#'Specify the execution parameters and trigger the execution #' #'The step of the startR workflow after the complete workflow is defined by #'AddStep(). This function specifies the execution parameters and triggers the #'execution. The execution can be operated locally or on a remote machine. If #'it is the latter case, the configuration of the machine needs to be #'sepecified in the function, and the EC-Flow server is required to be #'installed.\cr\cr #'The execution can be operated by chunks to avoid overloading the RAM memory. #'After all the chunks are finished, Compute() will gather and merge them, and #'return a single data object, including one or multiple multidimensional data #'arrays and additional metadata. #' #'@param workflow A list of the class 'startR_workflow' returned by function #' AddSteop() or of class 'startR_cube' returned by function Start(). It #' contains all the objects needed for the execution. #'@param chunks A named list of dimensions which to split the data along and #' the number of chunks to make for each. The chunked dimension can only be #' those not required as the target dimension in function Step(). The default #' value is 'auto', which lists all the non-target dimensions and each one has #' one chunk. #'@param threads_load An integer indicating the number of execution threads to #' use for the data retrieval stage. The default value is 1. #'@param threads_compute An integer indicating the number of execution threads #' to use for the computation. The default value is 1. #'@param cluster A list of components that define the configuration of the #' machine to be run on. The comoponents vary from the different machines. #' Check \href{https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/startR/-/blob/master/inst/doc/practical_guide.md}{Practical guide on GitLab} for more #' details and examples. Only needed when the computation is not run locally. #' The default value is NULL. #'@param ecflow_suite_dir A character string indicating the path to a folder in #' the local workstation where to store temporary files generated for the #' automatic management of the workflow. Only needed when the execution is run #' remotely. The default value is NULL. #'@param ecflow_server A named vector indicating the host and port of the #' EC-Flow server. The vector form should be #' \code{c(host = 'hostname', port = port_number)}. Only needed when the #' execution is run#' remotely. The default value is NULL. #'@param silent A logical value deciding whether to print the computation #' progress (FALSE) on the R session or not (TRUE). It only works when the #' execution runs locally or the parameter 'wait' is TRUE. The default value #' is FALSE. #'@param debug A logical value deciding whether to return detailed messages on #' the progress and operations in a Compute() call (TRUE) or not (FALSE). #' Automatically changed to FALSE if parameter 'silent' is TRUE. The default #' value is FALSE. #'@param wait A logical value deciding whether the R session waits for the #' Compute() call to finish (TRUE) or not (FALSE). If FALSE, it will return an #' object with all the information of the startR execution that can be stored #' in your disk. After that, the R session can be closed and the results can #' be collected later with the Collect() function. The default value is TRUE. #' #'@return A list of data arrays for the output returned by the last step in the #' specified workflow (wait = TRUE), or an object with information about the #' startR execution (wait = FALSE). The configuration details and profiling #' information are attached as attributes to the returned list of arrays. #'@examples #' data_path <- system.file('extdata', package = 'startR') #' path_obs <- file.path(data_path, 'obs/monthly_mean/$var$/$var$_$sdate$.nc') #' sdates <- c('200011', '200012') #' data <- Start(dat = list(list(path = path_obs)), #' var = 'tos', #' sdate = sdates, #' time = 'all', #' latitude = 'all', #' longitude = 'all', #' return_vars = list(latitude = 'dat', #' longitude = 'dat', #' time = 'sdate'), #' retrieve = FALSE) #' fun <- function(x) { #' lat = attributes(x)$Variables$dat1$latitude #' weight = sqrt(cos(lat * pi / 180)) #' corrected = Apply(list(x), target_dims = "latitude", #' fun = function(x) {x * weight}) #' } #' step <- Step(fun = fun, #' target_dims = 'latitude', #' output_dims = 'latitude', #' use_libraries = c('multiApply'), #' use_attributes = list(data = "Variables")) #' wf <- AddStep(data, step) #' res <- Compute(wf, chunks = list(longitude = 4, sdate = 2)) #' #'@importFrom methods is #'@export Compute <- function(workflow, chunks = 'auto', workflow_manager = 'ecFlow', threads_load = 1, threads_compute = 1, cluster = NULL, ecflow_suite_dir = NULL, ecflow_server = NULL, autosubmit_suite_dir = NULL, autosubmit_server = NULL, silent = FALSE, debug = FALSE, wait = TRUE) { # Check workflow if (!is(workflow, 'startR_cube') & !is(workflow, 'startR_workflow')) { stop("Parameter 'workflow' must be an object of class 'startR_cube' as ", "returned by Start or of class 'startR_workflow' as returned by ", "AddStep.") } if (is(workflow, 'startR_cube')) { #machine_free_ram <- 1000000000 #max_ram_ratio <- 0.5 #data_size <- prod(c(attr(workflow, 'Dimensions'), 8)) #if (data_size > (machine_free_ram * max_ram_ratio)) { # stop("It is not possible to fit the requested data (", data_size, # " bytes) into the maximum allowed free ram (", max_ram_ratio, # " x ", machine_free_ram, ").") #} eval(workflow) } else { # TODO: #explore tree of operations and identify set of operations that reduce dimensionality as much as possible # while being able to fit in (cluster and to exploit number of available nodes) | (machine) #combine set of operations into a single function #Goal: to build manually a function following this pattern: #operation <- function(input1, input2) { # fun1 <- workflow$fun # fun1(input1, input2, names(workflow$params)[1] = workflow$params[[1]]) #} op_text <- "function(" op_text <- paste0(op_text, paste(paste0('input', 1:length(workflow$inputs)), collapse = ', ')) op_text <- paste0(op_text, ") {") op_text <- paste0(op_text, "\n fun1 <- ", paste(deparse(workflow$fun), collapse = '\n')) op_text <- paste0(op_text, "\n res <- fun1(", paste(paste0('input', 1:length(workflow$inputs)), collapse = ", ")) if (length(workflow$params) > 0) { for (j in 1:length(workflow$params)) { op_text <- paste0(op_text, ", ") op_text <- paste0(op_text, names(workflow$params)[j], " = ", paste(deparse(workflow$params[[j]]), collapse = '\n')) } } op_text <- paste0(op_text, ")") op_text <- paste0(op_text, "\n}") operation <- eval(parse(text = op_text)) operation <- Step(operation, attr(workflow$fun, 'TargetDims'), attr(workflow$fun, 'OutputDims'), attr(workflow$fun, 'UseLibraries'), attr(workflow$fun, 'UseAttributes')) if (!all(sapply(workflow$inputs, class) == 'startR_cube')) { stop("Workflows with only one step supported by now.") } # Run ByChunks with the combined operation if (!is.null(cluster)) { if (!tolower(workflow_manager) %in% c('ecflow', 'autosubmit')) { stop("Parameter 'workflow_manager' can only be 'ecFlow' or 'Autosubmit'.") } } if (tolower(workflow_manager) == 'autosubmit') { res <- ByChunks_autosubmit(step_fun = operation, cube_headers = workflow$inputs, chunks = chunks, threads_load = threads_load, threads_compute = threads_compute, cluster = cluster, autosubmit_suite_dir = autosubmit_suite_dir, autosubmit_server = autosubmit_server, silent = silent, debug = debug, wait = wait) } else { # ecFlow or run locally res <- ByChunks_ecflow(step_fun = operation, cube_headers = workflow$inputs, chunks = chunks, threads_load = threads_load, threads_compute = threads_compute, cluster = cluster, ecflow_suite_dir = ecflow_suite_dir, ecflow_server = ecflow_server, silent = silent, debug = debug, wait = wait) } # TODO: carry out remaining steps locally, using multiApply # Return results res } }