[DIAGNOSTICS] # Path to the folder where you want to create the temporary files SCRATCH_DIR = /scratch/Earth/jvegas # Root path for the cmorized data to use DATA_DIR = /esnas/exp/ecearth/ # Path to NEMO's mask and grid files needed for CDFTools CON_FILES = /esnas/autosubmit/con_files/ # Diagnostics to run, space separated. You must provide for each one the name and the parameters (comma separated) or # an alias defined in the ALIAS section (see more below) DIAGS = # Frequency of the data you want to use FREQUENCY = mon # Path to CDFTOOLS binaries CDFTOOLS_PATH = /home/Earth/jvegas/CDFTOOLS_CMOR/bin # If true, copies the mesh files regardless of presence in scratch dir RESTORE_MESHES = False # Limits the maximum amount of threads used. Default: 0 (no limitation, one per virtual core available) # MAX_CORES = 4 [CMOR] # If true, recreates CMOR files regardless of presence. Default = False FORCE = True # If true, CMORizes ocean files. Default = True OCEAN_FILES = False # If true, CMORizes atmosphere files. Default = True ATMOSPHERE_FILES = True ATMOS_HOURLY_VARS = ATMOS_DAILY_VARS = 130:18-22-26-28-30, 131:18-22-26-28-30, 132:18-22-26-28-30 ATMOS_MONTHLY_VARS = # The next bunch of parameters are used to provide metadata for the CMOR files # ASSOCIATED_EXPERIMENT = # INITIALIZATION_METHOD = 1 # INITIALIZATION_DESCRIPTION = ocean: ECMWF system4, ice: DFS4.3 , atmosphere: # PHYSICS_VERSION = 1 # PHYSICS_DESCRIPTION = # ASSOCIATED_MODEL = # SOURCE = 'EC-Earthv2.3.0, ocean: Nemo3.1, ifs31r1, lim2 [EXPERIMENT] # Experiments parameters as defined in CMOR standard INSTITUTE = BSC MODEL = EC-EARTH # Model version MODEL_VERSION =Ec3.1_O1L75 NFRP = 6 # For those who use Autosubmit, this no need documentation # For those who not, EXPID is the unique identifier of the experiment. # STARTDATES is the list of start dates # MEMBERS is the list of members of your experiment # CHUNK_SIZE is the size of each data file, given in months # CHUNKS is the number of chunks. You can specify less chunks than present on the experiment EXPID = a045 STARTDATES = 20300101 MEMBERS = 0 MEMBER_DIGITS = 1 CHUNK_SIZE = 4 CHUNKS = 1 # CHUNKS = 1 # This ALIAS section is a bit different # Inside this, you can provide alias for frequent diagnostics calls. # By default, there are some of the diagnostics available at the previos version. # You can define an alias for one or more diagnostic calls [ALIAS] MAX_MOC = mocmax,38,50,500,2000 mocmax,40,40,0,10000 AREA_MOC = mocarea,40,55,1000,2000,atl mocarea,30,40,1000,2000,atl STC = mocarea,0,25,0,200,Pac mocarea,-25,0,0,200,Pac mocarea,0,25,0,200,Atl mocarea,-25,0,0,200,Atl HEAT_SAL_MXL = mlotstsc mlotsthc LMSALC = vertmeanmeters,so,300,5400 USALC = vertmeanmeters,so,0,300 OHC = ohc,glob,0,0,10 XOHC = ohc,glob,1,0,0 LOHC = ohc,glob,0,23,46 MOHC = ohc,glob,0,18,22 UOHC = ohc,glob,0,0,17 OHC_SPECIFIED_LAYER = ohclayer,0,300 ohclayer,300,800 3DTEMP = interp,thetao 3DSAL = interp,so TSEC_AVE190-220E =avgsection,thetao,190,220,-90,90 SSEC_AVE190-220E =avgsection,so,190,220,-90,90 VERT_SSECTIONS = cutsection,so,Z,0 cutsection,so,Z,45 cutsection,so,Z,-45 cutsection,so,M,-30 cutsection,so,M,180 cutsection,so,M,80 VERT_TSECTIONS = cutsection,thetao,Z,0 cutsection,thetao,Z,45 cutsection,thetao,Z,-45 cutsection,thetao,M,-30 cutsection,thetao,M,180 cutsection,thetao,M,80 SIASIESIV = siasiesiv,glob