#'Plot Multiple Lon-Lat Variables In a Single Map According to a Decision Function #'@description Plot a number a two dimensional matrices with (longitude, latitude) dimensions on a single map with the cylindrical equidistant latitude and longitude projection. #'@author Nicolau Manubens, \email{nicolau.manubens@bsc.es} #'@author Veronica Torralba, \email{veronica.torralba@bsc.es} #' #'@param maps List of matrices to plot, each with (longitude, latitude) dimensions, or 3-dimensional array with the dimensions (longitude, latitude, map). Dimension names are required. #'@param lon Vector of longitudes. Must match the length of the corresponding dimension in 'maps'. #'@param lat Vector of latitudes. Must match the length of the corresponding dimension in 'maps'. #'@param map_select_fun Function that selects, for each grid point, which value to take among all the provided maps. This function receives as input a vector of values for a same grid point for all the provided maps, and must return a single selected value (not its index!) or NA. For example, the \code{min} and \code{max} functions are accepted. #'@param display_range Range of values to be displayed for all the maps. This must be a numeric vector c(range min, range max). The values in the parameter 'maps' can go beyond the limits specified in this range. If the selected value for a given grid point (according to 'map_select_fun') falls outside the range, it will be coloured with 'col_unknown_map'. #'@param map_dim Optional name for the dimension of 'maps' along which the multiple maps are arranged. Only applies when 'maps' is provided as a 3-dimensional array. Takes the value 'map' by default. #'@param brks Colour levels to be sent to PlotEquiMap. This parameter is optional and adjusted automatically by the function. #'@param cols List of vectors of colours to be sent to PlotEquiMap for the colour bar of each map. This parameter is optional and adjusted automatically by the function (up to 5 maps). The colours provided for each colour bar will be automatically interpolated to match the number of breaks. Each item in this list can be named, and the name will be used as title for the corresponding colour bar (equivalent to the parameter 'bar_titles'). #'@param col_unknown_map Colour to use to paint the grid cells for which a map is not possible to be chosen according to 'map_select_fun' or for those values that go beyond 'display_range'. Takes the value 'white' by default. #'@param mask Optional numeric array with dimensions (latitude, longitude), with values in the range [0, 1], indicating the opacity of the mask over each grid point. Cells with a 0 will result in no mask, whereas cells with a 1 will result in a totally opaque superimposed pixel coloured in 'col_mask'. #'@param col_mask Colour to be used for the superimposed mask (if specified in 'mask'). Takes the value 'grey' by default. #'@param dots Array of same dimensions as 'var' or with dimensions #' c(n, dim(var)), where n is the number of dot/symbol layers to add to the #' plot. A value of TRUE at a grid cell will draw a dot/symbol on the #' corresponding square of the plot. By default all layers provided in 'dots' #' are plotted with dots, but a symbol can be specified for each of the #' layers via the parameter 'dot_symbol'. #'@param bar_titles Optional vector of character strings providing the titles to be shown on top of each of the colour bars. #'@param legend_scale Scale factor for the size of the colour bar labels. Takes 1 by default. #'@param cex_bar_titles Scale factor for the sizes of the bar titles. Takes 1.5 by default. #'@param fileout File where to save the plot. If not specified (default) a graphics device will pop up. Extensions allowed: eps/ps, jpeg, png, pdf, bmp and tiff #'@param width File width, in the units specified in the parameter size_units (inches by default). Takes 8 by default. #'@param height File height, in the units specified in the parameter size_units (inches by default). Takes 5 by default. #'@param size_units Units of the size of the device (file or window) to plot in. Inches ('in') by default. See ?Devices and the creator function of the corresponding device. #'@param res Resolution of the device (file or window) to plot in. See ?Devices and the creator function of the corresponding device. #'@param drawleg Where to draw the common colour bar. Can take values TRUE, #' FALSE or:\cr #' 'up', 'u', 'U', 'top', 't', 'T', 'north', 'n', 'N'\cr #' 'down', 'd', 'D', 'bottom', 'b', 'B', 'south', 's', 'S' (default)\cr #' 'right', 'r', 'R', 'east', 'e', 'E'\cr #' 'left', 'l', 'L', 'west', 'w', 'W' #'@param ... Additional parameters to be passed on to \code{PlotEquiMap}. #'@seealso \code{PlotCombinedMap} and \code{PlotEquiMap} #' #'@importFrom s2dv PlotEquiMap ColorBar #'@importFrom maps map #'@importFrom graphics box image layout mtext par plot.new #'@importFrom grDevices adjustcolor bmp colorRampPalette dev.cur dev.new dev.off hcl jpeg pdf png postscript svg tiff #'@examples #'# Simple example #'x <- array(1:(20 * 10), dim = c(lat = 10, lon = 20)) / 200 #'a <- x * 0.6 #'b <- (1 - x) * 0.6 #'c <- 1 - (a + b) #'lons <- seq(0, 359.5, length = 20) #'lats <- seq(-89.5, 89.5, length = 10) #'\donttest{ #'PlotCombinedMap(list(a, b, c), lons, lats, #' toptitle = 'Maximum map', #' map_select_fun = max, #' display_range = c(0, 1), #' bar_titles = paste('% of belonging to', c('a', 'b', 'c')), #' brks = 20, width = 10, height = 8) #'} #' #'Lon <- c(0:40, 350:359) #'Lat <- 51:26 #'data <- rnorm(51 * 26 * 3) #'dim(data) <- c(map = 3, lon = 51, lat = 26) #'mask <- sample(c(0,1), replace = TRUE, size = 51 * 26) #'dim(mask) <- c(lat = 26, lon = 51) #'\donttest{ #'PlotCombinedMap(data, lon = Lon, lat = Lat, map_select_fun = max, #' display_range = range(data), mask = mask, #' width = 12, height = 8) #'} #' #'@export PlotCombinedMap <- function(maps, lon, lat, map_select_fun, display_range, map_dim = 'map', brks = NULL, cols = NULL, col_unknown_map = 'white', mask = NULL, col_mask = 'grey', dots = NULL, bar_titles = NULL, legend_scale = 1, cex_bar_titles = 1.5, plot_margin = NULL, bar_margin = rep(0, 4), fileout = NULL, width = 8, height = 5, size_units = 'in', res = 100, drawleg = T, ...) { args <- list(...) # If there is any filenames to store the graphics, process them # to select the right device if (!is.null(fileout)) { .SelectDevice <- utils::getFromNamespace(".SelectDevice", "s2dv") deviceInfo <- .SelectDevice(fileout = fileout, width = width, height = height, units = size_units, res = res) saveToFile <- deviceInfo$fun fileout <- deviceInfo$files } # Check probs error <- FALSE # Change list into an array if (is.list(maps)) { if (length(maps) < 1) { stop("Parameter 'maps' must be of length >= 1 if provided as a list.") } check_fun <- function(x) { is.numeric(x) && (length(dim(x)) == 2) } if (!all(sapply(maps, check_fun))) { error <- TRUE } ref_dims <- dim(maps[[1]]) equal_dims <- all(sapply(maps, function(x) identical(dim(x), ref_dims))) if (!equal_dims) { stop("All arrays in parameter 'maps' must have the same dimension ", "sizes and names when 'maps' is provided as a list of arrays.") } num_maps <- length(maps) maps <- unlist(maps) dim(maps) <- c(ref_dims, map = num_maps) map_dim <- 'map' } if (!is.numeric(maps)) { error <- TRUE } if (is.null(dim(maps))) { error <- TRUE } if (length(dim(maps)) != 3) { error <- TRUE } if (error) { stop("Parameter 'maps' must be either a numeric array with 3 dimensions ", " or a list of numeric arrays of the same size with the 'lon' and ", "'lat' dimensions.") } dimnames <- names(dim(maps)) # Check map_dim if (is.character(map_dim)) { if (is.null(dimnames)) { stop("Specified a dimension name in 'map_dim' but no dimension names provided ", "in 'maps'.") } map_dim <- which(dimnames == map_dim) if (length(map_dim) < 1) { stop("Dimension 'map_dim' not found in 'maps'.") } else { map_dim <- map_dim[1] } } else if (!is.numeric(map_dim)) { stop("Parameter 'map_dim' must be either a numeric value or a ", "dimension name.") } if (length(map_dim) != 1) { stop("Parameter 'map_dim' must be of length 1.") } map_dim <- round(map_dim) # Work out lon_dim and lat_dim lon_dim <- NULL if (!is.null(dimnames)) { lon_dim <- which(dimnames %in% c('lon', 'longitude'))[1] } if (length(lon_dim) < 1) { lon_dim <- (1:3)[-map_dim][1] } lon_dim <- round(lon_dim) lat_dim <- NULL if (!is.null(dimnames)) { lat_dim <- which(dimnames %in% c('lat', 'latitude'))[1] } if (length(lat_dim) < 1) { lat_dim <- (1:3)[-map_dim][2] } lat_dim <- round(lat_dim) # Check lon if (!is.numeric(lon)) { stop("Parameter 'lon' must be a numeric vector.") } if (length(lon) != dim(maps)[lon_dim]) { stop("Parameter 'lon' does not match the longitude dimension in 'maps'.") } # Check lat if (!is.numeric(lat)) { stop("Parameter 'lat' must be a numeric vector.") } if (length(lat) != dim(maps)[lat_dim]) { stop("Parameter 'lat' does not match the longitude dimension in 'maps'.") } # Check map_select_fun if (is.numeric(map_select_fun)) { if (length(dim(map_select_fun)) != 2) { stop("Parameter 'map_select_fun' must be an array with dimensions ", "'lon' and 'lat' if provided as an array.") } if (!identical(dim(map_select_fun), dim(maps)[-map_dim])) { stop("The dimensions 'lon' and 'lat' in the 'map_select_fun' array must ", "have the same size, name and order as in the 'maps' parameter.") } } if (!is.function(map_select_fun)) { stop("The parameter 'map_select_fun' must be a function or a numeric array.") } # Generate the desired brks and cols. Only nmap, brks, cols, bar_limits, and # bar_titles matter here because plot = F. colorbar <- CatColorBar(nmap = dim(maps)[map_dim], brks = brks, cols = cols, vertical = FALSE, subsampleg = NULL, bar_limits = display_range, var_limits = NULL, triangle_ends = NULL, plot = FALSE, draw_separators = TRUE, bar_titles = bar_titles, title_scale = 1, label_scale = legend_scale * 1.5, extra_margin = c(2, 0, 2, 0)) # Check legend_scale if (!is.numeric(legend_scale)) { stop("Parameter 'legend_scale' must be numeric.") } # Check col_unknown_map if (!is.character(col_unknown_map)) { stop("Parameter 'col_unknown_map' must be a character string.") } # Check col_mask if (!is.character(col_mask)) { stop("Parameter 'col_mask' must be a character string.") } # Check mask if (!is.null(mask)) { if (!is.numeric(mask)) { stop("Parameter 'mask' must be numeric.") } if (length(dim(mask)) != 2) { stop("Parameter 'mask' must have two dimensions.") } if ((dim(mask)[1] != dim(maps)[lat_dim]) || (dim(mask)[2] != dim(maps)[lon_dim])) { stop("Parameter 'mask' must have dimensions c(lat, lon).") } } # Check dots if (!is.null(dots)) { if (length(dim(dots)) != 2) { stop("Parameter 'mask' must have two dimensions.") } if ((dim(dots)[1] != dim(maps)[lat_dim]) || (dim(dots)[2] != dim(maps)[lon_dim])) { stop("Parameter 'mask' must have dimensions c(lat, lon).") } } #---------------------- # Identify the most likely map #---------------------- brks_norm <- seq(0, 1, length.out = length(colorbar$brks)) if (is.function(map_select_fun)) { range_width <- display_range[2] - display_range[1] ml_map <- apply(maps, c(lat_dim, lon_dim), function(x) { if (any(is.na(x))) { res <- NA } else { res <- which(x == map_select_fun(x)) if (length(res) > 0) { res <- res[1] if (map_select_fun(x) < display_range[1] || map_select_fun(x) > display_range[2]) { res <- -0.5 } else { res <- res + (map_select_fun(x) - display_range[1]) / range_width if (map_select_fun(x) == display_range[1]) { res <- res + brks_norm[2] / (length(brks_norm) * 2) } } } else { res <- -0.5 } } res }) } else { stop("Providing 'map_select_fun' as array not implemented yet.") ml_map <- map_select_fun } nmap <- dim(maps)[map_dim] nlat <- length(lat) nlon <- length(lon) #---------------------- # Set latitudes from minimum to maximum #---------------------- if (lat[1] > lat[nlat]){ lat <- lat[nlat:1] indices <- list(nlat:1, TRUE) ml_map <- do.call("[", c(list(x = ml_map), indices)) if (!is.null(mask)){ mask <- mask[nlat:1, ] } if (!is.null(dots)){ dots <- dots[nlat:1,] } } #---------------------- # Set layout and parameters #---------------------- # Open connection to graphical device if (!is.null(fileout)) { saveToFile(fileout) } else if (names(dev.cur()) == 'null device') { dev.new(units = size_units, res = res, width = width, height = height) } #NOTE: I think plot.new() is not necessary in any case. # plot.new() #TODO: Don't hardcoded. Let users decide. par(font.main = 1) # If colorbars need to be plotted, re-define layout. if (drawleg) { layout(matrix(c(rep(1, nmap),2:(nmap + 1)), 2, nmap, byrow = TRUE), heights = c(6, 1.5)) } #---------------------- # Set colors and breaks and then PlotEquiMap #---------------------- tcols <- c(col_unknown_map, colorbar$cols[[1]]) for (k in 2:nmap) { tcols <- append(tcols, c(col_unknown_map, colorbar$cols[[k]])) } tbrks <- c(-1, brks_norm + rep(1:nmap, each = length(brks_norm))) if (is.null(plot_margin)) { plot_margin <- c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1 # default of par()$mar } PlotEquiMap(var = ml_map, lon = lon, lat = lat, brks = tbrks, cols = tcols, drawleg = FALSE, filled.continents = FALSE, dots = dots, mar = plot_margin, ...) #---------------------- # Add overplot on top #---------------------- if (!is.null(mask)) { dims_mask <- dim(mask) latb <- sort(lat, index.return = TRUE) dlon <- lon[2:dims_mask[2]] - lon[1:(dims_mask[2] - 1)] wher <- which(dlon > (mean(dlon) + 1)) if (length(wher) > 0) { lon[(wher + 1):dims_mask[2]] <- lon[(wher + 1):dims_mask[2]] - 360 } lonb <- sort(lon, index.return = TRUE) cols_mask <- sapply(seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 10), function(x) adjustcolor(col_mask, alpha.f = x)) image(lonb$x, latb$x, t(mask)[lonb$ix, latb$ix], axes = FALSE, col = cols_mask, breaks = seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.1), xlab='', ylab='', add = TRUE, xpd = TRUE) if (!exists('coast_color')) { coast_color <- 'black' } if (min(lon) < 0) { map('world', interior = FALSE, add = TRUE, lwd = 1, col = coast_color) # Low resolution world map (lon -180 to 180). } else { map('world2', interior = FALSE, add = TRUE, lwd = 1, col = coast_color) # Low resolution world map (lon 0 to 360). } box() } #---------------------- # Add colorbars #---------------------- if ('toptitle' %in% names(args)) { size_title <- 1 if ('title_scale' %in% names(args)) { size_title <- args[['title_scale']] } old_mar <- par('mar') old_mar[3] <- old_mar[3] - (2 * size_title + 1) par(mar = old_mar) } if (drawleg) { CatColorBar(nmap = dim(maps)[map_dim], brks = colorbar$brks, cols = colorbar$cols, vertical = FALSE, subsampleg = NULL, bar_limits = display_range, var_limits = NULL, triangle_ends = NULL, plot = TRUE, draw_separators = TRUE, bar_titles = bar_titles, title_scale = 1, label_scale = legend_scale * 1.5, extra_margin = c(2, 0, 2, 0)) } # If the graphic was saved to file, close the connection with the device if (!is.null(fileout)) dev.off() }