context("CSTools::CST_MultivarRMSE tests") # dat1 set.seed(1) mod1 <- abs(rnorm(1 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7)) set.seed(2) mod2 <- abs(rnorm(1 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7)) dim(mod1) <- c(datasets = 1, members = 3, sdates = 4, ftimes = 5, lat = 6, lon = 7) dim(mod2) <- c(datasets = 1, members = 3, sdates = 4, ftimes = 5, lat = 6, lon = 7) set.seed(1) obs1 <- abs(rnorm(1 * 1 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7)) set.seed(2) obs2 <- abs(rnorm(1 * 1 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7)) dim(obs1) <- c(datasets = 1, members= 1, sdates = 4, ftimes = 5, lat = 6, lon = 7) dim(obs2) <- c(datasets = 1, members = 1, sdates = 4, ftimes = 5, lat = 6, lon = 7) lon <- seq(0, 30, 5) lat <- seq(0, 25, 5) coords = list(lat = lat, lon = lon) exp1 <- list(data = mod1, coords = coords, attrs = list(Datasets = "EXP1", source_files = "file1", Variable = list('pre'))) exp2 <- list(data = mod2, coords = coords, attrs = list(Datasets = "EXP2", source_files = "file2", Variable = list('tas'))) obs1_1 <- list(data = obs1, coords = coords, attrs = list(Datasets = "OBS1", source_files = "file1", Variable = list('pre'))) obs2_1 <- list(data = obs2, coords = coords, attrs = list(Datasets = "OBS2", source_files = "file2", Variable = list('tas'))) attr(exp1, 'class') <- 's2dv_cube' attr(exp2, 'class') <- 's2dv_cube' attr(obs1_1, 'class') <- 's2dv_cube' attr(obs2_1, 'class') <- 's2dv_cube' anom1 <- CST_Anomaly(exp1, obs1_1, cross = TRUE, memb = TRUE, dim_anom = 'sdates', memb_dim = 'members',dat_dim = c('datasets', 'members')) anom2 <- CST_Anomaly(exp2, obs2_1, cross = TRUE, memb = TRUE, dim_anom = 'sdates', memb_dim = 'members', dat_dim = c('datasets', 'members')) ano_exp <- list(anom1$exp, anom2$exp) ano_obs <- list(anom1$obs, anom2$obs) # dat2 dim(mod1) <- c(dataset = 1, member = 3, sdate = 4, ftime = 5, lat = 6, lon = 7) dim(mod2) <- c(dataset = 1, member = 3, sdate = 4, ftime = 5, lat = 6, lon = 7) dim(obs1) <- c(dataset = 1, member = 1, sdate = 4, ftime = 5, lat = 6, lon = 7) dim(obs2) <- c(dataset = 1, member = 1, sdate = 4, ftime = 5, lat = 6, lon = 7) exp1 <- list(data = mod1, coords = coords, attrs = list(Datasets = "EXP1", source_files = "file1", Variable = list('pre'))) exp2 <- list(data = mod2, coords = coords, attrs = list(Datasets = "EXP2", source_files = "file2", Variable = list('tas'))) obs1 <- list(data = obs1, coords = coords, attrs = list(Datasets = "OBS1", source_files = "file1", Variable = list('pre'))) obs2 <- list(data = obs2, coords = coords, attrs = list(Datasets = "OBS2", source_files = "file2", Variable = list('tas'))) attr(exp1, 'class') <- 's2dv_cube' attr(exp2, 'class') <- 's2dv_cube' attr(obs1, 'class') <- 's2dv_cube' attr(obs2, 'class') <- 's2dv_cube' anom1 <- CST_Anomaly(exp1, obs1, cross = TRUE, memb = TRUE) anom2 <- CST_Anomaly(exp2, obs2, cross = TRUE, memb = TRUE) ano_exp2 <- list(anom1$exp, anom2$exp) ano_obs2 <- list(anom1$obs, anom2$obs) ############################################## test_that("1. Input checks", { # s2dv_cube expect_error( CST_MultivarRMSE(exp = 1, obs = 1), "Parameters 'exp' and 'obs' must be lists of 's2dv_cube' objects" ) # exp and obs expect_error( CST_MultivarRMSE(exp = exp1, obs = exp1), paste0("Elements of the list in parameter 'exp' must be of the class ", "'s2dv_cube', as output by CSTools::CST_Load.") ) # exp and obs expect_error( CST_MultivarRMSE(exp = c(ano_exp,ano_exp), obs = ano_obs), "Parameters 'exp' and 'obs' must be of the same length." ) # memb_dim expect_error( CST_MultivarRMSE(exp = ano_exp, obs = ano_obs, memb_dim = NULL), "Parameter 'memb_dim' cannot be NULL." ) expect_error( CST_MultivarRMSE(exp = ano_exp, obs = ano_obs, memb_dim = 1), "Parameter 'memb_dim' must be a character string." ) expect_error( CST_MultivarRMSE(exp = ano_exp2, obs = ano_obs), "Dimension names of element 'data' from parameters 'exp' and 'obs' should be equal." ) expect_error( CST_MultivarRMSE(exp = ano_exp, obs = ano_obs, memb_dim = 'memb'), "Parameter 'memb_dim' is not found in 'exp' or in 'obs' dimension." ) # dat_dim expect_error( CST_MultivarRMSE(exp = ano_exp2, obs = ano_obs2, dat_dim = 1), "Parameter 'dat_dim' must be a character string." ) expect_error( CST_MultivarRMSE(exp = ano_exp2, obs = ano_obs2, dat_dim = 'dats'), "Parameter 'dat_dim' is not found in 'exp' or in 'obs' dimension." ) # ftime_dim expect_error( CST_MultivarRMSE(exp = ano_exp2, obs = ano_obs2, ftime_dim = 1), "Parameter 'ftime_dim' must be a character string." ) expect_error( CST_MultivarRMSE(exp = ano_exp2, obs = ano_obs2, ftime_dim = 'ftimes'), "Parameter 'ftime_dim' is not found in 'exp' or in 'obs' dimension." ) expect_error( CST_MultivarRMSE(exp = ano_exp2, obs = ano_obs2, ftime_dim = NULL), "Parameter 'ftime_dim' cannot be NULL." ) # sdate_dim expect_error( CST_MultivarRMSE(exp = ano_exp2, obs = ano_obs2, sdate_dim = 1), "Parameter 'sdate_dim' must be a character string." ) expect_error( CST_MultivarRMSE(exp = ano_exp2, obs = ano_obs2, sdate_dim = 'sdates'), "Parameter 'sdate_dim' is not found in 'exp' or in 'obs' dimension." ) expect_error( CST_MultivarRMSE(exp = ano_exp2, obs = ano_obs2, sdate_dim = NULL), "Parameter 'sdate_dim' cannot be NULL." ) }) ############################################## test_that("2. Output checks", { res1 <- CST_MultivarRMSE(exp = ano_exp2, obs = ano_obs2, weight = weight) res2 <- CST_MultivarRMSE(exp = ano_exp, obs = ano_obs, weight = weight, dat_dim = 'datasets', ftime_dim = 'ftimes', memb_dim = 'members', sdate_dim = 'sdates') # res3 <- CST_MultivarRMSE(exp = ano_exp, obs = ano_obs, weight = weight, dat_dim = NULL, ftime_dim = 'ftimes', memb_dim = 'members', sdate_dim = 'sdates') expect_equal( names(res1), c('data', 'coords', 'attrs') ) expect_equal( dim(res1$data), dim(res2$data) ) expect_equal( dim(res1$data), c(nexp = 1, nobs = 1, lat = 6, lon = 7) ) expect_equal( res1$data, res2$data ) expect_equal( as.vector(res1$data)[1:5], c(0.9184747, 1.0452328, 1.7559577, 0.7936543, 0.9163216), tolerance = 0.0001 ) expect_equal( as.vector(res2$data)[1:5], c(0.9184747, 1.0452328, 1.7559577, 0.7936543, 0.9163216), tolerance = 0.0001 ) # expect_equal( # dim(res3$data), # c(datasets = 1, lat = 6, lon = 7) # ) # expect_equal( # as.vector(res3$data)[1:5], # c(0.9184747, 1.0452328, 1.7559577, 0.7936543, 0.9163216), # tolerance = 0.0001 # ) })