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initial_conditions:sea_ice [2016/06/03 15:12]
nfuckar [Brief description]
initial_conditions:sea_ice [2019/05/07 10:49]
jacosta [Brief description]
Line 18: Line 18:
 | m017| LIM3| ORCA025| 19930501| 20091101| 05,11| fc0| Available for testing but does not include observational information| no reference | | m017| LIM3| ORCA025| 19930501| 20091101| 05,11| fc0| Available for testing but does not include observational information| no reference |
 | m063| LIM3| ORCA025| 19580101| 20061201| all| fc0| Single-category sea-ice product using DFS4.3 surface forcing fields and EC-Earth3.1 land-sea mask | no reference | | m063| LIM3| ORCA025| 19580101| 20061201| all| fc0| Single-category sea-ice product using DFS4.3 surface forcing fields and EC-Earth3.1 land-sea mask | no reference |
 +| a05y| LIM3| ORCA1| 19930101| 20091031 | all|fc0|5-category sea ice product using DFS5.2 surface forcing fields and EC-Earth3.2 land-sea mask| no reference |
 +| a07m| LIM3| ORCA1| 19790101| 19881231 | all|fc00-fc24|5-category sea ice product using DFS5.2 surface forcing fields, assimilation of sea ice concentration and EC-Earth3.2 land-sea mask| no reference |
 +| a09b| LIM3| ORCA1| 19890101| 19981231 | all|fc00-fc24|5-category sea ice product using DFS5.2 surface forcing fields, assimilation of sea ice concentration and EC-Earth3.2 land-sea mask| no reference |
 +| a0dc| LIM3| ORCA1| 19790101| 20150331 | all |fc01-fc25|5-category sea ice product using DFS5.2 surface forcing fields, EnKF assimilation of ESA (1992-2008) otherwise OSI-SAF sea ice concentration and EC-Earth3.2 land-sea mask| no reference |
 +| a0na| LIM3| ORCA1| 20150401| 20161231 | all |fc01-fc25|5-category sea ice product using DFS5.2 surface forcing fields, EnKF assimilation of ESA (1992-2008) otherwise OSI-SAF sea ice concentration and EC-Earth3.2 land-sea mask| no reference |
 +| a1e1/a1ue| LIM3| ORCA1| 19600101| 20151201 | all |fc01-fc05|5-category sea ice product using DFS5.2 surface forcing fields, surface restoring and subsurface nudging to ORAS4 with EC-Earth3.2 (NEMO-Lim only sims). Member fc00 should be taken from a1ue and members fc01 to fc04 should be taken from a1e1. | no reference |
 +| a1n1| LIM3| ORCA025| 19600101| 20151201 | all |fc01-fc05|5-category sea ice product using DFS5.2 surface forcing fields, surface restoring and subsurface nudging to ORAS5 with EC-Earth3.2 (NEMO-Lim only sims). | In progress |
 ==== Need for new sea ice initial conditions ==== ==== Need for new sea ice initial conditions ====
Line 35: Line 42:
 Ferry N et al., 2010, Mercator global eddy permitting ocean reanalysis GLORYS1v1: description and results. Mercator Ocean Quart. Newsl, 36, 15-27. Ferry N et al., 2010, Mercator global eddy permitting ocean reanalysis GLORYS1v1: description and results. Mercator Ocean Quart. Newsl, 36, 15-27.
 +==== How to generate new sea ice initial conditions? ====
 +== i00v and i057 ==
 +1. Fetch ERA-interim atmospheric forcing data 
 +Go to the cfutools GIT repository ( in the prep_nem_forcings/eraint/orca1 directory 
 +Follow the instructions from the README. All the scripts to fetch ERA-interim files are in that same directory
 +2. Prepare wind perturbations and generate members fc1-fc4 for the forcings from member fc0 
 +Still in the prep_nem_forcings/eraint/orca1 directory from the cfutools GIT repository. 
 +Instructions in the README and all scripts in that same directory
 +3. The atmospheric forcing files need to be stored there:
 +4. Fetch ORAS4 monthly temperature and salinity for the ocean nudging at ECMWF ecgate. Run in the $SCRATCH/scratchdir : 
 +  #!/bin/ksh
 +  EXPID=s4 # Tag of ORAS4 on the ECFS repository 
 +  DATASOURCE="ec:/emos/OCEA/4/0001/" # Root of the path where to find ORAS4 on ECFS
 +  YEARI=2015 # First year to download
 +  YEARF=2015 # Last year to download
 +  MEMBER_LST="0 1 2 3 4" # List of members to download
 +  MON_LST="01 02 03 04 05 06" # List of months to download in formate MM
 +  while [[ $YEAR -le $YEARF ]] ; do
 +  for mem in $MEMBER_LST ; do
 +    for mon in $MON_LST ; do
 +      ecp ${DATASOURCE}/opa${mem}/output/${YEAR}/0001_1m_${YEAR}${mon}01_${YEAR}${mon}* s4_fc${mem}_${YEAR}${mon}
 +    done
 +  done
 +  YEAR=$((YEAR+1))
 +  done
 +5. Download the ORAS4 monthly temperature and salinity locally: 
 +  cd /esarchive/releases/nudging/ocean/s4/ORCA1
 +  ftp
 +  cd ECSCRATCH/scratchdir
 +  prompt
 +  mget *
 +  for ((jmemb=0;jmemb<=4;jmemb++)) ; do mv *fc${jmemb}*gz* fc${jmemb} ; done
 +6. For i057 only, interpolate + extrapolate vertically and horizontally + fill in empty seas for the ORAS4 nudging files to be usable with EC-Earth3
 + Go to the cfutools GIT repository
 + cd prep_restarts/example
 + edit
 + change the following arguments:
 + year0=2015 # First year to process
 + yearf=2015 # Last year to process
 + fc0=0 # First member to process
 + fcf=4 # Last member to process
 + Launch on stargate:
 + sbatch
 +7. Extend i00v and i057 
 +For i00v, it is necessary to copy /home/vguemas/autosubmit_i00v and used this autosubmit version. It is also
 +necessary to copy at ithaca /scratch/cfu/vguemas/i00v into your scratch. For i057, Autosubmit 2.4 or 2.5 can
 +be used. 
 +For both i00v and i057, the expdef needs to be modified to run only the extension of interest. If any permission
 +issue arises, you can ask to any IT who has root access to fix these permission issues.
 +The chunk length is 6 months for both i00v and i057. A change in the chunk length would induce code change in
 +the template relying on Omar's pluggin for ocean nudging.
 +==== Contacts ====
initial_conditions/sea_ice.txt ยท Last modified: 2020/02/04 15:57 by jacosta