `/autosubmitreact/src/components/context/data/` implemented for testing purposes. Go to the cloned folder and execute: `npm start`