% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/CST_SaveExp.R \name{SaveExp} \alias{SaveExp} \title{Save an experiment in a format compatible with CST_Load} \usage{ SaveExp(data, lon, lat, Dataset, var_name, units, startdates, Dates, cdo_grid_name, projection, destination) } \arguments{ \item{data}{an multi-dimensional array with named dimensions (longitude, latitude, time, member, sdate)} \item{lon}{vector of logitud corresponding to the longitudinal dimension in data} \item{lat}{vector of latitud corresponding to the latitudinal dimension in data} \item{Dataset}{a vector of character string indicating the names of the datasets} \item{var_name}{a character string indicating the name of the variable to be saved} \item{units}{a character string indicating the units of the variable} \item{startdates}{a vector of dates indicating the initialization date of each simulations} \item{Dates}{a matrix of dates with two dimension 'time' and 'sdate'.} \item{cdo_grid_name}{a character string indicating the name of the grid e.g.: 'r360x181'} \item{projection}{a character string indicating the projection name} \item{destination}{a character string indicating the path where to store the NetCDF files} } \value{ the function creates as many files as sdates per dataset. Each file could contain multiple members The path will be created with the name of the variable and each Datasets. } \description{ This function is created for compatibility with CST_Load/Load for saving post-processed datasets such as those calibrated of downscaled with CSTools functions } \examples{ \dontrun{ data <- lonlat_data$exp$data lon <- lonlat_data$exp$lon lat <- lonlat_data$exp$lat Dataset <- 'XXX' var_name <- 'tas' units <- 'k' startdates <- lapply(1:length(lonlat_data$exp$Datasets), function(x) { lonlat_data$exp$Datasets[[x]]$InitializationDates[[1]]})[[1]] Dates <- lonlat_data$exp$Dates$start dim(Dates) <- c(time = length(Dates)/length(startdates), sdate = length(startdates)) cdo_grid_name = attr(lonlat_data$exp$lon, 'cdo_grid_name') projection = attr(lonlat_data$exp$lon, 'projection') destination = './path/' SaveExp(data, lon, lat, Dataset, var_name, units, startdates, Dates, cdo_grid_name, projection, destination) } } \author{ Perez-Zanon Nuria, \email{nuria.perez@bsc.es} }