import subprocess import netCDF4 import numpy as np import re from autosubmit.config.log import Log from cdo import Cdo from nco import Nco import tempfile import os import pwd import shutil class Utils(object): """ Container class for miscellaneous utility methods """ nco = Nco() """An instance of Nco class ready to be used""" cdo = Cdo() """An instance of Cdo class ready to be used""" @staticmethod def setminmax(filename, variable_list): """ Sets the valid_max and valid_min values to the current max and min values on the file :param filename: path to file :type filename: str :param variable_list: list of variables in which valid_min and valid_max will be set :type variable_list: str | list """ if isinstance(variable_list, basestring): variable_list = variable_list.split()'Getting max and min values for {0}', ' '.join(variable_list)) handler = Utils.openCdf(filename) for variable in variable_list: var = handler.variables[variable] values = [np.max(var), np.min(var)] Utils.nco.ncatted(input=filename, output=filename, options='-h -a valid_max,{0},m,f,{1}'.format(variable, values[0])) Utils.nco.ncatted(input=filename, output=filename, options='-h -a valid_min,{0},m,f,{1}'.format(variable, values[1])) handler.close() @staticmethod def rename_variable(filepath, old_name, new_name, must_exist=True, rename_dimension=False): """ Rename multiple variables from a NetCDF file :param filepath: path to file :type filepath: str :param old_name: variable's name to change :type old_name: str :param new_name: new name :type new_name: str :param must_exist: if True, the function will raise an exception if the variable name does not exist :type must_exist: bool :param rename_dimension: if True, also rename dimensions with the same name :type rename_dimension: bool """ Utils.rename_variables(filepath, {old_name: new_name}, must_exist, rename_dimension) @staticmethod def rename_variables(filepath, dic_names, must_exist=True, rename_dimension=False): """ Rename multiple variables from a NetCDF file :param filepath: path to file :type filepath: str :param dic_names: dictionary containing old names as keys and new names as values :type dic_names: dict :param must_exist: if True, the function will raise an exception if the variable name does not exist :type must_exist: bool :param rename_dimension: if True, also rename dimensions with the same name :type rename_dimension: bool """ handler = Utils.openCdf(filepath) for old_name, new_name in dic_names.items(): if old_name in handler.variables: if new_name not in handler.variables: handler.renameVariable(old_name, new_name) elif must_exist: raise Exception("Variable {0} does not exist in file {1}".format(old_name, filepath)) if rename_dimension: if old_name in handler.dimensions: handler.renameDimension(old_name, new_name) elif must_exist: raise Exception("Variable {0} does not exist in file {1}".format(old_name, filepath)) handler.close() @staticmethod def move_file(source, destiny): """ Moves a file from source to destiny, creating dirs if necessary :param source: path to source :type source: str :param destiny: path to destiny :type destiny: str """ if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(destiny)): try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(destiny)) except OSError as ex: # This can be due to a race condition. If directory already exists, we don have to do nothing if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(destiny)): raise ex shutil.move(source, destiny) @staticmethod def execute_shell_command(command, log_level=Log.DEBUG): """ Executes a sheel command :param command: command to execute :type command: str|list :param log_level: log level to use for command output :type log_level: int :return: command output :rtype: list """ if isinstance(command, basestring): command = command.split() process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = list() comunicate = process.communicate() if log_level != Log.NO_LOG: for line in comunicate: if not line: continue Log.log.log(log_level, line) output.append(line) if process.returncode != 0: raise Exception('Error executing {0}\n Return code: {1}', ' '.join(command), process.returncode) return output _cpu_count = None @staticmethod def available_cpu_count(): """ Number of available virtual or physical CPUs on this system, i.e. user/real as output by time(1) when called with an optimally scaling userspace-only program""" if Utils._cpu_count is None: try: m ='(?m)^Cpus_allowed:\s*(.*)$', open('/proc/self/status').read()) if m: res = bin(int(',', ''), 16)).count('1') if res > 0: Utils._cpu_count = res except IOError: try: import multiprocessing Utils._cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() return Utils._cpu_count except (ImportError, NotImplementedError): Utils._cpu_count = -1'Available cores: {0}', Utils._cpu_count) return Utils._cpu_count @staticmethod def convert2netcdf4(filetoconvert): temp = TempFile.get() handler = Utils.openCdf(filetoconvert) if handler.file_format == 'NETCDF4': handler.close() return handler.close() Log.debug('Reformatting to netCDF-4') Utils.execute_shell_command(["nccopy", "-4", filetoconvert, temp]) shutil.move(temp, filetoconvert) @staticmethod def openCdf(filepath, mode='a'): return netCDF4.Dataset(filepath, mode) @staticmethod def get_datetime_from_netcdf(handler, time_variable='time'): nctime = handler.variables[time_variable][:] # get values units = handler.variables[time_variable].units # get unit "days since 1950-01-01T00:00:00Z" try: cal_temps = handler.variables[time_variable].calendar except AttributeError: # Attribute doesn't exist cal_temps = u"gregorian" # or standard return netCDF4.num2date(nctime, units=units, calendar=cal_temps) @staticmethod def copy_variable(source, destiny, variable): original_var = source.variables[variable] new_var = destiny.createVariable(variable, original_var.datatype, original_var.dimensions) new_var.setncatts({k: original_var.getncattr(k) for k in original_var.ncattrs()}) new_var[:] = original_var[:] class TempFile(object): """ Class to manage temporal files """ autoclean = True """ If True, new temporary files are added to the list for future cleaning """ files = list() """ List of files to clean automatically """ scratch_folder = os.path.join('/scratch', pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]) """ Scratch folder to create temporary files on it """ prefix = 'temp' """ Prefix for temporary filenames """ @staticmethod def get(filename=None, clean=None, suffix='.nc'): """ Gets a new temporal filename, storing it for automated cleaning :param suffix: :param filename: if it is not none, the function will use this filename instead of a random one :type filename: str :param clean: if true, stores filename for cleaning :type clean: bool :return: path to the temporal file :rtype: str """ if clean is None: clean = TempFile.autoclean if filename: path = os.path.join(TempFile.scratch_folder, filename) else: fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=TempFile.scratch_folder, prefix=TempFile.prefix, suffix=suffix) os.close(fd) if clean: TempFile.files.append(path) return path @staticmethod def clean(): """ Removes all temporary files created with Tempfile until now """ for temp_file in TempFile.files: if os.path.exists(temp_file): os.remove(temp_file) TempFile.files = list()