Collect <- function(startr_exec, wait = TRUE, remove = TRUE) { if (!('startR_exec' %in% class(startr_exec))) { stop("Parameter 'startr_exec' must be an object of the class ", "'startR_exec', as returned by ByChunks(..., wait = FALSE).") } cluster <- startr_exec[['cluster']] ecflow_host <- startr_exec[['ecflow_host']] suite_id <- startr_exec[['suite_id']] shared_dir <- startr_exec[['shared_dir']] done <- FALSE attempt <- 1 while (!done) { Sys.sleep(min(sqrt(attempt), 5)) status <- system(paste0("ecflow_client --get_state=STARTR_CHUNKING_", suite_id, " --host=", ecflow_host[['name']], " --port=", ecflow_host[['port']]), intern = TRUE) if (any(grepl(paste0("suite STARTR_CHUNKING_", suite_id, " #.* state:complete"), status))) { done <- TRUE } else if (!wait) { stop("Computation in progress...") } attempt <- attempt + 1 } result <- startR:::.MergeChunks(shared_dir, suite_id, remove) system(paste0("ecflow_client --delete=force yes /STARTR_CHUNKING_", suite_id, " --host=", ecflow_host[['name']], " --port=", ecflow_host[['port']])) #system("ecflow_client --shutdown --port=5678") #system(" -p 5678") #result <- readRDS(paste0(shared_dir, '/result.Rds')) #file.remove(paste0(shared_dir, '/result.Rds')) result }