# s2dverification 2.8.7 (Release date: 2020-) - Correct the time metadata retrieval in Load() when start date and the first lead time in netCDF file do not match. - Revise the per-paired method in Clim() when NA exists. - Correct the Corr() p-value. - Bugfix for CDO version reading. The error occurred when the CDO version number is followed by letters. - Bugfix for Ano() when obs and exp have inconsistent dimensions. # s2dverification 2.8.6 (Release date: 2019-10-17) - Apply Roxygen2 format to all the files. - Bug fix in Composite(). - Bug fix in Ano(). Recommend to assign the dimensions by name to avoid confusion when the dimensions have same length. - Trend() documentation error fix. - Introduce new function PlotMatrix(). # s2dverification 2.8.0 (Release date: 2017-02-13) - Change licence from GPL-3 to LGPL-3. - New veriApply compatible score functions (.BrierScore, .Corr, .RMS, .RMSSS, .RatioRMS, .RatioSDRMS and .Trend). - New function CDORemap to interpolate R arrays with CDO. - New function ArrayToNetCDF to save R arrays with metadata in NetCDF files. - Enhance plot_timeseries.R and plot_maps.R example scripts to work with file-per-chunk data, for auto-ecearth v3.2.1a. - Add colour-blind colour bars for the map plots. - Add warning in Load when extrapolating data. - Bug fix in ProbBins when called with cross-validation. - Enhance documentation. - Adapt UltimateBrier to SpecsVerification 0.5-0. - Enhancements to adjust size and resolution in plotting functions. - Solve PlotEquiMap bug when values equal to the lower limit. - Bug fix in Ano. - Bug fix in PlotVsLTime. - Small update in the configuration file. # s2dverification 2.7.0 (Release date: 2016-08-24) Enhanced PlotEquiMap() and PlotStereoMap() with lots of new options and fixed issues: - Colour bar with triangle ends and lots of new features. - Margins, labels, ticks, colour bar, titles now arranged properly. - Now possibile to adjust colour and border of continents, size, colour and type of contour lines, size of labels, ticks and margins, colour and width of boxes, etc. - Draw multiple superimposed dot/symbol layers. - Draw boxes in PlotStereoMap(). - PlotStereoMap() with bounding circle. - Add function PlotLayout() to automatically generate complex figure layouts and populate with plots from multi-dimensional arrays. - Fix and updated corrupted example scripts (required for new auto-ecearth releases to work). - Add function Subset() to easily take chunks of data arrays. - Fix bug in Load() under some particular configurations. - Enhance margins in PlotAno(). - Update sample data to be together with metadata as provided by Load(). - Update and fix in the BSC Load() configuration file. # s2dverification 2.6.0 (Release date: 2016-06-06) - Update configuration file. - Functions to compute variability modes and project data on EOF() and ProjectField(). - Function to compute co·variability modes: SVD(), by Javi. - Function to compute the NAO: NAO(), by Fabian, Virginie, Lauriane, Martin. - Brier score/skill score accounting for small ensemble/start date sample size: UltimateBrier(). - K-means spatial clustering: Cluster(). - Synthetic data generator: ToyModel(). - Tropical cyclone downscaling: StatSeasAtlHurr(). - Function to composite fields: Composite(). - Function to generate map animations: AnimateMap(). - Function to plot time series with box-and-whisker plots: PlotBoxWhisker(). - Possible to disable computation of confidence intervals or p-values in ACC(), Corr(), RatioRMS(), RatioSDRMS(), RMS(), RMSSS(), Spread() and Trend(). - Possible to adjust confidence level in all functions that provide confidence intervals: ACC(), Corr(), RMS(), Spread() and Trend(). - Possible to plot arrows in PlotEquiMap(). - Possible to save plots in multiple formats, to file or onscreen from all plot functions. - Objects returned by Load() are now closer to the format in downscaleR. The initial and end date of each time step is provided now. - Enhancements in Smoothing(). - Load() now stops if the tag $START_DATE$/$YEAR$+$MONTH$+$DAY$ is not in the path pattern of any of the experiments. # s2dverification 2.5.0 (Release date: 2016-01-04) - Fix bugs when using masks in Load() - Able to specify masks with paths to NetCDF files # s2dverification 2.4.7 (Release date: 2015-11-15) - Update plot_timeseries.R to new paths and to 'ncdf4'. - Improve performance when retrieving subsets of data (regions of earth or time periods). - Add possibility to use Load() without a configuration file. See details on parameters 'exp' and 'obs' in ?Load Load() now returns plenty of metadata. Highlighted: - Paths to all loaded files - Paths to not found files - Stamp with all the provided parameters to exactly reproduce any Load() call - The name of the common grid (if any), following CDO's naming conventions Other enhancements in Load(): - Enhance error handling and error messages - Add “progress bar” - Detect automatically grid of the files. No need to specify it - Detect automatically if the requested variable is 2-dimensional or global mean. No need to specify it - Possibility to load observations only, from a limited period of time only - Possibility to load NetCDF files with disordered dimensions - Remove system dependency of 's2dverification' to NCO and some GNU tools - Simplify configuration file: removed lists of variables and reduced from 5 tables to 2, one for experimental datasets and one for observational datasets. You can convert old configuration files to the new format with the script in /shared/earth/software/scripts/convertConfig.R as follows: /shared/earth/software/scripts/convertConfig.R /path/to/configfile.conf - Fix and updated the sample script plot_timeseries.R - Fix wrong entries in BSC configuration file for some ice variables. # s2dverification 2.4.0 (Release date: 2015-07-27) - Option to draw rectangles in PlotEquiMap() - Motification of Corr() to accomodate ranked correlation - Add the possibility to load the second set of HadCM3 decadal data (i3p1) - Add functions to assist in manipulating the configuration file - Improve examples that use extremely reduced experimental and observational datasets - Uniformize documentation style - Add possibility to configure dimension names to look for inside NetCDF files - Add the possibility to load ESA observations from SMHI - Fix bug that happened in some cases when a common grid is not specified # s2dverification 2.3.2 (Release date: 2015-04-23) - New CRPS() function to compute the continuous ranked probability score for ensemble forecasts. - New ProbBins() function to compute probabilistic information of a forecast relative to a threshold or a quantile. - Load() stops and warns if the masks provided are not in the correct grid. - Load() didn't apply, as expected, the same masks in observations as in experiments when possible. Now fixed. - Enhancement in Clim() documentation. - Enhancements in Load() and configuration file documentation. - HadSLP dataset is now loadable # s2dverification 2.3.1 (Release date: 2015-03-09) - Loading observations only fixed - Loading only one leadtime fixed - Loading a 2D variable when the first observation was not stored in file-per-dataset format fixed - Parameter 'ncores' changed to 'nprocs' - Improvements in configuration file mechanism and documentation # s2dverification 2.3.0 (Release date: 2015-03-02) - Configuration file mechanism to specify new dataset or variable paths, grids, etc. - New parameters in Load() to specify maximum and minimum values. - New supported dataset formats. See '?Load' in R after loadings2dverificationfor more information. - More efficient memory usage in Load() and usage of multiple parallel processes (faster). - NetCDF4 + OPeNDAP support # s2dverification 2.2.0 (Release date: 2014-12-16) - ACC provides confidence intervals obtained with bootstrap method - Function to plot ACC score - Function to plot variables on a polar stereographic projection - Possibility of loading observations only - Possibility to load more ice variables - Adjustable significance level in the Corr function - Adjustable number size in ColorBar # s2dverification 2.1.0 (Release date: 2014-01-23) - Demo scripts 'plot_timeseries.R' and 'plot_maps.R' available in the 'inst/doc' directory in thes2dverificationrepository. - Documentation on how to specify the grids and masks to the function Load() has been added to its help page, code and package manual. # s2dverification 2.0.0 (Release date: 2013-08-02) - Use of the standard R package structure. - Use of the google's R style guide. - Functions that involved RClim set of funcions have been kept apartfrom the package (AnimVsLTime, BlueRed, PlotMap, ProjMap) as well as the authors. - New functions have been added: Alpha, EnoNew, Filter, FitAcfCoef, FitAutocor, GenSeries, Spectrum. - Extended help.