context("To detect the variable with time format and adjust the units") test_that("1. The data has units like time", { suppressWarnings( FD <- Start(dat = '/esarchive/obs/ukmo/hadex3/original_files/1961-90/HadEX3_$var$', var = 'FD', # units: days time = indices(1), longitude = indices(1), latitude = indices(1), num_procs = 1, return_vars = list(time = NULL), retrieve = TRUE) ) suppressWarnings( FD2 <- Start(dat = '/esarchive/obs/ukmo/hadex3/original_files/1961-90/HadEX3_$var$', var = 'FD', # units: days time = indices(1), longitude = indices(1), latitude = indices(1), num_procs = 1, # return_vars = list(time = NULL), retrieve = TRUE) ) expect_equal( attr(FD, 'Variables')$common$FD$units, 'days' ) expect_equal( attr(FD2, 'Variables')$common$FD$units, 'days' ) }) test_that("2. The metadata variable name is not time", { # VITIGEOOS vari <- "rsds" anlgs <- paste0("/esarchive/oper/VITIGEOSS","/output/cfsv2/weekly_mean/", "$var$/$var$-vitigeoss-cat","_1999-2018_", "$file_date$.nc") file_date_array <- array(dim = c(sweek = 2, sday = 3)) file_date_array[, 1] <- c(paste0('04', c('04', '07'))) file_date_array[, 2] <- c(paste0('04', c('07', '11'))) file_date_array[, 3] <- c(paste0('04', c('11', '14'))) suppressWarnings( hcst <- Start(dat = anlgs, var = vari, latitude = indices(1), #'all', longitude= indices(1), #'all', member= indices(1), #'all', time = 'all', # inner dim!! syear = 'all', #inner dim!! file_date = file_date_array, split_multiselected_dims = TRUE, retrieve = T, return_vars = list(leadtimes = 'file_date'), synonims = list(longitude = c('lon', 'longitude'), latitude = c('lat', 'latitude'), syear = c('sdate','syear'), member = c('ensemble','member'))) ) time_attr <- attr(hcst, 'Variables')$common$leadtimes expect_equal( dim(time_attr), c(sweek = 2, sday = 3, syear = 20, time = 4) ) expect_equal( time_attr[,1,1,1], as.POSIXct(c("1999-04-08","1999-04-11"), tz = "UTC") ) expect_equal( time_attr[2,,1,1], as.POSIXct(c("1999-04-11","1999-04-15", "1999-04-18"), tz = "UTC") ) expect_equal( time_attr[1,1,20,], as.POSIXct(c("2018-04-08", "2018-04-15", "2018-04-22 UTC", "2018-04-29 UTC"), tz = "UTC") ) }) #test_that("3. Time dimension is implicit", { # See test-Start-implicit_inner_dim.R #})