#--------------------------------------------------------------------- # This script tells you how to load experimental and observational data in a # consistent way, facilating the following comparison. # First, we load the experimental data. Because the latitude order of observation # is opposite with experiment, and the sdate/time dimension is also different, we # use the attributes (sdate and latitude) of experimental data to define the # selectors for observation. # You can see how to use parameter '*_across', 'merge_across_dims', and #' 'split_multiselected_dims' to create the consistent dimension as experiment. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- library(startR) # exp repos_exp <- paste0('/esarchive/exp/ecearth/a1tr/cmorfiles/CMIP/EC-Earth-Consortium/', 'EC-Earth3/historical/r24i1p1f1/Amon/$var$/gr/v20190312/', '$var$_Amon_EC-Earth3_historical_r24i1p1f1_gr_$sdate$01-$sdate$12.nc') exp <- Start(dat = repos_exp, var = 'tas', sdate = as.character(c(2005:2008)), time = indices(1:3), lat = 'all', lon = 'all', synonims = list(lat = c('lat', 'latitude'), lon = c('lon', 'longitude')), return_vars = list(lon = NULL, lat = NULL, time = 'sdate'), retrieve = FALSE) # Retrieve attributes for the following observation. # Because latitude order in experiment is [-90, 90] but in observation is [90, -90], # latitude values need to be retrieved and used below. lats <- attr(exp, 'Variables')$common$lat # The 'time' attribute is dependent on 'sdate'. You can see the dimension below. dates <- attr(exp, 'Variables')$common$time # dim(dates) #sdate ftime # 4 3 #------------------------------------------- # obs # 1. For lat, use experiment attribute. For lon, it is not necessary because they have # same values. # 2. For dimension 'date', it is a vector involving the first 3 months (ftime) of the four years (sdate). # 3. Dimension 'time' is assigned by the matrix, so we can seperate 'sdate' and 'time' # using 'split_multiselected_dims' later. # 4. Because the 'time' is actually across all the files, so we need to specify # 'time_across'. Then, use 'merge_across_dims' to make dimension 'date' disappears. # At this moment, the dimension is 'time = 12'. # 5. However, we want to seperate year and month (which are 'sdate' and 'ftime' in # experimental data). So we use 'split_multiselected_dims' to split the two dimensions # of dimension 'time'. repos_obs <- '/esarchive/recon/ecmwf/erainterim/monthly_mean/$var$_f6h/$var$_$date$.nc' obs <- Start(dat = repos_obs, var = 'tas', date = unique(format(dates, '%Y%m')), time = values(dates), #dim: [sdate = 4, time = 3] lat = values(lats), lon = 'all', time_across = 'date', merge_across_dims = TRUE, split_multiselected_dims = TRUE, synonims = list(lat = c('lat', 'latitude'), lon = c('lon', 'longitude')), return_vars = list(lon = NULL, lat = NULL, time = 'date'), retrieve = FALSE) #========================== # Check attributes #========================== ##-----dimension----- print(attr(exp, 'Dimensions')) # dat var sdate time lat lon # 1 1 4 3 256 512 print(attr(obs, 'Dimensions')) # dat var sdate time lat lon # 1 1 4 3 256 512 ##-----time----- print(attr(exp, 'Variables')$common$time) # [1] "2005-01-16 13:14:44 CET" "2006-01-16 13:14:44 CET" # [3] "2007-01-16 13:14:44 CET" "2008-01-16 13:14:44 CET" # [5] "2005-02-15 01:14:44 CET" "2006-02-15 01:14:44 CET" # [7] "2007-02-15 01:14:44 CET" "2008-02-15 13:14:44 CET" # [9] "2005-03-16 13:14:44 CET" "2006-03-16 13:14:44 CET" #[11] "2007-03-16 13:14:44 CET" "2008-03-16 13:14:44 CET" print(attr(obs, 'Variables')$common$time) # [1] "2005-01-31 18:00:00 CET" "2006-01-31 18:00:00 CET" # [3] "2007-01-31 18:00:00 CET" "2008-01-31 18:00:00 CET" # [5] "2005-02-28 18:00:00 CET" "2006-02-28 18:00:00 CET" # [7] "2007-02-28 18:00:00 CET" "2008-02-29 18:00:00 CET" # [9] "2005-03-31 19:00:00 CEST" "2006-03-31 19:00:00 CEST" #[11] "2007-03-31 19:00:00 CEST" "2008-03-31 19:00:00 CEST" ##-----lat----- print(attr(exp, 'Variables')$common$lat[1:3]) #[1] -89.46282 -88.76695 -88.06697 print(attr(exp, 'Variables')$common$lat[256]) #[1] 89.46282 print(attr(obs, 'Variables')$common$lat[1:3]) #[1] -89.46282 -88.76695 -88.06697 print(attr(obs, 'Variables')$common$lat[256]) #[1] 89.46282