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    # But more than 10 indexing iterations (parts) for each MB processed 
    # makes the iteration slower (tested empirically on BSC workstations).
    subset_size_in_mb <- prod(dim(sub_array)) * 8 / 1024 / 1024
    best_n_parts <- ceiling(subset_size_in_mb * 10)
    # We want to set n_parts to a greater value than the one that would 
    # result in a memory footprint (of the subset indexing code below) equal
    # to 2 * total data to load from all files.
    # s = subset size in MB
    # p = number of parts to break it in
    # T = total size of data to load
    # then, s / p * 30 = 2 * T
    # then, p = s * 15 / T
    min_n_parts <- ceiling(prod(dim(sub_array)) * 15 / prod(store_dims))
    # Make sure we pick n_parts much greater than the minimum calculated
    n_parts <- min_n_parts * 10
    if (n_parts > best_n_parts) {
      n_parts <- best_n_parts
    # Boundary checks
    if (n_parts < 1) {
      n_parts <- 1
    if (n_parts > max_parts) {
      n_parts <- max_parts
    if (n_parts > 1) {
      make_parts <- function(length, n) {
        clusters <- cut(1:length, n, labels = FALSE)
        lapply(1:n, function(y) which(clusters == y))
      part_indices <- make_parts(max_parts, n_parts)
      parts <- lapply(part_indices, 
                      function(x) {
    } else {
      part_indices <- list(1:max_parts)
      parts <- store_indices[largest_dim_name]
    # do the storage work
    weights <- sapply(1:length(store_dims), 
                      function(i) prod(c(1, store_dims)[1:i]))
    part_indices_in_sub_array <- as.list(rep(TRUE, length(dim(sub_array))))
    names(part_indices_in_sub_array) <- names(dim(sub_array))
    data_array <- bigmemory::attach.big.matrix(shared_matrix_pointer)
    for (i in 1:n_parts) {
      store_indices[[largest_dim_name]] <- parts[[i]]
      # Converting array indices to vector indices
      matrix_indices <-"expand.grid", store_indices)
      # Given a matrix where each row is a set of array indices of an element
      # the vector indices are computed
      matrix_indices <- 1 + colSums(t(matrix_indices - 1) * weights)
      part_indices_in_sub_array[[largest_dim_name]] <- part_indices[[i]]
      data_array[matrix_indices] <- as.vector('[',
                                                      c(list(x = sub_array), 
    if (!is.null(work_piece[['save_metadata_in']])) {
      saveRDS(metadata, file = work_piece[['save_metadata_in']])
  if (!is.null(work_piece[['progress_amount']]) && !silent) {
    message(work_piece[['progress_amount']], appendLF = FALSE)