Collect <- function(startr_exec, wait = TRUE, remove = TRUE) { if (!('startR_exec' %in% class(startr_exec))) { stop("Parameter 'startr_exec' must be an object of the class ", "'startR_exec', as returned by Collect(..., wait = FALSE).") } if (Sys.which('ecflow_client') == '') { stop("ecFlow must be installed in order to collect results from a ", "Compute() execution.") } cluster <- startr_exec[['cluster']] ecflow_server <- startr_exec[['ecflow_server']] suite_id <- startr_exec[['suite_id']] chunks <- startr_exec[['chunks']] ecflow_suite_dir <- startr_exec[['ecflow_suite_dir']] timings <- startr_exec[['timings']] if (!is.null(cluster[['temp_dir']])) { ecflow_suite_dir_suite <- paste0(ecflow_suite_dir, '/STARTR_CHUNKING_', suite_id, '/') remote_ecflow_suite_dir_suite <- paste0(cluster[['temp_dir']], '/STARTR_CHUNKING_', suite_id, '/') } find_task_name <- function(received_file) { file_name <- received_file parts <- strsplit(file_name, '__')[[1]] parts <- parts[c(2:(length(parts) - 1))] chunk_indices <- rev(sapply(parts, function(x) { as.numeric(strsplit(x, '_')[[1]][2]) })) task_pattern <- paste(paste0('*_', chunk_indices, '/'), collapse = '') task_glob <- paste0(ecflow_suite_dir_suite, '/*/*/', task_pattern) task_path <- Sys.glob(task_glob) if (length(task_path) != 1) { stop("Unexpected error while receiving results.") } task_name <- strsplit(task_path, 'computation')[[1]][2] task_name <- paste0('/STARTR_CHUNKING_', suite_id, '/computation', task_name) task_name } done <- FALSE attempt <- 1 sum_received_chunks <- 0 if (cluster[['bidirectional']]) { t_transfer_back <- NA } else { t_transfer_back <- 0 } while (!done) { failed <- FALSE if (cluster[['bidirectional']]) { Sys.sleep(min(sqrt(attempt), 5)) status <- system(paste0("ecflow_client --get_state=STARTR_CHUNKING_", suite_id, " --host=", ecflow_server[['host']], " --port=", ecflow_server[['port']]), intern = TRUE) if (any(grepl(paste0("suite STARTR_CHUNKING_", suite_id, " #.* state:complete"), status))) { done <- TRUE } else if (!wait) { stop("Computation in progress...") } } else { if (sum_received_chunks == 0) { # Accounting for the fist chunk received in ByChunks and # setting it to complete # ByChunks needs the first chunk to calculate remaining time received_files <- list.files(ecflow_suite_dir_suite) received_chunks <- received_files[grepl('Rds$', received_files)] } Sys.sleep(cluster[['polling_period']]) t_begin_transfer_back <- Sys.time() rsync_output <- tryCatch({ system(paste0("rsync -rav --ignore-missing-args '", cluster[['queue_host']], ":", remote_ecflow_suite_dir_suite, "/*.Rds ", remote_ecflow_suite_dir_suite, "/*.running ", remote_ecflow_suite_dir_suite, "/*.crashed ", remote_ecflow_suite_dir_suite, "/*.timings ", "' ", ecflow_suite_dir_suite, "/"), intern = TRUE) }, error = function(e) { message("Warning: rsync from remote server to collect results failed. ", "Retrying soon.") failed <- TRUE }) t_end_transfer_back <- Sys.time() t_transfer_back <- t_transfer_back + as.numeric(difftime(t_end_transfer_back, t_begin_transfer_back, units = 'secs')) if (!failed) { if (sum_received_chunks == 0) { rsync_output <- c(rsync_output, received_chunks) } received_running <- grepl('running$', rsync_output) for (received_chunk_index in which(received_running)) { file_name <- rsync_output[received_chunk_index] task_name <- find_task_name(file_name) system(paste0('ecflow_client --force=active recursive ', task_name, " --host=", ecflow_server[['host']], " --port=", ecflow_server[['port']])) } received_crashed <- grepl('crashed$', rsync_output) for (received_chunk_index in which(received_crashed)) { file_name <- rsync_output[received_chunk_index] task_name <- find_task_name(file_name) system(paste0('ecflow_client --force=aborted recursive ', task_name, " --host=", ecflow_server[['host']], " --port=", ecflow_server[['port']])) } received_chunks <- grepl('Rds$', rsync_output) for (received_chunk_index in which(received_chunks)) { file_name <- rsync_output[received_chunk_index] task_name <- find_task_name(file_name) system(paste0('ecflow_client --force=complete recursive ', task_name, " --host=", ecflow_server[['host']], " --port=", ecflow_server[['port']])) sum_received_chunks <- sum_received_chunks + 1 } if (sum_received_chunks == prod(unlist(chunks))) { done <- TRUE } else if (!wait) { stop("Computation in progress...") } } } attempt <- attempt + 1 } timings[['transfer_back']] <- t_transfer_back if (!is.null(cluster[['temp_dir']])) { system(paste0('ssh ', cluster[['queue_host']], ' "rm -rf ', remote_ecflow_suite_dir_suite, '"')) } if (remove) { .warning("ATTENTION: The source chunks will be removed from the ", "system. Store the result after Collect() ends if needed.") } t_begin_merge <- Sys.time() result <- startR:::.MergeChunks(ecflow_suite_dir, suite_id, remove) t_end_merge <- Sys.time() timings[['merge']] <- as.numeric(difftime(t_end_merge, t_begin_merge, units = 'secs')) received_files <- list.files(ecflow_suite_dir_suite, full.names = TRUE) received_timings_files <- received_files[grepl('timings$', received_files)] for (timings_file in received_timings_files) { times <- readRDS(timings_file) timings[['queue']] <- c(timings[['queue']], times['queue']) timings[['job_setup']] <- c(timings[['job_setup']], times['job_setup']) timings[['load']] <- c(timings[['load']], times['load']) timings[['compute']] <- c(timings[['compute']], times['compute']) } if (remove) { system(paste0("ecflow_client --delete=force yes /STARTR_CHUNKING_", suite_id, " --host=", ecflow_server[['host']], " --port=", ecflow_server[['port']])) unlink(paste0(ecflow_suite_dir_suite), recursive = TRUE) } if (attempt > 2) { t_end_total <- Sys.time() timings[['total']] <- as.numeric(difftime(t_end_total, timings[['total']], units = 'secs')) } else { # When attempt <= 2, it means all results were ready possibly from # long ago, so is not straightfowrard to work out total time. timings[['total']] <- NA } message(paste0("* Computation ended successfully.")) message(paste0("* Number of chunks: ", timings[['nchunks']])) message(paste0("* Max. number of concurrent chunks (jobs): ", timings[['concurrent_chunks']])) message(paste0("* Threads per chunk: ", timings[['nthreads']])) message(paste0("* Total time (s): ", timings[['total']])) message(paste0("* Chunking setup: ", timings[['bychunks_setup']])) message(paste0("* Data upload to cluster: ", timings[['transfer']])) message(paste0("* All chunks: ", timings[['total']] - timings[['bychunks_setup']] - timings[['transfer']] - timings[['transfer_back']] - timings[['merge']])) message(paste0("* Each chunk: ")) message(paste0("* queue: ")) message(paste0("* mean: ", mean(timings[['queue']]))) message(paste0("* min: ", min(timings[['queue']]))) message(paste0("* max: ", max(timings[['queue']]))) message(paste0("* job setup: ")) message(paste0("* mean: ", mean(timings[['job_setup']]))) message(paste0("* min: ", min(timings[['job_setup']]))) message(paste0("* max: ", max(timings[['job_setup']]))) message(paste0("* load: ")) message(paste0("* mean: ", mean(timings[['load']]))) message(paste0("* min: ", min(timings[['load']]))) message(paste0("* max: ", max(timings[['load']]))) message(paste0("* compute: ")) message(paste0("* mean: ", mean(timings[['compute']]))) message(paste0("* min: ", min(timings[['compute']]))) message(paste0("* max: ", max(timings[['compute']]))) message(paste0("* Transfer results from cluster: ", timings[['transfer_back']])) message(paste0("* Merge: ", timings[['merge']])) #system("ecflow_client --shutdown --port=5678") #system(" -p 5678") #result <- readRDS(paste0(ecflow_output_dir, '/result.Rds')) #file.remove(paste0(ecflow_output_dir, '/result.Rds')) attr(result, 'startR_compute_profiling') <- timings result }