# CES Slurm Simulator on Ubuntu 20.08 Docker Image This is an all-in-one installation of the [ces slurm simulator](https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/mgimenez/ces_slurm_simulator). It is meant to be a black-box ephemeral container to run a single simulation. Along side with the docker image, you are provided with a helper script (`launcher.py`) which handles the mount point for the important files for the simulator. ## Usage First you should build the image. ```bash docker build . --tag mgimenez/docker-ubuntu-ces-slurm-sim:latest ``` Now everything related to the simulation is run through the helper script `launcher.py`. # Acknowledgement This file is adapted from two repos: https://github.com/giovtorres/docker-centos7-slurm/ https://github.com/jafreck/docker-ubuntu-slurm