**Q1. Can a new metric/method/module/functionality be added to SUNSET?**
To request a new feature, please [open an issue](https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/sunset/-/issues) in the Auto-S2S repository describing what you need and adding any information you think could be of use. The dev team will assess its viability and priority status and work to implement it whenever possible.
To request a new feature, please [open an issue](https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/auto-s2s/-/issues) in the SUNSET repository describing what you need and adding any information you think could be of use. The dev team will assess its viability and priority status and work to implement it whenever possible.
**Q2. How can I interpolate my data to a personalized grid?**
... | ... | @@ -10,10 +10,15 @@ To interpolate both your hindcast/forecast and your observations to a third grid |
2. The path to a netCDF file that has the grid you want to use. Make sure that the netCDF only contains one grid, to ensure that CDO is actually reading the information you want to use. More information in the [CDO User's Guide](https://code.mpimet.mpg.de/projects/cdo/embedded/cdo.pdf), in the “Grids from data files” section.
3. The path to a grid description file, which is a simple ASCII file containing keywords and parameters that describe the grid in a format that CDO understands. You can find more information in the [CDO User's Guide](https://code.mpimet.mpg.de/projects/cdo/embedded/cdo.pdf) section “CDO grids”, and **examples are available in the SUNSET repository** under `conf/grid_description/`.
**Q3. `"Latitude/Longitude mismatch between hcst and obs."` Why am I getting this error?**
**Q3. Can I run the same analysis on multiple recipes at the same time?**
Yes! SUNSET already provides a built-in way to do this if you need to perform the same analysis on independent data (e.g. multiple variables, different start dates, different forecast systems...). The Autosubmit section of the wiki contains more information, as well as the necessary instructions.
**Q4. `"Latitude/Longitude mismatch between hcst and obs."` Why am I getting this error?**
This error appears when a regrid type other than 'none' has been requested in the recipe, but the hindcast and observation grids do not match.
Sometimes, this happens when the description of the grid you have requested does not contain enough information to ensure that both grids will be exactly the same (See #42 for an example and a deeper discussion). In this case, we recommend providing a more complete grid description file, or the path to a netCDF file with the exact grid you want, as explained in Q2.
If that does not solve the problem, please open an issue to report it.