PlotMostLikelyQuantileMap <- function(probs, lon, lat, cat_dim = 'bin', brks = NULL, cols = NULL, bar_titles = NULL, legend_scale = 1, col_unknown_cat = 'white', mask = NULL, col_mask = 'grey', ...) { # Check probs error <- FALSE if (!is.numeric(probs)) { error <- TRUE } if (is.null(dim(probs))) { error <- TRUE } if (length(dim(probs)) != 3) { error <- TRUE } if (error) { stop("Parameter 'probs' must be a numeric array with 3 dimensions.") } dimnames <- names(dim(probs)) # Check cat_dim if (is.character(cat_dim)) { if (is.null(dimnames)) { stop("Specified a dimension name in 'cat_dim' but no dimension names provided ", "in 'probs'.") } cat_dim <- which(dimnames == cat_dim)[1] if (length(cat_dim) != 1) { stop("Dimension 'cat_dim' not found in 'prob'.") } } else if (!is.numeric(cat_dim)) { stop("Parameter 'cat_dim' must be either a numeric value or a ", "dimension name.") } if (length(cat_dim) != 1) { stop("Parameter 'cat_dim' must be of length 1.") } cat_dim <- round(cat_dim) # Work out lon_dim and lat_dim lon_dim <- NULL if (!is.null(dimnames)) { lon_dim <- which(dimnames %in% c('lon', 'longitude'))[1] } if (length(lon_dim) < 1) { lon_dim <- (1:3)[-cat_dim][1] } lon_dim <- round(lon_dim) lat_dim <- NULL if (!is.null(dimnames)) { lat_dim <- which(dimnames %in% c('lat', 'latitude'))[1] } if (length(lat_dim) < 1) { lat_dim <- (1:3)[-cat_dim][2] } lat_dim <- round(lat_dim) # Check lon if (!is.numeric(lon)) { stop("Parameter 'lon' must be a numeric vector.") } if (length(lon) != dim(probs)[lon_dim]) { stop("Parameter 'lon' does not match the longitude dimension in 'probs'.") } # Check lat if (!is.numeric(lat)) { stop("Parameter 'lat' must be a numeric vector.") } if (length(lat) != dim(probs)[lat_dim]) { stop("Parameter 'lat' does not match the longitude dimension in 'probs'.") } # Check brks if (is.null(brks)) { brks <- ceiling(1 / dim(probs)[cat_dim] * 10 * 1.1) * 10 brks <- seq(from = brks, to = 100, length.out = 5) } if (!is.numeric(brks)) { stop("Parameter 'brks' must be a numeric vector.") } # Check cols col_sets <- list(c("#A1D99B", "#74C476", "#41AB5D", "#238B45"), c("#6BAED6FF", "#4292C6FF", "#2171B5FF", "#08519CFF"), c("#FFEDA0FF", "#FED976FF", "#FEB24CFF", "#FD8D3CFF"), c("#FC4E2AFF", "#E31A1CFF", "#BD0026FF", "#800026FF"), c("#FCC5C0", "#FA9FB5", "#F768A1", "#DD3497")) if (is.null(cols)) { if (length(col_sets) >= dim(probs)[cat_dim]) { chosen_sets <- 1:(dim(probs)[cat_dim]) chosen_sets <- chosen_sets + floor((length(col_sets) - length(chosen_sets)) / 2) } else { chosen_sets <- array(1:length(col_sets), dim(probs)[cat_dim]) } cols <- col_sets[chosen_sets] } else { if (!is.list(cols)) { stop("Parameter 'cols' must be a list of character vectors.") } if (!all(sapply(cols, is.character))) { stop("Parameter 'cols' must be a list of character vectors.") } if (length(cols) != dim(probs)[cat_dim]) { stop("Parameter 'cols' must be a list of the same length as the number of ", "categories in 'probs'.") } } for (i in 1:length(cols)) { if (length(cols[[i]]) != (length(brks) - 1)) { cols[[i]] <- colorRampPalette(cols[[i]])(length(brks) - 1) } } # Check bar_titles if (is.null(bar_titles)) { if (!is.null(names(cols))) { bar_titles <- names(cols) } else { if (length(cols) == 3) { bar_titles <- list("Below normal (%)", "Normal (%)", "Above normal (%)") } else if (length(cols) == 5) { bar_titles <- list("Low (%)", "Below normal (%)", "Normal (%)", "Above normal (%)", "High (%)") } else { bar_titles <- paste0("Cat. ", 1:length(cols), " (%)") } } } else { if (!is.character(bar_titles)) { stop("Parameter 'bar_titles' must be a character vector.") } if (length(bar_titles) != length(cols)) { stop("Parameter 'bar_titles' must be of the same length as the number of ", "categories in 'probs'.") } } # Check legend_scale if (!is.numeric(legend_scale)) { stop("Parameter 'legend_scale' must be numeric.") } # Check col_unknown_cat # Check col_mask if (!is.character(col_mask)) { stop("Parameter 'col_mask' must be a character string.") } if (!is.null(mask)){ # Check mask if (!is.numeric(mask)) { stop("Parameter 'mask' must be numeric.") } if (length(dim(mask)) != 2) { stop("Parameter 'mask' must have two dimensions.") } if ((dim(mask)[1] != dim(probs)[lat_dim]) || (dim(mask)[2] != dim(probs)[lon_dim])) { stop("Parameter 'mask' must have dimensions c(lat, lon).") } } #---------------------- # Identify the most likely category #---------------------- MLCat <- function(x) { a <- which.max(x) + max(x) if (length(a)) { return(a) } else { return(NA) } } mlcat <- apply(probs, c(lat_dim, lon_dim), MLCat) ncat <- dim(probs)[cat_dim] nlat <- length(lat) nlon <- length(lon) #---------------------- # Set latitudes from minimum to maximum #---------------------- if (lat[1] > lat[nlat]){ lat <- lat[nlat:1] indices <- list(nlat:1, TRUE) mlcat <-"[", c(list(x = mlcat), indices)) if (!is.null(mask)){ mask <- mask[nlat:1, ] } } #---------------------- # Set layout and parameters #---------------------- par(font.main = 1) layout(matrix(c(rep(ncat+1,ncat),1:ncat),2,ncat,byrow=T), height = c(6, 1.5)) #---------------------- # Add colorbars #---------------------- for (k in 1:ncat){ ColorBar(brks = brks, cols = cols[[k]], vertical = FALSE, draw_separators = TRUE, extra_margin = c(2, 0, 2, 0), label_scale = legend_scale * 1.5) mtext(bar_titles[[k]], 3, line =1, cex = 1.5) } #---------------------- # Set colors and breaks and then PlotEquiMap #---------------------- tcols <- c(col_unknown_cat, cols[[1]]) for (k in 2:ncat) { tcols <- append(tcols, c(col_unknown_cat, cols[[k]])) } tbrks <- c(1, brks / 100 + rep(1:ncat, each=length(brks))) PlotEquiMap(var = mlcat, lon = lon, lat = lat, brks = tbrks, cols = tcols, drawleg = FALSE, filled.continents = FALSE, ...) #---------------------- # Add overplot on top #---------------------- if (!is.null(mask)) { cols_mask <- sapply(seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 10), function(x) adjustcolor(col_mask, alpha.f = x)) image(lon, lat, t(mask), axes = FALSE, col = cols_mask, breaks = seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.1), xlab='', ylab='', add = TRUE) if (!exists('coast_color')) { coast_color <- 'black' } if (min(lon) < 0) { map('world', interior = FALSE, add = TRUE, lwd = 1, col = coast_color) # Low resolution world map (lon -180 to 180). } else { map('world2', interior = FALSE, add = TRUE, lwd = 1, col = coast_color) # Low resolution world map (lon 0 to 360). } } }