% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/CST_Calibration.R \name{CST_Calibration} \alias{CST_Calibration} \title{Forecast Calibration} \usage{ CST_Calibration(exp, obs, cal.method = "mse_min", eval.method = "leave-one-out", multi.model = F, na.fill = T, ncores = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{exp}{an object of class \code{s2dv_cube} as returned by \code{CST_Load} function, containing the seasonal forecast experiment data in the element named \code{$data}.} \item{obs}{an object of class \code{s2dv_cube} as returned by \code{CST_Load} function, containing the observed data in the element named \code{$data}.} \item{cal.method}{is the calibration method used, can be either \code{bias}, \code{evmos}, \code{mse_min} or \code{crps_min}. Default value is \code{mse_min}.} \item{eval.method}{is the sampling method used, can be either \code{in-sample} or \code{leave-one-out}. Default value is the \code{leave-one-out} cross validation.} \item{multi.model}{is a boolean that is used only for the \code{mse_min} method. If multi-model ensembles or ensembles of different sizes are used, it must be set to \code{TRUE}. By default it is \code{FALSE}. Differences between the two approaches are generally small but may become large when using small ensemble sizes. Using multi.model when the calibration method is \code{bias}, \code{evmos} or \code{crps_min} will not affect the result.} \item{na.fill}{is a boolean that indicates what happens in case calibration is not possible or will yield unreliable results. This happens when three or less forecasts-observation pairs are available to perform the training phase of the calibration. By default \code{na.fill} is set to true such that NA values will be returned. If \code{na.fill} is set to false, the uncorrected data will be returned.} \item{ncores}{is an integer that indicates the number of cores for parallel computations using multiApply function.} } \value{ an object of class \code{s2dv_cube} containing the calibrated forecasts in the element \code{$data} with the same dimensions of the exp data. } \description{ Equivalent to function \code{Calibration} but for objects of class \code{s2dv_cube}. } \examples{ # Example 1: mod1 <- 1 : (1 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7) dim(mod1) <- c(dataset = 1, member = 3, sdate = 4, ftime = 5, lat = 6, lon = 7) obs1 <- 1 : (1 * 1 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7) dim(obs1) <- c(dataset = 1, member = 1, sdate = 4, ftime = 5, lat = 6, lon = 7) lon <- seq(0, 30, 5) lat <- seq(0, 25, 5) exp <- list(data = mod1, lat = lat, lon = lon) obs <- list(data = obs1, lat = lat, lon = lon) attr(exp, 'class') <- 's2dv_cube' attr(obs, 'class') <- 's2dv_cube' a <- CST_Calibration(exp = exp, obs = obs, cal.method = "mse_min", eval.method = "in-sample") str(a) } \seealso{ \code{\link{CST_Load}} } \author{ VerĂ³nica Torralba, \email{veronica.torralba@bsc.es} Bert Van Schaeybroeck, \email{bertvs@meteo.be} }