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Workflow to generate the accuracy.txt file for single/double analysis
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SUbseasoNal to decadal climate forecast post-processing and asSEssmenT suite
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Scripts for comparing 3 decadal prediction experiments with different initialisation
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PISCES1D configuration in NEMO4-PISCESv2. It works but with some patches and edits in several routines (see MY_SRC).
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This is a small BASH script (that must be sourced) to automatically run unit, integration, and CDM compliance PDF tests reports for the C3S CDS toolbox's tools.
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Public repository for the project:
The High Performance Scheduler Game: A Characterization of Slurm, Metrics, and the Viability of Cooperation.
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BDRC website management of Resources (contents of type Dissemination, Technical Report and Publication)
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BDRC website management of Events and Webinars
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These python scripts allow netcdf files from the CDS seasonal forecasts, in a format compatible with CSTools.
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