ESS Verification Suite ====================== This is the Git project for the ESS Verification Suite, which will serve as a tool for research projects and operational workflows involving subseasonal to seasonal to decadal forecast verification. The main developers of the tool are Victòria Agudetse (@vagudets), An-Chi Ho (@aho), Lluís Palma (@lpalma) and Núria Pérez-Zanón (@nperez). Resources --------- You can access the documentation of the Verification Suite through the wiki: [Auto-s2s Wiki]( You may also find useful information in the slides from past user meetings: [User meeting March 2023]( [User meeting September 2022]( [User meeting June 2022]( Branching strategy ------------------ Branches containing developments that are to be merged into the tool must contain "dev-" at the beginning of the name, followed by a short, meaningful description of the development in question. E.g. "dev-loading-subseasonal" for the branch containing developments related to the loading of subseasonal datasets. Users that wish to incorporate their own developments into the core of the tool are encouraged to create a personal fork of the Auto-S2S repository to work on their projects. Please contact Victòria Agudetse at to discuss the first steps. Mailing list ------------ User meetings, internal releases and news are announced through the mailing list. You can send an email to or to request subscription.