1.0.3 XXXX/XX/XX - NetCDF read: Added capability to try to read 'lat' instead of 'latitude' and 'lon' instead of 'longitude' 1.0.2 2020/05/04 - Point source height increment from 1.2 to 1.8 - MONARCH writer from 64 bits to 32 - Corrected bug on rotated nested domains 1.0.1 2020/04/09 - Solved bug on road traffic cold emissions - Improved memory usage on hot & cold emission calculation - Added (option inside the traffic_sector.py script) to downcast from 64 bits to 32 bits 1.0.0 2020/03/12 First beta version: - Grid options: 1. Regular Lat-Lon 2. Rotated 3. Mercator 4. Lambert conformal conic - Clip options: 1. Shapefile clip: path to a shapefile 2. Custom clip: list of lat-lon points 3. Default clip: unary union of the desired output grid - Sector Manager: 1. Aviation sector 2. Shipping port sector 3. Livestock sector 4. Crop operations sector 5. Crop fertilizers sector 6. Agricultural machinery sector 7. Residential combustion sector 8. Recreational boats sector 9. Point sources sector 10. Road traffic sector 11. Traffic area (evaporative & small cities) sector 12. Solvents sector - Writing options: A. Return emissions on memory 1. Default writer 2. CMAQ writer 3. MONARCH writer 4. WRF-Chem writer