CST_Start.Rd 1.86 KB
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Eva Rifà's avatar
Eva Rifà committed
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\title{CSTools data retrieval function using Start}
\item{...}{Parameters that are automatically forwarded to the `startR::Start` 
function. See details in `?startR::Start`.}
Eva Rifà's avatar
Eva Rifà committed
This function aggregates, subsets and retrieves sub-seasonal, seasonal, 
decadal or climate projection data from NetCDF files in a local file system 
and arranges it for easy application of the CSTools functions. It calls the 
function startR (Subset, TrAnsform, ReTrieve, arrange and process large 
multidimensional data sets in R) that is an R project started at BSC with the 
aim to develop a tool that allows the user to automatically process large 
multidimensional distributed data sets. Then, the output is transformed into 
`s2dv_cube` object.
It receives any number of parameters (`...`) that are automatically forwarded 
to the `startR::Start` function. See details in `?startR::Start`.
 sdates <- c('20101101', '20111101', '20121101')
 latmin <- 44
 latmax <- 47
 lonmin <- 6
 lonmax <- 9
 data <- CST_Start(dat = path,
                   var = 'prlr',
                   ensemble = indices(1:6),
                   sdate = sdates,
                   time = 121:151,
                   latitude = values(list(latmin, latmax)),
                   longitude = values(list(lonmin, lonmax)),
                   synonims = list(longitude = c('lon', 'longitude'),
                                   latitude = c('lat', 'latitude')),
                   return_vars = list(time = 'sdate',
                                      longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL),
                   retrieve = FALSE)
exp <- CSTools::lonlat_temp_st$exp
obs <- CSTools::lonlat_temp_st$obs
data <- CSTools::lonlat_prec
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Eva Rifà committed