compute_nino <- function(data, recipe, region, standardised = TRUE, running_mean = NULL, ftime_avg = NULL, plot_ts = TRUE, plot_sp = TRUE, alpha = 0.5, save = 'all', na.rm = TRUE, logo = NULL, ncores = NULL) { #ftime_avg = 1:2 if (!is.null(data$fcst)) { warn(recipe$Run$logger, "Nino computed only for hindcast data.") } var <- recipe$Analysis$Variables$name if (!(var %in% c('tos', 'sst'))) { warn(recipe$Run$logger, "Variable name is not one of the expected sst or tos") } var_units <- data$hcst$attrs$Variable$metadata[[var]]$units nino_hcst <- WeightedMean(data = data$hcst$data, lon = as.vector(data$hcst$coords$longitude), lat = as.vector(data$hcst$coords$latitude), region = region, londim = 'longitude', latdim = 'latitude', na.rm = na.rm, ncores = ncores) nino_obs <- WeightedMean(data = data$obs$data, lon = as.vector(data$hcst$coords$longitude), lat = as.vector(data$hcst$coords$latitude), region = region, londim = 'longitude', latdim = 'latitude', na.rm = na.rm, ncores = ncores) if (standardised) { nino_hcst <- Apply(list(nino_hcst), target_dims = c('syear', 'ensemble'), fun = function(x) { sd <- sqrt(var(as.vector(x), na.rm = TRUE)) means <- mean(as.vector(x), na.rm = TRUE) res <- apply(x, c(1,2), function(x) {(x-means)/sd})}, ncores = recipe$Analysis$ncores)$output1 nino_obs <- Apply(list(nino_obs), target_dims = c('syear', 'ensemble'), fun = function(x) { sd <- sqrt(var(as.vector(x), na.rm = TRUE)) means <- mean(as.vector(x), na.rm = TRUE) res <- apply(x, c(1,2), function(x) {(x-means)/sd})}, ncores = recipe$Analysis$ncores)$output1 var_units <- 'adim' } if (!is.null(running_mean)) { nino_hcst <- Smoothing(nino_hcst, runmeanlen = running_mean, time_dim = 'time', ncores = ncores) nino_obs <- Smoothing(nino_obs, runmeanlen = running_mean, time_dim = 'time', ncores = ncores) } if (!is.null(ftime_avg)) { if (recipe$Analysis$Variable$freq == 'monthly_mean') { monini <- as.numeric(substr(recipe$Analysis$Time$sdate, 1, 2)) moninf <- ftime_avg[1] monsup <- ftime_avg[length(ftime_avg)] nino_hcst <- Season(nino_hcst, posdim = 'time', monini = monini, moninf = moninf, monsup = monsup) nino_obs <- Season(nino_obs, posdim = 'time', monini = monini, moninf = moninf, monsup = monsup) } else { warning("'ftime_avg' only available for monthly data.") } } if (all(region == c(-90, -80, -10, 0))) { region_name <- "1+2" nino_name <- "nino12" } else if (all(region == c(-150, -90, -5, 5))) { region_name <- "3" nino_name <- "nino3" } else if (all(region == c(-170, -120, -5, 5))) { region_name <- "3.4" nino_name <- "nino34" } else if (all(region == c(160, -150, -5, 5))) { region_name <- "4" nino_name <- "nino4" } else { stop("Unknown nino region") } nino_hcst <- InsertDim(nino_hcst, posdim = 1, lendim = 1, name = 'region') nino_obs <- InsertDim(nino_obs, posdim = 1, lendim = 1, name = 'region') dims_dates_not_null <- dim(data$hcst$attrs$Dates)[which(dim(data$hcst$attrs$Dates) > 1)] hcst_dates <- Subset(data$hcst$attrs$Dates, along = names(dims_dates_not_null), indices = lapply(dims_dates_not_null, function(x){1:x}), drop = "non-selected") if (!("time" %in% names(dim(hcst_dates)))) { hcst_dates <- InsertDim(hcst_dates, pos = 1, len = 1, name = 'time') ## TODO: recover dates format hcst_dates <- as.POSIXct(hcst_dates, origin = '1970-01-01', tz = 'UTC') } nino <- list(hcst = s2dv_cube( data = nino_hcst, varName = nino_name, metadata = list( region = list(name = paste("Nino", region_name, "region"), lats_range = paste(region[3:4]), lons_range = paste(region[1:2])), time = data$hcst$attrs$Variable$metadata$time, nino = list(units = var_units, longname = paste("El Niño", region_name, "Index"))), Dates = hcst_dates, Dataset = recipe$Analysis$Datasets$System$name), obs = s2dv_cube( data = nino_obs, varName = nino_name, metadata = list( region = list(name = paste("Nino", region_name, "region"), lats_range = paste(region[3:4]), lons_range = paste(region[1:2])), time = data$obs$attrs$Variable$metadata$time, nino = list(units = var_units, longname = paste("El Niño", region_name, "Index"))), Dates = data$obs$attrs$Dates, Dataset = recipe$Analysis$Datasets$Reference$name)) if (save == 'all') { file_dest <- paste0(recipe$Run$output_dir, "/outputs/Indices/") # Use startdates param from SaveExp to correctly name the files: if (tolower(recipe$Analysis$Horizon) == "seasonal") { if (length(data$hcst$attrs$source_files) == dim(data$hcst$data)['syear']) { file_dates <- Apply(data$hcst$attrs$source_files, target_dim = NULL, fun = function(x) { pos <- which(strsplit(x, "")[[1]] == ".") res <- substr(x, pos-8, pos-1) })$output1 } } else if (tolower(recipe$Analysis$Horizon) == "decadal"){ file_dates <- paste0('s',recipe$Analysis$Time$hcst_start : recipe$Analysis$Time$hcst_end) } nino$hcst$data <- .drop_indices_dims(nino_hcst) CST_SaveExp(data = nino$hcst, destination = file_dest, startdates = as.vector(file_dates), dat_dim = NULL, sdate_dim = 'syear', ftime_dim = 'time', var_dim = NULL, memb_dim = 'ensemble') res <- .drop_indices_dims(nino_obs) if (!("time" %in% names(dim(res)))) { res <- InsertDim(res, pos = 1, len = 1, name = 'time') } nino$obs$data <- res CST_SaveExp(data = nino$obs, destination = file_dest, startdates = as.vector(file_dates), dat_dim = NULL, sdate_dim = 'syear', ftime_dim = 'time', var_dim = NULL, memb_dim = NULL) nino$hcst$data <- nino_hcst nino$obs$data <- nino_obs res <- NULL gc() } # Read variable long_name to plot it conf <- yaml::read_yaml("conf/variable-dictionary.yml") var_name <- conf$vars[[which(names(conf$vars) == recipe$Analysis$Variables$name)]]$long if (plot_ts) { dir.create(paste0(recipe$Run$output_dir, "/plots/Indices/"), showWarnings = F, recursive = T) source("modules/Indices/R/plot_deterministic_forecast.R") for (tstep in 1:dim(nino$hcst$data)['time']) { mes <- as.numeric(substr(recipe$Analysis$Time$sdate, 1,2)) + (tstep - 1) + (recipe$Analysis$Time$ftime_min - 1) mes <- ifelse(mes > 12, mes - 12, mes) fmonth <- sprintf("%02d", tstep - 1 + recipe$Analysis$Time$ftime_min) obs <- Subset(nino$obs$data, along = 'time', ind = tstep) exp <- Subset(nino$hcst$data, along = 'time', ind = tstep) if (gsub(".", "", recipe$Analysis$Datasets$System$name) == "") { system <- recipe$Analysis$Datasets$System$name } else { system <- gsub(".", "", recipe$Analysis$Datasets$System$name) } if (tolower(recipe$Analysis$Horizon) == "seasonal") { toptitle <- paste("Ni\u00F1o", region_name, "SST Index\n",[mes], "/", recipe$Analysis$Time$hcst_start, "-", recipe$Analysis$Time$hcst_end) plotfile <- paste0(recipe$Run$output_dir, "/plots/Indices/", nino_name, "_", system, "_", recipe$Analysis$Datasets$Reference$name, "_s", recipe$Analysis$Time$sdate, "_ftime", sprintf("%02d", tstep - 1 + recipe$Analysis$Time$ftime_min), ".png") caption <- paste0("Nominal start date: 1st of ",[as.numeric(substr(recipe$Analysis$Time$sdate, 1,2))], "\n", "Forecast month: ", fmonth) xlabs = as.numeric(substr(file_dates, 1, 4)) } else if (tolower(recipe$Analysis$Horizon) == "decadal") { toptitle <- paste("Ni\u00F1o", region_name, "SST Index\n", "Lead time", fmonth, "/", recipe$Analysis$Time$hcst_start, "-", recipe$Analysis$Time$hcst_end) plotfile <- paste0(recipe$Run$output_dir, "/plots/Indices/", nino_name, "_", system, "_", recipe$Analysis$Datasets$Reference$name, "_ftime", sprintf("%02d", tstep - 1 + recipe$Analysis$Time$ftime_min), ".png") caption <- paste0("Start date month: ",[get_archive(recipe)$System[[recipe$Analysis$Datasets$System$name]]$initial_month], "\n", "Lead time: ", fmonth, "\n") xlabs <- substr(file_dates, 2,5) } else { toptitle <- NULL warning("The plot title is not defined for this time horizon. ", "The plots will not have a title.") } plot_deterministic_forecast(obs, exp, time_dim = 'syear', member_dim = 'ensemble', style = 'boxplot', xlabs = xlabs, ylab = var_units, title = toptitle, fileout = plotfile, caption = caption, legend_text = c( recipe$Analysis$Datasets$Reference$name, recipe$Analysis$Datasets$System$name)) } } if (plot_sp) { source("modules/Visualization/R/tmp/PlotRobinson.R") source("modules/Indices/R/correlation_eno.R") source("modules/Visualization/R/get_proj_code.R") lons <- data$hcst$coords$longitude lats <- data$hcst$coords$latitude # Get code for Robinson projection depending on GEOS/GDAL/PROJ version projection_code <- get_proj_code("robinson") # Avoid rewriten longitudes a shift is neeced: dir.create(paste0(recipe$Run$output_dir, "/plots/Indices/"), showWarnings = F, recursive = T) correl_obs <- Apply(list(data$obs$data, nino$obs$data), target_dims = 'syear', fun = .correlation_eno, time_dim = 'syear', method = 'pearson', alpha = alpha, test.type = 'two-sided', pval = FALSE, ncores = recipe$Analysis$ncores) correl_hcst <- Apply(list(data$hcst$data, nino$hcst$data), target_dims = c('syear', 'ensemble'), fun = function(x, y) { x <- apply(x, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE) y <- apply(y, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE) dim(y) <- c(syear = length(y)) dim(x) <- c(syear = length(x)) res <- .correlation_eno(x, y, time_dim = 'syear', method = 'pearson', alpha = alpha, test.type = 'two-sided', pval = FALSE)}, ncores = recipe$Analysis$ncores) correl_hcst_full <- Apply(list(data$hcst$data, nino$hcst$data), target_dims = c('syear', 'ensemble'), fun = function(x,y) { dim(y) <- c(syear = length(y)) dim(x) <- c(syear = length(x)) res <- .correlation_eno(x, y, time_dim = 'syear', method = 'pearson', alpha = alpha, test.type = 'two-sided', pval = FALSE)}, ncores = recipe$Analysis$ncores) for (tstep in 1:dim(nino$obs$data)['time']) { map <- Subset(correl_obs$r, along = 'time', ind = tstep, drop = T) sig <- Subset(correl_obs$sig, along = 'time', ind = tstep, drop = T) if (tolower(recipe$Analysis$Horizon) == "seasonal") { mes <- as.numeric(substr(recipe$Analysis$Time$sdate, 1,2)) + (tstep - 1) + (recipe$Analysis$Time$ftime_min - 1) mes <- ifelse(mes > 12, mes - 12, mes) fmonth <- sprintf("%02d", tstep - 1 + recipe$Analysis$Time$ftime_min) toptitle <- paste(recipe$Analysis$Datasets$Reference$name, "\n", "Ni\u00F1o", region_name, "SST Index -",var_name, "\n", " Correlation /",[mes], "/", recipe$Analysis$Time$hcst_start, "-", recipe$Analysis$Time$hcst_end) plotfile <- paste0(recipe$Run$output_dir, "/plots/Indices/", nino_name, "_correlation_", recipe$Analysis$Variable$name, "_", recipe$Analysis$Datasets$Reference$name, "_s", recipe$Analysis$Time$sdate, "_ftime", fmonth, ".png") caption <- paste0("Nominal start date: 1st of ",[as.numeric(substr(recipe$Analysis$Time$sdate, 1,2))], "\n", "Forecast month: ", fmonth, "\n", "Pearson correlation ; alpha = ", alpha) } else if (tolower(recipe$Analysis$Horizon) == "decadal") { fmonth <- sprintf("%02d", tstep - 1 + recipe$Analysis$Time$ftime_min) toptitle <- paste(recipe$Analysis$Datasets$Reference$name, "\n", "Ni\u00F1o", region_name, "SST Index -",var_name, "\n", "Correlation / Start dates", recipe$Analysis$Time$hcst_start, "-", recipe$Analysis$Time$hcst_end) plotfile <- paste0(recipe$Run$output_dir, "/plots/Indices/", nino_name, "_correlation_", recipe$Analysis$Variable$name, "_", recipe$Analysis$Datasets$Reference$name, "_ftime", fmonth, ".png") caption <- paste0("Start date: month ",[get_archive(recipe)$System[[recipe$Analysis$Datasets$System$name]]$initial_month], "\n", "Forecast month: ", fmonth, "\n", "Pearson correlation; alpha = ", alpha) } else { toptitle <- NULL warning("The plot title is not defined for this time horizon. ", "The plots will not have a title.") } PlotRobinson(map, lon = lons, lat = lats, target_proj = projection_code, #"ESRI:54030", lat_dim = 'latitude', lon_dim = 'longitude', legend = 's2dv', style = 'point', toptitle = toptitle, bar_extra_margin = c(4,0,4,0), caption = caption, mask = sig, fileout = plotfile, width = 8, height = 6, brks = seq(-1, 1, 0.2), cols = brewer.pal(10, 'PuOr')) ## Ensemble-mean map <- Subset(correl_hcst$r, along = 'time', ind = tstep) sig <- Subset(correl_hcst$sig, along = 'time', ind = tstep) if (gsub(".", "", recipe$Analysis$Datasets$System$name) == "") { system <- recipe$Analysis$Datasets$System$name } else { system <-gsub(".", "", recipe$Analysis$Datasets$System$name) } if (tolower(recipe$Analysis$Horizon) == "seasonal") { toptitle <- paste(recipe$Analysis$Datasets$System$name, "\n", "Ni\u00F1o", region_name, "SST Index -",var_name, "\n", "Correlation /",[as.numeric(fmonth)], "/", recipe$Analysis$Time$hcst_start, "-", recipe$Analysis$Time$hcst_end) plotfile <- paste0(recipe$Run$output_dir, "/plots/Indices/", nino_name, "_correlation_", recipe$Analysis$Variable$name, "_ensmean_", system, "_s", recipe$Analysis$Time$sdate, "_ftime", fmonth, ".png") caption <- paste0("Ensemble mean\n", "Nominal start date: 1st of ",[as.numeric(substr(recipe$Analysis$Time$sdate, 1,2))], "\n", "Forecast month: ", fmonth, "\n", "Pearson correlation ; alpha = ", alpha) } else if (tolower(recipe$Analysis$Horizon) == "decadal"){ toptitle <- paste(recipe$Analysis$Datasets$System$name, "\n", "Ni\u00F1o", region_name, "SST Index -",var_name, "\n", "Correlation / Start dates", recipe$Analysis$Time$hcst_start, "-", recipe$Analysis$Time$hcst_end) plotfile <- paste0(recipe$Run$output_dir, "/plots/Indices/", nino_name, "_correlation_", recipe$Analysis$Variable$name, "_ensmean_", system, recipe$Analysis$Datasets$Reference$name, "_ftime", fmonth, ".png") caption <- paste0("Correlation ensemble mean\n", "Start date month: ",[get_archive(recipe)$System[[recipe$Analysis$Datasets$System$name]]$initial_month], "\n", "Forecast month: ", fmonth, "\n", "Pearson correlation; alpha = ", alpha) } else { toptitle <- NULL warning("The plot title is not defined for this time horizon. ", "The plots will not have a title.") } PlotRobinson(map, lon = lons, lat = lats, target_proj = projection_code, #"ESRI:54030", lat_dim = 'latitude', lon_dim = 'longitude', legend = 's2dv', style = 'point', toptitle = toptitle, bar_extra_margin = c(4,0,4,0), caption = caption, mask = sig, fileout = plotfile, width = 8, height = 6, brks = seq(-1, 1, 0.2), cols = brewer.pal(10, 'PuOr')) # Full hcst corr map <- Subset(correl_hcst_full$r, along = 'time', ind = tstep) sig <- Subset(correl_hcst_full$sig, along = 'time', ind = tstep) if (tolower(recipe$Analysis$Horizon) == "seasonal") { toptitle <- paste(recipe$Analysis$Datasets$System$name, "\n", "Ni\u00F1o", region_name, "SST Index -",var_name, "\n", " Correlation /",[as.numeric(fmonth)], "/", recipe$Analysis$Time$hcst_start, "-", recipe$Analysis$Time$hcst_end) plotfile <- paste0(recipe$Run$output_dir, "/plots/Indices/", nino_name, "_correlation_", recipe$Analysis$Variable$name, "_member_", system, "_s", recipe$Analysis$Time$sdate, "_ftime", fmonth, ".png") caption <- paste0("Individual members\n", "Nominal start date: 1st of ",[as.numeric(substr(recipe$Analysis$Time$sdate, 1,2))], "\n", "Forecast month: ", fmonth, "\n", "Pearson correlation ; alpha = ", alpha) } else if (tolower(recipe$Analysis$Horizon) == "decadal"){ toptitle <- paste(recipe$Analysis$Datasets$System$name, "\n", "Ni\u00F1o", region_name, "SST Index -",var_name, "\n", "Correlation / Start dates", recipe$Analysis$Time$hcst_start, "-", recipe$Analysis$Time$hcst_end) plotfile <- paste0(recipe$Run$output_dir, "/plots/Indices/", nino_name, "_correlation_", recipe$Analysis$Variable$name, "_ensmean_", system, recipe$Analysis$Datasets$Reference$name, "_ftime", fmonth, ".png") caption <- paste0("Correlation ensemble mean\n", "Start date month: ",[get_archive(recipe)$System[[recipe$Analysis$Datasets$System$name]]$initial_month], "\n", "Forecast month: ", fmonth, "\n", "Pearson correlation; alpha = ", alpha) } else { toptitle <- NULL warning("The plot title is not defined for this time horizon. ", "The plots will not have a title.") } PlotRobinson(map, lon = lons, lat = lats, target_proj = projection_code, #"ESRI:54030", lat_dim = 'latitude', lon_dim = 'longitude', legend = 's2dv', style = 'point', toptitle = toptitle, bar_extra_margin = c(4,0,4,0), caption = caption, mask = sig, fileout = plotfile, width = 8, height = 6, brks = seq(-1, 1, 0.2), cols = brewer.pal(10, 'PuOr')) } } return(nino) }