PlotMultiMap <- function(fun, var, ..., nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, brks = NULL, cols = NULL, drawleg = 'S', titles = NULL, subsampleg = NULL, bar_limits = NULL, triangle_ends = NULL, color_fun = clim.colors, draw_ticks = TRUE, draw_separators = FALSE, triangle_ends_scale = 1, extra_labels = NULL, units = NULL, units_scale = 1, bar_label_scale = 1, bar_tick_scale = 1, bar_extra_margin = rep(0, 4), bar_label_digits = 4, bar_scale = 1) { # Check var if (is.array(var)) { var <- list(var) } else if (is.list(var)) { if (!all(sapply(var, is.numeric) || !all(sapply(var, is.array)))) { stop("Parameter 'var' must be an array or a list of arrays.") } } else { stop("Parameter 'var' must be an array or a list of arrays.") } if (!is.function(fun)) { stop("Parameter 'fun' must be a function.") } # Check nrow if (!is.null(nrow)) { if (!is.numeric(nrow)) { stop("Parameter 'nrow' must be numeric or NULL.") } nrow <- round(nrow) } # Check ncol if (!is.null(ncol)) { if (!is.numeric(ncol)) { stop("Parameter 'ncol' must be numeric or NULL.") } ncol <- round(ncol) } # Check drawleg if (is.character(drawleg)) { if (drawleg %in% c('up', 'u', 'U', 'top', 't', 'T', 'north', 'n', 'N')) { drawleg <- 'N' } else if (drawleg %in% c('down', 'd', 'D', 'bottom', 'b', 'B', 'south', 's', 'S')) { drawleg <- 'S' } else if (drawleg %in% c('right', 'r', 'R', 'east', 'e', 'E')) { drawleg <- 'E' } else if (drawleg %in% c('left', 'l', 'L', 'west', 'w', 'W')) { drawleg <- 'W' } else { stop("Parameter 'drawleg' must be either TRUE, FALSE or a valid identifier of a position (see ?PlotMultiMap).") } } else if (!is.logical(drawleg)) { stop("Parameter 'drawleg' must be either TRUE, FALSE or a valid identifier of a position (see ?PlotMultiMap).") } # Check bar_scale if (!is.numeric(bar_scale)) { stop("Parameter 'bar_scale' must be numeric.") } # Check the rest of parameters colorbar <- ColorBar(brks, cols, FALSE, subsampleg, bar_limits, c(min(unlist(var), na.rm = TRUE), max(unlist(var), na.rm = TRUE)), triangle_ends, color_fun, plot = FALSE, draw_ticks, draw_separators, triangle_ends_scale, extra_labels, units, units_scale, bar_label_scale, bar_tick_scale, bar_extra_margin, bar_label_digits) # Check titles if (!all(sapply(titles, is.character))) { stop("Parameter 'titles' must be a vector of character strings.") } # Count the total number of maps and reorder each array of maps to have the lat and lon dimensions at the end. n_maps <- 0 nlats <- NULL nlons <- NULL map_array_i <- 1 for (map_array in var) { dimnames <- NULL if (!is.null(names(map_array))) { dimnames <- names(map_array) } else if (!is.null(attr(map_array, 'dimensions'))) { dimnames <- attr(map_array, 'dimensions') } if (!is.null(dimnames)) { if (!('lon' %in% dimnames || 'lat' %in% dimnames)) { stop("Parameter 'var' contains arrays without the dimensions 'lat' and/or 'lon'.") } lat_dim <- which(dimnames == 'lat')[1] lon_dim <- which(dimnames == 'lon')[1] map_array_nlats <- dim(map_array)[lat_dim] map_array_nlons <- dim(map_array)[lon_dim] n_maps <- n_maps + prod(dim(map_array)[-c(lat_dim, lon_dim)]) var[[map_array_i]] <- aperm(var[[map_array_i]], c((1:length(dim(map_array)))[-c(lat_dim, lon_dim)], lat_dim, lon_dim)) } else { .warning(paste0("Assuming the ", map_array_i, "th array provided in 'var' has 'lat' and 'lon' as last dimensions (right-most).")) dims <- tail(c(1, 1, dim(map_array)), 2) map_array_nlats <- dims[1] map_array_nlons <- dims[2] if (length(dim(var[[map_array_i]])) < 2) { dim(var[[map_array_i]]) <- dims } n_maps <- n_maps + prod(head(c(1, 1, dim(map_array)), length(dim(map_array)))) } if (length(dim(var[[map_array_i]])) == 2) { dim(var[[map_array_i]]) <- c(1, dim(var[[map_array_i]])) } if (is.null(nlats)) { nlats <- map_array_nlats nlons <- map_array_nlons } else if (map_array_nlons != nlons || map_array_nlats != nlats) { stop(paste0("All the provided arrays in 'var' must have the same number of latitudes and longitudes (the ", map_array_i, "th array was the first unmatching array).")) } map_array_i <- map_array_i + 1 } if (is.null(nrow) && is.null(ncol)) { ncol <- ceiling(sqrt(n_maps)) nrow <- ceiling(n_maps/ncol) } else if (is.null(ncol)) { ncol <- ceiling(n_maps/nrow) } else if (is.null(nrow)) { nrow <- ceiling(n_maps/ncol) } else if (nrow * ncol < n_maps) { stop("There are more maps in 'var' than cells defined by 'nrow' x 'ncol'.") } if (is.logical(drawleg) && drawleg) { if (nrow > ncol) { drawleg <- 'S' } else { drawleg <- 'E' } } vertical <- drawleg %in% c('E', 'W') mat_layout <- 1:(nrow * ncol) mat_layout <- matrix(mat_layout, nrow, ncol, byrow = TRUE) widths <- rep(1, ncol) heights <- rep(1, nrow) if (drawleg == 'N') { mat_layout <- rbind(rep(nrow * ncol + 1, ncol), mat_layout) heights <- c(round(bar_scale * 2 * nrow), heights * 10) } else if (drawleg == 'S') { mat_layout <- rbind(mat_layout, rep(nrow * ncol + 1, ncol)) heights <- c(heights * 10, round(bar_scale * 2 * nrow)) } else if (drawleg == 'W') { mat_layout <- cbind(rep(nrow * ncol + 1, nrow), mat_layout) widths <- c(round(bar_scale * 3 * ncol), widths * 10) } else if (drawleg == 'E') { mat_layout <- cbind(mat_layout, rep(nrow * ncol + 1, nrow)) widths <- c(widths * 10, round(bar_scale * 3 * ncol)) } layout(mat_layout, widths, heights) map_number <- 1 lapply(var, function(x) { apply(x, (1:length(dim(x)))[1:(length(dim(x)) - 2)], function(y) { fun(y, toptitle = titles[map_number], brks = colorbar$brks, cols = colorbar$cols, triangle_ends = colorbar$triangle_ends, drawleg = FALSE, ...) map_number <<- map_number + 1 }) }) if (drawleg != FALSE) { # Set as next figure the slot kept for the colorbar next_figure <- which(mat_layout == (nrow * ncol + 1), arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ] .SwitchToFigure(next_figure[1], next_figure[2]) colorbar <- ColorBar(colorbar$brks, colorbar$cols, vertical, subsampleg, bar_limits, var_limits = NULL, triangle_ends = colorbar$triangle_ends, color_fun, plot = TRUE, draw_ticks, draw_separators, triangle_ends_scale, extra_labels, units, units_scale, bar_label_scale, bar_tick_scale, bar_extra_margin, bar_label_digits) # Set as next figure the next free slot, if any #next_figure <- which(mat_layout == (((map_number - 1) %% (nrow * ncol)) + 1), # arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ] #.SwitchToFigure(next_figure[1], next_figure[2]) } }