To use the ocean diagnostic tools available here and to be able to create new diagnostics, you need first to add the following line to your .bashrc: PATH=/cfu/software/cdftools2.1/:$PATH #Launching instructions: ./ocean_pp.bash $path_to_your_file/config_file-ocean_pp.bash - You can copy and modify the config_file to any directory if you indicate the good path when launching ocean_pp.bash - ocean_pp.bash, README and example of config_file-ocean_pp.bash can be downloaded from git repository: git clone https://dev.cfu.local/cfutools.git # ####################### DIAGNOSTICS LIST ####################################### 'siasiesiv' : sea ice area + sea ice extent + sea ice volume 'moc' : Atlantic + Pacific + Indian + Indo-Pacific + Global meridional overturning streamfunction 'max_moc' : Yearly maximum of the Atlantic meridional overturning streamfunction between 38N-50N and 500-3000m and at 40N. Beware that the max_moc diagnostics can not be computed if you don't process complete years, as it is a diagnostic computed from complete years. 'area_moc' : Averaged Atlantic meridional overturning streamfunction between 40N-55N and 1km-2km and between 30N-40N and 1km-2km 'stc' : Subtropical cell strength, computed as the averaged Atlantic and Pacific overturning streamfunction in 0-25N/S, 0-200m 'ext_raw_ice' : raw ice varibales to be extracted from input files (called "ice" before february 2013 update)) 'ext_raw_oce' : raw ocean varibales to be extracted from input files (called "sstsssmld" before february 2013 update)) 'heat_sal_mxl' : mixed layer heat and salt content (potential density criteria) 'psi' : barotropic streamfunction 'usalc' : upper layer salt content 0-300m 'lmsalc' : middle + lower layer salt content 300m-bottom 'ohc' : global total ocean heat content 'ohc_specified_layer' : Pointwise ocean heat content in a specified ocean thickness (at present 0-300 m) 'uohc' : global upper (0-350m) ocean heat content 'mohc' : global middle (350-800m) ocean heat content 'lohc' : global lower (800m-bottom) ocean heat content 'xohc' : global mixed layer ocean heat content 'TSec_ave190-220E' : meridional temperature section averaged between 190E and 220E 'SSec_ave190-220E' : meridional salinity section averaged between 190E and 220E (added in february 2013 update) 'vert_Tsections' : zonal temperature sections along 45S, 0N, 45N, and meridional temperature sections along 30W, 80E, 180E 'vert_Ssections' : zonal salinity sections along 45S, 0N, 45N, and meridional salinity sections along 30W, 80E, 180E (added in february 2013 update) '3dtemp' : 3-dimensional temperature interpolated horizontally onto the atmospheric grid '3dsal' : 3-dimensional salinity interpolated horizontally onto the atmospheric grid (added in february 2013 update) 'NAtlohc' : North Atlantic (10-65N) total ocean heat content 'xNAtlohc' : North Atlantic (10-65N) mixed layer ocean heat content 'uNAtlohc' : North Atlantic (10-65N) upper (0-350m) ocean heat content 'mNAtlohc' : North Atlantic (10-65N) middle (350-800m) ocean heat content 'lNAtlohc' : North Atlantic (10-65N) lower (800m-bottom) ocean heat content 'NPacohc' : North Pacific (10-70N) ocean heat content 'xNPacohc' : North Pacific (10-70N) mixed layer ocean heat content 'uNPacohc' : North Pacific (10-70N) upper (0-350m) ocean heat content 'mNPacohc' : North Pacific (10-70N) middle (350-800m) ocean heat content 'lNPacohc' : North Pacific (10-70N) lower (800m-bottom) ocean heat content 'TAtlohc' : Tropical Atlantic (30S-30N) ocean heat content 'xTAtlohc' : Tropical Atlantic (30S-30N) mixed layer ocean heat content 'uTAtlohc' : Tropical Atlantic (30S-30N) upper (0-350m) ocean heat content 'mTAtlohc' : Tropical Atlantic (30S-30N) middle (350-800m) ocean heat content 'lTAtlohc' : Tropical Atlantic (30S-30N) lower (800m-bottom) ocean heat content 'TPacohc' : Tropical Pacific (30S-30N) ocean heat content 'xTPacohc' : Tropical Pacific (30S-30N) mixed layer ocean heat content 'uTPacohc' : Tropical Pacific (30S-30N) upper (0-350m) ocean heat content 'mTPacohc' : Tropical Pacific (30S-30N) middle (350-800m) ocean heat content 'lTPacohc' : Tropical Pacific (30S-30N) lower (800m-bottom) ocean heat content 'TIndohc' : Tropical Indian (30S-30N) ocean heat content 'xTIndohc' : Tropical Indian (30S-30N) mixed layer ocean heat content 'uTIndohc' : Tropical Indian (30S-30N) upper (0-350m) ocean heat content 'mTIndohc' : Tropical Indian (30S-30N) middle (350-800m) ocean heat content 'lTIndohc' : Tropical Indian (30S-30N) lower (800m-bottom) ocean heat content 'Antaohc' : Antarctic (90-60S) ocean heat content 'xAntaohc' : Antarctic (90-60S) mixed layer ocean heat content 'uAntaohc' : Antarctic (90-60S) upper (0-350m) ocean heat content 'mAntaohc' : Antarctic (90-60S) middle (350-800m) ocean heat content 'lAntaohc' : Antarctic (90-60S) lower (800m-bottom) ocean heat content 'Arctohc' : Arctic (65-90N) ocean heat content 'xArctohc' : Arctic (65-90N) mixed layer ocean heat content 'uArctohc' : Arctic (65-90N) upper (0-350m) ocean heat content 'mArctohc' : Arctic (65-90N) middle (350-800m) ocean heat content 'lArctohc' : Arctic (65-90N) lower (800m-bottom) ocean heat content