# startR v1.0.4 (Release date: 2020-) - Bugfix for non-existent first file. Start() could not retireve the data if the first file is missing because the metadata is not found. The fix allows Start() to retrieve data without metadata. To get the metadata from the following files, assign the parameter 'metadata_dims' in Start(). # startR v1.0.3 (Release date: 2020-06-19) - Bugfix for requiring the repetitive values from a single file when using 'merge_across_dims' and 'split_multiselected_dims'. The value positions were not correct before. - Specify the time zone to be 'UTC' regarding time attributes retrieval. The time zone was not specified before and it caused problems when the time crosses daylight saving. # startR v1.0.2 (Release date: 2020-05-11) - Bugfix for longitude transformation when the required grid point across the borders. The bug apprears at v1.0.0 and v1.0.1. - Add one new parameter 'merge_across_dims_narm' in Start(). If it is TRUE, the additional NAs in the across dimension will be removed. It is useful when a continuous time series is required, or parameter 'split_multiselected_dims' is TRUE and expected dimensions are supposed to have no NAs. - Bugfix for the possible mixed dimension problem when 'split_multiselected_dims' and 'merge_across_dims' are both used. # startR v1.0.1 (Release date: 2020-04-21) - Bugfix for global longitude across the borders. - Bugfix for longitude transformation when across the borders. - Bugfix for transform_extra_cells when across the borders. - Bugfix for un-reorder longitude transformation crop. # startR v1.0.0 (Release date: 2020-03-23) - Bugfixes of lat and lon assigned by 'values' in Start(). In v0.1.4 it is incorrect when assigned from big to small values. - Compatiblity break: Develop longitude and latitude reorder convention. The reordering functions (i.e., Sort() and CircularSort()) are well-functioning now. # startR v0.1.4 (Release date: 2020-02-10) - Bugfixes of transform in Start(). Change the default value of param 'extra_cells' to 2. (issue37) - Bugfixes of chunk function in Utils.R (issue23) - Bugfixes of paramter 'split_multiselected_dims' in ByChunk.R - Bugfixes for chunking at dimensions which are assigned with list in Start() (issue38) - Documentation improvement # startR v0.1.3 (Release date: 2019-08-05) - Add parameter 'use_attributes' in Step(). - Add paramter 'CDO_module' in Compute(cluster = list()). It is mandatory for using functions which depend on cdo (e.g., s2dverification::CDORemap) in operation.