diff --git a/preproc/cams_glob_ship_v31_preproc.py b/preproc/cams_glob_ship_v31_preproc.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b475aa465690cec1303f21b9fd0171593813360a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preproc/cams_glob_ship_v31_preproc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2018 Earth Sciences Department, BSC-CNS
+# This file is part of HERMESv3_GR.
+# HERMESv3_GR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# HERMESv3_GR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with HERMESv3_GR. If not, see .
+import os
+import sys
+import numpy as np
+# ============== README ======================
+downloading website:
+Besides citing HERMESv3_GR, users must also acknowledge the use of the corresponding emission inventories in their works
+# ============== CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS ======================
+INPUT_PATH = '/esarchive/recon/ecmwf/cams_glob_shipv31/original_files/'
+OUTPUT_PATH = '/esarchive/recon/ecmwf/cams_glob_shipv31'
+POLLUTANT_INFO = {'Ash': {'input_var_name': ['glseas', 'inland'], 'output_var_name': 'ash', 'unit_factor': None},
+ 'CH4': {'input_var_name': ['glseas', 'inland'], 'output_var_name': 'ch4', 'unit_factor': None},
+ 'CO2': {'input_var_name': ['glseas', 'inland'], 'output_var_name': 'co2', 'unit_factor': None},
+ 'CO': {'input_var_name': ['glseas', 'inland'], 'output_var_name': 'co', 'unit_factor': None},
+ 'EC': {'input_var_name': ['glseas', 'inland'], 'output_var_name': 'ec', 'unit_factor': None},
+ 'NOx': {'input_var_name': ['glseas', 'inland'], 'output_var_name': 'nox_no', 'unit_factor': None},
+ 'OC': {'input_var_name': ['glseas', 'inland'], 'output_var_name': 'oc', 'unit_factor': None},
+ 'SO4': {'input_var_name': ['glseas', 'inland'], 'output_var_name': 'so4', 'unit_factor': None},
+ 'SOx': {'input_var_name': ['glseas', 'inland'], 'output_var_name': 'so2', 'unit_factor': None},
+ 'VOC_SUM': {'input_var_name': ['glseas', 'inland'], 'output_var_name': 'nmvoc', 'unit_factor': None}}
+# LIST_YEARS = 2019
+LIST_YEARS = [2019]
+INPUT_NAME = 'CAMS-GLOB-SHIP_Glb_0.1x0.1_anthro__v3.1_monthly_.nc'
+# ==============================================================
+def get_input_name(filename, pollutant, year):
+ """
+ Gets the path for the input file name
+ :param pollutant: Name of the pollutant
+ :type pollutant: str
+ :return: Path to the input file
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ filename = filename.replace('', pollutant)
+ filename = filename.replace('', str(year))
+ return filename
+def get_full_year_data(file_name, year, var_name):
+ """
+ Gets the needed date in the input format.
+ :param file_name: path to the input file.
+ :type file_name: str
+ :param pollutant: Name of the pollutant.
+ :type pollutant: str
+ :param sector: Name of the sector.
+ :type sector: str
+ :param year: Year to calculate.
+ :type year: int
+ :return: Data of the selected emission.
+ :rtype: numpy.array
+ """
+ from netCDF4 import Dataset
+ from datetime import datetime
+ import cf_units
+ import numpy as np
+ nc = Dataset(file_name, mode='r')
+ time = nc.variables['time']
+ time_array = cf_units.num2date(time[:], time.units, time.calendar)
+ time_array = np.array([datetime(year=x.year, month=x.month, day=1) for x in time_array])
+ i_time = np.where(time_array == datetime(year=year, month=1, day=1))[0][0]
+ # if sector in LIST_SECTORS:
+ if isinstance(var_name, list):
+ for i, var_name_aux in enumerate(var_name):
+ if i == 0:
+ data = nc.variables[var_name_aux][i_time:i_time + 12, :, :]
+ else:
+ data += nc.variables[var_name_aux][i_time:i_time + 12, :, :]
+ else:
+ data = nc.variables[var_name][i_time:i_time+12, :, :]
+ # else:
+ # data = None
+ nc.close()
+ return data
+def get_global_attributes(file_name):
+ """
+ Gets the global attributes of the input file.
+ :param file_name: Path to the NetCDF file
+ :type file_name: str
+ :return: Global attributes
+ :rtype: dict
+ """
+ from netCDF4 import Dataset
+ nc = Dataset(file_name, mode='r')
+ atts_dict = {}
+ for name in nc.ncattrs():
+ atts_dict[name] = nc.getncattr(name)
+ nc.close()
+ return atts_dict
+def create_bounds(coordinates, number_vertices=2):
+ """
+ Calculate the vertices coordinates.
+ :param coordinates: Coordinates in degrees (latitude or longitude)
+ :type coordinates: numpy.array
+ :param number_vertices: Non mandatory parameter that informs the number of vertices that must have the boundaries.
+ (by default 2)
+ :type number_vertices: int
+ :return: Array with as many elements as vertices for each value of coords.
+ :rtype: numpy.array
+ """
+ interval = coordinates[1] - coordinates[0]
+ coords_left = coordinates - interval / 2
+ coords_right = coordinates + interval / 2
+ if number_vertices == 2:
+ bound_coords = np.dstack((coords_left, coords_right))
+ elif number_vertices == 4:
+ bound_coords = np.dstack((coords_left, coords_right, coords_right, coords_left))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('The number of vertices of the boudaries must be 2 or 4')
+ return bound_coords
+def do_transformation(year):
+ """
+ Does the transformation for the selected year
+ :param year: Year to calculate
+ :type year: int
+ """
+ from datetime import datetime
+ from hermesv3_gr.tools.netcdf_tools import extract_vars, get_grid_area, write_netcdf
+ for pollutant, pollutant_info in POLLUTANT_INFO.items():
+ file_name = get_input_name(os.path.join(INPUT_PATH, INPUT_NAME), pollutant, year)
+ if os.path.exists(file_name):
+ c_lats, c_lons = extract_vars(file_name, ['lat', 'lon'])
+ lat_inc = -0.1 # c_lats['data'][1] - c_lats['data'][0]
+ c_lats['data'] += lat_inc / 2
+ lon_inc = 0.1 # c_lons['data'][1] - c_lons['data'][0]
+ c_lons['data'] += lon_inc / 2
+ b_lats = create_bounds(c_lats['data'])
+ b_lons = create_bounds(c_lons['data'])
+ # cell_area = get_grid_area(file_name)
+ global_attributes = get_global_attributes(file_name)
+ data = get_full_year_data(file_name, year, pollutant_info['input_var_name'])
+ pollutant_name = pollutant_info['output_var_name']
+ file_path = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, 'monthly_mean', '{0}'.format(pollutant_name))
+ if not os.path.exists(file_path):
+ os.makedirs(file_path)
+ for month in range(1, 12 + 1, 1):
+ emission = {
+ 'name': pollutant_name,
+ 'units': 'kg.m-2.s-1',
+ # 'data': data[month - 1, :, :].reshape((1,) + cell_area.shape)
+ 'data': data[month - 1, :, :].reshape((1, data.shape[-2], data.shape[-1]))
+ }
+ # write_netcdf(
+ # os.path.join(file_path, '{0}_{1}{2}.nc'.format(pollutant_name, year, str(month).zfill(2))),
+ # c_lats['data'], c_lons['data'], [emission], date=datetime(year=year, month=month, day=1),
+ # boundary_latitudes=b_lats, boundary_longitudes=b_lons, cell_area=cell_area,
+ # global_attributes=global_attributes)
+ write_netcdf(
+ os.path.join(file_path, '{0}_{1}{2}.nc'.format(pollutant_name, year, str(month).zfill(2))),
+ c_lats['data'], c_lons['data'], [emission], date=datetime(year=year, month=month, day=1),
+ boundary_latitudes=b_lats, boundary_longitudes=b_lons, global_attributes=global_attributes)
+ else:
+ raise IOError('File not found {0}'.format(file_name))
+ return True
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ for y in LIST_YEARS:
+ do_transformation(y)
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