Start <- function(..., # dim = indices/selectors, # dim_var = 'var', # dim_reorder = Sort/CircularSort, # dim_tolerance = number, # dim_depends = 'file_dim', # dim_across = 'file_dim', return_vars = NULL, synonims = NULL, file_opener = NcOpener, file_var_reader = NcVarReader, file_dim_reader = NcDimReader, file_data_reader = NcDataReader, file_closer = NcCloser, transform = NULL, transform_params = NULL, transform_vars = NULL, transform_extra_cells = 2, apply_indices_after_transform = FALSE, pattern_dims = NULL, metadata_dims = NULL, selector_checker = SelectorChecker, merge_across_dims = FALSE, merge_across_dims_narm = FALSE, split_multiselected_dims = FALSE, path_glob_permissive = FALSE, retrieve = FALSE, num_procs = 1, silent = FALSE, debug = FALSE) { #, config_file = NULL #dictionary_dim_names = , #dictionary_var_names = dim_params <- list(...) # Take *_var parameters apart var_params_ind <- grep('_var$', names(dim_params)) var_params <- dim_params[var_params_ind] # Check all *_var are NULL or vectors of character strings, and # that they all have a matching dimension param. i <- 1 for (var_param in var_params) { if (!is.character(var_param)) { stop("All '*_var' parameters must be character strings.") } else if (!any(grepl(paste0('^', strsplit(names(var_params)[i], '_var$')[[1]][1], '$'), names(dim_params)))) { stop(paste0("All '*_var' parameters must be associated to a dimension parameter. Found parameter '", names(var_params)[i], "' but no parameter '", strsplit(names(var_params)[i], '_var$')[[1]][1], "'.")) } i <- i + 1 } # Make the keys of 'var_params' to be the name of # the corresponding dimension. if (length(var_params) < 1) { var_params <- NULL } else { names(var_params) <- gsub('_var$', '', names(var_params)) } # Take *_reorder parameters apart dim_reorder_params_ind <- grep('_reorder$', names(dim_params)) dim_reorder_params <- dim_params[dim_reorder_params_ind] # Make the keys of 'dim_reorder_params' to be the name of # the corresponding dimension. if (length(dim_reorder_params) < 1) { dim_reorder_params <- NULL } else { names(dim_reorder_params) <- gsub('_reorder$', '', names(dim_reorder_params)) } # Take *_tolerance parameters apart tolerance_params_ind <- grep('_tolerance$', names(dim_params)) tolerance_params <- dim_params[tolerance_params_ind] # Take *_depends parameters apart depends_params_ind <- grep('_depends$', names(dim_params)) depends_params <- dim_params[depends_params_ind] # Check all *_depends are NULL or vectors of character strings, and # that they all have a matching dimension param. i <- 1 for (depends_param in depends_params) { if (!is.character(depends_param) || (length(depends_param) > 1)) { stop("All '*_depends' parameters must be single character strings.") } else if (!any(grepl(paste0('^', strsplit(names(depends_params)[i], '_depends$')[[1]][1], '$'), names(dim_params)))) { stop(paste0("All '*_depends' parameters must be associated to a dimension parameter. Found parameter '", names(depends_params)[i], "' but no parameter '", strsplit(names(depends_params)[i], '_depends$')[[1]][1], "'.")) } i <- i + 1 } # Make the keys of 'depends_params' to be the name of # the corresponding dimension. if (length(depends_params) < 1) { depends_params <- NULL } else { names(depends_params) <- gsub('_depends$', '', names(depends_params)) } # Change name to depending_file_dims depending_file_dims <- depends_params # Take *_across parameters apart across_params_ind <- grep('_across$', names(dim_params)) across_params <- dim_params[across_params_ind] # Check all *_across are NULL or vectors of character strings, and # that they all have a matching dimension param. i <- 1 for (across_param in across_params) { if (!is.character(across_param) || (length(across_param) > 1)) { stop("All '*_across' parameters must be single character strings.") } else if (!any(grepl(paste0('^', strsplit(names(across_params)[i], '_across$')[[1]][1], '$'), names(dim_params)))) { stop(paste0("All '*_across' parameters must be associated to a dimension parameter. Found parameter '", names(across_params)[i], "' but no parameter '", strsplit(names(across_params)[i], '_across$')[[1]][1], "'.")) } i <- i + 1 } # Make the keys of 'across_params' to be the name of # the corresponding dimension. if (length(across_params) < 1) { across_params <- NULL } else { names(across_params) <- gsub('_across$', '', names(across_params)) } # Change name to inner_dims_across_files inner_dims_across_files <- across_params # Check merge_across_dims if (!is.logical(merge_across_dims)) { stop("Parameter 'merge_across_dims' must be TRUE or FALSE.") } # Check merge_across_dims_narm if (!is.logical(merge_across_dims_narm)) { stop("Parameter 'merge_across_dims_narm' must be TRUE or FALSE.") } if (!merge_across_dims & merge_across_dims_narm) { merge_across_dims_narm <- FALSE warning(paste0("Parameter 'merge_across_dims_narm' can only be TRUE when ", "'merge_across_dims' is TRUE. Set 'merge_across_dims_narm'", " to FALSE.")) } # Leave alone the dimension parameters in the variable dim_params if (length(c(var_params_ind, dim_reorder_params_ind, tolerance_params_ind, depends_params_ind, across_params_ind)) > 0) { dim_params <- dim_params[-c(var_params_ind, dim_reorder_params_ind, tolerance_params_ind, depends_params_ind, across_params_ind)] # Reallocating pairs of across file and inner dimensions if they have # to be merged. They are put one next to the other to ease merge later. if (merge_across_dims) { for (inner_dim_across in names(inner_dims_across_files)) { inner_dim_pos <- which(names(dim_params) == inner_dim_across) file_dim_pos <- which(names(dim_params) == inner_dims_across_files[[inner_dim_across]]) new_pos <- inner_dim_pos if (file_dim_pos < inner_dim_pos) { new_pos <- new_pos - 1 } dim_params_to_move <- dim_params[c(inner_dim_pos, file_dim_pos)] dim_params <- dim_params[-c(inner_dim_pos, file_dim_pos)] new_dim_params <- list() if (new_pos > 1) { new_dim_params <- c(new_dim_params, dim_params[1:(new_pos - 1)]) } new_dim_params <- c(new_dim_params, dim_params_to_move) if (length(dim_params) >= new_pos) { new_dim_params <- c(new_dim_params, dim_params[new_pos:length(dim_params)]) } dim_params <- new_dim_params } } } dim_names <- names(dim_params) if (is.null(dim_names)) { stop("At least one pattern dim must be specified.") } # Look for chunked dims chunks <- vector('list', length(dim_names)) names(chunks) <- dim_names for (dim_name in dim_names) { if (!is.null(attr(dim_params[[dim_name]], 'chunk'))) { chunks[[dim_name]] <- attr(dim_params[[dim_name]], 'chunk') attributes(dim_params[[dim_name]]) <- attributes(dim_params[[dim_name]])[-which(names(attributes(dim_params[[dim_name]])) == 'chunk')] } else { chunks[[dim_name]] <- c(chunk = 1, n_chunks = 1) } } # This is a helper function to compute the chunk indices to take once the total # number of indices for a dimension has been discovered. chunk_indices <- function(n_indices, chunk, n_chunks, dim_name) { if (n_chunks > n_indices) { stop("Requested to divide dimension '", dim_name, "' of length ", n_indices, " in ", n_chunks, " chunks, which is not possible.") } chunk_sizes <- rep(floor(n_indices / n_chunks), n_chunks) chunks_to_extend <- n_indices - chunk_sizes[1] * n_chunks if (chunks_to_extend > 0) { chunk_sizes[1:chunks_to_extend] <- chunk_sizes[1:chunks_to_extend] + 1 } chunk_size <- chunk_sizes[chunk] offset <- 0 if (chunk > 1) { offset <- sum(chunk_sizes[1:(chunk - 1)]) } indices <- 1:chunk_sizes[chunk] + offset array(indices, dim = setNames(length(indices), dim_name)) } # Check pattern_dims if (is.null(pattern_dims)) { .warning(paste0("Parameter 'pattern_dims' not specified. Taking the first dimension, '", dim_names[1], "' as 'pattern_dims'.")) pattern_dims <- dim_names[1] } else if (is.character(pattern_dims) && (length(pattern_dims) > 0)) { pattern_dims <- unique(pattern_dims) } else { stop("Parameter 'pattern_dims' must be a vector of character strings.") } if (any(names(var_params) %in% pattern_dims)) { stop("'*_var' parameters specified for pattern dimensions. Remove or fix them.") } # Find the pattern dimension with the pattern specifications found_pattern_dim <- NULL for (pattern_dim in pattern_dims) { # Check all specifications in pattern_dim are valid dat <- datasets <- dim_params[[pattern_dim]] if (is.null(dat) || !(is.character(dat) && all(nchar(dat) > 0)) && !is.list(dat)) { stop(paste0("Parameter '", pattern_dim, "' must be a list of lists with pattern specifications or a vector of character strings.")) } if (!is.null(dim_reorder_params[[pattern_dim]])) { .warning(paste0("A reorder for the selectors of '", pattern_dim, "' has been specified, but it is a pattern dimension and the reorder will be ignored.")) } if (is.list(dat) || any(sapply(dat, is.list))) { if (is.null(found_pattern_dim)) { found_pattern_dim <- pattern_dim } else { stop("Found more than one pattern dim with pattern specifications (list of lists). One and only one pattern dim must contain pattern specifications.") } } } if (is.null(found_pattern_dim)) { .warning(paste0("Could not find any pattern dim with explicit data set descriptions (in the form of list of lists). Taking the first pattern dim, '", pattern_dims[1], "', as dimension with pattern specifications.")) found_pattern_dim <- pattern_dims[1] } # Check all *_reorder are NULL or functions, and that they all have # a matching dimension param. i <- 1 for (dim_reorder_param in dim_reorder_params) { if (!is.function(dim_reorder_param)) { stop("All '*_reorder' parameters must be functions.") } else if (!any(grepl(paste0('^', strsplit(names(dim_reorder_params)[i], '_reorder$')[[1]][1], '$'), names(dim_params)))) { stop(paste0("All '*_reorder' parameters must be associated to a dimension parameter. Found parameter '", names(dim_reorder_params)[i], "' but no parameter '", strsplit(names(dim_reorder_params)[i], '_reorder$')[[1]][1], "'.")) #} else if (!any(grepl(paste0('^', strsplit(names(dim_reorder_params)[i], # '_reorder$')[[1]][1], '$'), # names(var_params)))) { # stop(paste0("All '*_reorder' parameters must be associated to a dimension parameter associated to a ", # "variable. Found parameter '", names(dim_reorder_params)[i], "' and dimension parameter '", # strsplit(names(dim_reorder_params)[i], '_reorder$')[[1]][1], "' but did not find variable ", # "parameter '", strsplit(names(dim_reorder_params)[i], '_reorder$')[[1]][1], "_var'.")) } i <- i + 1 } # Check all *_tolerance are NULL or vectors of character strings, and # that they all have a matching dimension param. i <- 1 for (tolerance_param in tolerance_params) { if (!any(grepl(paste0('^', strsplit(names(tolerance_params)[i], '_tolerance$')[[1]][1], '$'), names(dim_params)))) { stop(paste0("All '*_tolerance' parameters must be associated to a dimension parameter. Found parameter '", names(tolerance_params)[i], "' but no parameter '", strsplit(names(tolerance_params)[i], '_tolerance$')[[1]][1], "'.")) #} else if (!any(grepl(paste0('^', strsplit(names(tolerance_params)[i], # '_tolerance$')[[1]][1], '$'), # names(var_params)))) { # stop(paste0("All '*_tolerance' parameters must be associated to a dimension parameter associated to a ", # "variable. Found parameter '", names(tolerance_params)[i], "' and dimension parameter '", # strsplit(names(tolerance_params)[i], '_tolerance$')[[1]][1], "' but did not find variable ", # "parameter '", strsplit(names(tolerance_params)[i], '_tolerance$')[[1]][1], "_var'.")) } i <- i + 1 } # Make the keys of 'tolerance_params' to be the name of # the corresponding dimension. if (length(tolerance_params) < 1) { tolerance_params <- NULL } else { names(tolerance_params) <- gsub('_tolerance$', '', names(tolerance_params)) } # Check metadata_dims if (!is.null(metadata_dims)) { if ( { metadata_dims <- NULL } else if (!is.character(metadata_dims) || (length(metadata_dims) < 1)) { stop("Parameter 'metadata' dims must be a vector of at least one character string.") } } else { metadata_dims <- pattern_dims } # Once the pattern dimension with dataset specifications is found, # the variable 'dat' is mounted with the information of each # dataset. # Take only the datasets for the requested chunk dats_to_take <- chunk_indices(length(dim_params[[found_pattern_dim]]), chunks[[found_pattern_dim]]['chunk'], chunks[[found_pattern_dim]]['n_chunks'], found_pattern_dim) dim_params[[found_pattern_dim]] <- dim_params[[found_pattern_dim]][dats_to_take] dat <- datasets <- dim_params[[found_pattern_dim]] dat_info_names <- c('name', 'path')#, 'nc_var_name', 'suffix', 'var_min', 'var_max', 'dimnames') dat_to_fetch <- c() dat_names <- c() if (!is.list(dat)) { dat <- as.list(dat) } else { if (!any(sapply(dat, is.list))) { dat <- list(dat) } } for (i in 1:length(dat)) { if (is.character(dat[[i]]) && length(dat[[i]]) == 1 && nchar(dat[[i]]) > 0) { if (grepl('^(\\./|\\.\\./|/.*/|~/)', dat[[i]])) { dat[[i]] <- list(path = dat[[i]]) } else { dat[[i]] <- list(name = dat[[i]]) } } else if (!is.list(dat[[i]])) { stop(paste0("Parameter '", pattern_dim, "' is incorrect. It must be a list of lists or character strings.")) } #if (!(all(names(dat[[i]]) %in% dat_info_names))) { # stop("Error: parameter 'dat' is incorrect. There are unrecognized components in the information of some of the datasets. Check 'dat' in ?Load for details.") #} if (!('name' %in% names(dat[[i]]))) { dat[[i]][['name']] <- paste0('dat', i) if (!('path' %in% names(dat[[i]]))) { stop(paste0("Parameter '", found_pattern_dim, "' is incorrect. A 'path' should be provided for each dataset if no 'name' is provided.")) } } else if (!('path' %in% names(dat[[i]]))) { dat_to_fetch <- c(dat_to_fetch, i) } #if ('path' %in% names(dat[[i]])) { # if (!('nc_var_name' %in% names(dat[[i]]))) { # dat[[i]][['nc_var_name']] <- '$var_name$' # } # if (!('suffix' %in% names(dat[[i]]))) { # dat[[i]][['suffix']] <- '' # } # if (!('var_min' %in% names(dat[[i]]))) { # dat[[i]][['var_min']] <- '' # } # if (!('var_max' %in% names(dat[[i]]))) { # dat[[i]][['var_max']] <- '' # } #} dat_names <- c(dat_names, dat[[i]][['name']]) } if ((length(dat_to_fetch) > 0) && (length(dat_to_fetch) < length(dat))) { .warning("'path' has been provided for some datasets. Any information in the configuration file related to these will be ignored.") } if (length(dat_to_fetch) > 0) { stop("Specified only the name for some data sets, but not the path ", "pattern. This option has not been yet implemented.") } # Reorder inner_dims_across_files (to make the keys be the file dimensions, # and the values to be the inner dimensions that go across it). if (!is.null(inner_dims_across_files)) { # Reorder: example, convert list(ftime = 'chunk', ensemble = 'member', xx = 'chunk') # to list(chunk = c('ftime', 'xx'), member = 'ensemble') new_idaf <- list() for (i in names(inner_dims_across_files)) { if (!(inner_dims_across_files[[i]] %in% names(new_idaf))) { new_idaf[[inner_dims_across_files[[i]]]] <- i } else { new_idaf[[inner_dims_across_files[[i]]]] <- c(new_idaf[[inner_dims_across_files[[i]]]], i) } } inner_dims_across_files <- new_idaf } # Check return_vars if (is.null(return_vars)) { return_vars <- list() # if (length(var_params) > 0) { # return_vars <- as.list(paste0(names(var_params), '_var')) # } else { # return_vars <- list() # } } if (!is.list(return_vars)) { stop("Parameter 'return_vars' must be a list or NULL.") } if (length(return_vars) > 0 && is.null(names(return_vars))) { # names(return_vars) <- rep('', length(return_vars)) stop("Parameter 'return_vars' must be a named list.") } i <- 1 while (i <= length(return_vars)) { # if (names(return_vars)[i] == '') { # if (!(is.character(return_vars[[i]]) && (length(return_vars[[i]]) == 1))) { # stop("The ", i, "th specification in 'return_vars' is malformed.") # } # if (!grepl('_var$', return_vars[[i]])) { # stop("The ", i, "th specification in 'return_vars' is malformed.") # } # dim_name <- strsplit(return_vars[[i]], '_var$')[[1]][1] # if (!(dim_name %in% names(var_params))) { # stop("'", dim_name, "_var' requested in 'return_vars' but ", # "no '", dim_name, "_var' specified in the .Load call.") # } # names(return_vars)[i] <- var_params[[dim_name]] # return_vars[[i]] <- found_pattern_dim # } else if (length(return_vars[[i]]) > 0) { if (!is.character(return_vars[[i]])) { stop("The ", i, "th specification in 'return_vars' is malformed. It ", "must be a vector of character strings of valid file dimension ", "names.") } } i <- i + 1 } # Check synonims if (!is.null(synonims)) { error <- FALSE if (!is.list(synonims)) { error <- TRUE } for (synonim_entry in names(synonims)) { if (!(synonim_entry %in% names(dim_params)) && !(synonim_entry %in% names(return_vars))) { error <- TRUE } if (!is.character(synonims[[synonim_entry]]) || length(synonims[[synonim_entry]]) < 1) { error <- TRUE } } if (error) { stop("Parameter 'synonims' must be a named list, where the names are ", "a name of a requested dimension or variable and the values are ", "vectors of character strings with at least one alternative name ", " for each dimension or variable in 'synonims'.") } } if (length(unique(names(synonims))) < length(names(synonims))) { stop("There must not be repeated entries in 'synonims'.") } if (length(unique(unlist(synonims))) < length(unlist(synonims))) { stop("There must not be repeated values in 'synonims'.") } # Make that all dims and vars have an entry in synonims, even if only dim_name = dim_name dim_entries_to_add <- which(!(names(dim_params) %in% names(synonims))) if (length(dim_entries_to_add) > 0) { synonims[names(dim_params)[dim_entries_to_add]] <- as.list(names(dim_params)[dim_entries_to_add]) } var_entries_to_add <- which(!(names(var_params) %in% names(synonims))) if (length(var_entries_to_add) > 0) { synonims[names(var_params)[var_entries_to_add]] <- as.list(names(var_params)[var_entries_to_add]) } # Check selector_checker if (is.null(selector_checker) || !is.function(selector_checker)) { stop("Parameter 'selector_checker' must be a function.") } # Check file_opener if (is.null(file_opener) || !is.function(file_opener)) { stop("Parameter 'file_opener' must be a function.") } # Check file_var_reader if (!is.null(file_var_reader) && !is.function(file_var_reader)) { stop("Parameter 'file_var_reader' must be a function.") } # Check file_dim_reader if (!is.null(file_dim_reader) && !is.function(file_dim_reader)) { stop("Parameter 'file_dim_reader' must be a function.") } # Check file_data_reader if (is.null(file_data_reader) || !is.function(file_data_reader)) { stop("Parameter 'file_data_reader' must be a function.") } # Check file_closer if (is.null(file_closer) || !is.function(file_closer)) { stop("Parameter 'file_closer' must be a function.") } # Check transform if (!is.null(transform)) { if (!is.function(transform)) { stop("Parameter 'transform' must be a function.") } } # Check transform_params if (!is.null(transform_params)) { if (!is.list(transform_params)) { stop("Parameter 'transform_params' must be a list.") } if (is.null(names(transform_params))) { stop("Parameter 'transform_params' must be a named list.") } } # Check transform_vars if (!is.null(transform_vars)) { if (!is.character(transform_vars)) { stop("Parameter 'transform_vars' must be a vector of character strings.") } } if (any(!(transform_vars %in% names(return_vars)))) { stop("All the variables specified in 'transform_vars' must also be specified in 'return_vars'.") } # Check apply_indices_after_transform if (!is.logical(apply_indices_after_transform)) { stop("Parameter 'apply_indices_after_transform' must be either TRUE or FALSE.") } aiat <- apply_indices_after_transform # Check transform_extra_cells if (!is.numeric(transform_extra_cells)) { stop("Parameter 'transform_extra_cells' must be numeric.") } transform_extra_cells <- round(transform_extra_cells) # Check split_multiselected_dims if (!is.logical(split_multiselected_dims)) { stop("Parameter 'split_multiselected_dims' must be TRUE or FALSE.") } # Check path_glob_permissive if (!is.numeric(path_glob_permissive) && !is.logical(path_glob_permissive)) { stop("Parameter 'path_glob_permissive' must be TRUE, FALSE or an integer.") } if (length(path_glob_permissive) != 1) { stop("Parameter 'path_glob_permissive' must be of length 1.") } # Check retrieve if (!is.logical(retrieve)) { stop("Parameter 'retrieve' must be TRUE or FALSE.") } # Check num_procs if (!is.null(num_procs)) { if (!is.numeric(num_procs)) { stop("Parameter 'num_procs' must be numeric.") } else { num_procs <- round(num_procs) } } # Check silent if (!is.logical(silent)) { stop("Parameter 'silent' must be logical.") } dim_params[[found_pattern_dim]] <- dat_names if (!silent) { .message(paste0("Exploring files... This will take a variable amount ", "of time depending on the issued request and the ", "performance of the file server...")) } if (!is.character(debug)) { dims_to_check <- c('time') } else { dims_to_check <- debug debug <- TRUE } ############################## READING FILE DIMS ############################ # Check that no unrecognized variables are present in the path patterns # and also that no file dimensions are requested to THREDDs catalogs. # And in the mean time, build all the work pieces and look for the # first available file of each dataset. array_of_files_to_load <- NULL array_of_not_found_files <- NULL indices_of_first_files_with_data <- vector('list', length(dat)) selectors_of_first_files_with_data <- vector('list', length(dat)) dataset_has_files <- rep(FALSE, length(dat)) found_file_dims <- vector('list', length(dat)) expected_inner_dims <- vector('list', length(dat)) #print("A") for (i in 1:length(dat)) { #print("B") dat_selectors <- dim_params dat_selectors[[found_pattern_dim]] <- dat_selectors[[found_pattern_dim]][i] dim_vars <- paste0('$', dim_names, '$') file_dims <- which(sapply(dim_vars, grepl, dat[[i]][['path']], fixed = TRUE)) if (length(file_dims) > 0) { file_dims <- dim_names[file_dims] } file_dims <- unique(c(pattern_dims, file_dims)) found_file_dims[[i]] <- file_dims expected_inner_dims[[i]] <- dim_names[which(!(dim_names %in% file_dims))] # (Check the depending_file_dims). if (any(c(names(depending_file_dims), unlist(depending_file_dims)) %in% expected_inner_dims[[i]])) { stop(paste0("The dimension dependancies specified in ", "'depending_file_dims' can only be between file ", "dimensions, but some inner dimensions found in ", "dependancies for '", dat[[i]][['name']], "', which ", "has the following file dimensions: ", paste(paste0("'", file_dims, "'"), collapse = ', '), ".")) } else { a <- names(depending_file_dims) %in% file_dims b <- unlist(depending_file_dims) %in% file_dims ab <- a & b if (any(!ab)) { .warning(paste0("Detected some dependancies in 'depending_file_dims' with ", "non-existing dimension names. These will be disregarded.")) depending_file_dims <- depending_file_dims[-which(!ab)] } if (any(names(depending_file_dims) == unlist(depending_file_dims))) { depending_file_dims <- depending_file_dims[-which(names(depending_file_dims) == unlist(depending_file_dims))] } } # (Check the inner_dims_across_files). if (any(!(names(inner_dims_across_files) %in% file_dims)) || any(!(unlist(inner_dims_across_files) %in% expected_inner_dims[[i]]))) { stop(paste0("All relationships specified in ", "'_across' parameters must be between a inner ", "dimension and a file dimension. Found wrong ", "specification for '", dat[[i]][['name']], "', which ", "has the following file dimensions: ", paste(paste0("'", file_dims, "'"), collapse = ', '), ", and the following inner dimensions: ", paste(paste0("'", expected_inner_dims[[i]], "'"), collapse = ', '), ".")) } # (Check the return_vars). j <- 1 while (j <= length(return_vars)) { if (any(!(return_vars[[j]] %in% file_dims))) { if (any(return_vars[[j]] %in% expected_inner_dims[[i]])) { stop("Found variables in 'return_vars' requested ", "for some inner dimensions (for dataset '", dat[[i]][['name']], "'), but variables can only be ", "requested for file dimensions.") } else { stop("Found variables in 'return_vars' requested ", "for non-existing dimensions.") } } j <- j + 1 } # (Check the metadata_dims). if (!is.null(metadata_dims)) { if (any(!(metadata_dims %in% file_dims))) { stop("All dimensions in 'metadata_dims' must be file dimensions.") } } ## Look for _var params that should be requested automatically. for (dim_name in dim_names) { if (!(dim_name %in% pattern_dims)) { if (is.null(attr(dat_selectors[[dim_name]], 'values')) || is.null(attr(dat_selectors[[dim_name]], 'indices'))) { flag <- ((dat_selectors[[dim_name]] %in% c('all', 'first', 'last')) || (is.numeric(unlist(dat_selectors[[dim_name]])))) attr(dat_selectors[[dim_name]], 'values') <- !flag attr(dat_selectors[[dim_name]], 'indices') <- flag } ## The following code 'rewrites' var_params for all datasets. If providing different ## path pattern repositories with different file/inner dimensions, var_params might ## have to be handled for each dataset separately. if ((attr(dat_selectors[[dim_name]], 'values') || (dim_name %in% c('var', 'variable'))) && !(dim_name %in% names(var_params)) && !(dim_name %in% file_dims)) { if (dim_name %in% c('var', 'variable')) { var_params <- c(var_params, setNames(list('var_names'), dim_name)) .warning(paste0("Found specified values for dimension '", dim_name, "' but no '", dim_name, "_var' requested. ", '"', dim_name, "_var = '", 'var_names', "'", '"', " has been automatically added to ", "the Start call.")) } else { var_params <- c(var_params, setNames(list(dim_name), dim_name)) .warning(paste0("Found specified values for dimension '", dim_name, "' but no '", dim_name, "_var' requested. ", '"', dim_name, "_var = '", dim_name, "'", '"', " has been automatically added to ", "the Start call.")) } } } } ## (Check the *_var parameters). if (any(!(unlist(var_params) %in% names(return_vars)))) { vars_to_add <- which(!(unlist(var_params) %in% names(return_vars))) new_return_vars <- vector('list', length(vars_to_add)) names(new_return_vars) <- unlist(var_params)[vars_to_add] return_vars <- c(return_vars, new_return_vars) .warning(paste0("All '*_var' params must associate a dimension to one of the ", "requested variables in 'return_vars'. The following variables", " have been added to 'return_vars': ", paste(paste0("'", unlist(var_params), "'"), collapse = ', '))) } replace_values <- vector('list', length = length(file_dims)) names(replace_values) <- file_dims # Take the first selector for all possible file dimensions for (file_dim in file_dims) { if (file_dim %in% names(var_params)) { .warning(paste0("The '", file_dim, "_var' param will be ignored since '", file_dim, "' is a file dimension (for the dataset with pattern ", dat[[i]][['path']], ").")) } if (!is.list(dat_selectors[[file_dim]]) || (is.list(dat_selectors[[file_dim]]) && length(dat_selectors[[file_dim]]) == 2 && is.null(names(dat_selectors[[file_dim]])))) { dat_selectors[[file_dim]] <- list(dat_selectors[[file_dim]]) } first_class <- class(dat_selectors[[file_dim]][[1]]) first_length <- length(dat_selectors[[file_dim]][[1]]) for (j in 1:length(dat_selectors[[file_dim]])) { sv <- selector_vector <- dat_selectors[[file_dim]][[j]] if (!identical(first_class, class(sv)) || !identical(first_length, length(sv))) { stop("All provided selectors for depending dimensions must ", "be vectors of the same length and of the same class.") } if (is.character(sv) && !((length(sv) == 1) && (sv[1] %in% c('all', 'first', 'last')))) { dat_selectors[[file_dim]][[j]] <- selector_checker(selectors = sv, return_indices = FALSE) # Take chunk if needed dat_selectors[[file_dim]][[j]] <- dat_selectors[[file_dim]][[j]][chunk_indices(length(dat_selectors[[file_dim]][[j]]), chunks[[file_dim]]['chunk'], chunks[[file_dim]]['n_chunks'], file_dim)] } else if (!(is.numeric(sv) || (is.character(sv) && (length(sv) == 1) && (sv %in% c('all', 'first', 'last'))) || (is.list(sv) && (length(sv) == 2) && (all(sapply(sv, is.character)) || all(sapply(sv, is.numeric)))))) { stop("All explicitly provided selectors for file dimensions must be character strings.") } } sv <- dat_selectors[[file_dim]][[1]] if (is.character(sv) && !((length(sv) == 1) && (sv[1] %in% c('all', 'first', 'last')))) { replace_values[[file_dim]] <- dat_selectors[[file_dim]][[1]][1] } } #print("C") # Now we know which dimensions whose selectors are provided non-explicitly. undefined_file_dims <- file_dims[which(sapply(replace_values, is.null))] defined_file_dims <- file_dims[which(!(file_dims %in% undefined_file_dims))] # Quickly check if the depending dimensions are provided properly. for (file_dim in file_dims) { if (file_dim %in% names(depending_file_dims)) { ## TODO: Detect multi-dependancies and forbid. if (all(c(file_dim, depending_file_dims[[file_dim]]) %in% defined_file_dims)) { if (length(dat_selectors[[file_dim]]) != length(dat_selectors[[depending_file_dims[[file_dim]]]][[1]])) { stop(paste0("If providing selectors for the depending ", "dimension '", file_dim, "', a ", "vector of selectors must be provided for ", "each selector of the dimension it depends on, '", depending_file_dims[[file_dim]], "'.")) } else if (!all(names(dat_selectors[[file_dim]]) == dat_selectors[[depending_file_dims[[file_dim]]]][[1]])) { stop(paste0("If providing selectors for the depending ", "dimension '", file_dim, "', the name of the ", "provided vectors of selectors must match ", "exactly the selectors of the dimension it ", "depends on, '", depending_file_dims[[file_dim]], "'.")) } } } } # Find the possible values for the selectors that are provided as # indices. If the requested file is on server, impossible operation. if (length(grep("^http", dat[[i]][['path']])) > 0) { if (length(undefined_file_dims) > 0) { stop(paste0("All selectors for the file dimensions must be ", "character strings if requesting data to a remote ", "server. Found invalid selectors for the file dimensions ", paste(paste0("'", undefined_file_dims, "'"), collapse = ', '), ".")) } dataset_has_files[i] <- TRUE } else { dat[[i]][['path']] <- path.expand(dat[[i]][['path']]) # Iterate over the known dimensions to find the first existing file. # The path to the first existing file will be used to find the # values for the non explicitly defined selectors. first_file <- NULL first_file_selectors <- NULL if (length(undefined_file_dims) > 0) { replace_values[undefined_file_dims] <- '*' } ## TODO: What if length of defined_file_dims is 0? code might crash (in practice it worked for an example case) files_to_check <- sapply(dat_selectors[defined_file_dims], function(x) length(x[[1]])) sub_array_of_files_to_check <- array(1:prod(files_to_check), dim = files_to_check) j <- 1 #print("D") while (j <= prod(files_to_check) && is.null(first_file)) { selector_indices <- which(sub_array_of_files_to_check == j, arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ] selectors <- sapply(1:length(defined_file_dims), function (x) { vector_to_pick <- 1 if (defined_file_dims[x] %in% names(depending_file_dims)) { vector_to_pick <- selector_indices[which(defined_file_dims == depending_file_dims[[defined_file_dims[x]]])] } dat_selectors[defined_file_dims][[x]][[vector_to_pick]][selector_indices[x]] }) replace_values[defined_file_dims] <- selectors file_path <- .ReplaceVariablesInString(dat[[i]][['path']], replace_values) file_path <- Sys.glob(file_path) if (length(file_path) > 0) { first_file <- file_path[1] first_file_selectors <- selectors } j <- j + 1 } #print("E") # Start looking for values for the non-explicitly defined selectors. if (is.null(first_file)) { .warning(paste0("No found files for the datset '", dat[[i]][['name']], "'. Provide existing selectors for the file dimensions ", " or check and correct its path pattern: ", dat[[i]][['path']])) } else { dataset_has_files[i] <- TRUE ## TODO: Improve message here if no variable found: if (length(undefined_file_dims) > 0) { # Looking for the first values, parsed from first_file. first_values <- vector('list', length = length(undefined_file_dims)) names(first_values) <- undefined_file_dims found_values <- 0 stop <- FALSE try_dim <- 1 last_success <- 1 while ((found_values < length(undefined_file_dims)) && !stop) { u_file_dim <- undefined_file_dims[try_dim] if (is.null(first_values[[u_file_dim]])) { path_with_globs_and_tag <- .ReplaceVariablesInString(dat[[i]][['path']], replace_values[-which(file_dims == u_file_dim)], allow_undefined_key_vars = TRUE) found_value <- .FindTagValue(path_with_globs_and_tag, first_file, u_file_dim) if (!is.null(found_value)) { found_values <- found_values + 1 last_success <- try_dim first_values[[u_file_dim]] <- found_value replace_values[[u_file_dim]] <- found_value } } try_dim <- (try_dim %% length(undefined_file_dims)) + 1 if (try_dim == last_success) { stop <- TRUE } } if (found_values < length(undefined_file_dims)) { stop(paste0("Path pattern of dataset '", dat[[i]][['name']], "' is too complex. Could not automatically ", "detect values for all non-explicitly defined ", "indices. Check its pattern: ", dat[[i]][['path']])) } ## TODO: Replace ReplaceGlobExpressions by looped call to FindTagValue? As done above ## Maybe it can solve more cases actually. I got warnings in ReplGlobExp with a typical ## cmor case, requesting all members and chunks for fixed var and sdate. Not fixing ## sdate raised 'too complex' error. # Replace shell globs in path pattern and keep the file_dims as tags dat[[i]][['path']] <- .ReplaceGlobExpressions(dat[[i]][['path']], first_file, replace_values, file_dims, dat[[i]][['name']], path_glob_permissive) # Now time to look for the available values for the non # explicitly defined selectors for the file dimensions. #print("H") # Check first the ones that do not depend on others. ufd <- c(undefined_file_dims[which(!(undefined_file_dims %in% names(depending_file_dims)))], undefined_file_dims[which(undefined_file_dims %in% names(depending_file_dims))]) for (u_file_dim in ufd) { replace_values[undefined_file_dims] <- first_values replace_values[[u_file_dim]] <- '*' depended_dim <- NULL depended_dim_values <- NA selectors <- dat_selectors[[u_file_dim]][[1]] if (u_file_dim %in% names(depending_file_dims)) { depended_dim <- depending_file_dims[[u_file_dim]] depended_dim_values <- dat_selectors[[depended_dim]][[1]] dat_selectors[[u_file_dim]] <- vector('list', length = length(depended_dim_values)) names(dat_selectors[[u_file_dim]]) <- depended_dim_values } else { dat_selectors[[u_file_dim]] <- list() } if (u_file_dim %in% unlist(depending_file_dims)) { depending_dims <- names(depending_file_dims)[which(sapply(depending_file_dims, function(x) u_file_dim %in% x))] replace_values[depending_dims] <- rep('*', length(depending_dims)) } for (j in 1:length(depended_dim_values)) { parsed_values <- c() if (!is.null(depended_dim)) { replace_values[[depended_dim]] <- depended_dim_values[j] } path_with_globs <- .ReplaceVariablesInString(dat[[i]][['path']], replace_values) found_files <- Sys.glob(path_with_globs) ## TODO: Enhance this error message, or change by warning. ## Raises if a wrong sdate is specified, for example. if (length(found_files) == 0) { .warning(paste0("Could not find files for any '", u_file_dim, "' for '", depended_dim, "' = '", depended_dim_values[j], "'.")) dat_selectors[[u_file_dim]][[j]] <- NA } else { for (found_file in found_files) { path_with_globs_and_tag <- .ReplaceVariablesInString(dat[[i]][['path']], replace_values[-which(file_dims == u_file_dim)], allow_undefined_key_vars = TRUE) parsed_values <- c(parsed_values, .FindTagValue(path_with_globs_and_tag, found_file, u_file_dim)) } dat_selectors[[u_file_dim]][[j]] <- selector_checker(selectors = selectors, var = unique(parsed_values), return_indices = FALSE) # Take chunk if needed dat_selectors[[u_file_dim]][[j]] <- dat_selectors[[u_file_dim]][[j]][chunk_indices(length(dat_selectors[[u_file_dim]][[j]]), chunks[[u_file_dim]]['chunk'], chunks[[u_file_dim]]['n_chunks'], u_file_dim)] } } } #print("I") } else { dat[[i]][['path']] <- .ReplaceGlobExpressions(dat[[i]][['path']], first_file, replace_values, defined_file_dims, dat[[i]][['name']], path_glob_permissive) } } } # Now fetch for the first available file if (dataset_has_files[i]) { known_dims <- file_dims } else { known_dims <- defined_file_dims } replace_values <- vector('list', length = length(known_dims)) names(replace_values) <- known_dims files_to_load <- sapply(dat_selectors[known_dims], function(x) length(x[[1]])) files_to_load[found_pattern_dim] <- 1 sub_array_of_files_to_load <- array(1:prod(files_to_load), dim = files_to_load) names(dim(sub_array_of_files_to_load)) <- known_dims sub_array_of_not_found_files <- array(!dataset_has_files[i], dim = files_to_load) names(dim(sub_array_of_not_found_files)) <- known_dims j <- 1 selector_indices_save <- vector('list', prod(files_to_load)) while (j <= prod(files_to_load)) { selector_indices <- which(sub_array_of_files_to_load == j, arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ] names(selector_indices) <- known_dims selector_indices_save[[j]] <- selector_indices selectors <- sapply(1:length(known_dims), function (x) { vector_to_pick <- 1 if (known_dims[x] %in% names(depending_file_dims)) { vector_to_pick <- selector_indices[which(known_dims == depending_file_dims[[known_dims[x]]])] } dat_selectors[known_dims][[x]][[vector_to_pick]][selector_indices[x]] }) names(selectors) <- known_dims replace_values[known_dims] <- selectors if (!dataset_has_files[i]) { if (any( { replace_values <- replace_values[-which(names(replace_values) %in% names(selectors[which(]))] } file_path <- .ReplaceVariablesInString(dat[[i]][['path']], replace_values, TRUE) sub_array_of_files_to_load[j] <- file_path #sub_array_of_not_found_files[j] <- TRUE??? } else { if (any( { replace_values <- replace_values[-which(names(replace_values) %in% names(selectors[which(]))] file_path <- .ReplaceVariablesInString(dat[[i]][['path']], replace_values, TRUE) sub_array_of_files_to_load[j] <- file_path sub_array_of_not_found_files[j] <- TRUE } else { file_path <- .ReplaceVariablesInString(dat[[i]][['path']], replace_values) if (!(length(grep("^http", file_path)) > 0)) { if (grepl(file_path, '*', fixed = TRUE)) { file_path_full <- Sys.glob(file_path)[1] if (nchar(file_path_full) > 0) { file_path <- file_path_full } } } sub_array_of_files_to_load[j] <- file_path if (is.null(indices_of_first_files_with_data[[i]])) { if (!(length(grep("^http", file_path)) > 0)) { if (!file.exists(file_path)) { file_path <- NULL } } if (!is.null(file_path)) { test_file <- NULL ## TODO: suppress error messages test_file <- file_opener(file_path) if (!is.null(test_file)) { selector_indices[which(known_dims == found_pattern_dim)] <- i indices_of_first_files_with_data[[i]] <- selector_indices selectors_of_first_files_with_data[[i]] <- selectors file_closer(test_file) } } } } } j <- j + 1 } # Extend array as needed progressively if (is.null(array_of_files_to_load)) { array_of_files_to_load <- sub_array_of_files_to_load array_of_not_found_files <- sub_array_of_not_found_files } else { array_of_files_to_load <- .MergeArrays(array_of_files_to_load, sub_array_of_files_to_load, along = found_pattern_dim) ## TODO: file_dims, and variables like that.. are still ok now? I don't think so array_of_not_found_files <- .MergeArrays(array_of_not_found_files, sub_array_of_not_found_files, along = found_pattern_dim) } dat[[i]][['selectors']] <- dat_selectors } if (all(sapply(indices_of_first_files_with_data, is.null))) { stop("No data files found for any of the specified datasets.") } ########################### READING INNER DIMS. ############################# #print("J") ## TODO: To be run in parallel (local multi-core) # Now time to work out the inner file dimensions. # First pick the requested variables. dims_to_iterate <- NULL for (return_var in names(return_vars)) { dims_to_iterate <- unique(c(dims_to_iterate, return_vars[[return_var]])) } if (found_pattern_dim %in% dims_to_iterate) { dims_to_iterate <- dims_to_iterate[-which(dims_to_iterate == found_pattern_dim)] } common_return_vars <- NULL common_first_found_file <- NULL common_return_vars_pos <- NULL if (length(return_vars) > 0) { common_return_vars_pos <- which(sapply(return_vars, function(x) !(found_pattern_dim %in% x))) } if (length(common_return_vars_pos) > 0) { common_return_vars <- return_vars[common_return_vars_pos] return_vars <- return_vars[-common_return_vars_pos] common_first_found_file <- rep(FALSE, length(which(sapply(common_return_vars, length) == 0))) names(common_first_found_file) <- names(common_return_vars[which(sapply(common_return_vars, length) == 0)]) } return_vars <- lapply(return_vars, function(x) { if (found_pattern_dim %in% x) { x[-which(x == found_pattern_dim)] } else { x } }) if (length(common_return_vars) > 0) { picked_common_vars <- vector('list', length = length(common_return_vars)) names(picked_common_vars) <- names(common_return_vars) } else { picked_common_vars <- NULL } picked_common_vars_ordered <- picked_common_vars picked_common_vars_unorder_indices <- picked_common_vars picked_vars <- vector('list', length = length(dat)) names(picked_vars) <- dat_names picked_vars_ordered <- picked_vars picked_vars_unorder_indices <- picked_vars for (i in 1:length(dat)) { if (dataset_has_files[i]) { # Put all selectors in a list of a single list/vector of selectors. # The dimensions that go across files will later be extended to have # lists of lists/vectors of selectors. for (inner_dim in expected_inner_dims[[i]]) { if (!is.list(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]]) || (is.list(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]]) && length(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]]) == 2 && is.null(names(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]])))) { dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]] <- list(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]]) } } if (length(return_vars) > 0) { picked_vars[[i]] <- vector('list', length = length(return_vars)) names(picked_vars[[i]]) <- names(return_vars) picked_vars_ordered[[i]] <- picked_vars[[i]] picked_vars_unorder_indices[[i]] <- picked_vars[[i]] } indices_of_first_file <- as.list(indices_of_first_files_with_data[[i]]) array_file_dims <- sapply(dat[[i]][['selectors']][found_file_dims[[i]]], function(x) length(x[[1]])) names(array_file_dims) <- found_file_dims[[i]] if (length(dims_to_iterate) > 0) { indices_of_first_file[dims_to_iterate] <- lapply(array_file_dims[dims_to_iterate], function(x) 1:x) } array_of_var_files <-'[', c(list(x = array_of_files_to_load), indices_of_first_file, list(drop = FALSE))) array_of_var_indices <- array(1:length(array_of_var_files), dim = dim(array_of_var_files)) array_of_not_found_var_files <-'[', c(list(x = array_of_not_found_files), indices_of_first_file, list(drop = FALSE))) previous_indices <- rep(-1, length(indices_of_first_file)) names(previous_indices) <- names(indices_of_first_file) first_found_file <- NULL if (length(return_vars) > 0) { first_found_file <- rep(FALSE, length(which(sapply(return_vars, length) == 0))) names(first_found_file) <- names(return_vars[which(sapply(return_vars, length) == 0)]) } for (j in 1:length(array_of_var_files)) { current_indices <- which(array_of_var_indices == j, arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ] names(current_indices) <- names(indices_of_first_file) if (![j]) && !array_of_not_found_var_files[j]) { changed_dims <- which(current_indices != previous_indices) vars_to_read <- NULL if (length(return_vars) > 0) { vars_to_read <- names(return_vars)[sapply(return_vars, function(x) any(names(changed_dims) %in% x))] } if (!is.null(first_found_file)) { if (any(!first_found_file)) { vars_to_read <- c(vars_to_read, names(first_found_file[which(!first_found_file)])) } } if ((i == 1) && (length(common_return_vars) > 0)) { vars_to_read <- c(vars_to_read, names(common_return_vars)[sapply(common_return_vars, function(x) any(names(changed_dims) %in% x))]) } if (!is.null(common_first_found_file)) { if (any(!common_first_found_file)) { vars_to_read <- c(vars_to_read, names(common_first_found_file[which(!common_first_found_file)])) } } file_object <- file_opener(array_of_var_files[j]) if (!is.null(file_object)) { for (var_to_read in vars_to_read) { if (var_to_read %in% unlist(var_params)) { associated_dim_name <- names(var_params)[which(unlist(var_params) == var_to_read)] } var_name_to_reader <- var_to_read names(var_name_to_reader) <- 'var' var_dims <- file_dim_reader(NULL, file_object, var_name_to_reader, NULL, synonims) # file_dim_reader returns dimension names as found in the file. # Need to translate accoridng to synonims: names(var_dims) <- sapply(names(var_dims), function(x) { which_entry <- which(sapply(synonims, function(y) x %in% y)) if (length(which_entry) > 0) { names(synonims)[which_entry] } else { x } }) if (!is.null(var_dims)) { var_file_dims <- NULL if (var_to_read %in% names(common_return_vars)) { var_to_check <- common_return_vars[[var_to_read]] } else { var_to_check <- return_vars[[var_to_read]] } if (any(names(dim(array_of_files_to_load)) %in% var_to_check)) { var_file_dims <- dim(array_of_files_to_load)[which(names(dim(array_of_files_to_load)) %in% var_to_check)] } if (((var_to_read %in% names(common_return_vars)) && is.null(picked_common_vars[[var_to_read]])) || ((var_to_read %in% names(return_vars)) && is.null(picked_vars[[i]][[var_to_read]]))) { if (any(names(var_file_dims) %in% names(var_dims))) { stop("Found a requested var in 'return_var' requested for a ", "file dimension which also appears in the dimensions of ", "the variable inside the file.\n", array_of_var_files[j]) } special_types <- list('POSIXct' = as.POSIXct, 'POSIXlt' = as.POSIXlt, 'Date' = as.Date) first_sample <- file_var_reader(NULL, file_object, NULL, var_to_read, synonims) if (any(class(first_sample) %in% names(special_types))) { array_size <- prod(c(var_file_dims, var_dims)) new_array <- rep(special_types[[class(first_sample)[1]]](NA), array_size) dim(new_array) <- c(var_file_dims, var_dims) } else { new_array <- array(dim = c(var_file_dims, var_dims)) } attr(new_array, 'variables') <- attr(first_sample, 'variables') if (var_to_read %in% names(common_return_vars)) { picked_common_vars[[var_to_read]] <- new_array pick_ordered <- FALSE if (var_to_read %in% unlist(var_params)) { if (associated_dim_name %in% names(dim_reorder_param) && !aiat) { picked_common_vars_ordered[[var_to_read]] <- new_array pick_ordered <- TRUE } } if (!pick_ordered) { picked_common_vars_ordered[[var_to_read]] <- NULL } } else { picked_vars[[i]][[var_to_read]] <- new_array pick_ordered <- FALSE if (var_to_read %in% unlist(var_params)) { if (associated_dim_name %in% names(dim_reorder_params) && !aiat) { picked_vars_ordered[[i]][[var_to_read]] <- new_array pick_ordered <- TRUE } } if (!pick_ordered) { picked_vars_ordered[[i]][[var_to_read]] <- NULL } } } else { if (var_to_read %in% names(common_return_vars)) { array_var_dims <- dim(picked_common_vars[[var_to_read]]) } else { array_var_dims <- dim(picked_vars[[i]][[var_to_read]]) } full_array_var_dims <- array_var_dims if (any(names(array_var_dims) %in% names(var_file_dims))) { array_var_dims <- array_var_dims[-which(names(array_var_dims) %in% names(var_file_dims))] } if (names(array_var_dims) != names(var_dims)) { stop("Error while reading the variable '", var_to_read, "' from ", "the file. Dimensions do not match.\nExpected ", paste(paste0("'", names(array_var_dims), "'"), collapse = ', '), " but found ", paste(paste0("'", names(var_dims), "'"), collapse = ', '), ".\n", array_of_var_files[j]) } if (any(var_dims > array_var_dims)) { longer_dims <- which(var_dims > array_var_dims) if (length(longer_dims) == 1) { longer_dims_in_full_array <- longer_dims if (any(names(full_array_var_dims) %in% names(var_file_dims))) { candidates <- (1:length(full_array_var_dims))[-which(names(full_array_var_dims) %in% names(var_file_dims))] longer_dims_in_full_array <- candidates[longer_dims] } padding_dims <- full_array_var_dims padding_dims[longer_dims_in_full_array] <- var_dims[longer_dims] - array_var_dims[longer_dims] special_types <- list('POSIXct' = as.POSIXct, 'POSIXlt' = as.POSIXlt, 'Date' = as.Date) if (var_to_read %in% names(common_return_vars)) { var_class <- class(picked_common_vars[[var_to_read]]) } else { var_class <- class(picked_vars[[i]][[var_to_read]]) } if (any(var_class %in% names(special_types))) { padding_size <- prod(padding_dims) padding <- rep(special_types[[var_class[1]]](NA), padding_size) dim(padding) <- padding_dims } else { padding <- array(dim = padding_dims) } if (var_to_read %in% names(common_return_vars)) { picked_common_vars[[var_to_read]] <- .abind2( picked_common_vars[[var_to_read]], padding, names(full_array_var_dims)[longer_dims_in_full_array] ) } else { picked_vars[[i]][[var_to_read]] <- .abind2( picked_vars[[i]][[var_to_read]], padding, names(full_array_var_dims)[longer_dims_in_full_array] ) } } else { stop("Error while reading the variable '", var_to_read, "' from ", "the file. Found size (", paste(var_dims, collapse = ' x '), ") is greater than expected maximum size (", array_var_dims, ").") } } } var_store_indices <- c(as.list(current_indices[names(var_file_dims)]), lapply(var_dims, function(x) 1:x)) var_values <- file_var_reader(NULL, file_object, NULL, var_to_read, synonims) if (var_to_read %in% unlist(var_params)) { if ((associated_dim_name %in% names(dim_reorder_params)) && !aiat) { ## Is this check really needed? if (length(dim(var_values)) > 1) { stop("Requested a '", associated_dim_name, "_reorder' for a dimension ", "whose coordinate variable that has more than 1 dimension. This is ", "not supported.") } ordered_var_values <- dim_reorder_params[[associated_dim_name]](var_values) attr(ordered_var_values$x, 'variables') <- attr(var_values, 'variables') if (!all(c('x', 'ix') %in% names(ordered_var_values))) { stop("All the dimension reorder functions must return a list with the components 'x' and 'ix'.") } # Save the indices to reorder back the ordered variable values. # This will be used to define the first round indices. unorder <- sort(ordered_var_values$ix, index.return = TRUE)$ix if (var_to_read %in% names(common_return_vars)) { picked_common_vars_ordered[[var_to_read]] <-'[<-', c(list(x = picked_common_vars_ordered[[var_to_read]]), var_store_indices, list(value = ordered_var_values$x))) picked_common_vars_unorder_indices[[var_to_read]] <-'[<-', c(list(x = picked_common_vars_unorder_indices[[var_to_read]]), var_store_indices, list(value = unorder))) } else { picked_vars_ordered[[i]][[var_to_read]] <-'[<-', c(list(x = picked_vars_ordered[[i]][[var_to_read]]), var_store_indices, list(value = ordered_var_values$x))) picked_vars_unorder_indices[[i]][[var_to_read]] <-'[<-', c(list(x = picked_vars_unorder_indices[[i]][[var_to_read]]), var_store_indices, list(value = unorder))) } } } if (var_to_read %in% names(common_return_vars)) { picked_common_vars[[var_to_read]] <-'[<-', c(list(x = picked_common_vars[[var_to_read]]), var_store_indices, list(value = var_values))) } else { picked_vars[[i]][[var_to_read]] <-'[<-', c(list(x = picked_vars[[i]][[var_to_read]]), var_store_indices, list(value = var_values))) } if (var_to_read %in% names(first_found_file)) { first_found_file[var_to_read] <- TRUE } if (var_to_read %in% names(common_first_found_file)) { common_first_found_file[var_to_read] <- TRUE } } else { stop("Could not find variable '", var_to_read, "' in the file ", array_of_var_files[j]) } } file_closer(file_object) } } previous_indices <- current_indices } } } # Once we have the variable values, we can work out the indices # for the implicitly defined selectors. # # Trnasforms a vector of indices v expressed in a world of # length N from 1 to N, into a world of length M, from # 1 to M. Repeated adjacent indices are collapsed. transform_indices <- function(v, n, m) { #unique2 turns e.g. 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 into 1 2 3 1 unique2 <- function(v) { if (length(v) < 2) { v } else { v[c(1, v[2:length(v)] - v[1:(length(v) - 1)]) != 0] } } unique2(round(((v - 1) / (n - 1)) * (m - 1))) + 1 # this rounding may generate 0s. what then? } beta <- transform_extra_cells dims_to_crop <- vector('list') transformed_vars <- vector('list', length = length(dat)) names(transformed_vars) <- dat_names transformed_vars_ordered <- transformed_vars transformed_vars_unorder_indices <- transformed_vars transformed_common_vars <- NULL transformed_common_vars_ordered <- NULL transformed_common_vars_unorder_indices <- NULL for (i in 1:length(dat)) { if (dataset_has_files[i]) { indices <- indices_of_first_files_with_data[[i]] if (!is.null(indices)) { file_path <-"[", c(list(array_of_files_to_load), as.list(indices_of_first_files_with_data[[i]]))) # The following 5 lines should go several lines below, but were moved # here for better performance. # If any of the dimensions comes without defining variable, then we read # the data dimensions. data_dims <- NULL if (length(unlist(var_params[expected_inner_dims[[i]]])) < length(expected_inner_dims[[i]])) { file_to_open <- file_path data_dims <- file_dim_reader(file_to_open, NULL, selectors_of_first_files_with_data[[i]], lapply(dat[[i]][['selectors']][expected_inner_dims[[i]]], '[[', 1), synonims) # file_dim_reader returns dimension names as found in the file. # Need to translate accoridng to synonims: names(data_dims) <- sapply(names(data_dims), function(x) { which_entry <- which(sapply(synonims, function(y) x %in% y)) if (length(which_entry) > 0) { names(synonims)[which_entry] } else { x } }) } # Transform the variables if needed and keep them apart. if (!is.null(transform) && (length(transform_vars) > 0)) { if (!all(transform_vars %in% c(names(picked_vars[[i]]), names(picked_common_vars)))) { stop("Could not find all the required variables in 'transform_vars' ", "for the dataset '", dat[[i]][['name']], "'.") } vars_to_transform <- NULL picked_vars_to_transform <- which(names(picked_vars[[i]]) %in% transform_vars) if (length(picked_vars_to_transform) > 0) { picked_vars_to_transform <- names(picked_vars[[i]])[picked_vars_to_transform] new_vars_to_transform <- picked_vars[[i]][picked_vars_to_transform] which_are_ordered <- which(!sapply(picked_vars_ordered[[i]][picked_vars_to_transform], is.null)) ##NOTE: The following 'if' replaces the original with reordering vector if (length(which_are_ordered) > 0) { tmp <- which(![[i]]), names(which_are_ordered)))) new_vars_to_transform[which_are_ordered] <- picked_vars_ordered[[i]][tmp] } vars_to_transform <- c(vars_to_transform, new_vars_to_transform) } ##NOTE: Above is non-common vars, here is common vars (ie, return_vars = NULL). picked_common_vars_to_transform <- which(names(picked_common_vars) %in% transform_vars) if (length(picked_common_vars_to_transform) > 0) { picked_common_vars_to_transform <- names(picked_common_vars)[picked_common_vars_to_transform] new_vars_to_transform <- picked_common_vars[picked_common_vars_to_transform] which_are_ordered <- which(!sapply(picked_common_vars_ordered[picked_common_vars_to_transform], is.null)) if (length(which_are_ordered) > 0) { tmp <- which(!, names(which_are_ordered)))) new_vars_to_transform[which_are_ordered] <- picked_common_vars_ordered[tmp] } vars_to_transform <- c(vars_to_transform, new_vars_to_transform) } # Transform the variables transformed_data <-, c(list(data_array = NULL, variables = vars_to_transform, file_selectors = selectors_of_first_files_with_data[[i]]), transform_params)) # Discard the common transformed variables if already transformed before if (!is.null(transformed_common_vars)) { common_ones <- which(names(picked_common_vars) %in% names(transformed_data$variables)) if (length(common_ones) > 0) { transformed_data$variables <- transformed_data$variables[-common_ones] } } transformed_vars[[i]] <- list() transformed_vars_ordered[[i]] <- list() transformed_vars_unorder_indices[[i]] <- list() # Order the transformed variables if needed # 'var_to_read' should be 'transformed_var', but is kept to reuse the same code as above. for (var_to_read in names(transformed_data$variables)) { if (var_to_read %in% unlist(var_params)) { associated_dim_name <- names(var_params)[which(unlist(var_params) == var_to_read)] if ((associated_dim_name %in% names(dim_reorder_params)) && aiat) { ## Is this check really needed? if (length(dim(transformed_data$variables[[associated_dim_name]])) > 1) { stop("Requested a '", associated_dim_name, "_reorder' for a dimension ", "whose coordinate variable that has more than 1 dimension (after ", "transform). This is not supported.") } ordered_var_values <- dim_reorder_params[[associated_dim_name]](transformed_data$variables[[associated_dim_name]]) attr(ordered_var_values, 'variables') <- attr(transformed_data$variables[[associated_dim_name]], 'variables') if (!all(c('x', 'ix') %in% names(ordered_var_values))) { stop("All the dimension reorder functions must return a list with the components 'x' and 'ix'.") } # Save the indices to reorder back the ordered variable values. # This will be used to define the first round indices. unorder <- sort(ordered_var_values$ix, index.return = TRUE)$ix if (var_to_read %in% names(picked_common_vars)) { transformed_common_vars_ordered[[var_to_read]] <- ordered_var_values$x transformed_common_vars_unorder_indices[[var_to_read]] <- unorder } else { transformed_vars_ordered[[i]][[var_to_read]] <- ordered_var_values$x transformed_vars_unorder_indices[[i]][[var_to_read]] <- unorder } } } } transformed_picked_vars <- which(names(picked_vars[[i]]) %in% names(transformed_data$variables)) if (length(transformed_picked_vars) > 0) { transformed_picked_vars <- names(picked_vars[[i]])[transformed_picked_vars] transformed_vars[[i]][transformed_picked_vars] <- transformed_data$variables[transformed_picked_vars] } if (is.null(transformed_common_vars)) { transformed_picked_common_vars <- which(names(picked_common_vars) %in% names(transformed_data$variables)) if (length(transformed_picked_common_vars) > 0) { transformed_picked_common_vars <- names(picked_common_vars)[transformed_picked_common_vars] transformed_common_vars <- transformed_data$variables[transformed_picked_common_vars] } } } # Once the variables are transformed, we compute the indices to be # taken for each inner dimension. # In all cases, indices will have to be computed to know which data # values to take from the original data for each dimension (if a # variable is specified for that dimension, it will be used to # convert the provided selectors into indices). These indices are # referred to as 'first round of indices'. # The taken data will then be transformed if needed, together with # the dimension variable if specified, and, in that case, indices # will have to be computed again to know which values to take from the # transformed data. These are the 'second round of indices'. In the # case there is no transformation, the second round of indices will # be all the available indices, i.e. from 1 to the number of taken # values with the first round of indices. for (inner_dim in expected_inner_dims[[i]]) { if (debug) { print("-> DEFINING INDICES FOR INNER DIMENSION:") print(inner_dim) } file_dim <- NULL if (inner_dim %in% unlist(inner_dims_across_files)) { file_dim <- names(inner_dims_across_files)[which(sapply(inner_dims_across_files, function(x) inner_dim %in% x))[1]] chunk_amount <- length(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[file_dim]][[1]]) names(chunk_amount) <- file_dim } else { chunk_amount <- 1 } # In the special case that the selectors for a dimension are 'all', 'first', ... # and chunking (dividing in more than 1 chunk) is requested, the selectors are # replaced for equivalent indices. if ((dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]][[1]] %in% c('all', 'first', 'last')) && (chunks[[inner_dim]]['n_chunks'] != 1)) { selectors <- dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]][[1]] if (selectors == 'all') { selectors <- indices(1:(data_dims[[inner_dim]] * chunk_amount)) } else if (selectors == 'first') { selectors <- indices(1) } else { selectors <- indices(data_dims[[inner_dim]] * chunk_amount) } dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]][[1]] <- selectors } # The selectors for the inner dimension are taken. selector_array <- dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]][[1]] if (debug) { if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) { print(paste0("-> DEBUG MESSAGES FOR THE DATASET", i, " AND INNER DIMENSION '", inner_dim, "':")) print("-> STRUCTURE OF SELECTOR ARRAY:") print(str(selector_array)) print("-> PICKED VARS:") print(picked_vars) print("-> TRANSFORMED VARS:") print(transformed_vars) } } if (is.null(dim(selector_array))) { dim(selector_array) <- length(selector_array) } if (is.null(names(dim(selector_array)))) { if (length(dim(selector_array)) == 1) { names(dim(selector_array)) <- inner_dim } else { stop("Provided selector arrays must be provided with dimension ", "names. Found an array of selectors without dimension names ", "for the dimension '", inner_dim, "'.") } } selectors_are_indices <- FALSE if (!is.null(attr(selector_array, 'indices'))) { if (!is.logical(attr(selector_array, 'indices'))) { stop("The atribute 'indices' for the selectors for the dimension '", inner_dim, "' must be TRUE or FALSE.") } selectors_are_indices <- attr(selector_array, 'indices') } taken_chunks <- rep(FALSE, chunk_amount) selector_file_dims <- 1 if (any(found_file_dims[[i]] %in% names(dim(selector_array)))) { selector_file_dims <- dim(selector_array)[which(names(dim(selector_array)) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])] } selector_inner_dims <- dim(selector_array)[which(!(names(dim(selector_array)) %in% found_file_dims[[i]]))] var_with_selectors <- NULL var_with_selectors_name <- var_params[[inner_dim]] var_ordered <- NULL var_unorder_indices <- NULL with_transform <- FALSE # If the selectors come with an associated variable if (!is.null(var_with_selectors_name)) { if ((var_with_selectors_name %in% transform_vars) && (!is.null(transform))) { with_transform <- TRUE if (!is.null(file_dim)) { stop("Requested a transformation over the dimension '", inner_dim, "', wich goes across files. This feature ", "is not supported. Either do the request without the ", "transformation or request it over dimensions that do ", "not go across files.") } } if (debug) { if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) { print("-> NAME OF THE VARIABLE WITH THE SELECTOR VALUES FOR THE CURRENT INNER DIMENSION:") print(var_with_selectors_name) print("-> NAMES OF THE VARIABLES TO BE TRANSFORMED:") print(transform_vars) print("-> STRUCTURE OF THE TRANSFORMATION FUNCTION:") print(str(transform)) } } if (var_with_selectors_name %in% names(picked_vars[[i]])) { var_with_selectors <- picked_vars[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]] var_ordered <- picked_vars_ordered[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]] var_unorder_indices <- picked_vars_unorder_indices[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]] } else if (var_with_selectors_name %in% names(picked_common_vars)) { var_with_selectors <- picked_common_vars[[var_with_selectors_name]] var_ordered <- picked_common_vars_ordered[[var_with_selectors_name]] var_unorder_indices <- picked_common_vars_unorder_indices[[var_with_selectors_name]] } n <- prod(dim(var_with_selectors)) if (is.null(var_unorder_indices)) { var_unorder_indices <- 1:n } if (with_transform) { if (var_with_selectors_name %in% names(transformed_vars[[i]])) { m <- prod(dim(transformed_vars[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]])) if (aiat) { var_with_selectors <- transformed_vars[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]] var_ordered <- transformed_vars_ordered[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]] var_unorder_indices <- transformed_vars_unorder_indices[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]] } } else if (var_with_selectors_name %in% names(transformed_common_vars)) { m <- prod(dim(transformed_common_vars[[var_with_selectors_name]])) if (aiat) { var_with_selectors <- transformed_common_vars[[var_with_selectors_name]] var_ordered <- transformed_common_vars_ordered[[var_with_selectors_name]] var_unorder_indices <- transformed_common_vars_unorder_indices[[var_with_selectors_name]] } } if (is.null(var_unorder_indices)) { var_unorder_indices <- 1:m } } if (debug) { if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) { print("-> SIZE OF ORIGINAL VARIABLE:") print(n) print("-> SIZE OF TRANSFORMED VARIABLE:") if (with_transform) print(m) print("-> STRUCTURE OF ORDERED VAR:") print(str(var_ordered)) print("-> UNORDER INDICES:") print(var_unorder_indices) } } var_dims <- dim(var_with_selectors) var_file_dims <- 1 if (any(names(var_dims) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])) { if (with_transform) { stop("Requested transformation for inner dimension '", inner_dim, "' but provided selectors for such dimension ", "over one or more file dimensions. This is not ", "supported. Either request no transformation for the ", "dimension '", inner_dim, "' or specify the ", "selectors for this dimension without the file dimensions.") } var_file_dims <- var_dims[which(names(var_dims) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])] var_dims <- var_dims[-which(names(var_dims) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])] } ## # Keep the selectors if they correspond to a variable that will be transformed. ## if (with_transform) { ## if (var_with_selectors_name %in% names(picked_vars[[i]])) { ## transformed_var_with_selectors <- transformed_vars[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]] ## } else if (var_with_selectors_name %in% names(picked_common_vars)) { ## transformed_var_with_selectors <- transformed_common_vars[[var_with_selectors_name]] ## } ## transformed_var_dims <- dim(transformed_var_with_selectors) ## transformed_var_file_dims <- 1 ## if (any(names(transformed_var_dims) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])) { ## transformed_var_file_dims <- transformed_var_dims[which(names(transformed_var_dims) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])] ## transformed_var_dims <- tranasformed_var_dims[-which(names(transformed_var_dims) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])] ## } ##if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) { ##print("111m") ##print(str(transformed_var_dims)) ##} ## ## m <- prod(transformed_var_dims) ## } # Work out var file dims and inner dims. if (inner_dim %in% unlist(inner_dims_across_files)) { #TODO: if (chunk_amount != number of chunks in selector_file_dims), crash if (length(var_dims) > 1) { stop("Specified a '", inner_dim, "_var' for the dimension '", inner_dim, "', which goes across files (across '", file_dim, "'). The specified variable, '", var_with_selectors_name, "', has more ", "than one dimension and can not be used as selector variable. ", "Select another variable or fix it in the files.") } } ## TODO HERE:: #- indices_of_first_files_with_data may change, because array is now extended var_full_dims <- dim(var_with_selectors) if (!(inner_dim %in% names(var_full_dims))) { stop("Could not find the dimension '", inner_dim, "' in ", "the file. Either change the dimension name in ", "your request, adjust the parameter ", "'dim_names_in_files' or fix the dimension name in ", "the file.\n", file_path) } } else if (((is.numeric(selector_array) || is.list(selector_array)) && selectors_are_indices) || (is.character(selector_array) && (length(selector_array) == 1) && (selector_array %in% c('all', 'first', 'last')) && !is.null(file_dim_reader))) { #### TODO HERE:: ###- indices_of_first_files_with_data may change, because array is now extended # Lines moved above for better performance. ##data_dims <- file_dim_reader(file_path, NULL, selectors_of_first_files_with_data[[i]], ## lapply(dat[[i]][['selectors']][expected_inner_dims[[i]]], '[[', 1)) if (!(inner_dim %in% names(data_dims))) { stop("Could not find the dimension '", inner_dim, "' in ", "the file. Either change the dimension name in ", "your request, adjust the parameter ", "'dim_names_in_files' or fix the dimension name in ", "the file.\n", file_path) } } else { stop(paste0("Can not translate the provided selectors for '", inner_dim, "' to numeric indices. Provide numeric indices and a ", "'file_dim_reader' function, or a '", inner_dim, "_var' in order to calculate the indices.")) } # At this point, if no selector variable was provided, the variable # data_dims has been populated. If a selector variable was provided, # the variables var_dims, var_file_dims and var_full_dims have been # populated instead. fri <- first_round_indices <- NULL sri <- second_round_indices <- NULL # This variable will keep the indices needed to crop the transformed # variable (the one that has been transformed without being subset # with the first round indices). tvi <- tranaformed_variable_indices <- NULL ordered_fri <- NULL ordered_sri <- NULL if ((length(selector_array) == 1) && is.character(selector_array) && (selector_array %in% c('all', 'first', 'last')) && (chunks[[inner_dim]]['n_chunks'] == 1)) { if (is.null(var_with_selectors_name)) { fri <- vector('list', length = chunk_amount) dim(fri) <- c(chunk_amount) sri <- vector('list', length = chunk_amount) dim(sri) <- c(chunk_amount) if (selector_array == 'all') { fri[] <- replicate(chunk_amount, list(1:(data_dims[inner_dim]))) taken_chunks <- rep(TRUE, chunk_amount) #sri <- NULL } else if (selector_array == 'first') { fri[[1]] <- 1 taken_chunks[1] <- TRUE #sri <- NULL } else if (selector_array == 'last') { fri[[chunk_amount]] <- data_dims[inner_dim] taken_chunks[length(taken_chunks)] <- TRUE #sri <- NULL } } else { if ((!is.null(file_dim)) && !(file_dim %in% names(var_file_dims))) { stop("The variable '", var_with_selectors_name, "' must also be ", "requested for the file dimension '", file_dim, "' in ", "this configuration.") } fri <- vector('list', length = prod(var_file_dims)) dim(fri) <- var_file_dims ordered_fri <- fri sri <- vector('list', length = prod(var_file_dims)) dim(sri) <- var_file_dims ordered_sri <- sri if (selector_array == 'all') { # TODO: Populate ordered_fri ordered_fri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(1:n)) fri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(var_unorder_indices[1:n])) taken_chunks <- rep(TRUE, chunk_amount) if (!with_transform) { #fri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(1:n)) #taken_chunks <- rep(TRUE, chunk_amount) #sri <- NULL } else { ordered_sri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(1:m)) sri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(1:m)) ## var_file_dims instead?? #if (!aiat) { #fri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(1:n)) #taken_chunks <- rep(TRUE, chunk_amount) #sri[] <- replicate(prod(transformed_var_file_dims), list(1:m)) #} else { #fri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(1:n)) #taken_chunks <- rep(TRUE, chunk_amount) #sri[] <- replicate(prod(transformed_var_file_dims), list(1:m)) #} tvi <- 1:m } } else if (selector_array == 'first') { taken_chunks[1] <- TRUE if (!with_transform) { ordered_fri[[1]] <- 1 fri[[1]] <- var_unorder_indices[1] #taken_chunks[1] <- TRUE #sri <- NULL } else { if (!aiat) { ordered_fri[[1]] <- 1 fri[[1]] <- var_unorder_indices[1] # TODO: TO BE IMPROVED #taken_chunks[1] <- TRUE ordered_sri[[1]] <- 1:ceiling(m / n) sri[[1]] <- 1:ceiling(m / n) tvi <- 1:ceiling(m / n) } else { ordered_fri[[1]] <- 1:ceiling(m / n) fri[[1]] <- var_unorder_indices[1:ceiling(m / n)] #taken_chunks[1] <- TRUE ordered_sri[[1]] <- 1 sri[[1]] <- 1 tvi <- 1 } } } else if (selector_array == 'last') { taken_chunks[length(taken_chunks)] <- TRUE if (!with_transform) { ordered_fri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- n fri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- var_unorder_indices[n] #taken_chunks[length(taken_chunks)] <- TRUE #sri <- NULL } else { if (!aiat) { ordered_fri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- prod(var_dims) fri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- var_unorder_indices[prod(var_dims)] #taken_chunks[length(taken_chunks)] <- TRUE ordered_sri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- 1:ceiling(m / n) sri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- 1:ceiling(m / n) # TODO: TO BE IMPROVED. THE TVI MAY BE WRONG IF THERE'S BEEN A REORDERING. tvi <- 1:ceiling(m / n) } else { ordered_fri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- (n - ceiling(m / n) + 1):n fri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- var_unorder_indices[(n - ceiling(m / n) + 1):n] #taken_chunks[length(taken_chunks)] <- TRUE ordered_sri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- 1 sri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- 1 tvi <- 1 } } } } # If the selectors are not 'all', 'first', 'last', ... } else { if (!is.null(var_with_selectors_name)) { unmatching_file_dims <- which(!(names(var_file_dims) %in% names(selector_file_dims))) if ((length(unmatching_file_dims) > 0)) { raise_error <- FALSE if (is.null(file_dim)) { raise_error <- TRUE } else { if (!((length(unmatching_file_dims) == 1) && (names(var_file_dims)[unmatching_file_dims] == file_dim) && (inner_dim %in% names(selector_inner_dims)))) { raise_error <- TRUE } } if (raise_error) { stop("Provided selectors for the dimension '", inner_dim, "' must have as many ", "file dimensions as the variable the dimension is defined along, '", var_with_selectors_name, "', with the exceptions of the file pattern dimension ('", found_pattern_dim, "') and any depended file dimension (if specified as ", "depended dimension in parameter 'inner_dims_across_files' and the ", "depending file dimension is present in the provided selector array).") } } if (any(names(selector_file_dims) %in% names(dim(var_with_selectors)))) { if (any(dim(var_with_selectors)[names(selector_file_dims)] != selector_file_dims)) { stop("Size of selector file dimensions must mach size of requested ", "variable dimensions.") } } } ## TODO: If var dimensions are not in the same order as selector dimensions, reorder if (is.null(names(selector_file_dims))) { if (is.null(file_dim)) { fri_dims <- 1 } else { fri_dims <- chunk_amount names(fri_dims) <- file_dim } } else { fri_dim_names <- names(selector_file_dims) if (!is.null(file_dim)) { fri_dim_names <- c(fri_dim_names, file_dim) } fri_dim_names <- found_file_dims[[i]][which(found_file_dims[[i]] %in% fri_dim_names)] fri_dims <- rep(NA, length(fri_dim_names)) names(fri_dims) <- fri_dim_names fri_dims[names(selector_file_dims)] <- selector_file_dims if (!is.null(file_dim)) { fri_dims[file_dim] <- chunk_amount } } fri <- vector('list', length = prod(fri_dims)) dim(fri) <- fri_dims sri <- vector('list', length = prod(fri_dims)) dim(sri) <- fri_dims selector_file_dim_array <- array(1:prod(selector_file_dims), dim = selector_file_dims) selector_store_position <- fri_dims for (j in 1:prod(dim(selector_file_dim_array))) { selector_indices_to_take <- which(selector_file_dim_array == j, arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ] names(selector_indices_to_take) <- names(selector_file_dims) selector_store_position[names(selector_indices_to_take)] <- selector_indices_to_take sub_array_of_selectors <- Subset(selector_array, names(selector_indices_to_take), as.list(selector_indices_to_take), drop = 'selected') if (debug) { if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) { print("-> ITERATING OVER FILE DIMENSIONS OF THE SELECTORS.") print("-> STRUCTURE OF A SUB ARRAY:") print(str(sub_array_of_selectors)) print("-> STRUCTURE OF THE VARIABLE WITH SELECTORS:") print(str(var_with_selectors)) print(dim(var_with_selectors)) } } if (selectors_are_indices) { sub_array_of_values <- NULL #} else if (!is.null(var_ordered)) { # sub_array_of_values <- var_ordered } else { if (length(var_file_dims) > 0) { var_indices_to_take <- selector_indices_to_take[which(names(selector_indices_to_take) %in% names(var_file_dims))] sub_array_of_values <- Subset(var_with_selectors, names(var_indices_to_take), as.list(var_indices_to_take), drop = 'selected') } else { sub_array_of_values <- var_with_selectors } } if (debug) { if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) { print("-> STRUCTURE OF THE SUB ARRAY FROM THE VARIABLE CORRESPONDING TO THE SUB ARRAY OF SELECTORS") print(str(sub_array_of_values)) print(dim(sub_array_of_values)) print("-> NAME OF THE FILE DIMENSION THE CURRENT INNER DIMENSION EXTENDS ALONG:") print(file_dim) } } if ((!is.null(file_dim) && (file_dim %in% names(selector_file_dims))) || is.null(file_dim)) { if (length(sub_array_of_selectors) > 0) { if (debug) { if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) { print("-> THE INNER DIMENSION DOES NOT GO ACROSS ANY FILE DIMENSION OR IT DOES BUT IS IN THE PROVIDED SELECTOR ARRAY.") } } if (selectors_are_indices) { if (!is.null(var_with_selectors_name)) { max_allowed <- ifelse(aiat, m, n) } else { max_allowed <- data_dims[inner_dim] } if (any(na.omit(unlist(sub_array_of_selectors)) > max_allowed) || any(na.omit(unlist(sub_array_of_selectors)) < 1)) { stop("Provided indices out of range for dimension '", inner_dim, "' ", "for dataset '", dat[[i]][['name']], "' (accepted range: 1 to ", max_allowed, ").") } } # The selector_checker will return either a vector of indices or a list # with the first and last desired indices. goes_across_prime_meridian <- FALSE if (!is.null(var_ordered) && !selectors_are_indices) { if (!is.null(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]])) { if (is.list(sub_array_of_selectors)) { ## NOTE: The check of 'goes_across_prime_meridian' is moved forward to here. is_circular_dim <- attr(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]], "circular") if (!is.null(is_circular_dim)) { if (is_circular_dim) { # NOTE: Use CircularSort() to put the values in the assigned range, and get the order. # For example, [-10, 20] in CircularSort(0, 360) is [350, 20]. The $ix list is [2, 1]. # 'goes_across_prime_meridian' means the selector range across the border. For example, # CircularSort(-180, 180) with selector [170, 190] -> goes_across_prime_meridian = TRUE. tmp <- dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]](unlist(sub_array_of_selectors))$ix goes_across_prime_meridian <- tmp[1] > tmp[2] } } # HERE change to the same code as below (under 'else'). Not sure why originally #it uses additional lines, which make reorder not work. sub_array_of_selectors <- as.list(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]](unlist(sub_array_of_selectors))$x) #sub_array_reordered <- dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]](unlist(sub_array_of_selectors)) #sub_array_unorder <- sort(sub_array_reordered$ix, index.return = TRUE)$ix #sub_array_of_selectors <- as.list(sub_array_reordered$x[sub_array_unorder]) # Add warning if the boundary is out of range if (sub_array_of_selectors[1] < range(var_ordered)[1] | sub_array_of_selectors[1] > range(var_ordered)[2]) { .warning(paste0("The lower boundary of selector of ", inner_dim, " is out of range [", min(var_ordered), ", ", max(var_ordered), "]. ", "Check if the desired range is all included.")) } if (sub_array_of_selectors[2] < range(var_ordered)[1] | sub_array_of_selectors[2] > range(var_ordered)[2]) { .warning(paste0("The upper boundary of selector of ", inner_dim, " is out of range [", min(var_ordered), ", ", max(var_ordered), "]. ", "Check if the desired range is all included.")) } } else { sub_array_of_selectors <- dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]](sub_array_of_selectors)$x } } # NOTE: The ideal solution for selecting indices in goes_across_prime_meridian case # is modified SelectorCheckor.R. But now SelectorCheckor doesn't know the info of #goes_across_prime_meridian, so I do the adjustion after calling SelectorCheckor(). sub_array_of_indices <- selector_checker(sub_array_of_selectors, var_ordered, tolerance = if (aiat) { NULL } else { tolerance_params[[inner_dim]] }) if (goes_across_prime_meridian & sub_array_of_indices[[1]] < sub_array_of_indices[[2]]) { if (!(sub_array_of_selectors[[1]] %in% var_ordered)){ sub_array_of_indices[[1]] <- sub_array_of_indices[[1]] - 1 } if (!(sub_array_of_selectors[[2]] %in% var_ordered)){ sub_array_of_indices[[2]] <- sub_array_of_indices[[2]] + 1 } } #NOTE: the possible case? if (goes_across_prime_meridian & sub_array_of_indices[[1]] > sub_array_of_indices[[2]]) { .stop("The case is goes_across_prime_meridian but no adjustion for the indices!") } if (any( { stop(paste0("The selectors of ", inner_dim, " are out of range [", min(var_ordered), ", ", max(var_ordered), "].")) } } else { # Add warning if the boundary is out of range if (is.list(sub_array_of_selectors)) { if (sub_array_of_selectors[1] < min(sub_array_of_values) | sub_array_of_selectors[1] > max(sub_array_of_values)) { .warning(paste0("The lower boundary of selector of ", inner_dim, " is out of range [", min(sub_array_of_values), ", ", max(sub_array_of_values), "]. ", "Check if the desired range is all included.")) } if (sub_array_of_selectors[2] < min(sub_array_of_values) | sub_array_of_selectors[2] > max(sub_array_of_values)) { .warning(paste0("The upper boundary of selector of ", inner_dim, " is out of range [", min(sub_array_of_values), ", ", max(sub_array_of_values), "]. ", "Check if the desired range is all included.")) } } sub_array_of_indices <- selector_checker(sub_array_of_selectors, sub_array_of_values, tolerance = if (aiat) { NULL } else { tolerance_params[[inner_dim]] }) if (any( { stop(paste0("The selectors of ", inner_dim, " are out of range [", min(sub_array_of_values), ", ", max(sub_array_of_values), "].")) } } ## This 'if' runs in both Start() and Compute(). In Start(), it doesn't have any effect (no chunk). ## In Compute(), it creates the indices for each chunk. For example, if 'sub_array_of_indices' ## is c(5:10) and chunked into 2, 'sub_array_of_indices' becomes c(5:7) for chunk = 1, c(8:10) ## for chunk = 2. If 'sub_array_of_indices' is list(55, 62) and chunked into 2, it becomes ## list(55, 58) for chunk = 1 and list(59, 62) for chunk = 2. ## TODO: The list can be turned into vector here? So afterward no need to judge if it is list ## or vector. if (!is.list(sub_array_of_indices)) { sub_array_of_indices <- sub_array_of_indices[chunk_indices(length(sub_array_of_indices), chunks[[inner_dim]]["chunk"], chunks[[inner_dim]]["n_chunks"], inner_dim)] } else { tmp <- chunk_indices(length(sub_array_of_indices[[1]]:sub_array_of_indices[[2]]), chunks[[inner_dim]]["chunk"], chunks[[inner_dim]]["n_chunks"], inner_dim) vect <- sub_array_of_indices[[1]]:sub_array_of_indices[[2]] sub_array_of_indices[[1]] <- vect[tmp[1]] sub_array_of_indices[[2]] <- vect[tmp[length(tmp)]] } # The sub_array_of_indices now contains numeric indices of the values to be taken by each chunk. # Check if all the files have the selectors assigned (e.g., region = 'Grnland') _20191015 if (is.character(sub_array_of_selectors)) { array_of_var_files_check <- vector('list', length(selector_indices)) for (k in 1:length(selector_indices)) { asdasd <- selector_indices[[k]] array_of_var_files_check <-'[', c(list(x = array_of_files_to_load), asdasd, list(drop = FALSE)))[j] file_object <- file_opener(array_of_var_files_check) var_values_check <- file_var_reader(NULL, file_object, NULL, var_to_read, synonims) if (any(as.vector(var_values_check)[sub_array_of_indices] != sub_array_of_selectors)) { .warning('Not all the files has correponding selectors. Check the selector attributes') } } } if (debug) { if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) { print("-> TRANSFORMATION REQUESTED?") print(with_transform) print("-> BETA:") print(beta) } } if (with_transform) { # If there is a transformation and selector values are provided, these # selectors will be processed in the same way either if aiat = TRUE or # aiat = FALSE. ## TODO: If sub_array_of_selectors was integer and aiat then... do what's commented 50 lines below. ## otherwise, do what's coded. if (debug) { if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) { print("-> SELECTORS REQUESTED BEFORE TRANSFORM.") } } ###NOTE: Here, the transform, is different from the below part of non-transform. # search 'if (goes_across_prime_meridian' to find the lines below. if (goes_across_prime_meridian) { # NOTE: before changing, the return is already correct. #NOTE: The fix below has the same explanation as no with_transform part below. # Search the next next 'if (goes_across_prime_meridian) {'. if (sub_array_of_indices[[1]] == sub_array_of_indices[[2]]) { # global longitude sub_array_of_fri <- 1:n # Warning if transform_extra_cell != 0 if (beta != 0) { .warning(paste0("Adding parameter transform_extra_cells = ", transform_extra_cells, " to the transformed index excesses ", "the border. The border index is used for transformation.")) } } else { # normal case, i.e., not global first_index <- min(unlist(sub_array_of_indices)) last_index <- max(unlist(sub_array_of_indices)) gap_width <- last_index - first_index - 1 sub_array_of_fri <- c(1:(min(unlist(sub_array_of_indices)) + min(gap_width, beta)), (max(unlist(sub_array_of_indices)) - min(gap_width, beta)):n) if (min(gap_width, beta) != beta) { .warning(paste0("Adding parameter transform_extra_cells = ", transform_extra_cells, " to the transformed index excesses ", "the border. The border index is used for transformation.")) } } } else { #NOTE: This if seems redundant. if (is.list(sub_array_of_indices)) { sub_array_of_indices <- sub_array_of_indices[[1]]:sub_array_of_indices[[2]] } first_index <- min(unlist(sub_array_of_indices)) last_index <- max(unlist(sub_array_of_indices)) start_padding <- min(beta, first_index - 1) end_padding <- min(beta, n - last_index) if (exists("is_circular_dim")) { if (!is_circular_dim) { #latitude sub_array_of_fri <- (first_index - start_padding):(last_index + end_padding) if (start_padding != beta | end_padding != beta) { .warning(paste0("Adding parameter transform_extra_cells = ", transform_extra_cells, " to the transformed index excesses ", "the border. The border index is used for transformation.")) } } else { #longitude if ((last_index - first_index + 1 + beta * 2) >= n) { sub_array_of_fri <- 1:n } else if (start_padding < beta) { # left side too close to border, need to go to right side sub_array_of_fri <- c((first_index - start_padding):(last_index + end_padding), (n - (beta - start_padding - 1)):n) } else if (end_padding < beta) { # right side too close to border, need to go to left side sub_array_of_fri <- c(1: (beta - end_padding), (first_index - start_padding):(last_index + end_padding)) } else { #normal sub_array_of_fri <- (first_index - start_padding):(last_index + end_padding) } } } else { # when _reorder is not used sub_array_of_fri <- (first_index - start_padding):(last_index + end_padding) if (start_padding != beta | end_padding != beta) { .warning(paste0("Adding parameter transform_extra_cells = ", transform_extra_cells, " to the transformed index excesses ", "the border. The border index is used for transformation.")) } } } subset_vars_to_transform <- vars_to_transform if (!is.null(var_ordered)) { ##NOTE: if var_ordered is common_vars, it doesn't have attributes and it is a vector. ## Turn it into array and add dimension name. if (!is.array(var_ordered)) { var_ordered <- as.array(var_ordered) names(dim(var_ordered)) <- inner_dim } subset_vars_to_transform[[var_with_selectors_name]] <- Subset(var_ordered, inner_dim, sub_array_of_fri) } else { ##NOTE: It should be redundant because without reordering the var should remain array ## But just stay same with above... if (!is.array(sub_array_of_values)) { sub_array_of_values <- as.array(sub_array_of_values) names(dim(sub_array_of_values)) <- inner_dim } subset_vars_to_transform[[var_with_selectors_name]] <- Subset(sub_array_of_values, inner_dim, sub_array_of_fri) } # Change the order of longitude crop if no reorder + from big to small. # cdo -sellonlatbox, the lon is west, east (while lat can be north # to south or opposite) # Before changing crop, first we need to find the name of longitude. # NOTE: The potential bug here (also the bug for CDORemapper): the lon name # is limited (only the ones listed in .KnownLonNames() are available. known_lon_names <- s2dverification:::.KnownLonNames() lon_name <- names(subset_vars_to_transform)[which(names(subset_vars_to_transform) %in% known_lon_names)[1]] # NOTE: The cases not considered: (1) if lon reorder(decreasing = T) # It doesn't make sense, but if someone uses it, here should # occur error. (2) crop = TRUE/FALSE if ('crop' %in% names(transform_params) & var_with_selectors_name == lon_name & is.null(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]])) { if (is.numeric(class(transform_params$crop))) { if (transform_params$crop[1] > transform_params$crop[2]) { tmp <- transform_params$crop[1] transform_params$crop[1] <- transform_params$crop[2] transform_params$crop[2] <- tmp } } } transformed_subset_var <-, c(list(data_array = NULL, variables = subset_vars_to_transform, file_selectors = selectors_of_first_files_with_data[[i]]), transform_params))$variables[[var_with_selectors_name]] # Sorting the transformed variable and working out the indices again after transform. if (!is.null(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]])) { transformed_subset_var_reorder <- dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]](transformed_subset_var) transformed_subset_var <- transformed_subset_var_reorder$x #NOTE: The fix here solves the mis-ordered lon when across_meridian. transformed_subset_var_unorder <- transformed_subset_var_reorder$ix # transformed_subset_var_unorder <- sort(transformed_subset_var_reorder$ix, index.return = TRUE)$ix } else { transformed_subset_var_unorder <- 1:length(transformed_subset_var) } sub_array_of_sri <- selector_checker(sub_array_of_selectors, transformed_subset_var, tolerance = if (aiat) { tolerance_params[[inner_dim]] } else { NULL }) # Check if selectors fall out of the range of the transform grid # It may happen when original lon is [-180, 180] while want to regrid to # [0, 360], and lon selector = [-20, -10]. if (any( { stop(paste0("The selectors of ", inner_dim, " are out of range of transform grid '", transform_params$grid, "'. Use parameter '", inner_dim, "_reorder' or change ", inner_dim, " selectors.")) } if (goes_across_prime_meridian) { if (sub_array_of_sri[[1]] == sub_array_of_sri[[2]]) { # global longitude sub_array_of_sri <- c(1:length(transformed_subset_var)) } else { # the common case, i.e., non-global # NOTE: Because sub_array_of_sri order is exchanged due to # previous development, here [[1]] and [[2]] should exchange sub_array_of_sri <- c(1:sub_array_of_sri[[1]], sub_array_of_sri[[2]]:length(transformed_subset_var)) } } else if (is.list(sub_array_of_sri)) { sub_array_of_sri <- sub_array_of_sri[[1]]:sub_array_of_sri[[2]] } ordered_sri <- sub_array_of_sri sub_array_of_sri <- transformed_subset_var_unorder[sub_array_of_sri] # In this case, the tvi are not defined and the 'transformed_subset_var' # will be taken instead of the var transformed before in the code. if (debug) { if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) { print("-> FIRST INDEX:") print(first_index) print("-> LAST INDEX:") print(last_index) print("-> STRUCTURE OF FIRST ROUND INDICES:") print(str(sub_array_of_fri)) print("-> STRUCTURE OF SECOND ROUND INDICES:") print(str(sub_array_of_sri)) print("-> STRUCTURE OF TRANSFORMED VARIABLE INDICES:") print(str(tvi)) } } ### # If the selectors are expressed after transformation ### } else { ###if (debug) { ###if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) { ###print("-> SELECTORS REQUESTED AFTER TRANSFORM.") ###} ###} ### if (goes_across_prime_meridian) { ### sub_array_of_indices <- c(sub_array_of_indices[[1]]:m, ### 1:sub_array_of_indices[[2]]) ### } ### first_index <- min(unlist(sub_array_of_indices)) ### last_index <- max(unlist(sub_array_of_indices)) ### first_index_before_transform <- max(transform_indices(first_index, m, n) - beta, 1) ### last_index_before_transform <- min(transform_indices(last_index, m, n) + beta, n) ### sub_array_of_fri <- first_index_before_transform:last_index_before_transform ### n_of_extra_cells <- round(beta / n * m) ### if (is.list(sub_array_of_indices) && (length(sub_array_of_indices) > 1)) { ### sub_array_of_sri <- 1:(last_index - first_index + 1) ### if (is.null(tvi)) { ### tvi <- sub_array_of_sri + first_index - 1 ### } ### } else { ### sub_array_of_sri <- sub_array_of_indices - first_index + 1 ### if (is.null(tvi)) { ### tvi <- sub_array_of_indices ### } ### } ### sub_array_of_sri <- sub_array_of_sri + n_of_extra_cells sri <-'[[<-', c(list(x = sri), as.list(selector_store_position), list(value = sub_array_of_sri))) } else { if (goes_across_prime_meridian) { #NOTE: The potential problem here is, if it is global longitude, # and the indices overlap (e.g., lon = [0, 359.723] and # CircularSort(-180, 180), then sub_array_of_indices = list(649, 649)). # Therefore, sub_array_of_fri will be c(1:649, 649:1296). We'll # get two 649. # The fix below may not be the best solution, but it works for # the example above. if (sub_array_of_indices[[1]] == sub_array_of_indices[[2]]) { # global longitude sub_array_of_fri <- c(1:n) } else { # the common case, i.e., non-global sub_array_of_fri <- c(1:min(unlist(sub_array_of_indices)), max(unlist(sub_array_of_indices)):n) } } else if (is.list(sub_array_of_indices)) { sub_array_of_fri <- sub_array_of_indices[[1]]:sub_array_of_indices[[2]] } else { sub_array_of_fri <- sub_array_of_indices } } if (!is.null(var_unorder_indices)) { if (is.null(ordered_fri)) { ordered_fri <- sub_array_of_fri } sub_array_of_fri <- var_unorder_indices[sub_array_of_fri] } fri <-'[[<-', c(list(x = fri), as.list(selector_store_position), list(value = sub_array_of_fri))) if (!is.null(file_dim)) { taken_chunks[selector_store_position[[file_dim]]] <- TRUE } else { taken_chunks <- TRUE } } } else { if (debug) { if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) { print("-> THE INNER DIMENSION GOES ACROSS A FILE DIMENSION.") } } if (inner_dim %in% names(dim(sub_array_of_selectors))) { if (is.null(var_with_selectors_name)) { if (any(na.omit(unlist(sub_array_of_selectors)) < 1) || any(na.omit(unlist(sub_array_of_selectors)) > data_dims[inner_dim] * chunk_amount)) { stop("Provided indices out of range for dimension '", inner_dim, "' ", "for dataset '", dat[[i]][['name']], "' (accepted range: 1 to ", data_dims[inner_dim] * chunk_amount, ").") } } else { if (inner_dim %in% names(dim(sub_array_of_values))) { # NOTE: Put across-inner-dim at the 1st position. # POSSIBLE PROB!! Only organize inner dim, the rest dims may not in the same order as sub_array_of_selectors below. inner_dim_pos_in_sub_array <- which(names(dim(sub_array_of_values)) == inner_dim) if (inner_dim_pos_in_sub_array != 1) { new_sub_array_order <- (1:length(dim(sub_array_of_values)))[-inner_dim_pos_in_sub_array] new_sub_array_order <- c(inner_dim_pos_in_sub_array, new_sub_array_order) sub_array_of_values <- .aperm2(sub_array_of_values, new_sub_array_order) } } } # NOTE: Put across-inner-dim at the 1st position. # POSSIBLE PROB!! Only organize inner dim, the rest dims may not in the same order as sub_array_of_values above. inner_dim_pos_in_sub_array <- which(names(dim(sub_array_of_selectors)) == inner_dim) if (inner_dim_pos_in_sub_array != 1) { new_sub_array_order <- (1:length(dim(sub_array_of_selectors)))[-inner_dim_pos_in_sub_array] new_sub_array_order <- c(inner_dim_pos_in_sub_array, new_sub_array_order) sub_array_of_selectors <- .aperm2(sub_array_of_selectors, new_sub_array_order) } sub_array_of_indices <- selector_checker(sub_array_of_selectors, sub_array_of_values, tolerance = tolerance_params[[inner_dim]]) # It is needed to expand the indices here, otherwise for # values(list(date1, date2)) only 2 values are picked. if (is.list(sub_array_of_indices)) { sub_array_of_indices <- sub_array_of_indices[[1]]:sub_array_of_indices[[2]] } sub_array_of_indices <- sub_array_of_indices[chunk_indices(length(sub_array_of_indices), chunks[[inner_dim]]['chunk'], chunks[[inner_dim]]['n_chunks'], inner_dim)] sub_array_is_list <- FALSE if (is.list(sub_array_of_indices)) { sub_array_is_list <- TRUE sub_array_of_indices <- unlist(sub_array_of_indices) } if (is.null(var_with_selectors_name)) { indices_chunk <- floor((sub_array_of_indices - 1) / data_dims[inner_dim]) + 1 transformed_indices <- ((sub_array_of_indices - 1) %% data_dims[inner_dim]) + 1 } else { indices_chunk <- floor((sub_array_of_indices - 1) / var_full_dims[inner_dim]) + 1 transformed_indices <- ((sub_array_of_indices - 1) %% var_full_dims[inner_dim]) + 1 } if (sub_array_is_list) { sub_array_of_indices <- as.list(sub_array_of_indices) } if (debug) { if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) { print("-> GOING TO ITERATE ALONG CHUNKS.") } } for (chunk in 1:chunk_amount) { if (!is.null(names(selector_store_position))) { selector_store_position[file_dim] <- chunk } else { selector_store_position <- chunk } chunk_selectors <- transformed_indices[which(indices_chunk == chunk)] sub_array_of_indices <- chunk_selectors if (with_transform) { # If the provided selectors are expressed in the world # before transformation if (!aiat) { first_index <- min(unlist(sub_array_of_indices)) last_index <- max(unlist(sub_array_of_indices)) sub_array_of_fri <- max(c(first_index - beta, 1)):min(c(last_index + beta, n)) sub_array_of_sri <- transform_indices(unlist(sub_array_of_indices) - first_index + 1, n, m) if (is.list(sub_array_of_indices)) { if (length(sub_array_of_sri) > 1) { sub_array_of_sri <- sub_array_of_sri[[1]]:sub_array_of_sri[[2]] } } ##TODO: TRANSFORM SUBSET VARIABLE AS ABOVE, TO COMPUTE SRI # If the selectors are expressed after transformation } else { first_index <- min(unlist(sub_array_of_indices)) last_index <- max(unlist(sub_array_of_indices)) first_index_before_transform <- max(transform_indices(first_index, m, n) - beta, 1) last_index_before_transform <- min(transform_indices(last_index, m, n) + beta, n) sub_array_of_fri <- first_index_before_transform:last_index_before_transform if (is.list(sub_array_of_indices) && (length(sub_array_of_indices) > 1)) { sub_array_of_sri <- 1:(last_index - first_index + 1) + round(beta / n * m) } else { sub_array_of_sri <- sub_array_of_indices - first_index + 1 + round(beta / n * m) } ##TODO: FILL IN TVI } sri <-'[[<-', c(list(x = sri), as.list(selector_store_position), list(value = sub_array_of_sri))) if (length(sub_array_of_sri) > 0) { taken_chunks[chunk] <- TRUE } } else { sub_array_of_fri <- sub_array_of_indices if (length(sub_array_of_fri) > 0) { taken_chunks[chunk] <- TRUE } } if (!is.null(var_unorder_indices)) { ordered_fri <- sub_array_of_fri sub_array_of_fri <- var_unorder_indices[sub_array_of_fri] } fri <-'[[<-', c(list(x = fri), as.list(selector_store_position), list(value = sub_array_of_fri))) } if (debug) { if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) { print("-> FINISHED ITERATING ALONG CHUNKS") } } } else { stop("Provided array of indices for dimension '", inner_dim, "', ", "which goes across the file dimension '", file_dim, "', but ", "the provided array does not have the dimension '", inner_dim, "', which is mandatory.") } } } } if (debug) { if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) { print("-> PROCEEDING TO CROP VARIABLES") } } #if ((length(selector_array) == 1) && (selector_array %in% c('all', 'first', 'last'))) { #if (!is.null(var_with_selectors_name) || (is.null(var_with_selectors_name) && is.character(selector_array) && # (length(selector_array) == 1) && (selector_array %in% c('all', 'first', 'last')))) { empty_chunks <- which(!taken_chunks) if (length(empty_chunks) >= length(taken_chunks)) { stop("Selectors do not match any of the possible values for the dimension '", inner_dim, "'.") } if (length(empty_chunks) > 0) { # # Get the first group of chunks to remove, and remove them. # # E.g., from c(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9) remove only 1 and 2 # dist <- abs(rev(empty_chunks) - c(rev(empty_chunks)[1] - 1, head(rev(empty_chunks), length(rev(empty_chunks)) - 1))) # if (all(dist == 1)) { # start_chunks_to_remove <- NULL # } else { # first_chunk_to_remove <- tail(which(dist > 1), 1) # start_chunks_to_remove <- rev(rev(empty_chunks)[first_chunk_to_remove:length(empty_chunks)]) # } # # Get the last group of chunks to remove, and remove them. # # E.g., from c(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9) remove only 8 and 9 # dist <- abs(empty_chunks - c(empty_chunks[1] - 1, head(empty_chunks, length(empty_chunks) - 1))) # if (all(dist == 1)) { # first_chunk_to_remove <- 1 # } else { # first_chunk_to_remove <- tail(which(dist > 1), 1) # } # end_chunks_to_remove <- empty_chunks[first_chunk_to_remove:length(empty_chunks)] # chunks_to_keep <- which(!((1:length(taken_chunks)) %in% c(start_chunks_to_remove, end_chunks_to_remove))) chunks_to_keep <- which(taken_chunks) dims_to_crop[[file_dim]] <- c(dims_to_crop[[file_dim]], list(chunks_to_keep)) # found_indices <- Subset(found_indices, file_dim, chunks_to_keep) # # Crop dataset variables file dims. # for (picked_var in names(picked_vars[[i]])) { # if (file_dim %in% names(dim(picked_vars[[i]][[picked_var]]))) { # picked_vars[[i]][[picked_var]] <- Subset(picked_vars[[i]][[picked_var]], file_dim, chunks_to_keep) # } # } } #} dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]] <- list(fri = fri, sri = sri) # Crop dataset variables inner dims. # Crop common variables inner dims. types_of_var_to_crop <- 'picked' if (with_transform) { types_of_var_to_crop <- c(types_of_var_to_crop, 'transformed') } if (!is.null(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]])) { types_of_var_to_crop <- c(types_of_var_to_crop, 'reordered') } for (type_of_var_to_crop in types_of_var_to_crop) { if (type_of_var_to_crop == 'transformed') { if (is.null(tvi)) { if (!is.null(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]])) { crop_indices <- unique(unlist(ordered_sri)) } else { crop_indices <- unique(unlist(sri)) } } else { crop_indices <- unique(unlist(tvi)) } vars_to_crop <- transformed_vars[[i]] common_vars_to_crop <- transformed_common_vars } else if (type_of_var_to_crop == 'reordered') { crop_indices <- unique(unlist(ordered_fri)) vars_to_crop <- picked_vars_ordered[[i]] common_vars_to_crop <- picked_common_vars_ordered } else { crop_indices <- unique(unlist(fri)) vars_to_crop <- picked_vars[[i]] common_vars_to_crop <- picked_common_vars } for (var_to_crop in names(vars_to_crop)) { if (inner_dim %in% names(dim(vars_to_crop[[var_to_crop]]))) { if (!is.null(crop_indices)) { if (type_of_var_to_crop == 'transformed') { if (!aiat) { vars_to_crop[[var_to_crop]] <- Subset(transformed_subset_var, inner_dim, crop_indices) } else { vars_to_crop[[var_to_crop]] <- Subset(vars_to_crop[[var_to_crop]], inner_dim, crop_indices) } } else { vars_to_crop[[var_to_crop]] <- Subset(vars_to_crop[[var_to_crop]], inner_dim, crop_indices) } } } } if (i == length(dat)) { for (common_var_to_crop in names(common_vars_to_crop)) { if (inner_dim %in% names(dim(common_vars_to_crop[[common_var_to_crop]]))) { common_vars_to_crop[[common_var_to_crop]] <- Subset(common_vars_to_crop[[common_var_to_crop]], inner_dim, crop_indices) } } } if (type_of_var_to_crop == 'transformed') { if (!is.null(vars_to_crop)) { transformed_vars[[i]] <- vars_to_crop } if (i == length(dat)) { transformed_common_vars <- common_vars_to_crop } } else if (type_of_var_to_crop == 'reordered') { if (!is.null(vars_to_crop)) { picked_vars_ordered[[i]] <- vars_to_crop } if (i == length(dat)) { picked_common_vars_ordered <- common_vars_to_crop } } else { if (!is.null(vars_to_crop)) { picked_vars[[i]] <- vars_to_crop } if (i == length(dat)) { picked_common_vars <- common_vars_to_crop } } } #} } # After the selectors have been picked (using the original variables), # the variables are transformed. At that point, the original selectors # for the transformed variables are also kept in the variable original_selectors. #print("L") } } } # if (!is.null(transformed_common_vars)) { # picked_common_vars[names(transformed_common_vars)] <- transformed_common_vars # } # Remove the trailing chunks, if any. for (file_dim in names(dims_to_crop)) { # indices_to_keep <- min(sapply(dims_to_crop[[file_dim]], min)):max(sapply(dims_to_crop[[file_dim]], max)) ## TODO: Merge indices in dims_to_crop with some advanced mechanism? indices_to_keep <- unique(unlist(dims_to_crop[[file_dim]])) array_of_files_to_load <- Subset(array_of_files_to_load, file_dim, indices_to_keep) array_of_not_found_files <- Subset(array_of_not_found_files, file_dim, indices_to_keep) for (i in 1:length(dat)) { # Crop selectors for (selector_dim in names(dat[[i]][['selectors']])) { if (selector_dim == file_dim) { for (j in 1:length(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[selector_dim]][['fri']])) { dat[[i]][['selectors']][[selector_dim]][['fri']][[j]] <- dat[[i]][['selectors']][[selector_dim]][['fri']][[j]][indices_to_keep] } for (j in 1:length(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[selector_dim]][['sri']])) { dat[[i]][['selectors']][[selector_dim]][['sri']][[j]] <- dat[[i]][['selectors']][[selector_dim]][['sri']][[j]][indices_to_keep] } } if (file_dim %in% names(dim(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[selector_dim]][['fri']]))) { dat[[i]][['selectors']][[selector_dim]][['fri']] <- Subset(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[selector_dim]][['fri']], file_dim, indices_to_keep) dat[[i]][['selectors']][[selector_dim]][['sri']] <- Subset(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[selector_dim]][['sri']], file_dim, indices_to_keep) } } # Crop dataset variables file dims. for (picked_var in names(picked_vars[[i]])) { if (file_dim %in% names(dim(picked_vars[[i]][[picked_var]]))) { picked_vars[[i]][[picked_var]] <- Subset(picked_vars[[i]][[picked_var]], file_dim, indices_to_keep) } } for (transformed_var in names(transformed_vars[[i]])) { if (file_dim %in% names(dim(transformed_vars[[i]][[transformed_var]]))) { transformed_vars[[i]][[transformed_var]] <- Subset(transformed_vars[[i]][[transformed_var]], file_dim, indices_to_keep) } } } # Crop common variables file dims. for (picked_common_var in names(picked_common_vars)) { if (file_dim %in% names(dim(picked_common_vars[[picked_common_var]]))) { picked_common_vars[[picked_common_var]] <- Subset(picked_common_vars[[picked_common_var]], file_dim, indices_to_keep) } } for (transformed_common_var in names(transformed_common_vars)) { if (file_dim %in% names(dim(transformed_common_vars[[transformed_common_var]]))) { transformed_common_vars[[transformed_common_var]] <- Subset(transformed_common_vars[[transformed_common_var]], file_dim, indices_to_keep) } } } # Calculate the size of the final array. total_inner_dims <- NULL for (i in 1:length(dat)) { if (dataset_has_files[i]) { inner_dims <- expected_inner_dims[[i]] inner_dims <- sapply(inner_dims, function(x) { if (!all(sapply(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[x]][['sri']], is.null))) { max(sapply(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[x]][['sri']], length)) } else { if (length(var_params[[x]]) > 0) { if (var_params[[x]] %in% names(transformed_vars[[i]])) { length(transformed_vars[[i]][[var_params[[x]]]]) } else if (var_params[[x]] %in% names(transformed_common_vars)) { length(transformed_common_vars[[var_params[[x]]]]) } else { max(sapply(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[x]][['fri']], length)) } } else { max(sapply(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[x]][['fri']], length)) } } }) names(inner_dims) <- expected_inner_dims[[i]] if (is.null(total_inner_dims)) { total_inner_dims <- inner_dims } else { new_dims <- .MergeArrayDims(total_inner_dims, inner_dims) total_inner_dims <- new_dims[[3]] } } } new_dims <- .MergeArrayDims(dim(array_of_files_to_load), total_inner_dims) final_dims <- new_dims[[3]][dim_names] # final_dims_fake is the vector of final dimensions after having merged the # 'across' file dimensions with the respective 'across' inner dimensions, and # after having broken into multiple dimensions those dimensions for which # multidimensional selectors have been provided. # final_dims will be used for collocation of data, whereas final_dims_fake # will be used for shaping the final array to be returned to the user. final_dims_fake <- final_dims if (merge_across_dims) { if (!is.null(inner_dims_across_files)) { for (file_dim_across in names(inner_dims_across_files)) { inner_dim_pos <- which(names(final_dims_fake) == inner_dims_across_files[[file_dim_across]]) new_dims <- c() if (inner_dim_pos > 1) { new_dims <- c(new_dims, final_dims_fake[1:(inner_dim_pos - 1)]) } new_dims <- c(new_dims, setNames(prod(final_dims_fake[c(inner_dim_pos, inner_dim_pos + 1)]), inner_dims_across_files[[file_dim_across]])) if (inner_dim_pos + 1 < length(final_dims_fake)) { new_dims <- c(new_dims, final_dims_fake[(inner_dim_pos + 2):length(final_dims_fake)]) } final_dims_fake <- new_dims } } } all_split_dims <- NULL if (split_multiselected_dims) { for (dim_param in 1:length(dim_params)) { if (!is.null(dim(dim_params[[dim_param]]))) { if (length(dim(dim_params[[dim_param]])) > 1) { split_dims <- dim(dim_params[[dim_param]]) all_split_dims <- c(all_split_dims, setNames(list(split_dims), names(dim_params)[dim_param])) if (is.null(names(split_dims))) { names(split_dims) <- paste0(names(dim_params)[dim_param], 1:length(split_dims)) } old_dim_pos <- which(names(final_dims_fake) == names(dim_params)[dim_param]) # NOTE: Three steps to create new dims. # 1st: Put in the dims before split_dim. # 2nd: Replace the old_dim with split_dims. # 3rd: Put in the dims after split_dim. new_dims <- c() if (old_dim_pos > 1) { new_dims <- c(new_dims, final_dims_fake[1:(old_dim_pos - 1)]) } new_dims <- c(new_dims, split_dims) if (old_dim_pos < length(final_dims_fake)) { new_dims <- c(new_dims, final_dims_fake[(old_dim_pos + 1):length(final_dims_fake)]) } final_dims_fake <- new_dims } } } } if (merge_across_dims_narm) { # only merge_across_dims -> the 'time' dim length needs to be adjusted across_inner_dim <- inner_dims_across_files[[1]] #TODO: more than one? across_file_dim <- names(inner_dims_across_files) #TODO: more than one? # Get the length of each inner_dim ('time') along each file_dim ('file_date') length_inner_across_dim <- lapply(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[across_inner_dim]][['fri']], length) if (!split_multiselected_dims) { final_dims_fake_name <- names(final_dims_fake) pos_across_inner_dim <- which(final_dims_fake_name == across_inner_dim) new_length_inner_dim <- sum(unlist(length_inner_across_dim)) if (pos_across_inner_dim != length(final_dims_fake)) { final_dims_fake <- c(final_dims_fake[1:(pos_across_inner_dim - 1)], new_length_inner_dim, final_dims_fake[(pos_across_inner_dim + 1):length(final_dims_fake)]) } else { final_dims_fake <- c(final_dims_fake[1:(pos_across_inner_dim - 1)], new_length_inner_dim) } names(final_dims_fake) <- final_dims_fake_name } } if (!silent) { .message("Detected dimension sizes:") longest_dim_len <- max(sapply(names(final_dims_fake), nchar)) longest_size_len <- max(sapply(paste0(final_dims_fake, ''), nchar)) sapply(names(final_dims_fake), function(x) { message(paste0("* ", paste(rep(' ', longest_dim_len - nchar(x)), collapse = ''), x, ": ", paste(rep(' ', longest_size_len - nchar(paste0(final_dims_fake[x], ''))), collapse = ''), final_dims_fake[x])) }) bytes <- prod(c(final_dims_fake, 8)) dim_sizes <- paste(final_dims_fake, collapse = ' x ') if (retrieve) { .message(paste("Total size of requested data:")) } else { .message(paste("Total size of involved data:")) } .message(paste(dim_sizes, " x 8 bytes =", format(structure(bytes, class = "object_size"), units = "auto")), indent = 2) } # NOTE: If split_multiselected_dims + merge_across_dims, the dim order may need to be changed. # The inner_dim needs to be the first dim among split dims. # Cannot control the rest dims are in the same order or not... # Suppose users put the same order of across inner and file dims. if (split_multiselected_dims & merge_across_dims) { # TODO: More than one split? inner_dim_pos_in_split_dims <- which(names(all_split_dims[[1]]) == inner_dims_across_files) # if inner_dim is not the first, change! if (inner_dim_pos_in_split_dims != 1) { split_dims <- c(split_dims[inner_dim_pos_in_split_dims], split_dims[1:length(split_dims)][-inner_dim_pos_in_split_dims]) split_dims_pos <- which(!, names(split_dims)))) # Save the current final_dims_fake for later reorder back final_dims_fake_output <- final_dims_fake new_dims <- c() if (split_dims_pos[1] != 1) { new_dims <- c(new_dims, final_dims_fake[1:(split_dims_pos[1] - 1)]) } new_dims <- c(new_dims, split_dims) if (split_dims_pos[length(split_dims_pos)] < length(final_dims_fake)) { new_dims <- c(new_dims, final_dims_fake[(split_dims_pos[length(split_dims_pos)] + 1):length(final_dims_fake)]) } final_dims_fake <- new_dims } } # The following several lines will only be run if retrieve = TRUE if (retrieve) { ########## CREATING THE SHARED MATRIX AND DISPATCHING WORK PIECES ########### # TODO: try performance of storing all in cols instead of rows # Create the shared memory array, and a pointer to it, to be sent # to the work pieces. data_array <- big.matrix(nrow = prod(final_dims), ncol = 1) shared_matrix_pointer <- describe(data_array) if (is.null(num_procs)) { num_procs <- availableCores() } # Creating a shared tmp folder to store metadata from each chunk array_of_metadata_flags <- array(FALSE, dim = dim(array_of_files_to_load)) if (!is.null(metadata_dims)) { metadata_indices_to_load <- as.list(rep(1, length(dim(array_of_files_to_load)))) names(metadata_indices_to_load) <- names(dim(array_of_files_to_load)) metadata_indices_to_load[metadata_dims] <- as.list(rep(TRUE, length(metadata_dims))) array_of_metadata_flags <-'[<-', c(list(array_of_metadata_flags), metadata_indices_to_load, list(value = rep(TRUE, prod(dim(array_of_files_to_load)[metadata_dims]))))) } metadata_file_counter <- 0 metadata_folder <- tempfile('metadata') dir.create(metadata_folder) # Build the work pieces, each with: # - file path # - total size (dims) of store array # - start position in store array # - file selectors (to provide extra info. useful e.g. to select variable) # - indices to take from file work_pieces <- list() for (i in 1:length(dat)) { if (dataset_has_files[i]) { selectors <- dat[[i]][['selectors']] file_dims <- found_file_dims[[i]] inner_dims <- expected_inner_dims[[i]] sub_array_dims <- final_dims[file_dims] sub_array_dims[found_pattern_dim] <- 1 sub_array_of_files_to_load <- array(1:prod(sub_array_dims), dim = sub_array_dims) names(dim(sub_array_of_files_to_load)) <- names(sub_array_dims) # Detect which of the dimensions of the dataset go across files. file_dim_across_files <- lapply(inner_dims, function(x) { dim_across <- sapply(inner_dims_across_files, function(y) x %in% y) if (any(dim_across)) { names(inner_dims_across_files)[which(dim_across)[1]] } else { NULL } }) names(file_dim_across_files) <- inner_dims j <- 1 while (j <= prod(sub_array_dims)) { # Work out file path. file_to_load_sub_indices <- which(sub_array_of_files_to_load == j, arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ] names(file_to_load_sub_indices) <- names(sub_array_dims) file_to_load_sub_indices[found_pattern_dim] <- i big_dims <- rep(1, length(dim(array_of_files_to_load))) names(big_dims) <- names(dim(array_of_files_to_load)) file_to_load_indices <- .MergeArrayDims(file_to_load_sub_indices, big_dims)[[1]] file_to_load <-'[[', c(list(array_of_files_to_load), as.list(file_to_load_indices))) not_found_file <-'[[', c(list(array_of_not_found_files), as.list(file_to_load_indices))) load_file_metadata <-'[', c(list(array_of_metadata_flags), as.list(file_to_load_indices))) if (load_file_metadata) { metadata_file_counter <- metadata_file_counter + 1 } if (! && !not_found_file) { # Work out indices to take first_round_indices <- lapply(inner_dims, function (x) { if (is.null(file_dim_across_files[[x]])) { selectors[[x]][['fri']][[1]] } else { which_chunk <- file_to_load_sub_indices[file_dim_across_files[[x]]] selectors[[x]][['fri']][[which_chunk]] } }) names(first_round_indices) <- inner_dims second_round_indices <- lapply(inner_dims, function (x) { if (is.null(file_dim_across_files[[x]])) { selectors[[x]][['sri']][[1]] } else { which_chunk <- file_to_load_sub_indices[file_dim_across_files[[x]]] selectors[[x]][['sri']][[which_chunk]] } }) if (debug) { print("-> BUILDING A WORK PIECE") #print(str(selectors)) } names(second_round_indices) <- inner_dims if (!any(sapply(first_round_indices, length) == 0)) { work_piece <- list() work_piece[['first_round_indices']] <- first_round_indices work_piece[['second_round_indices']] <- second_round_indices work_piece[['file_indices_in_array_of_files']] <- file_to_load_indices work_piece[['file_path']] <- file_to_load work_piece[['store_dims']] <- final_dims # Work out store position store_position <- final_dims store_position[names(file_to_load_indices)] <- file_to_load_indices store_position[inner_dims] <- rep(1, length(inner_dims)) work_piece[['store_position']] <- store_position # Work out file selectors file_selectors <- sapply(file_dims, function (x) { vector_to_pick <- 1 if (x %in% names(depending_file_dims)) { vector_to_pick <- file_to_load_indices[depending_file_dims[[x]]] } selectors[file_dims][[x]][[vector_to_pick]][file_to_load_indices[x]] }) names(file_selectors) <- file_dims work_piece[['file_selectors']] <- file_selectors # Send variables for transformation if (!is.null(transform) && (length(transform_vars) > 0)) { vars_to_transform <- NULL picked_vars_to_transform <- which(names(picked_vars[[i]]) %in% transform_vars) if (length(picked_vars_to_transform) > 0) { picked_vars_to_transform <- names(picked_vars[[i]])[picked_vars_to_transform] vars_to_transform <- c(vars_to_transform, picked_vars[[i]][picked_vars_to_transform]) if (any(picked_vars_to_transform %in% names(picked_vars_ordered[[i]]))) { picked_vars_ordered_to_transform <- picked_vars_to_transform[which(picked_vars_to_transform %in% names(picked_vars_ordered[[i]]))] vars_to_transform[picked_vars_ordered_to_transform] <- picked_vars_ordered[[i]][picked_vars_ordered_to_transform] } } picked_common_vars_to_transform <- which(names(picked_common_vars) %in% transform_vars) if (length(picked_common_vars_to_transform) > 0) { picked_common_vars_to_transform <- names(picked_common_vars)[picked_common_vars_to_transform] vars_to_transform <- c(vars_to_transform, picked_common_vars[picked_common_vars_to_transform]) if (any(picked_common_vars_to_transform %in% names(picked_common_vars_ordered))) { picked_common_vars_ordered_to_transform <- picked_common_vars_to_transform[which(picked_common_vars_to_transform %in% names(picked_common_vars_ordered))] vars_to_transform[picked_common_vars_ordered_to_transform] <- picked_common_vars_ordered[picked_common_vars_ordered_to_transform] } } work_piece[['vars_to_transform']] <- vars_to_transform } # Send flag to load metadata if (load_file_metadata) { work_piece[['save_metadata_in']] <- paste0(metadata_folder, '/', metadata_file_counter) } work_pieces <- c(work_pieces, list(work_piece)) } } j <- j + 1 } } } #print("N") if (debug) { print("-> WORK PIECES BUILT") } # Calculate the progress %s that will be displayed and assign them to # the appropriate work pieces. if (length(work_pieces) / num_procs >= 2 && !silent) { if (length(work_pieces) / num_procs < 10) { amount <- 100 / ceiling(length(work_pieces) / num_procs) reps <- ceiling(length(work_pieces) / num_procs) } else { amount <- 10 reps <- 10 } progress_steps <- rep(amount, reps) if (length(work_pieces) < (reps + 1)) { selected_pieces <- length(work_pieces) progress_steps <- c(sum(head(progress_steps, reps)), tail(progress_steps, reps)) } else { selected_pieces <- round(seq(1, length(work_pieces), length.out = reps + 1))[-1] } progress_steps <- paste0(' + ', round(progress_steps, 2), '%') progress_message <- 'Progress: 0%' } else { progress_message <- '' selected_pieces <- NULL } piece_counter <- 1 step_counter <- 1 work_pieces <- lapply(work_pieces, function (x) { if (piece_counter %in% selected_pieces) { wp <- c(x, list(progress_amount = progress_steps[step_counter])) step_counter <<- step_counter + 1 } else { wp <- x } piece_counter <<- piece_counter + 1 wp }) if (!silent) { .message("If the size of the requested data is close to or above the free shared RAM memory, R may crash.") .message("If the size of the requested data is close to or above the half of the free RAM memory, R may crash.") .message(paste0("Will now proceed to read and process ", length(work_pieces), " data files:")) if (length(work_pieces) < 30) { lapply(work_pieces, function (x) .message(x[['file_path']], indent = 2)) } else { .message("The list of files is long. You can check it after Start() finishes in the output '$Files'.", indent = 2, exdent = 5) } } # Build the cluster of processes that will do the work and dispatch work pieces. # The function .LoadDataFile is applied to each work piece. This function will # open the data file, regrid if needed, subset, apply the mask, # compute and apply the weights if needed, # disable extreme values and store in the shared memory matrix. #print("O") if (!silent) { .message("Loading... This may take several minutes...") if (progress_message != '') { .message(progress_message, appendLF = FALSE) } } if (num_procs == 1) { found_files <- lapply(work_pieces, .LoadDataFile, shared_matrix_pointer = shared_matrix_pointer, file_data_reader = file_data_reader, synonims = synonims, transform = transform, transform_params = transform_params, silent = silent, debug = debug) } else { cluster <- makeCluster(num_procs, outfile = "") # Send the heavy work to the workers work_errors <- try({ found_files <- clusterApplyLB(cluster, work_pieces, .LoadDataFile, shared_matrix_pointer = shared_matrix_pointer, file_data_reader = file_data_reader, synonims = synonims, transform = transform, transform_params = transform_params, silent = silent, debug = debug) }) stopCluster(cluster) } if (!silent) { if (progress_message != '') { .message("\n", tag = '') } } #print("P") # NOTE: If merge_across_dims = TRUE, there might be additional NAs due to # unequal inner_dim ('time') length across file_dim ('file_date'). # If merge_across_dims_narm = TRUE, add additional lines to remove these NAs. # TODO: Now it assumes that only one '_across'. Add a for loop for more-than-one case. if (merge_across_dims_narm) { # Get the length of these two dimensions in final_dims length_inner_across_store_dims <- final_dims[across_inner_dim] length_file_across_store_dims <- final_dims[across_file_dim] # Create a logical array for merge_across_dims logi_array <- array(rep(FALSE, length_file_across_store_dims * length_inner_across_store_dims), dim = c(length_inner_across_store_dims, length_file_across_store_dims)) for (i in 1:length_file_across_store_dims) { #1:4 logi_array[1:length_inner_across_dim[[i]], i] <- TRUE } # First, get the data array with final_dims dimension data_array_final_dims <- array(bigmemory::as.matrix(data_array), dim = final_dims) # Change the NA derived from additional spaces to -9999, then remove these -9999 func_remove_blank <- function(data_array, logi_array) { # dim(data_array) = [time, file_date] # dim(logi_array) = [time, file_date] # Change the blank spaces from NA to -9999 data_array[which(!logi_array)] <- -9999 return(data_array) } data_array_final_dims <- multiApply::Apply(data_array_final_dims, target_dims = c(across_inner_dim, across_file_dim), #c('time', 'file_date') output_dims = c(across_inner_dim, across_file_dim), fun = func_remove_blank, logi_array = logi_array)$output1 ## reorder back to the correct dim tmp <- match(names(final_dims), names(dim(data_array_final_dims))) data_array_final_dims <- .aperm2(data_array_final_dims, tmp) data_array_tmp <- data_array_final_dims[data_array_final_dims != -9999] # become a vector data_array <- array(data_array_tmp, dim = final_dims_fake) } else { # merge_across_dims_narm = F (old version) data_array <- array(bigmemory::as.matrix(data_array), dim = final_dims_fake) } # NOTE: If split_multiselected_dims + merge_across_dims, the dimension order may change above. # To get the user-required dim order, we need to reorder the array again. if (split_multiselected_dims & merge_across_dims) { if (inner_dim_pos_in_split_dims != 1) { correct_order <- match(names(final_dims_fake_output), names(final_dims_fake)) data_array <- .aperm2(data_array, correct_order) } } gc() # Load metadata and remove the metadata folder if (!is.null(metadata_dims)) { loaded_metadata_files <- list.files(metadata_folder) loaded_metadata <- lapply(paste0(metadata_folder, '/', loaded_metadata_files), readRDS) unlink(metadata_folder, recursive = TRUE) return_metadata <- vector('list', length = prod(dim(array_of_metadata_flags)[metadata_dims])) return_metadata[as.numeric(loaded_metadata_files)] <- loaded_metadata dim(return_metadata) <- dim(array_of_metadata_flags[metadata_dims]) attr(data_array, 'Variables') <- return_metadata # TODO: Try to infer data type from loaded_metadata # as.integer(data_array) } failed_pieces <- work_pieces[which(unlist(found_files))] for (failed_piece in failed_pieces) { array_of_not_found_files <-'[<-', c(list(array_of_not_found_files), as.list(failed_piece[['file_indices_in_array_of_files']]), list(value = TRUE))) } if (any(array_of_not_found_files)) { for (i in 1:prod(dim(array_of_files_to_load))) { if ([i])) { array_of_files_to_load[i] <- NA } else { if (array_of_not_found_files[i]) { array_of_not_found_files[i] <- array_of_files_to_load[i] array_of_files_to_load[i] <- NA } else { array_of_not_found_files[i] <- NA } } } } else { array_of_not_found_files <- NULL } } # End if (retrieve) # Change final_dims_fake back because retrieve = FALSE will use it for attributes later if (exists("final_dims_fake_output")) { final_dims_fake <- final_dims_fake_output } # Replace the vars and common vars by the transformed vars and common vars for (i in 1:length(dat)) { if (length(names(transformed_vars[[i]])) > 0) { picked_vars[[i]][names(transformed_vars[[i]])] <- transformed_vars[[i]] } else if (length(names(picked_vars_ordered[[i]])) > 0) { picked_vars[[i]][names(picked_vars_ordered[[i]])] <- picked_vars_ordered[[i]] } } if (length(names(transformed_common_vars)) > 0) { picked_common_vars[names(transformed_common_vars)] <- transformed_common_vars } else if (length(names(picked_common_vars_ordered)) > 0) { picked_common_vars[names(picked_common_vars_ordered)] <- picked_common_vars_ordered } if (debug) { print("-> THE TRANSFORMED VARS:") print(str(transformed_vars)) print("-> THE PICKED VARS:") print(str(picked_vars)) } file_selectors <- NULL for (i in 1:length(dat)) { file_selectors[[dat[[i]][['name']]]] <- dat[[i]][['selectors']][which(names(dat[[i]][['selectors']]) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])] } if (retrieve) { if (!silent) { .message("Successfully retrieved data.") } var_backup <- attr(data_array, 'Variables')[[1]] attr(data_array, 'Variables') <- NULL attributes(data_array) <- c(attributes(data_array), list(Variables = c(list(common = c(picked_common_vars, var_backup)), picked_vars), Files = array_of_files_to_load, NotFoundFiles = array_of_not_found_files, FileSelectors = file_selectors, PatternDim = found_pattern_dim) ) attr(data_array, 'class') <- c('startR_array', attr(data_array, 'class')) data_array } else { if (!silent) { .message("Successfully discovered data dimensions.") } start_call <- for (i in 2:length(start_call)) { if (class(start_call[[i]]) %in% c('name', 'call')) { start_call[[i]] <- eval.parent(start_call[[i]]) } } start_call[['retrieve']] <- TRUE attributes(start_call) <- c(attributes(start_call), list(Dimensions = final_dims_fake, Variables = c(list(common = picked_common_vars), picked_vars), ExpectedFiles = array_of_files_to_load, FileSelectors = file_selectors, PatternDim = found_pattern_dim, MergedDims = if (merge_across_dims) { inner_dims_across_files } else { NULL }, SplitDims = if (split_multiselected_dims) { all_split_dims } else { NULL }) ) attr(start_call, 'class') <- c('startR_cube', attr(start_call, 'class')) start_call } } # This function is the responsible for loading the data of each work # piece. .LoadDataFile <- function(work_piece, shared_matrix_pointer, file_data_reader, synonims, transform, transform_params, silent = FALSE, debug = FALSE) { # suppressPackageStartupMessages({library(bigmemory)}) ### TODO: Specify dependencies as parameter # suppressPackageStartupMessages({library(ncdf4)}) #print("1") store_indices <- as.list(work_piece[['store_position']]) first_round_indices <- work_piece[['first_round_indices']] second_round_indices <- work_piece[['second_round_indices']] #print("2") file_to_open <- work_piece[['file_path']] sub_array <- file_data_reader(file_to_open, NULL, work_piece[['file_selectors']], first_round_indices, synonims) if (debug) { if (all(unlist(store_indices[1:6]) == 1)) { print("-> LOADING A WORK PIECE") print("-> STRUCTURE OF READ UNTRANSFORMED DATA:") print(str(sub_array)) print("-> STRUCTURE OF VARIABLES TO TRANSFORM:") print(str(work_piece[['vars_to_transform']])) print("-> COMMON ARRAY DIMENSIONS:") print(str(work_piece[['store_dims']])) } } if (!is.null(sub_array)) { # Apply data transformation once we have the data arrays. if (!is.null(transform)) { if (debug) { if (all(unlist(store_indices[1:6]) == 1)) { print("-> PROCEEDING TO TRANSFORM ARRAY") print("-> DIMENSIONS OF ARRAY RIGHT BEFORE TRANSFORMING:") print(dim(sub_array)) } } sub_array <-, c(list(data_array = sub_array, variables = work_piece[['vars_to_transform']], file_selectors = work_piece[['file_selectors']]), transform_params)) if (debug) { if (all(unlist(store_indices[1:6]) == 1)) { print("-> STRUCTURE OF ARRAY AND VARIABLES RIGHT AFTER TRANSFORMING:") print(str(sub_array)) print("-> DIMENSIONS OF ARRAY RIGHT AFTER TRANSFORMING:") print(dim(sub_array$data_array)) } } sub_array <- sub_array$data_array # Subset with second round of indices dims_to_crop <- which(!sapply(second_round_indices, is.null)) if (length(dims_to_crop) > 0) { dimnames_to_crop <- names(second_round_indices)[dims_to_crop] sub_array <- Subset(sub_array, dimnames_to_crop, second_round_indices[dimnames_to_crop]) } if (debug) { if (all(unlist(store_indices[1:6]) == 1)) { print("-> STRUCTURE OF ARRAY AND VARIABLES RIGHT AFTER SUBSETTING WITH 2nd ROUND INDICES:") print(str(sub_array)) } } } metadata <- attr(sub_array, 'variables') names_bk <- names(store_indices) store_indices <- lapply(names(store_indices), function (x) { if (!(x %in% names(first_round_indices))) { store_indices[[x]] } else if (is.null(second_round_indices[[x]])) { 1:dim(sub_array)[x] } else { if (is.numeric(second_round_indices[[x]])) { ## TODO: Review carefully this line. Inner indices are all ## aligned to the left-most positions. If dataset A has longitudes ## 1, 2, 3, 4 but dataset B has only longitudes 3 and 4, then ## they will be stored as follows: ## 1, 2, 3, 4 ## 3, 4, NA, NA ##x - min(x) + 1 1:length(second_round_indices[[x]]) } else { 1:length(second_round_indices[[x]]) } } }) names(store_indices) <- names_bk if (debug) { if (all(unlist(store_indices) == 1)) { print("-> STRUCTURE OF FIRST ROUND INDICES FOR THIS WORK PIECE:") print(str(first_round_indices)) print("-> STRUCTURE OF SECOND ROUND INDICES FOR THIS WORK PIECE:") print(str(second_round_indices)) print("-> STRUCTURE OF STORE INDICES FOR THIS WORK PIECE:") print(str(store_indices)) } } store_indices <- lapply(store_indices, as.integer) store_dims <- work_piece[['store_dims']] # split the storage work of the loaded subset in parts largest_dim_name <- names(dim(sub_array))[which.max(dim(sub_array))] max_parts <- length(store_indices[[largest_dim_name]]) # Indexing a data file of N MB with expand.grid takes 30*N MB # The peak ram of Start is, minimum, 2 * total data to load from all files # due to inefficiencies in other regions of the code # The more parts we split the indexing done below in, the lower # the memory footprint of the indexing and the fast. # But more than 10 indexing iterations (parts) for each MB processed # makes the iteration slower (tested empirically on BSC workstations). subset_size_in_mb <- prod(dim(sub_array)) * 8 / 1024 / 1024 best_n_parts <- ceiling(subset_size_in_mb * 10) # We want to set n_parts to a greater value than the one that would # result in a memory footprint (of the subset indexing code below) equal # to 2 * total data to load from all files. # s = subset size in MB # p = number of parts to break it in # T = total size of data to load # then, s / p * 30 = 2 * T # then, p = s * 15 / T min_n_parts <- ceiling(prod(dim(sub_array)) * 15 / prod(store_dims)) # Make sure we pick n_parts much greater than the minimum calculated n_parts <- min_n_parts * 10 if (n_parts > best_n_parts) { n_parts <- best_n_parts } # Boundary checks if (n_parts < 1) { n_parts <- 1 } if (n_parts > max_parts) { n_parts <- max_parts } if (n_parts > 1) { make_parts <- function(length, n) { clusters <- cut(1:length, n, labels = FALSE) lapply(1:n, function(y) which(clusters == y)) } part_indices <- make_parts(max_parts, n_parts) parts <- lapply(part_indices, function(x) { store_indices[[largest_dim_name]][x] }) } else { part_indices <- list(1:max_parts) parts <- store_indices[largest_dim_name] } # do the storage work weights <- sapply(1:length(store_dims), function(i) prod(c(1, store_dims)[1:i])) part_indices_in_sub_array <- as.list(rep(TRUE, length(dim(sub_array)))) names(part_indices_in_sub_array) <- names(dim(sub_array)) data_array <- bigmemory::attach.big.matrix(shared_matrix_pointer) for (i in 1:n_parts) { store_indices[[largest_dim_name]] <- parts[[i]] # Converting array indices to vector indices matrix_indices <-"expand.grid", store_indices) # Given a matrix where each row is a set of array indices of an element # the vector indices are computed matrix_indices <- 1 + colSums(t(matrix_indices - 1) * weights) part_indices_in_sub_array[[largest_dim_name]] <- part_indices[[i]] data_array[matrix_indices] <- as.vector('[', c(list(x = sub_array), part_indices_in_sub_array))) } rm(data_array) gc() if (!is.null(work_piece[['save_metadata_in']])) { saveRDS(metadata, file = work_piece[['save_metadata_in']]) } } if (!is.null(work_piece[['progress_amount']]) && !silent) { message(work_piece[['progress_amount']], appendLF = FALSE) } is.null(sub_array) }