############################################################################### # This file gathers a set of bash functions that rely on cdftools to # # # # reduce_mmo # # get_diagsMMO # # get_nemovar # # get_glorys # # clean_diagsMMO # # vertmeansal # # heat_sal_mxl # # ohc_specified_layer # # moc # # convection # # psi # # gyres # # area_moc # # max_moc # # siasiesiv # # ohc # # cutsection # # interp3d # # setminmax # # concat # # gather_memb # # # # Those functions would never have seen the day without Hui Du, # # usually referred to as Super-Hui. # # # # He made a crucial work to develop what ended up below in the functions # # that computes the sea ice extent, sea ice area, ocean heat content and # # meridional overturning streamfunction. # # Especially, he developped new options from the cdftools sources to be # # able to compute the heat content in different basins. # # # #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # You want to make available a new diagnostic ? @ # @ # 1) Get an MMO tar files from any experiment on cfunas @ # 2) Write a bash function that works on a grid_T or grid_U or grid_V or @ # grid_W file or a combination from this MMO file @ # --> You can test your function by defining the CON_FILES and NEMOVERSION @ # variables and by sourcing the current file, the meshmasks will be @ # available after sourcing, remember to source again after any @ # modification of your function @ # --> Your function should work on input files of any resolution @ # ORCA1/ORCA025/ORCA2 @ # --> Your function should work on input files of any time length @ # --> The output file should contain a proper time axis that you can copy @ # from your input file @ # --> The output file should be at most a 3d field including the time @ # dimension @ # 3) Write a short description of your function, and add its name to the @ # list above @ # 4) Go the the ocean_pp.sh script to add a call to your function @ # @ # Any doubt ---> vguemas@ic3.cat @ #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # Link constant file for co # ############################################################################### ln -sf ${CON_FILES}/mesh_mask_nemo.${NEMOVERSION}.nc mesh_hgr.nc ln -sf ${CON_FILES}/mesh_mask_nemo.${NEMOVERSION}.nc mesh_zgr.nc ln -sf ${CON_FILES}/mesh_mask_nemo.${NEMOVERSION}.nc mask.nc ln -sf ${CON_FILES}/new_maskglo.${NEMOVERSION}.nc new_maskglo.nc ############################################################################### # Reduced number of variables in diag files to save disk space # # # # $1 : input grid_T file name # # $2 : input icemod file name # # $3 : suffix of output files with nc extension # # # # Created in February 2012 Author : vguemas@ic3.cat # # May 2014 : Compatibility with PA changes to oce output - Virginie # ############################################################################### function reduce_mmo { ncks -O -v sosstsst,sosaline,somixhgt,somxl010,sossheig $1 oce_${3} typeset var lstvars=`cdo showvar $2` if [[ ${lstvars/ileadfra} != ${lstvars} ]] ; then ncks -O -v isnowthi,iicethic,ileadfra,iicetemp $2 ice_${3} else ncks -O -v isnowthi,iicethic,iiceconc,iicetemp $2 ice_${3} fi ncks -O -v votemper $1 t3d_${3} } ############################################################################### # Copy diags or MMO files from cfunas # # # # $1 : starting date # # $2 : expid # # $3 : member # # $4 : starting leadtime # # $5 : end leadtime # # $6 : chunk length in month # # $7 : nemo/ecearth # # $8 : diags/MMO # # $9 : storage frequency (daily/monthly) # # $10 : list of files extracted from the original tarballs # # # Created in May 2012 Author : vguemas@ic3.cat # # Modified: June 2013 isabel.andreu-burillo@ic3.cat ############################################################################### function get_diagsMMO { typeset var yyyy0=`echo $1|cut -c1-4` typeset var mm0=`echo $1|cut -c5-6` if [ -z "${10}" ] ; then typeset var lstypes="grid_T grid_U grid_V grid_W icemod" else typeset var lstypes=${10} fi typeset var jt typeset var year1 typeset var year2 typeset var mon1 typeset var mon2 for jt in $(seq $4 $6 $5) ; do year1=$(($yyyy0+(10#$mm0+$jt-2)/12)) mon1=$(((10#$mm0+$jt-2)%12+1)) year2=$(($yyyy0+(10#$mm0+$jt+$6-3)/12)) mon2=$(((10#$mm0+$jt+$6-3)%12+1)) cp /cfunas/exp/$7/$2/$1/fc$3/outputs/$8_$2_$1_fc$3_${year1}$(printf "%02d" $mon1)01-${year2}$(printf "%02d" $mon2)*.tar . if [[ "$8" == "MMO" ]]; then for filetype in $lstypes; do tar --wildcards -xvf $8_$2_$1_fc$3_${year1}$(printf "%02d" $mon1)01-${year2}$(printf "%02d" $mon2)*.tar "*${freqkeep}*${filetype}*" done else tar --wildcards -xvf $8_$2_$1_fc$3_${year1}$(printf "%02d" $mon1)01-${year2}$(printf "%02d" $mon2)*.tar fi rm -f $8_$2_$1_fc$3_${year1}$(printf "%02d" $mon1)01-${year2}$(printf "%02d" $mon2)*.tar if [[ `ls *.gz` != '' ]] ; then gunzip -f *.gz ; fi done typeset var listroots case $8 in 'diags' ) if [[ $6 -lt 12 || $5 -gt 12 ]] ; then listroots="t3d heat_sal_mxl ice moc psi sal_0-300m sal_300-5400m sstsssmld sstsimld" ; fi ;; 'MMO' ) listroots=$lstypes ;; esac case $9 in 'daily') freqexcl1='1m' ; freqexcl2='MM' ;; 'monthly' ) freqexcl1='1d' ; freqexcl2='DD' ;; *) freqexcl1='1d' ; freqexcl2='DD' ;; esac typeset var root typeset var lstfiles for root in ${listroots[@]} ; do if [[ `ls *${root}*` != '' ]] ; then if [[ "$8" == "MMO" ]] ; then lstfiles=`ls *${root}* | grep -v "${root}_$2_$1_fc" | grep -v "${freqexcl1}" | grep -v "${freqexcl2}" | grep -v "km" ` else lstfiles=`ls ${root}* | grep -v "${root}_$2_$1_fc" | grep -v "${freqexcl1}" | grep -v "${freqexcl2}" | grep -v "km" ` fi # lstfiles=`ls ${root}* | grep -v "${root}_$2_$1_fc*_$(($yyyy0+(10#$mm0+$4-2)/12))$(printf "%02d" $(((10#$mm0+$4-2)%12+1)))_${year2}$(printf "%02d" $mon2).nc" | grep -v "${freqexcl1}" | grep -v "${freqexcl2}" | grep -v "km" ` # lstfiles=`ls *${root}* | grep -v "${root}_$2_$1_fc*_$(($yyyy0+(10#$mm0+$4-2)/12))$(printf "%02d" $(((10#$mm0+$4-2)%12+1)))_${year2}$(printf "%02d" $mon2).nc" | grep -v "${freqexcl1}" | grep -v "${freqexcl2}" ` file1=`echo "${lstfiles}" | tail -1` cdo_version=`cdo -V &> ff ; grep Climate ff | cut -d \ -f 5` rm ff #test on cdo version: if >1.5.6, remove valid_min/max attributes to avoid values out of that range to be replaced by NaN if [[ "$cdo_version" = "`echo -e "$cdo_version\n1.5.6" | sort -V | head -n1`" ]] ; then if [[ $root == 'grid_T' || $root == 't3d' ]] ; then for file in $lstfiles ; do ncatted -O -a valid_max,votemper,d,, $file $file ncatted -O -a valid_min,votemper,d,, $file $file done fi fi outfile=${root}_$2_$1_fc$3_$(($yyyy0+(10#$mm0+$4-2)/12))$(printf "%02d" $(((10#$mm0+$4-2)%12+1)))_${year2}$(printf "%02d" $mon2).nc typeset var lstvars=`cdo showvar $file1` if [[ ${lstvars/iicenflx} != ${lstvars} ]] ; then for file in $lstfiles ; do ncks -O -x -v iicenflx $file $file ; done ; fi # cdo mergetime ${root}_$2_fc$3* ${root}_$2_$1_fc$3_$(($yyyy0+(10#$mm0+$4-2)/12))$(printf "%02d" $(((10#$mm0+$4-2)%12+1)))_${year2}$(printf "%02d" $mon2).nc cdo mergetime $lstfiles ${outfile} timevar=`ncdump -h ${outfile} | grep UNLIMITED | awk '{print $1}'` if [[ $timevar == 'time_counter' ]] ; then ncrename -v time_counter,time -d time_counter,time ${outfile} ; fi if [[ $root == 'moc' ]] ; then lstdims=`ncdump -h ${outfile} | awk /dimensions:/,/variables:/ | grep -v dimensions: | grep -v variables: | awk '{print $1}'` if [[ ${lstdims/gsize} != ${lstdims} ]] ; then ncrename -d gsize,y ${outfile} fi ncks -A -v nav_lon,nav_lat `echo $lstfiles | awk '{print $1}' ` ${outfile} if [[ ${lstdims/x} != ${lstdims} ]] ; then ncwa -O -a x ${outfile} ${outfile} fi fi rm -f $lstfiles *${freqexcl1}* *${freqexcl2}* fi if [[ $root == 'sstsimld' ]] ; then mv ${outfile} sstsssmld_$2_$1_fc$3_$(($yyyy0+(10#$mm0+$4-2)/12))$(printf "%02d" $(((10#$mm0+$4-2)%12+1)))_${year2}$(printf "%02d" $mon2).nc ; fi done } ############################################################################### # Copy NEMOVAR files from cfunas # # # # $1 : expid # # $2 : member # # $3 : start year # # $4 : end year # # $5 : start month # # $6 : end month # # $7 : list of files extracted from the original tarballs # # # Created in May 2012 Author : vguemas@ic3.cat # # Modified: June 2013 isabel.andreu-burillo@ic3.cat # ############################################################################### function get_nemovar { if [ -z "$5" ] ; then typeset var moni=9 else typeset var moni=$5 fi if [ -z "$5" ] ; then typeset var monf=8 else typeset var monf=$6 fi typeset var path typeset var yearf case $1 in 'nemovar_s4') path=/cfunas/exp/ECMWF/NEMOVAR_S4/outputs/fc$2/s4 ;; 'nemovar_combine') path=/cfunas/exp/ECMWF/NEMOVAR_COMBINE/outputs/opa0/fa9p_1m ;; esac typeset var year typeset var mon for year in $(seq $3 $4) ; do case $year in $3) mona=${moni} ;; *) mona=1 ;; esac case $year in $4) monb=${monf} ;; *) monb=12 ;; esac for mon in $(seq $mona $monb); do cp ${path}_fc$2_${year}$(printf "%02d" $mon)*.gz . done done gunzip -f *.gz typeset var listroots=${7} typeset var root typeset var lstfiles typeset var ntimes typeset var jt for root in ${listroots[@]} ; do lstfiles=`ls *fc${2}*${root}* | grep -v "${root}_$1_195709_fc$2_${3}09_${4}$(printf "%02d" $monb).nc"` ncrcat -O -x -v vorbiasp $lstfiles tmp_${root}.nc cdo settaxis,${3}-$(printf "%02d" $moni)-15,12:00,1mon tmp_${root}.nc ${root}_$1_19570901_fc$2_${3}$(printf "%02d" $moni)_${4}$(printf "%02d" $monf).nc rm -f $lstfiles tmp_${root}.nc done } ############################################################################### # Copy GLORYS files from cfunas # # # # $1 : start year # # $2 : end year # # $3 : start month # # $4 : end month # # # # Created in June 2013 Author : vguemas@ic3.cat # ############################################################################### function get_glorys { typeset var path=/cfunas/exp/MERCATOR/GLORYS2V1/outputs/ORCA025L75_glorys typeset var lstfiles="" for year in $(seq $1 $2) ; do cp ${path}/vosaline_${year}.nc . cp ${path}/votemper_${year}.nc . ncks -A vosaline_${year}.nc votemper_${year}.nc rm -f vosaline_${year}.nc lstfiles=${lstfiles}" "votemper_${year}.nc done cdo cat ${lstfiles} tmp.nc cdo settaxis,${1}-01-15,12:00,1mon tmp.nc tmp2.nc cdo seldate,${1}-$(printf "%02d" $3)-00,${2}-$(printf "%02d" $4)-31 tmp2.nc grid_T_glorys2v1_19930101_fc0_${1}$(printf "%02d" $3)_${2}$(printf "%02d" $4).nc rm -f ${lstfiles} tmp.nc tmp2.nc ncks -O -x -v nav_lon,nav_lat,x_2,y_2 grid_T_glorys2v1_19930101_fc0_${1}$(printf "%02d" $3)_${2}$(printf "%02d" $4).nc grid_T_glorys2v1_19930101_fc0_${1}$(printf "%02d" $3)_${2}$(printf "%02d" $4).nc ncks -A -v nav_lon,nav_lat mesh_hgr.nc grid_T_glorys2v1_19930101_fc0_${1}$(printf "%02d" $3)_${2}$(printf "%02d" $4).nc } ############################################################################### # Clean diags or MMO files after postprocessing # # # # $1 : starting date # # $2 : expid # # $3 : member # # $4 : starting leadtime # # $5 : end leadtime # # $6 : diags/MMO # # $7 : list of files extracted from the original tarballs # # # Created in May 2012 Author : vguemas@ic3.cat # # Modified: June 2013 isabel.andreu-burillo@ic3.cat # ############################################################################### function clean_diagsMMO { typeset var yyyy0=`echo $1|cut -c1-4` typeset var mm0=`echo $1|cut -c5-6` typeset var year1=$(($yyyy0+(10#$mm0+$4-2)/12)) typeset var year2=$(($yyyy0+(10#$mm0+$5-2)/12)) typeset var mon1=$(((10#$mm0+$4-2)%12+1)) typeset var mon2=$(((10#$mm0+$5-2)%12+1)) typeset var listroots case $6 in 'diags' ) listroots="t3d" ;; 'MMO' ) listroots=${7} ;; esac typeset var root typeset var lstfiles for root in ${listroots[@]} ; do rm -f ${root}_$2_$1_fc$3_${year1}$(printf "%02d" $mon1)_${year2}$(printf "%02d" $mon2).nc done } ############################################################################### # Vertically averaged salt content # # # # $1 : input grid_T file name # # $2 : upper depth of the layer (in meters) # # $3 : lower depth of the layer (in meters) # # $4 : output file name (=> 2D) # # # # Created in February 2012 Author : vguemas@ic3.cat # ############################################################################### function vertmeansal { typeset var ntime=`cdo ntime $1` typeset var list="" typeset var jt for jt in $(seq 1 $ntime); do cdo seltimestep,$jt $1 intvertmeansal.nc cdfvertmean intvertmeansal.nc vosaline T $2 $3 ncrename -O -v sovertmean,vertmeansal -d time_counter,time -v time_counter,time vertmean.nc mv vertmean.nc outputvertmeansal_$jt.nc list=$list" "outputvertmeansal_$jt.nc rm -f intvertmeansal.nc done cdo cat $list $4 ncks -A -v time $1 $4 rm -f $list setminmax $4 vertmeansal } ############################################################################### # Compute mixed layer heat and salt content # # # # $1 : input grid_T file name # # $2 : output file name (=> 2D x-y ) # # # # Created in February 2012 Author : vguemas@ic3.cat # ################################################################################ function heat_sal_mxl { typeset var ntime=`cdo ntime $1` typeset var list="" typeset var jt typeset var lstvars=`cdo showvar $1` for jt in $(seq 1 $ntime); do cdo seltimestep,$jt $1 intheat_sal_mxl.nc if [[ ${lstvars/somxl010} == ${lstvars} ]] ; then cdfmxl intheat_sal_mxl.nc mxl.nc ncrename -d time_counter,time mxl.nc ncks -A mxl.nc intheat_sal_mxl.nc rm -f mxl.nc fi cdfmxlheatc intheat_sal_mxl.nc if [[ $lstvars != ${lstvars/vosaline} ]] ; then cdfmxlsaltc intheat_sal_mxl.nc ncks -A mxlsaltc.nc mxlheatc.nc rm -f mxlsaltc.nc fi mv mxlheatc.nc outputintheat_sal_mxl_$jt.nc timevar=`ncdump -h outputintheat_sal_mxl_$jt.nc | grep UNLIMITED | awk '{print $1}'` if [[ $timevar == 'time_counter' ]] ; then ncrename -v time_counter,time -d time_counter,time outputintheat_sal_mxl_$jt.nc ; fi list=$list" "outputintheat_sal_mxl_$jt.nc rm -f intheat_sal_mxl.nc done cdo cat $list $2 ncks -A -v time $1 $2 rm -f $list setminmax $2 somxlheatc if [[ $lstvars != ${lstvars/vosaline} ]] ; then setminmax $2 somxlsaltc ; fi } ############################################################################### # Pointwise Ocean Heat Content in a specified ocean thickness # # (J/m-2) # # # $1 : input grid_T file name # # $2 : upper depth of the layer (in meters) # # $3 : lower depth of the layer (in meters) # # $4 : output file name (=> 2D x-y ) # # # # Created in June 2012 Author : isabel.andreu-burillo@ic3.cat # ############################################################################### function ohc_specified_layer { typeset var ntime=`cdo ntime $1` typeset var list="" typeset var jt ncap2 -v -O -s "heatc_sl=tmask*e3t" mesh_zgr.nc e3t_file.nc ncrename -d t,time -d z,deptht e3t_file.nc for jt in $(seq 1 $ntime); do cdo seltimestep,$jt $1 intohc_slayer.nc ncks -O -v votemper intohc_slayer.nc intmeantem.nc ncrename -v votemper,heatc_sl intmeantem.nc #to be commented cdo mul intmeantem.nc e3t_file.nc heatc_sl_out.nc #? ncks -A -m -v nav_lon,nav_lat $1 heatc_sl_out.nc # extract the data between the two given depths --> heatc_sl_top.nc ncks -d deptht,$2,$3 heatc_sl_out.nc heatc_sl_top.nc #perform the integration of ohc down to that level (main contribution) ncap2 -O -s 'heatc_sl=heatc_sl.total($deptht)' heatc_sl_top.nc heatc_sl_top.nc # now extract a few levels below, to compute the residual ohc lower_bnd=`echo "$3 + 200.0" | bc` ncks -d deptht,$3,$lower_bnd heatc_sl_out.nc heatc_sl_bottom.nc # obtain the weight for the extra level containing the 300 m # deptht in the gridT files is positive # weight = (300.0 - depth_top)/(depth_bottom - depth_top) # and add the thickness down to 300 m in the next layer ncpdq -a '-deptht' heatc_sl_top.nc heatc_sl_top_invert.nc ncks -d deptht,0,0,1 heatc_sl_top_invert.nc level_above.nc ncks -d deptht,0,0,1 heatc_sl_bottom.nc level_below.nc ## Here, add the residual contribution, before adding it to the main contribution ncrename -v deptht,layerthcknss level_below.nc ncrename -v deptht,layerthcknss level_above.nc ncbo -A --op_typ=sub -v layerthcknss level_below.nc level_above.nc depth_diff_lay.nc ncrename -v layerthcknss,heatc_sl depth_diff_lay.nc ncap2 -s "heatc_sl=($3 - layerthcknss)" level_above.nc depth_diff_sublay.nc ncbo --op_typ=/ -v heatc_sl depth_diff_sublay.nc depth_diff_lay.nc factor.nc ncrename -v heatc_sl,factor factor.nc #to be commented ncks -A -v factor factor.nc level_below.nc rm -f depth_diff_sublay.nc depth_diff_lay.nc ncap2 -O -s "heatc_sl=(factor * heatc_sl)" level_below.nc level_below.nc ncwa -O -a deptht level_below.nc level_below.nc ncbo --op_typ=+ -v heatc_sl heatc_sl_top.nc level_below.nc total_heatc_sl.nc ncap2 -s "heatc_sl=1020.0*4000*heatc_sl" total_heatc_sl.nc heatc_sl_$jt.nc list=$list" "heatc_sl_$jt.nc rm -f depth_diff_lay.nc depth_diff_sublay.nc rm -f heatc_sl_out.nc heatc_sl_top.nc heatc_sl_top_invert.nc heatc_sl_bottom.nc rm -f level_above.nc level_below.nc rm -f intohc_slayer.nc intmeantem.nc vertmean.nc total_heatc_sl.nc rm -f factor.nc done cdo cat $list $4 ncks -A -v time $1 $4 rm -f $list rm -f e3t_file.nc setminmax $4 heatc_sl } ############################################################################### # Compute the MOC for oceanic basins # # # # $1 : input grid_V file name # # $2 : output file name (=> 2D, depth-y) # # # # Created in March 2012 Author : vguemas@ic3.cat # ############################################################################### function moc { typeset var ntime=`cdo ntime $1` typeset var list="" typeset var jt for jt in $(seq 1 $ntime); do cdo seltimestep,$jt $1 intmoc.nc cdfmoc intmoc.nc ncwa -O -a x moc.nc outmoc_$jt.nc timevar=`ncdump -h outmoc_$jt.nc | grep UNLIMITED | awk '{print $1}'` if [[ $timevar == 'time_counter' ]] ; then ncrename -v time_counter,time -d time_counter,time outmoc_$jt.nc ; fi list=$list" "outmoc_$jt.nc rm -f intmoc.nc moc.nc done cdo cat $list $2 lstdims=`ncdump -h $2 | awk /dimensions:/,/variables:/ | grep -v dimensions: | grep -v variables: | awk '{print $1}'` if [[ ${lstdims/gsize} != ${lstdims} ]] ; then ncrename -d gsize,y $2 fi ncks -A -v nav_lon,nav_lat outmoc_1.nc $2 ncks -A -v time $1 $2 rm -f $list } ############################################################################### # # # Compute the intensity of convection in the four main convection sites # # # # $1 : input oce file name containing somxl010 # # $2 : input grid # # $3 : output file name (=> index) # # # # Created in October 2013 Author : vguemas@ic3.cat # ############################################################################### function convection { case $2 in 'Ec2.3_O1L42'|'Ec3.0_O1L46'|'N3.2_O1L42'|'N3.3_O1L46'|'nemovar_O1L42') A1=225;A2=245;A3=215;A4=255; B1=245;B2=290;B3=215;B4=245; C1=260;C2=310;C3=245;C4=291; D1=225;D2=280;D3=1;D4=50;; 'Ec3.0_O25L46'|'Ec3.0_O25L75'|'glorys2v1_O25L75') stop"Option convection not available yet for this configuration" ;; esac cdo fldmax -selindexbox,${A1},${A2},${A3},${A4} $1 Labrador.nc ncrename -v somxl010,Labrador Labrador.nc ncks -v Labrador Labrador.nc convection.nc rm -f Labrador.nc cdo fldmax -selindexbox,${B1},${B2},${B3},${B4} $1 Irminger.nc ncrename -v somxl010,Irminger Irminger.nc ncks -A -v Irminger Irminger.nc convection.nc rm -f Irminger.nc cdo fldmax -selindexbox,${C1},${C2},${C3},${C4} $1 GIN.nc ncrename -v somxl010,GIN GIN.nc ncks -A -v GIN GIN.nc convection.nc rm -f GIN.nc cdo fldmax -selindexbox,${D1},${D2},${D3},${D4} $1 Wedell.nc ncrename -v somxl010,Wedell Wedell.nc ncks -A -v Wedell Wedell.nc convection.nc rm -f Wedell.nc mv convection.nc $3 } ############################################################################### # # # Compute the barotropic stream function # # # # $1 : input grid_U file name # # $2 : input grid_V file name # # $3 : output file name without nc extension (=> 2D x-y) # # # # Created in March 2012 Author : vguemas@ic3.cat # ############################################################################### function psi { typeset var ntime=`cdo ntime $1` typeset var list="" typeset var jt for jt in $(seq 1 $ntime); do cdo seltimestep,$jt $1 intU.nc cdo seltimestep,$jt $2 intV.nc cdfpsi intU.nc intV.nc mv psi.nc psi_U.nc cdfpsi intU.nc intV.nc V mv psi.nc psi_V.nc ncea psi_U.nc psi_V.nc psi_${jt}.nc timevar=`ncdump -h psi_$jt.nc | grep UNLIMITED | awk '{print $1}'` if [[ $timevar == 'time_counter' ]] ; then ncrename -v time_counter,time -d time_counter,time psi_$jt.nc ; fi list=$list" "psi_$jt.nc rm -f intU.nc intV.nc psi_U.nc psi_V.nc done cdo cat $list ${3} ncks -A -v time $1 ${3} rm -f $list } ############################################################################### # # # Compute the intensity of the subtropical and subpolar gyres # # # # $1 : input psi file name # # $2 : input grid # # $3 : output file name ( => index ) # # # # Created in October 2013 Author : vguemas@ic3.cat # ############################################################################### function gyres { case $2 in 'Ec2.3_O1L42'|'Ec3.0_O1L46'|'N3.2_O1L42'|'N3.3_O1L46'|'nemovar_O1L42') A1=230;A2=275;A3=215;A4=245; B1=70;B2=145;B3=195;B4=235; C1=45;C2=175;C3=165;C4=220; D1=195;D2=275;D3=175;D4=225; E1=70;E2=205;E3=120;E4=145; F1=235;F2=300;F3=120;F4=145; G1=320;G2=30;G3=110;G4=180; H1=1;H2=361;H3=1;H4=65;; 'Ec3.0_O25L46'|'Ec3.0_O25L75'|'glorys2v1_O25L75') stop"Option gyres not available yet for this configuration" ;; esac cdo fldmin -selindexbox,${A1},${A2},${A3},${A4} $1 subpolar_NAtl.nc ncrename -v sobarstf,subpolNAtl subpolar_NAtl.nc cdo mulc,-1 subpolar_NAtl.nc gyres.nc rm -f subpolar_NAtl.nc cdo fldmin -selindexbox,${B1},${B2},${B3},${B4} $1 subpolar_NPac.nc ncrename -v sobarstf,subpolNPac subpolar_NPac.nc cdo mulc,-1 subpolar_NPac.nc tmp.nc ncks -A tmp.nc gyres.nc rm -f subpolar_NPac.nc tmp.nc cdo fldmax -selindexbox,${C1},${C2},${C3},${C4} $1 subtrop_NPac.nc ncrename -v sobarstf,subtropNPac subtrop_NPac.nc ncks -A subtrop_NPac.nc gyres.nc rm -f subtrop_NPac.nc cdo fldmax -selindexbox,${E1},${E2},${E3},${E4} $1 subtrop_SPac.nc ncrename -v sobarstf,subtropSPac subtrop_SPac.nc ncks -A subtrop_SPac.nc gyres.nc rm -f subtrop_SPac.nc cdo fldmax -selindexbox,${D1},${D2},${D3},${D4} $1 subtrop_NAtl.nc ncrename -v sobarstf,subtropNAtl subtrop_NAtl.nc ncks -A subtrop_NAtl.nc gyres.nc rm -f subtrop_NAtl.nc cdo fldmax -selindexbox,${F1},${F2},${F3},${F4} $1 subtrop_SAtl.nc ncrename -v sobarstf,subtropSAtl subtrop_SAtl.nc ncks -A subtrop_SAtl.nc gyres.nc rm -f subtrop_SAtl.nc cdo fldmax -selindexbox,${G1},${G2},${G3},${G4} $1 subtrop_Ind.nc ncrename -v sobarstf,subtropInd subtrop_Ind.nc ncks -A subtrop_Ind.nc gyres.nc rm -f subtrop_Ind.nc cdo fldmax -selindexbox,${H1},${H2},${H3},${H4} $1 ACC.nc ncrename -v sobarstf,ACC ACC.nc ncks -A ACC.nc gyres.nc rm -f ACC.nc mv gyres.nc $3 } ############################################################################### # # # Compute an Atlantic MOC index by averaging the meridional overturning # # in a latitude band between 1km and 2km # # or any other index averaging the meridional overturning in # # a given basin and a given domain # # # # $1 : input moc file name # # $2 : latitude min # # $3 : latitude max # # $4 : output file name ( => index ) # # $5 : depth min (default : 1km) # # $6 : depth max (default : 2km) # # $7 : basin (default : zomsfatl) # # # # Created in March 2012 Author : vguemas@ic3.cat # ############################################################################### function area_moc { if [ -z "$5" ] ; then typeset var depmin=-1000.0 else typeset var depmin=-$5 fi if [ -z "$6" ] ; then typeset var depmax=-2000.0 else typeset var depmax=-$6 fi if [ -z "$7" ] ; then typeset var basin=zomsfatl else typeset var basin=$7 fi ncrename -O -d y,lat -v nav_lat,lat $1 tmpmoc.nc ncks -O -v $basin,time,depthw,lat tmpmoc.nc tmpmoc.nc ncks -d lat,$2,$3 -d depthw,${depmax},${depmin} tmpmoc.nc area_moc.nc cdo vertmean area_moc.nc area_ave_moc.nc ncap -O -s "coslat[lat]=cos(lat[lat]*3.141592657/180.0)" area_ave_moc.nc area_ave_moc2.nc ncwa -w coslat -a lat area_ave_moc2.nc area_ave_moc3.nc ncks -O -v $basin,time area_ave_moc3.nc $4 rm -f tmpmoc.nc area_moc.nc area_ave_moc2.nc area_ave_moc3.nc if [[ $4 != area_ave_moc.nc ]] ; then rm -f area_ave_moc.nc fi } ############################################################################### # # # Compute an Atlantic MOC index by finding the maximum of the annual # # mean meridional overturning in a latitude / depth region # # # # $1 : input moc file name # # $2 : latitude min # # $3 : latitude max # # $4 : depth mean # # $5 : depth max # # $6 : output file name ( => index ) # # # # Created in March 2012 Author : vguemas@ic3.cat # ############################################################################### function max_moc { if [ ! -f $6 ] ; then ncecat -h $1 tmpmoc1.nc ncrename -d record,x tmpmoc1.nc ncpdq -O -h -a time,x tmpmoc1.nc tmpmoc1.nc ncpdq -O -h -a depthw,x tmpmoc1.nc tmpmoc1.nc ncpdq -O -h -a y,x tmpmoc1.nc tmpmoc1.nc cdo yearmean tmpmoc1.nc tmpmoc.nc typeset var ntime=`cdo ntime tmpmoc.nc` typeset var list="" for jt in $(seq 1 $ntime) ; do cdo seltimestep,$jt tmpmoc.nc tmpmoc2.nc cdfmaxmoc tmpmoc2.nc atl $2 $3 $4 $5 mv maxmoc.nc maxmoc_$jt.nc list=${list}" "maxmoc_$jt.nc rm -f tmpmoc2.nc done cdo cat $list $6 ncks -A -v time tmpmoc.nc $6 rm -f $list tmpmoc.nc tmpmoc1.nc fi } ############################################################################### # # # Compute the sia extent, area and volume in both hemispheres # # # # $1 : input ice file name # # $2 : output file name ( => index ) # # # # Created in April 2012 Author : vguemas@ic3.cat # ############################################################################### function siasiesiv { cp ${CON_FILES}/ice_template.nc toto_N.nc cp ${CON_FILES}/ice_template.nc toto_S.nc case ${NEMOVERSION} in 'Ec3.0_O1L46'|'Ec3.0_O25L46') for var in `cdo showvar $1 | head -1` do [[ $var = "ice_pres" || $var = "iiceconc" ]] && ncrename -v $var,ileadfra $1 done;; #'Ec3.0_O1L46'|'Ec3.0_O25L46') ncrename -v ice_pres,ileadfra $1 ;; #'Ec3.0_O1L46'|'Ec3.0_O25L46') ncrename -v iiceconc,ileadfra $1 ;; esac typeset var ntime=`cdo ntime $1` typeset var list1="" typeset var list2="" typeset var jt for jt in $(seq 1 $ntime) ; do cdo seltimestep,$jt $1 tmpice.nc cdficediags tmpice.nc>ice.txt for d in N S;do ncdump toto_${d}.nc > ice_template.cdl sia=`grep ${d}Area ice.txt |awk '{print $4}'` sie=`grep ${d}Extend ice.txt|awk '{print $4}'` siv=`grep ${d}Volume ice.txt|awk '{print $4}'` sed -e "s/sia =.*/sia = $sia ;/" ice_template.cdl > ice_template2.cdl sed -e "s/sie =.*/sie = $sie ;/" ice_template2.cdl > ice_template3.cdl sed -e "s/siv =.*/siv = $siv ;/" ice_template3.cdl > ice_template.cdl ncgen -o ice_${d}_${jt}.nc ice_template.cdl rm -f ice_template.cdl ice_template2.cdl ice_template3.cdl done list1=$list1" "ice_N_${jt}.nc list2=$list2" "ice_S_${jt}.nc rm -f ice.txt tmpice.nc icediags.nc done cdo cat $list1 ice_N_${2} cdo cat $list2 ice_S_${2} ncks -A -v time $1 ice_N_${2} ncks -A -v time $1 ice_S_${2} rm -f $list1 $list2 toto_N.nc toto_S.nc setminmax ice_N_${2} sia sie siv setminmax ice_S_${2} sia sie siv } ############################################################################### # # # Compute the total ocean heat extent # # # # $1 : input temperature file name # # $2 : output file name ( => 2D x-y ) # # $3 : basin (NAtl, NPac, TAtl, TPac, TInd, Anta, Arct, Glob) Default : Glob # # $4 = 0 if $3 = Glob # # $4 : mixed layer (1=only, 0=included, -1=without) Default : 0 # # $5 : upper level of the layer (optional) Default : top # # $6 : lower level of the layer (optional) Default : bottom # # # # Created in May 2012 Author : vguemas@ic3.cat # ############################################################################### function ohc { cp ${CON_FILES}/depth.${NEMOVERSION}.txt depth.txt # # Input arguments # if [ -z "$3" ] ; then typeset var basin='Glob' else typeset var basin=$3 fi if [ -z "$4" ] ; then typeset var mxl=0 else typeset var mxl=$4 fi if [ -z "$5" ] ; then typeset var up=1 else typeset var up=$5 fi if [ -z "$6" ] ; then typeset var down=`cat depth.txt | wc -l` else typeset var down=$6 fi if [[ ${up} -eq 1 ]] ; then typeset var depmin=0 else typeset var depmin=`cat depth.txt |head -${up} |tail -1 | awk '{print $2}' | awk '{printf "%.0f",$1}'` fi typeset var depmax=`cat depth.txt |head -${down} |tail -1 | awk '{print $2}' | awk '{printf "%.0f",$1}'` cp ${CON_FILES}/heatc_template.nc template_heatc.nc ncdump template_heatc.nc > template_heatc.cdl #exec=/home/huidu/download/CDFTOOLS_2.1/cdfheatc-cfu exec=/home/vguemas/CDFTOOLS_2.1/cdfheatc-cfu # # Define some parameters # typeset var para typeset var output typeset var nlev=`cat depth.txt | wc -l` if [[ ! -z "$depmin" && ! -z "$depmax" ]] ; then if [[ $depmin != 0 || ${down} != ${nlev} && ${down} != 0 ]] ; then output=${depmin}-${depmax}'_' fi fi case $basin in 'NAtl') para="atl $mxl 0 0 10 65"; output='NAtl_10N65N_'${output} ;; 'TAtl') para="atl $mxl 0 0 -30 30" ; output='TAtl_30S30N_'${output} ;; 'NPac') para="pac $mxl 0 0 10 70" ; output='NPac_10N70N_'${output} ;; 'TPac') para="pac $mxl 0 0 -30 30" ; output='TPac_30S30N_'${output} ;; 'Arct') para="atl $mxl 0 0 65 90" ; output='Arc_65N90N_'${output} ;; 'Anta') para="all $mxl 0 0 -90 -60" ; output='Ant_90S60S_'${output} ;; 'TInd') para="ind $mxl 0 0 -30 30" ; output='TInd_30S30N_'${output} ;; 'Glob') para="all $mxl 0 0 0 0" ;; esac case $mxl in 1) output='mxl_'${output} ;; -1) output='nonmxl_'${output} ;; esac # # Compute ohc # typeset var lstvars=`cdo showvar $1` typeset var ntime=`cdo ntime $1` typeset var list="" typeset var jt for jt in $(seq 1 $ntime) ; do cdo seltimestep,$jt $1 tmpohc.nc if [[ ${lstvars/somxl010} != ${lstvars} ]] ; then ncks -v somxl010 tmpohc.nc mxl.nc else cdfmxl tmpohc.nc mxl.nc fi $exec tmpohc.nc $para $up $down > tmp.log cat tmp.log thc=`cat tmp.log | grep "Total Heat content :" | awk '{print $5}'`; uhc=`cat tmp.log | grep "Total Heat content/volume" | awk '{print $5}'`; sed -e "s/thc =.*/thc = $thc ;/" template_heatc.cdl > template_heatc2.cdl sed -e "s/uhc =.*/uhc = $uhc ;/" template_heatc2.cdl > template_heatc.cdl ncgen -o heatc_${jt}.nc template_heatc.cdl rm -f template_heatc2.cdl tmpohc.nc mxl.nc tmp.log list=$list" "heatc_${jt}.nc done cdo cat $list ${output}$2 ncks -h -A -v time $1 ${output}$2 rm -f $list template_heatc.nc template_heatc.cdl depth.txt setminmax ${output}$2 thc uhc } ############################################################################### # # # Cut a meridional or zonal section # # # # # # $1 : input file # # $2 : input var # # $3 : Z/M (zonal / meridional section) # # $4 : lat/lon # # $5 : output file ( => 2D ) # # # # Created in September 2012 Author : vguemas@ic3.cat # # # ############################################################################### function cutsection { typeset var ntime=`cdo ntime $1` typeset var nx=`ncdump -h $1|grep 'x = '|head -1|cut -f3 -d" "` typeset var ny=`ncdump -h $1|grep 'y = '|head -1|cut -f3 -d" "` typeset var nz=`ncdump -h $1|grep 'depth'|head -1|cut -f3 -d" "` cat>section.R<max(lon)) {exactpos=exactpos-360} } # Collect the indexes defining the section listi=array(dim=switch('$3','Z'=$nx-2,'M'=$ny-1)) listj=array(dim=switch('$3','Z'=$nx-2,'M'=$ny-1)) for (jpt in 1:length(listi)) { vect=switch('$3','Z'=lat[jpt,],'M'=lon[,jpt+1]) if (min(abs(vect-exactpos))<(2*360./$nx)) { pos=sort(abs(vect-exactpos),index.return=T)\$ix[1] listi[jpt]=switch('$3','Z'=jpt+1,'M'=pos) listj[jpt]=switch('$3','Z'=pos,'M'=jpt) } } listi=listi[is.na(listi)==F] listj=listj[is.na(listj)==F] print(listi) print(listj) # Select variable at those indexes fnc1=open.ncdf('$1') varout=array(dim=c(length(listi),$nz,$ntime)) for (jt in 1:$ntime) { varin=get.var.ncdf(fnc1,'$2',start=c(1,1,1,jt),count=c($nx,$ny,$nz,1)) varin[which(mask<0.5)]=1e20 for (jpt in 1:length(listi)) { varout[jpt,,jt]=varin[listi[jpt],listj[jpt],] } } close.ncdf(fnc1) # Write the output wtime=dim.def.ncdf("time","",seq(1,$ntime),unlim=TRUE) dimout=array(dim=length(listi)) for (jpt in 1:length(listi)) { dimout[jpt]=switch('$3','Z'=lon[listi[jpt],listj[jpt]],'M'=lat[listi[jpt],listj[jpt]]) } wsec=switch('$3','Z'=dim.def.ncdf("lon","",dimout),'M'=dim.def.ncdf("lat","",dimout)) wdep=dim.def.ncdf("deptht","",depth) wvar=var.def.ncdf("$2","",list(wsec,wdep,wtime),1e20) fnc2=create.ncdf('$5',wvar) put.var.ncdf(fnc2,wvar,varout) close.ncdf(fnc2) EOF1 R CMD BATCH section.R ncks -h -A -v time $1 $5 } ############################################################################### # # # 3-dimensional conservative interpolation to the regular atmospheric grid # # # # $1 : input file # # $2 : input var # # $3 : output file ( => 3D ) # # # # Created in November 2012 Author : vguemas@ic3.cat # # # ############################################################################### function interp3d { typeset var nz=`ncdump -h $1|grep 'deptht'|head -1|cut -f3 -d" "` ln -sf /cfu/pub/scripts/interpolation/scrip_use scrip_use for lev in $(seq 1 $nz) ; do ncks -d deptht,$((lev-1)) -v $2 $1 tmp_${lev}.nc ncwa -O -h -a deptht tmp_${lev}.nc tmp_${lev}.nc ln -sf /cfu/autosubmit/con_files/weigths/${NEMOVERSION}/rmp_${NEMOVERSION}_to_*_lev${lev}.nc rmp_${NEMOVERSION}_to_regular_lev${lev}.nc cat > scrip_use_in <