--- title: "Malaria Suitability Indicator" author: "Earth Sciences department, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteEngine{knitr::knitr} %\VignetteIndexEntry{Agricultural Indicators} %\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} --- ```{r echo=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(warnings=FALSE, message=FALSE) ``` Climate Suitability for Malaria Transmission ----------------------------- ## Introduction Climate sensitive infectious diseases are a subject of major concern for public health agencies around the world in the context of global change. Malaria is an infectious disease caused by parasites of the genus _Plasmodium_ and transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus _Anopheles_. Although Europe has been free of endemic malaria circulation since the early 1970s as a result of improving socio-economic conditions, improving climatic conditions pose a risk of malaria re emergence in the continent. In the context of the Lancet Countdown in Europe collaboration, the Climate Suitability for Malaria indicator was created for tracking the climatic conditions for transmission of this disease in the continent between 1950 and 2021. This indicator is based on the climatic requirements from Plasmodium vivax, former parasite endemic to Europe. In this vignette, we propose to show the computation of the Climate Suitability for Malaria indicator using the **TotalTimeExceedingThreshold -** function from the CSIndicators package. This function is able to operate with multidimensional arrays and s2dv_cube objects. In this example, we will make use of the **CST_TotalTimeExceedingThreshold** function, which was developed for the latter (For further information about the different types of objects visit the section about [Data retrieval and storage](https://cran.r-project.org/package=CSTools/vignettes/Data_Considerations.html) from CSTools package ). ## Load libraries In addition to the functiosn from the **CSIndicators** package, we will make use of functions from the **CSTools** package. ```{r} library(CSIndicators) library(CSTools) ``` Temporary links to functions ```{r} source("https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/nperez/Flor/-/raw/master/CST_Load_devel_from_s2dv.R") ``` ## 1. Data extraction ### 1.1 Area of interest In this vignette, the malaria indicator between 2010 and 2020 will be computed for the Iberian Peninsula. * Which countries? * What coordinates? [Wikipedia image](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pen%C3%ADnsula_ib%C3%A9rica#/media/Archivo:Espa%C3%B1a_y_Portugal.jpg) ### 1.2 Data extraction To compute the malaria indicator, we will use reanalysis data from the ERA5-Land repository. These data are produced by the Copernicus service and extracted and curated by the Earth Sciences department from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. The function `CST_Load` from the `CSTools` package allows the user to access the processed data and to work with it using function from the `CSIndicators` package. In order to extract data using `CST_Load`, there are some requirements to be met. First, the path to the files is introduced using *whitecards* delimited by dollar signs, which are useful for iterating over variables. Second, the temporal extent and resolution of the output is inputted with `sdates`, which takes a vector of all necessary dates. The spatial extent is insputed within `lonmax`, `lonmin`, `latmax` and `latmin.` ```{r} # Path to file locations using whitecards path_ERA5_CDS <- list(path='/esarchive/recon/ecmwf/era5land/$STORE_FREQ$_mean/$VAR_NAME$_f1h/$VAR_NAME$_$YEAR$$MONTH$.nc') # Temporal extent and resolution: # We will work with all months from 2010 to 2020 year_in <- 2020 # initial year year_fi <- 2021 # last year month_in <- 1 # first month month_fi <- 12 # last month sdates <- paste0(year_in:year_fi, '0101') # Extract data vars <- c('tas', 'tdps', 'prlr') out <- NULL for(var in vars){ out[[var]] <- CST_Load_s2dv(var = var, exp = NULL, # We only require observved data obs = list(path_ERA5_CDS), sdates = sdates, lonmax = 355, lonmin = 350, latmax = 45, latmin = 43, storefreq = 'monthly', leadtimemin = month_in, leadtimemax = month_fi, output = "lonlat") } ``` This function creates `s2dv_cube` objects, defined as XXXX. For further information about these objects visit [Data retrieval and storage](https://cran.r-project.org/package=CSTools/vignettes/Data_Considerations.html). As an example, we will show the dimensions of near surface temperature ```{r} dim(out$tas$data) ``` Near surface temperature is made up of 10 years with 12 months per year distributed over a grid of XXxXX. ## 2. Data transformation ### 2.1 Near surface temperature and near surface dew point temperature The first step before working with temperature is transforming their unit from Kelvin (K) to Degrees Celsius (C). ```{r} summary(out$tas$data) ``` ```{r} for(var in c('tas', 'tdps')){ out[[var]]$data <- out[[var]]$data - 273.15 } summary(out$tas$data) ``` ### 2.2 Precipitation ```{r} summary(out$prlr$data) ``` ```{r} out$prlr$data <- out$prlr$data*3600*24*30.41*1000 summary(out$prlr$data) ``` ### 2.3 Relative humidity ```{r} out$rh <- out$tas out$rh$data <- 100*(exp((17.625*out$tdps$data)/(243.04+out$tdps$data)) / exp((17.625*out$tas$data) / (243.04+out$tas$data))) summary(out$rh$data) ``` ### 2.4 Land use Add chunk ## 3. Compute indicator ## 4. Visualization Add chunk ## 5. Summary statistics Add chunk ## 6. Conclusions Add chunk ## References Add text