# Notes from Okke van Eck This is a copy from the ecTrans dwarf repository as provided by Daan Degrauwe. The original repository can be found here: [https://github.com/ddegrauwe/ectrans](https://github.com/ddegrauwe/ectrans). And the copy is made of commit [53848f47e40f3b598ceda09634e1f840ab7e2ebb](https://github.com/ddegrauwe/ectrans/tree/53848f47e40f3b598ceda09634e1f840ab7e2ebb). Some files are removed or altered to make for an easy installation procedure for us. You can find the original README as [README_original.md](https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/ovaneck/ectrans-dwarf/-/blob/main/README_original.md). The sections below will guide you through the (altered) installation process and execution of different comfigurations. ## Installation TODO ## Execution TODO