s2dverification =============== s2dverification (seasonal to decadal verification) is an R framework that aids in the analysis of forecasts from the data retrieval stage, through computation of statistics and skill scores against observations, to visualisation of data and results. While some of its components are only targeted to verification of seasonal to decadal climate forecasts, it provides with tools that can be useful for verification of forecasts in any field. Find out more in the overview below, on the wiki page at or on the CRAN website at . You can also sign up to the s2dverification mailing list by sending a message with the subject 'subscribe' to if you want to keep abreast of internal discussons or latest development releases. Installation ------------ s2dverification has a system dependency, the CDO libraries, for interpolation of grid data and retrieval of metadata. Make sure you have these libraries installed in the system or download and install from . You can then install the released version of s2dverification from CRAN: install.packages("s2dverification") Or the development version from the GitLab repository: # install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_git("https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/s2dverification.git") Overview -------- The following diagram depicts the modules of s2dverification and how they interact: The [**Data retrieval**](https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/s2dverification/wikis/data_retrieval.md) module allows you to gather and homogenize NetCDF data files stored in a local or remote file system. A previous step is required, however, to set up some configuration parameters so that the module can locate the source files and recognize their format. Once the data has been loaded into an R object, [**Basic statistics**](https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/s2dverification/wikis/basic_statistics.md) can be computed, such as climatologies, trends, bias correction, smoothing, ... Either after computing basic statistics or directly from the original data, the functions in the [**Verification**](https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/s2dverification/wikis/verification.md) module allow you to compute deterministic and probabilistic scores and skill scores, such as root mean square error, time or spatial correlation or brier score. [**Visualisation**](https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/s2dverification/wikis/visualisation.md) functions are also provided to plot the results obtained from any of the modules above. Next you can see an example of usage of s2dverification spanning its four modules. ### Data retrieval library(s2dverification, lib.loc = '~/s2dverification/s2dverification.Rcheck') expA <- list(name = 'experimentA', path = file.path('/path/to/experiments/$EXP_NAME$/monthly_mean', '$VAR_NAME$/$VAR_NAME$_$START_DATE$.nc')) expB <- list(name = 'experimentB', path = file.path('/path/to/experiments/$EXP_NAME$/monthly_mean', '$VAR_NAME$/$VAR_NAME$_$START_DATE$.nc')) obsX <- list(name = 'observationX', path = file.path('/path/to/observations/$OBS_NAME$/monthly_mean', '$VAR_NAME$/$VAR_NAME$_$YEAR$$MONTH$.nc')) data <- Load('tas', list(expA, expB), list(obsX), sdates = c('19851101', '19911101', '19971101'), lonmin = 100, lonmax = 250, latmin = -10, latmax = 60, leadtimemin = 2, leadtimemax = 7, output = 'lonlat', grid = 't106grid', method = 'distance-weighted') ## * The load call you issued is: ## * Load(var = "tas", exp = list(list(name = "experimentA", ...), ## * list(name = "experimentB", ...)), obs = list(list(name = ## * "observationX", ...)), sdates = c("19851101", "19911101", ## * "19971101"), grid = "t106grid", output = "lonlat", ## * storefreq = "monthly", ...) ## * See the full call in '$load_parameters' after Load() finishes. ## * Fetching first experimental files to work out experimental array size... ## * Exploring dimensions... /path/to/experiments/experimentA/monthly_mean/tas/tas_19851101.nc ## * Success. Detected dimensions of experimental data: 2, 3, 11, 6, 63, 134 ## * Fetching first observational files to work out observational array size... ## * Exploring dimensions... /path/to/observations/observationX/monthly_mean/tas/tas_198512.nc ## * Success. Detected dimensions of observational data: 1, 3, 1, 6, 63, 134 ## * Will now proceed to read and process 24 data files: ## * /path/to/experiments/experimentA/monthly_mean/tas/tas_19851101.nc ## * /path/to/experiments/experimentA/monthly_mean/tas/tas_19911101.nc ## * /path/to/experiments/experimentA/monthly_mean/tas/tas_19971101.nc ## * /path/to/experiments/experimentB/monthly_mean/tas/tas_19851101.nc ## * /path/to/experiments/experimentB/monthly_mean/tas/tas_19911101.nc ## * /path/to/experiments/experimentB/monthly_mean/tas/tas_19971101.nc ## * /path/to/observations/observationX/monthly_mean/tas/tas_198512.nc ## * /path/to/observations/observationX/monthly_mean/tas/tas_198601.nc ## * /path/to/observations/observationX/monthly_mean/tas/tas_198602.nc ## * /path/to/observations/observationX/monthly_mean/tas/tas_198603.nc ## * /path/to/observations/observationX/monthly_mean/tas/tas_198604.nc ## * /path/to/observations/observationX/monthly_mean/tas/tas_198605.nc ## * /path/to/observations/observationX/monthly_mean/tas/tas_199112.nc ## * /path/to/observations/observationX/monthly_mean/tas/tas_199201.nc ## * /path/to/observations/observationX/monthly_mean/tas/tas_199202.nc ## * /path/to/observations/observationX/monthly_mean/tas/tas_199203.nc ## * /path/to/observations/observationX/monthly_mean/tas/tas_199204.nc ## * /path/to/observations/observationX/monthly_mean/tas/tas_199205.nc ## * /path/to/observations/observationX/monthly_mean/tas/tas_199712.nc ## * /path/to/observations/observationX/monthly_mean/tas/tas_199801.nc ## * /path/to/observations/observationX/monthly_mean/tas/tas_199802.nc ## * /path/to/observations/observationX/monthly_mean/tas/tas_199803.nc ## * /path/to/observations/observationX/monthly_mean/tas/tas_199804.nc ## * /path/to/observations/observationX/monthly_mean/tas/tas_199805.nc ## * Total size of requested data: 27959904 bytes. ## * - Experimental data: ( 2 x 11 x 3 x 6 x 63 x 134 ) x 8 bytes = 26744256 bytes. ## * - Observational data: ( 1 x 1 x 3 x 6 x 63 x 134 ) x 8 bytes = 1215648 bytes. ## * If size of requested data is close to or above the free shared RAM memory, R will crash. ## * Loading... This may take several minutes... ## * Progress: 0% + 33.33% + 33.33% + 33.33% ### Basic statistics ### Verification ### Visualisation