[![Codacy Badge](https://api.codacy.com/project/badge/Grade/206d0f75e8c64742a4fb4a0bd3015565)](https://www.codacy.com/app/BSC-Earth/earthdiagnostics?utm_source=earth.bsc.es&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=gitlab/es/earthdiagnostics&utm_campaign=Badge_Grade) This tool is a set of diagnostics used at BSC-ES department for NEMO and EC-EARTH models postprocessing. They are based on CDO, NCO and CDFTOOLS 3.0. For CDFTOOLS, a custom build is required. FULL DOCUMENTATION AND HOW TOs ============================== Check the Earth Diagnostics documentation in PDF format in EarthDiagnostics.pdf available also in this folder. CONTACT ======= For any doubts or suggestions, contact javier.vegas[at]bsc.es