To use the ocean diagnostic tools available here and to be able to create new diagnostics, you need first to add the following line to your .bashrc: PATH=/cfu/software/cdftools2.1/:$PATH #Launching instructions: ./ocean_pp.bash $path_to_your_file/config_file-ocean_pp.bash - You can copy and modify the config_file to any directory if you indicate the good path when launching ocean_pp.bash - ocean_pp.bash, README and example of config_file-ocean_pp.bash can be downloaded from git repository: git clone https://dev.cfu.local/cfutools.git # ####################### DIAGNOSTICS LIST ####################################### 'siasiesiv' : sea ice area + sea ice extent + sea ice volume 'moc' : Atlantic + Pacific + Indian + Indo-Pacific + Global meridional overturning streamfunction 'max_moc' : Yearly maximum of the Atlantic meridional overturning streamfunction between 38N-50N and 500-3000m and at 40N. Beware that the max_moc diagnostics can not be computed if you don't process complete years, as it is a diagnostic computed from complete years. 'area_moc' : Averaged Atlantic meridional overturning streamfunction between 40N-55N and 1km-2km and between 30N-40N and 1km-2km 'convection' : indices of convective activity in the Labrador, extended Irminger, GIN and Wedell seas computed as the maximum in mixed layer depth based on the potential density criteria 'stc' : Subtropical cell strength, computed as the averaged Atlantic and Pacific overturning streamfunction in 0-25N/S, 0-200m 'ext_raw_ice' : raw ice varibales to be extracted from input files (called "ice" before february 2013 update)) 'ext_raw_oce' : raw ocean varibales to be extracted from input files (called "sstsssmld" before february 2013 update)) 'heat_sal_mxl' : mixed layer heat and salt content (potential density criteria) 'psi' : barotropic streamfunction 'gyres' : indices of the barotropic gyres computed as the maximum absolute barotropic streamfunction in the North Atlantic and North Pacific subpolar and subtropical gyres and in the South Atlantic, South Pacific and Indian subtropical gyres and indice of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current strength 'usalc' : upper layer salt content 0-300m 'temp_lev' : temperature, vertical mean between dif levels (2D) 'sal_lev' : salinity, vertical mean between dif levels (2D) 'lmsalc' : middle + lower layer salt content 300m-bottom 'ohc' : global total ocean heat content 'ohc_specified_layer' : Pointwise ocean heat content in a specified ocean thickness (at present 0-300 m) 'uohc' : global upper (0-350m) ocean heat content 'mohc' : global middle (350-800m) ocean heat content 'lohc' : global lower (800m-bottom) ocean heat content 'xohc' : global mixed layer ocean heat content 'TSec_ave190-220E' : meridional temperature section averaged between 190E and 220E 'SSec_ave190-220E' : meridional salinity section averaged between 190E and 220E (added in february 2013 update) 'vert_Tsections' : zonal temperature sections along 45S, 0N, 45N, and meridional temperature sections along 30W, 80E, 180E 'vert_Ssections' : zonal salinity sections along 45S, 0N, 45N, and meridional salinity sections along 30W, 80E, 180E (added in february 2013 update) '3dtemp' : 3-dimensional temperature interpolated horizontally onto the atmospheric grid '3dsal' : 3-dimensional salinity interpolated horizontally onto the atmospheric grid (added in february 2013 update) 'NAtlohc' : North Atlantic (10-65N) total ocean heat content 'xNAtlohc' : North Atlantic (10-65N) mixed layer ocean heat content 'uNAtlohc' : North Atlantic (10-65N) upper (0-350m) ocean heat content 'mNAtlohc' : North Atlantic (10-65N) middle (350-800m) ocean heat content 'lNAtlohc' : North Atlantic (10-65N) lower (800m-bottom) ocean heat content 'NPacohc' : North Pacific (10-70N) ocean heat content 'xNPacohc' : North Pacific (10-70N) mixed layer ocean heat content 'uNPacohc' : North Pacific (10-70N) upper (0-350m) ocean heat content 'mNPacohc' : North Pacific (10-70N) middle (350-800m) ocean heat content 'lNPacohc' : North Pacific (10-70N) lower (800m-bottom) ocean heat content 'TAtlohc' : Tropical Atlantic (30S-30N) ocean heat content 'xTAtlohc' : Tropical Atlantic (30S-30N) mixed layer ocean heat content 'uTAtlohc' : Tropical Atlantic (30S-30N) upper (0-350m) ocean heat content 'mTAtlohc' : Tropical Atlantic (30S-30N) middle (350-800m) ocean heat content 'lTAtlohc' : Tropical Atlantic (30S-30N) lower (800m-bottom) ocean heat content 'TPacohc' : Tropical Pacific (30S-30N) ocean heat content 'xTPacohc' : Tropical Pacific (30S-30N) mixed layer ocean heat content 'uTPacohc' : Tropical Pacific (30S-30N) upper (0-350m) ocean heat content 'mTPacohc' : Tropical Pacific (30S-30N) middle (350-800m) ocean heat content 'lTPacohc' : Tropical Pacific (30S-30N) lower (800m-bottom) ocean heat content 'TIndohc' : Tropical Indian (30S-30N) ocean heat content 'xTIndohc' : Tropical Indian (30S-30N) mixed layer ocean heat content 'uTIndohc' : Tropical Indian (30S-30N) upper (0-350m) ocean heat content 'mTIndohc' : Tropical Indian (30S-30N) middle (350-800m) ocean heat content 'lTIndohc' : Tropical Indian (30S-30N) lower (800m-bottom) ocean heat content 'Antaohc' : Antarctic (90-60S) ocean heat content 'xAntaohc' : Antarctic (90-60S) mixed layer ocean heat content 'uAntaohc' : Antarctic (90-60S) upper (0-350m) ocean heat content 'mAntaohc' : Antarctic (90-60S) middle (350-800m) ocean heat content 'lAntaohc' : Antarctic (90-60S) lower (800m-bottom) ocean heat content 'Arctohc' : Arctic (65-90N) ocean heat content 'xArctohc' : Arctic (65-90N) mixed layer ocean heat content 'uArctohc' : Arctic (65-90N) upper (0-350m) ocean heat content 'mArctohc' : Arctic (65-90N) middle (350-800m) ocean heat content 'lArctohc' : Arctic (65-90N) lower (800m-bottom) ocean heat content 'temp_lev' : vertical mean of ocean temp (weighted) between level1 and level2 (in numbers, not in meters), specified in the config file 'sal_lev' : vertical mean of ocean sal (weighted) between level1 and level2 (in numbers, not in meters), specified in the config file 'ohc_Articreg1' : ocean heat content in the specified Arctic region (0-657m)