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library:external:presentations_away [2020/10/26 15:08]
llledo [2020]
library:external:presentations_away [2024/05/09 13:06]
mgimenez [2024]
Line 11: Line 11:
 ====Presentations given outside BSC==== ====Presentations given outside BSC====
-====2020==== +====2024=== 
 +      - An introduction to blending methodologies (I4C internal seminars #2, 7 May, 2024) , Pablo Ortega (I4C) {{:library:external:i4c_internal-seminar_blending.pptx | ppt}} 
 +      - Inaugural dust and climate model simulations with the new EMIT global mineral abundance maps (2024 EGU GA, Vienna, Austria, 18 April, 2024), María Gonçalves Ageitos (EMIT, FRAGMENT, CERTAINTY, FOCI, FORCeS, BIOTA, HEAVY, AXA SDS). {{ :library:external:202404_egu_dustmineralogy_keyaspects.pdf | pdf}} 
 +      - Digital Twins of the Ocean: Predicting Changes (2024 Ocean Decade Conference, Barcelona, 9 April, 2024),Pablo Ortega (DE340, EERIE, EditoModelLab) {{ :library:external:Presentation-ocean_decade.pdf |pdf}} {{ :library:external:Presentation-ocean_decade.pptx |ppt}} 
 +      - Decadal Climate Services - BSC experience (Tackling Global Change Workshop, Universite de Bordeaux, France, 11 April, 2024), Sara Octenjak (FOCUS-Africa) {{ :library:external:20240411_saraoctenjak_universitedebordeaux.pdf |pdf}} {{ :library:external:20240411_saraoctenjak_universitedebordeaux.pptx |ppt}} 
 +      - Climate knowledge coproduction (Lapland Seminar, Levi, Finland, 8-10 March, 2024), D. Bojovic (FOCUS-Africa) {{:library:external:20240308_dbojovic_bsc.pdf |pdf}} {{:library:external:20240308_dbojovic_bsc.pptx |pptx}}  
 +      - BSC testing protocol and tools (EC-Earth General Assembly, De Bilt, Netherlands, 19th-21st March 2024), E. Ferrer {{:library:external:20032024_ericferrer_bsctestingprotocol.pdf.pdf |pdf}} 
 +      - Coproducing climate services for near-term urban climate adaptation: supporting resilience to heat in Barcelona (Growth vs. Climate Conference, ICTA-UAB, Barcelona, Spain, 13-15 March 2024), D. Bojovic (I4C) {{:library:external:20240315_dbojovic_bsc.pdf |pdf}} {{:library:external:20240315_dbojovic_bsc.pptx |pptx}} 
 +      - How different are the dust particle size distributions between Morocco and Iceland? Unveiling insights through field measurements (Severo Ochoa Research Seminar, BSC, Barcelona, Spain, 27 February 2024), C. González-Flórez (SORS_mobility) {{:library:external:27022024_sors_cgonzalezflorez.pdf |pdf}} 
 +      - Impact of model resolution on the representation of deep-water formation and its link with the AMOC (EERIE Science Hour, Online, 22 February 2024), E. Martin-Martinez {{:library:external:20240222_emartinmartinez_science_hour_8.pptx |pptx}} [[ | pdf and recording]] (EERIE, STREAM) 
 +       - A digital twin of the Earth for climate adaptation (Supercomputing Asia 2024, 22 February 2024), F.J. Doblas-Reyes {{:library:external:20240222_fdoblas_SCA24.pdf |pdf}} [[ | pptx]] (DE_340, GLORIA) 
 +       - Co-production of knowledge and tools to mainstream climate adaptation (FuturMed COST Action WG2 kick-off meeting, online, 9 January 2024), M. Terrado {{ :library:external:20240109_mterrado_futurmed.pdf | pdf}} (Climateurope2, ASPECT, MED-GOLD, S2S4E, DestinE) 
 +       - Workflow Provenance with RO-Crate in Autosubmit (European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 14-19 April 2024)), Manuel G. Marciani {{ :library:external:ro-crate-as-egu2024.pdf | pdf}} (DE_340, EDITO) 
 +       - Workflow Provenance with RO-Crate in Autosubmit (High Performance Computer Knowledge Portal (HPCKP) 8-9 May 2024)), Manuel G. Marciani {{ :library:external:ro-crate-hpckp.pdf | pdf}} (DE_340, EDITO) 
 +       - Linking source and emitted dust mineralogy: key aspects to improve the representation of airborne dust mineralogy in Earth System Models. (AGU Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco, US, 14 December, 2023), María Gonçalves Ageitos (EMIT, FRAGMENT, AXA SDS, FORCeS, DOMOS, BIOTA, AC SGR). {{ :library:external:20231207_agu_dustmineralogy_keyaspects_toupload.pdf | pdf}} 
 +       - IDExtremes: A modelling tool to predict the probability of infectious disease outbreaks given compound extreme climatic events (E-Vigilancia Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 08 December 2023), B.M. Carvalho {{ :library:external:carvalhobm_e-vigilancia_idextremes.pdf | pdf}} 
 +       - Machine learning and AI for predicting climate-sensitive diseases (EU-US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, Murray Hill NJ, US, 18 October 2023), B.M. Carvalho {{ :library:external:20231018_carvalhobm_eu-us-foe.pdf | pdf}} 
 +       - Climateurope2: Climate services, standards, provenance and more (ESiWACE3-eFlows4HPC hackathon: HPC workflows for climate models, Spoo, Finland, 17 October 2023), F.J. Doblas-Reyes {{library:external:20231017_fdoblas_Climateurope2_in_eFlows4HPC.pptx | pptx}} {{library:external:20231017_fdoblas_Climateurope2_in_eFlows4HPC.pdf | pdf}} 
 +       - Trends in dust, clouds and radiative fluxes with the EC-Earth3 model updated within FORCeS (FORCeS Annual Meeting 2023, Patras, Greece, 19-22 September 2023), M. Costa-Surós (STARS-MSCA-754433, FORCeS-821205, FRAGMENT-773051, AXA). {{ :library:external:mcs-wp3_forces_am.pdf | pdf}} {{ :library:external:mcs-wp3_forces_am.odp | odp }} 
 +       - The Iron Jigsaw: Modeling the Impact of Deserts, Wildfires, and Climate Change on the Iron Deposition into the Oceans (Severo Ochoa Research Seminar, BSC, Barcelona, Spain, July 2023, E. Bergas {{library:external:SORS_ElisaBergas.pdf | pdf}} (DOMOS, SORS_mobility)   
 +       - Communities of practice: engagement strategies (European Climate Change Adaptation Conference, ECCA, Dublin, Ireland, 19-21 June 2023, M. Terrado {{library:external:20230621_mterrado_ecca.pdf | pdf}} (ASPECT, Climateurope2)     
 +       - Standardisation of climate services to better support climate adaptation (European Climate Change Adaptation Conference, ECCA, Dublin, Ireland, 19-21 June 2023, A.L. St. Clair {{library:external:20230621_climateurope2_session_ecca.pdf | pdf}} (Climateurope2)    
 +       - Modeling dust mineralogy and its impacts on the Earth System (GFDL informal seminar, Princeton, US, 6th June 2023, M. Gonçalves Ageitos.{{library:external:20230606_mariag_GFDLseminar.pptx | pptx}} {{library:external:20230606_mariag_GFDLseminar.pdf | pdf}} 
 +       - A digital twin for climate change adaptation (NextGEMS Hackathon 3, Madrid, Spain, 31st May 2023), F.J. Doblas-Reyes {{library:external:20230531_fdoblas_NextGEMS_hackathon3.pptx | pptx}} {{library:external:20230531_fdoblas_NextGEMS_hackathon3.pdf | pdf}} 
 +       - Assessing the contribution of residential emission sources to carbonaceous aerosols concentrations in the western Mediterranean basin (ITM2023 International Technical Meeting On Air Pollution Modeling And Its Application, Chapel Hill, USA, 23rd May 2023), H. Navarro (FPI-SO H.Navarro, BROWNING, RI-URBANs) {{library:external:20230523_ITM2023_OJorba.pdf | pdf}} 
 +       - Aerosol-sensitive Ice Nucleation Parameterizations in the EC-Earth3: evaluation and climate impacts (6th OpenIFS user meeting, Barcelona, Spain, 22-26 May 2023), M. Costa-Surós (STARS-MSCA-754433, FORCeS-821205, FRAGMENT-773051, AXA). {{ :library:external:openifs_workshop_mcs_final1.pdf |pdf}} {{ :library:external:openifs_workshop_mcs_final.pptx |pptx}} 
 +       - Arctic activities (Sessió de trobada amb les persones expertes en matèria de l’Àrtic, Barcelona, 19th May 2023), F.J. Doblas-Reyes {{library:external:20230519_fdoblas_Artic_GenCat.pptx | pptx}} {{library:external:20230519_fdoblas_Artic_GenCat.pdf | pdf}} 
 +       - Assessing ozone abatement scenarios in the framework of the Spanish Ozone Mitigation Plan (24th EMEP Task Force on Measurement and Modelling Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, 12nd May 2023), H. Petetin (CSIC-PNO3) {{library:external:20230512_TFMM2023_OJorba.pdf | pdf}} 
 +       - Presentació de CALIOPE-Urban: model urbà de baixa resolució a la Zona de Baixes Emissions BCN (Jornada sobre Qualitat de l’Aire I Salut per als ens locals, Barcelona, 24rd April 2023), A. Soret {{library:external:20230418_asoret_jornadaaq.pptx | pptx}} (UncertAir, GreenScent)) 
 +       - Linking ITCZ migrations to the AMOC and North Atlantic/Pacific SST decadal variability (EGU, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2023), E. Moreno-Chamarro {{ :library:external:egu2023_morenochamarro_talk.pdf | pdf}} (EERIE, STREAM) 
 +       - The iron cycle in a changing climate at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (NCSU MEAS Symposium, Raleigh, USA, 3rd April 2023), E. Bergas-Massó   {{library:external:20230403_ebergas_MEASsymposium.pdf | pdf}} (DOMOS, FORCES, AXA Chair on Sand and Dust Storms, FRAGMENT)  
 +      - The bone and the marrow: some suggestions for the future of climate prediction (WCRP hybrid symposium on Frontiers in Subseasonal to Decadal Prediction, Reading, UK, 23 March 2023), F. Doblas-Reyes {{library:external:20230328_fdoblas_WGSIPSymposium.pdf| pdf}} {{library:external:20230328_fdoblas_WGSIPSymposium.pptx| pptx}} (ASPECT) 
 +      - Climate Services for Vineyard Adaptation, on-line Thursday 23 March, 2023; Climate Europe 2 Webstival, Núria Pérez-Zanón (vitiGEOSS, Climate Europe 2) {{ :library:external:perezzanon_webstivalmarch2023.pdf | slides}} 
 +      - Overview of Autosubmit, Cylc, ecFlow and workflows in ESiWACE (ESiWACE3 hackathon: HPC workflows for climate models, Finland-remote, 17/Oct), Bruno P. Kinoshita, Miguel Castrillo {{ :library:external:esiwace3_hackathon_2023_autosubmit_cylc_ecflow_bsc_final_.pptx | pptx}} 
 +      - The Challenge of the Anthropogenic CO2 emissions verification in the coming years (CLIVAR 2023: Towards an integrated view of climate, UCM, Spain, 24-26 January 2023), V. Martín-Gómez {{library:external:clivar2023_vmartin_4c.pdf| pdf}} (4C) 
 +      - T5.2 Back-end architecture (EDITO-Model Lab - VOML Co-design technical meeting, 
 +Toulouse/France, 19 & 20/Oct), Miguel Castrillo, Daniel Beltrán, Bruno P. Kinoshita {{ :library:external:autosubmit-edito-model_lab_-_voml_co-design_technical_meeting_toulouse_.pptx | pptx}} 
 +      - Atmospheric Controls on Aerosol Iron Solubility under Different Climate Scenarios (AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, USA, 13th December 2022), E. Bergas-Massó   {{library:external:agu2022_iron.pdf | pdf}} (DOMOS, FORCES, AXA Chair on Sand and Dust Storms, FRAGMENT)  
 +      - Open Science Communication Conference (Belgrade, Serbia, 25 November 2022), M. Terrado   {{library:external:25112022_mterrado_openscicomm.pdf | pdf}} (Climateurope2)       
 +      - Modelización Climática: Como el superordenador Marenostrum4 nos ayuda a entender el cambio climático (Aquaseminar - Escuela del Agua, Barcelona, 23 November 2022) Roberto Bilbao {{ :library:external:23112022_rbilbao_aquaseminar.pdf | pdf}} 
 +      - BSC Update (12th ICAP working group meeting, Monterey, CA, USA, 18-21 October 2022) Jeronimo Escribano {{ :library:external:20221018_jescriba_icap.pdf | pdf}} {{:library:external:20221018_jescriba_icap.pptx | pptx }} (AXA Chair) 
 +      - Assessment of modelled dust mineralogy with multiple Earth System Models (21st AeroCOM / 10th AeroSAT workshop, Oslo, Norway, 11-14 October 2022) María Gonçalves {{:library:external:20221011_assessment_mineralo_esm_mga.pdf | pdf}} {{:library:external:20221011_assessment_mineralo_esm_mga_aerocom.pptx|pptx}}(CAMS2_35, FRAGMENT, AXA, NUTRIENT, FORCeS) 
 +      - New ice nucleation parameterizations in EC-Earth3  (EC-Earth general Assembly 2022, Lund, Sweden, 11-13 October 2022), Montserrat Costa-Surós (STARS-MSCA-754433, FORCeS-821205, FRAGMENT-773051, AXA). {{ :library:external:ece_ga2022_new_inparams_in_ecearth_final.pdf | pdf}} 
 +      - An introduction to Impetus4Change and the activities with EC-Earth involvement (EC-Earth meeting, Lund, Sweeden, 11-13 October 2022) Pablo Ortega {{ :library:external:11102022_i4c_ec-earth.pdf | pdf}} {{:library:external:11102022_i4c_ec-earth.pptx | pptx }} (Impetus4Change) 
 +      - A glimpse into the ongoing climate prediction activities with EC-Earth: going beyond CMIP6 (EC-Earth meeting, Lund, Sweeden, 11-13 October 2022) Pablo Ortega {{ :library:external:ec-earth-meeting-10-2022-cpwg-summary.pdf | pdf}}{{:library:external:ec-earth-meeting-10-2022-cpwg-summary.pptx | pptx }} (RyC_Portega) 
 +      - Extending XIOS lossy compression functionalities using SZ (14th JLESC workshop, Urbana, IL, USA, 28 September 2022) Xavier Yepes-Arbós {{ :library:external:20220928_xyepes_14thjlesc.pdf | pdf}} 
 +      - New ice nucleation parameterizations in IFS / EC-Earth3 (FORCeS Annual Meeting 2022, Oslo, Norway, 12-16 September 2022), M. Costa-Surós (STARS-MSCA-754433, FORCeS-821205, FRAGMENT-773051, AXA). {{ :library:external:4.forces-am22-wp5_montserrat.c.suros_bsc.pdf | pdf}} 
 +      - Destination Earth project: implementation of Earth Digital Twins at BSC (JURES22, Cáceres, Spain, 15 September 2022) Kim Serradell {{ :library:external:20220915_kserrade_jures22.pptx |pptx}} 
 +      - EU-PolarNet2 General Assembly (Sofia, Bulgaria, 13 September 2022), M. Terrado   {{library:13092022_mterrado_eupolarnet2ga.pdf | pdf}} (ArcticXchange) 
 +      - An introduction to climate and Earth system modelling (ERASMUS+ project CLIMAST, Summer Activity on Assessment of climate change in the Mediterranean region (past, present and future), 07 July 2022), P. Ortega {{:library:external:07072022_climas_ub_master-portega.pptx | pptx }} {{:library:external:07072022_climas_ub_master-portega.pdf | pdf }} (RyC_Portega) 
 +      - Decision-making II: Success story from the agriculture sector (MPE Virtual Summer School on Attribution, causality, and decision-making, online, 6-10 June 2022), M. Terrado {{:library:external:10062022_mterrado_uorsummerschool.pdf | pdf}} (EUPORIAS, MED-GOLD, VitiGEOSS, S2S4E, Climateurope) 
 +      - Advanced sub-seasonal to seasonal climate forecasts for adaptation (European Green Week 2022, Webinar: Implementation of Data Analytics for a sustainable and climate-resilient Agriculture 4.0, 03 June 2022), N. Pérez-Zanón {{ :library:external:perezzanon_eugreenweek_03062022.pdf | pdf}} 
 +      - Climate services prototypes for the renewable energy sector (MedCOF, Spain, 01 June 2022), A. Soret {{:library:external:01062022_soret_medcof.pptx |pptx}} (Climate services Energy sector) 
 +      - Assimilation of satellite dust aerosol observations in the MONARCH system (ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, Bonn, Germany, 23-27 May 2022, E. Di Tomaso (DustClim, H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2016-754433, H2020-MSCA-IF-2017-789630, FRAGMENT, AXA, RYC-2015-18690, CGL2017-88911-R, SOLWARIS, ACTRIS, CMUG, DOMOS, PRACE, RES) {{:library:external:20220527_ditomaso_esalps.pdf|pdf}} 
 +      - Seasonal hurricane predictions platform: co-development of a climate service for the insurance sector and beyond (Workshop Future risks and impacts of intense Mediterranean cyclones, Baeza, Spain, 16-18 May 2022), M. Terrado {{:library:external:17052022_mterrado_unia.pptx |pptx}} (Seasonal hurricane predictions) 
 +      - CAMP First GPU Solver: A Solution to Accelerate Chemistry in Atmospheric Models (7th ENES workshop, Barcelona, Spain, 9-11 May 2022) , C. Guzman {{ :library:external:camp_first_gpu_solver_a_solution_to_accelerate_chemistry_in_atmospheric_models_1.pdf |pdf}}{{|GSlides}} 
 +      - DTO: HPC challenges (Digital Ocean Forum, Paris, France, 20-21st April 2022) , M. Castrillo {{:library:external:200423_mcastril_dof.pdf|pdf}} {{|GSlides}} 
 +      - The new very-high-resolution coupled global configuration for EC-Earth 4 (EuroHPC Summit Week 2022 / PRACEdays22, Paris, France, 22-24th March 2022) , M. Castrillo {{:library:external:210323_mcastril_eurohpc.pdf|pdf}} {{|GSlides}} 
 +      - Applying user-centered design to the coproduction of climate services across time scales: VitiGEOSS vineyard management solution (WMO/WWRP Weather & Society conference, online, 10th March 2022), M. Terrado {{:library:external:20220310_mterrado_wmo_weather_society.pdf|pdf}} (VitiGEOSS) 
 +      - Tractament estadístic de la incertesa en models climàtics (Happy stats hour, Societat Catalana d'Estadística, 1st February 2022), Ll. Lledó {{ :library:external:20220201_llledo_happystatshour.pdf|pdf}} 
 +      - BSC contribution to the WMO S2S-AI challenge to improve sub-seasonal forecasts of temperature and precipitation (S2S webinars, online, 26th January 2022), Ll. Lledó {{ :library:external:20220126_llledo_s2schallenge.pdf|pdf}} 
 +      - EasyBuild site presentation: BSC Earth Sciences (EasyBuild User Meeting 22, online, 14th December 2021), K. Serradell {{ :library:external:20220125_kserrade_eum22.pptx |pptx}} 
 +      - Collecting and analysing computational performance metrics of ESMs in the CMIP6 experiment in the framework of IS-ENES3 project (AGU Fall Meeting, online, 14th December 2021), K. Serradell {{ :library:external:20211214_kserrade_agu.pptx |pptx}} 
 +      - AWICM3-XIOS workshop (AWI, Bremerhaven, Germany, 2 December 2021), X. Yepes-Arbós {{ :library:external:20211202_xyepes_awicm3.pdf |pdf}} (ESiWACE2) 
 +      - Introducing BSC-ES at the Modelling for Science and Engineering master (UAB). (online, 23 November 2021), Ll. Lledó {{ :library:external:20211123_llledo_uabmastermodelling.pdf | pdf }} 
 +      - Towards investigating the effect of modeled dust mineralogy upon heterogeneous ice nucleation in mixed-phase clouds with EC-Earth (EC-Earth general Assembly 2021, Virtual, 16-18 November 2021), Montserrat Costa-Surós (STARS-MSCA-754433, FORCeS-821205, FRAGMENT-773051, AXA). {{ :library:external:ec-earth_consortium_ga_nov2021.pdf | pdf}}  
 +      - A distributed system to monitor experiment's execution and resource usage across multiple platforms in a graphical interface. (EC-Earth meeting, online, 18th November 2021), W. Uruchi {{ :library:external:20221118_wuruchi_bsc.pdf | pdf }} 
 +      - Seasonal forecast system at High-Resolution using a tuned version of EC-Earth3 (EC-Earth meeting, online, 18th November 2021), A. Carreric (5min talk) {{ :library:external:18112021_acarreri_ecearth_hr_tuning.pdf | pdf}} 
 +      - Lessons learned with EC-Earth on the predictability of the Earth system within the CMIP6 exercise and beyond  (EC-Earth meeting, online, 16th November 2021), P. Ortega {{ :library:external:ec-earth-meeting-11-2021-cpwg-summary.pptx | pptx }} [[|GSlides]] 
 +      - NEMO in 2021 (Ocean BOG) (EC-Earth meeting, online, 17th November 2021), M. Castrillo {{ :library:external:211117_mcastril_ecearth2.pdf | pdf }} [[|GSlides]] 
 +      - EC-Earth4 at VHR (EC-Earth 4 BOG) (EC-Earth meeting, online, 17th November 2021), M. Castrillo {{ :library:external:211117_mcastril_ecearth1.pdf | pdf }} [[|GSlides]] 
 +      - The new very-high resolution EC-Earth 4 climate demonstrator (EC-Earth meeting, online, 16th November 2021), M. Castrillo {{ :library:external:211116_mcastril_ecearth.pdf | pdf }} [[|GSlides]] (ESiWACE2) 
 +      - XIOS BOG (EC-Earth meeting, 18 November 2021), X. Yepes-Arbós {{ :library:external:20211118_xyepes_ecearth.pdf |pdf}} 
 +      - Increasing resolution in global models: biases and climate change (Ouranos Seminar, online, 10th November 2021), E. Moreno-Chamarro et al. {{ :library:external:ouranos_seminar_202111_morenochamarro.pdf | pdf }} (PRIMAVERA, STREAM)  
 +      - BSC data organization: discussion with Ouranos, (online, 27Th October 2021, PA Bretonnière) {{ :library:external:BSC_data_organization-Ouranos.pdf | pdf}} 
 +      - Increased resolution in HighResMIP/PRIMAVERA models: biases and future plans (Future Directions in Basin and Global High-resolution Ocean Modelling, online, 30st September 2021), E. Moreno-Chamarro et al. {{ {{ :library:external:17_morenochamarro_full.pdf | pdf }} (PRIMAVERA, STREAM)       
 +      - The new very-high resolution EC-Earth 4 climate demonstrator (19th Workshop on high performance computing in meteorology, online, 21st September 2021), M. Castrillo {{ :library:external:20210921_mcastril_ecmwf_hpc_workshop.pdf | pdf }} {{ | GSlides }} (ESiWACE2) 
 +      - Exploiting observations to improve the predictive capacity in the Arctic, including its climate impacts (UN Decade "A Predicted Ocean" - Satellite event: Ocean predictions and observations in response to the climate emergency), P. Ortega {{ :library:external:A-predicted-ocean-portega.pdf | pdf}} {{ :library:external:A-predicted-ocean-portega.pptx | pptx}} (INTAROS, RyC_Pablo, APPLICATE) 
 +      - CSTools: the MEDSCOPE Toolbox for Climate Forecasts postprocessing (EMS Annual Meeting 2021, online, 9th September 2021), N. Pérez-Zanón et al. {{ :library:external:ems2021_cstools.pdf | Slides}} {{ :library:external:ems2021-204-printabstract.pdf | Abstract}} (Medscope) 
 +    -  Multi-model assessment of the late-winter tropospheric response to El Niño and La Niña (EMS Annual Meeting 2021, online, 9th September 2021), B. Mezzina {{ :library:external:ems2021-265_presentation.pdf | pdf}}  
 +      -  Multi-model assessment of the late-winter stratospheric response to El Niño and La Niña (EMS Annual Meeting 2021, online, 7th September 2021), B. Mezzina {{ :library:external:ems2021-14_presentation.pdf | pdf}}  
 +      - Preparing NEMO and EC-Earth models for very high-resolution production experiments (ESiWACE Summer School on Effective HPC for Climate and Weather, online, 27th August 2021), M. Castrillo {{ :library:external:27082021_mcastril_ess.pdf | pdf }} {{ :library:external:27082021_mcastril_ess.pptx | pptx }} (ESiWACE2) 
 +      - Visualising climate services (MED-GOLD Living Lab 2021, online, 17th June 2021), Isadora Jiménez (inDust, EUPORIAS, S2S4E, seasonal hurricane predictions, C3S_429g_BSC, MED-GOLD, VISCA, MEDSCOPE) ({{:library:external:20210617_ijimenez_MEDGOLD_LL2021_v1.pptx | pptx}}, {{ :library:external:20210617_ijimenez_MEDGOLD_LL2021_v1.pdf | pdf}}) 
 +      - Drivers of the natural CO2 fluxes at global scale as simulated by CMIP6 piControl simulations (4C annual meeting, online, 18th May 2021), Yohan Ruprich-Robert ({{ :library:external:4C_AnnualMeeting_052021_YohanRuprichRobert.pdf | Slides}}) 
 +      - Climate Forecast Analysis Tools Framework (8th BSC Doctoral Symposium 2021, online, 13th May 2021), Núria Pérez-Zanón ({{ :library:external:rtools_bsc_symposium2021.pdf | Slides}} {{ :library:external:rtools_perezzanon_bscsymposium2021.pdf | Abstract}}) 
 +      - Impacts of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (AMV) on the tropical Pacific: a multi-model study (EGU General Assembly, online, 30th April 2021), Yohan Ruprich-Robert ({{ :library:external:EGU_2021_vPICO_YohanRuprichRobert.pdf | Slides}} {{:library:external:EGU_2021_Abstract_YohanRuprichRobert.pdf | Abstract}} ) 
 +      - A 10-year regional reanalysis of desert dust aerosol at high spatial resolution (EGU General Assembly, online , 30 April 2021), Enza Di Tomaso (DustClim, FRAGMENT, AXA Chair, NUTRIENT, STARS J. Escribano, PRACE, RES) {{ :library:external:20210430_ditomaso_egu2021.pdf|Display_material_pdf}} {{ :library:external:20210430_ditomaso_vpico_egu2021.pdf|vPico_pdf}} {{ :library:external:20210430_ditomaso_egu2021.pptx|Display_material_pptx}}  {{ :library:external:20210430_ditomaso_vpico_egu2021.pdf|vPico_pptx}} 
 +      - Climate services for the retail sector: Filomena’s case (EGU General Assembly, online, 29th April 2021), Albert Martínez Botí (Decathlon), {{ :library:external:display_material.pptx|Display Material pptx}} {{ :library:external:display_material.pdf|Display Material pdf}} {{ :library:external:vpico.pptx|vpico pptx}}  {{ :library:external:vpico.pdf|vpico pdf}} 
 +      - Visualisation in climate services: current practice and recommendations (EGU General Assembly, online, 29 April 2021), Marta Terrado (Climateurope, MED-GOLD, S2S4E) {{ :library:external:20210429_mterrado_egu.pptx|pptx (vPico)}}   
 +      - Enhanced atmospheric solubilization of iron due to anthropogenic activities (EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021), E. Bergas-Massó (NUTRIENT) {{ :library:external:EGU21-7519-print.pdf|abstract}}  {{ :library:external:Soluble iron deposition under CMIP6 scenarios.pdf|pdf (vPico)}}  {{library:external:egu21-7519_presentation_5_.pdf|Display Material}}  
 +      - Impact of Atlantic variability on ENSO predictive skill (EGU General Assembly, online , 27 April 2021), Eleftheria Exarchou ({{ :library:external:20210427_eexarcho_egu2021.pdf|Display_material_pdf}} vPico_pdf)   
 +      - The North Atlantic decadal variability: its climate impacts and its origins (ICAS seminar, virtually in the University of Leeds, 27th April 2021), Yohan Ruprich-Robert ({{ :library:external:ICAS_Seminar_042021.pdf | Slides}} {{:library:external:ICAS_Seminar_Abstract.pdf | Abstract}} ) 
 +      - HPC challenges of running large ensemble simulations in a Tier-0 machine to model atmospheric desert dust (PRACEdays21 @ Euro HPC Summit Week, online, 25 March 2021), Francesca Macchia (DustClim, AXA Chair, PRACE, RES) {{ :library:external:20210325_fmacchia_pracedays2021.pdf|pdf}}  
 +     - Modelización matemática de la información climática para una transición justa y eficiente: del byte a la COP (Aula de Ciencia y Tecnología, Univ. Alicante, 17 March 2021) {{ :library:external:20210317_fdoblas_univalicante.pdf |pdf}}{{ :library:external:20210317_fdoblas_univalicante.pptx |pptx}} 
 +     - Exploring the SZ lossy compressor use for the XIOS I/O server (12th JLESC workshop, 25 February 2021), X. Yepes-Arbós {{ :library:external:20210225_xyepes_jlesc.pdf |pdf}}{{ :library:external:20210225_xyepes_jlesc.pptx |pptx}} 
 +     - Data visualisation in user-tailored products (inDust Webinar, online, February 24, 2021) Isadora Jiménez (inDust, EUPORIAS, S2S4E, seasonal hurricane predictions, C3S_429g_BSC, Barcelona Dust Regional Center/ENCOMIENDA, MED-GOLD, APPLICATE, PRIMAVERA, VISCA, IMPREX, MEDSCOPE){{:library:external:20210224_ijimenez_industwebinar.pdf |pdf}}{{ :library:external:20210224_ijimenez_industwebinar.pptx |pptx}} 
 +     - Chemistry Across Multiple Phases (CAMP): An integrated multi-phase chemistry model (CESM Atmosphere & Whole Atmosphere & Chemistry-Climate WG Meeting, online, 11 February 2021) {{ :library:external: 20210203_CAMP_WGCESM_OJorba.pdf |pdf}} 
 +     - Deploying the MONARCH atmospheric model in the Cloud (Weather and climate in the cloud Workshop, online, 9 February 2021) {{ :library:external:20210209_kserradell_ecmwf-cloudws.pptx |pptx}} 
 +     - Git/GitLab for EC-Earth 4 (EC-Earth meeting, online, 9th February 2021), M. Castrillo {{:library:external:20210208_mcastrillo_ecearth_meeting_ecearth4.pdf|pdf}} {{|Gslides}} 
 +     - Facilitating higher resolution Ocean simulations in EC-Earth4: NEMO mixed precision and I/O at 3km global (EC-Earth meeting, online, 9th February 2021), M. Castrillo {{:library:external:20210208_mcastrillo_ecearth_meeting.pdf|pdf}} {{|Gslides}} (ESiWACE2) 
 +     - Knowledge co-production in the Arctic and beyond. Lessons from APPLICATE (PPP-SERA Co-production workshop, online, 25 January 2021), M. Terrado (APPLICATE) {{:library:external:20210125_mterrado_ppp-sera_co-production.pdf|pdf}} 
 +     - Is winter precipitation change over Europe underestimated in current climate projections? (virtual AGU, 10 December 2020), E. Moreno-Chamarro {{ :library:external:morenochamarro_agu2020talk.pdf | pdf }} 
 +     - XIOS benchmarking and profiling roadmap + preliminary results (Telco on XIOS current developments, 10 December 2020), X. Yepes-Arbós {{ :library:external:20201210_xyepes_xios-dev.pptx |pptx}} {{ :library:external:20201210_xyepes_xios-dev.pdf |pdf}} 
 +     - Case studies as a tool to co-develop climate services (Arctic Change 2020, online, 10 December 2020), M. Terrado (APPLICATE) {{:library:external:20201210_mterrado_arcticnet2020.pptx|pptx}} 
 +     - Scaling NEMO4 I/O with the new ORCA36 configuration, (Telco on XIOS current developments, 10th December 2020), M. Castrillo {{:library:external:20201210_mcastril_xios_dev.pdf|pdf}} (ESiWACE2) 
 +     - Pattern-based techniques: why, how & applications for renewables, (S2S4E/OpenMod research day, 4 December 2020), Ll. Lledó (S2S4E) {{:library:external:20201204_llledo_patterns.pdf|pdf}} 
 +     - Forecast quality assessment for operational climate prediction, (International Verification Methods Workshop Online 2020-IVMW-Online, 18 November 2020), F.J. Doblas-Reyes {{:library:external:20201118_fdoblas_IVMW.pptx |ppt}} {{:library:external:20201118_fdoblas_IVMW.pdf |pdf}} 
 +     - Forecast quality assessment for operational climate prediction, (EASME's Climate Science2Policy CS2P workshop, online 17 November 2020), F.J. Doblas-Reyes {{:library:external:20201118_fdoblas_ECscience2policy_EUCP.pptx |ppt}} {{:library:external:20201118_fdoblas_ECscience2policy_EUCP.pdf |pdf}} 
 +     - Choices in the verification of S2S forecasts, (International Verification Methods Workshop Online 2020-IVMW-O, 9-20 November), A. Manrique-Suñén (S2S4E), {{:library:external:20201118_amanrique_2020ivmwo.pdf|pdf}} 
 +     - Modelizando el ciclo del polvo en el BSC: De investigación de operaciones (Curso interno AEMET, Avances en los pronósticos de intrusiones de polvo y su adaptación operacional. Impacto en las operaciones aeronáuticas, 10-11 November 2020), S. Basart (AXA, inDust, DustClim) {{:library:external:20201111_modelo_operativo_sbasart.pptx | pptx }} 
 +     - Conceptos Básicos del ciclo del polvo (Curso interno AEMET, Avances en los pronósticos de intrusiones de polvo y su adaptación operacional. Impacto en las operaciones aeronáuticas, 10-11 November 2020), S. Basart (AXA, inDust, DustClim) {{:library:external:20201110_conceptos_basicos_sbasart.pptx | pptx }} 
 +     - Quantification of the Primary Emission Changes in Europe due to the COVID-19 Quarantine Measures (The Impact of COVID19 on the Environment: Observations and Insights, IOP webinar, 04 November 2020), M. Guevara (CAMS/COP_066) {{:library:external:20201104_mguevara_iop.pdf|pdf}} 
 +     - Quantifying COVID-19 transportation emission reductions: European, US and global perspectives (AMIGO COVID-19 workshop, online, 03 November 2020), M. Guevara (CAMS/COP_066) {{:library:external:20201103_mguevara_amigo.pdf|pdf}} 
 +     - Climate services visualisation workshop (Preparatory meeting of the Climateurope climate services network, online, 02 November 2020), M. Terrado (Climateurope) {{:library:external:20201102_mterrado_climateuropeviz.pdf|pdf}} 
 +     - Time-resolved emission reductions for atmospheric chemistry modelling in Europe during the COVID-19 lockdowns (19th Annual CMAS Conference, online, 29 October 2020), M. Guevara (CAMS/COP_066) {{:library:external:20201029_mguevara_cmas.pdf|pdf}} 
 +     - Choices in the verification of S2S forecasts and their implications for Climate Services (S2S webinar series: S2S Research-to-Operation and Forecast Verification Webinar, online 28 October 2020), A. Manrique-Suñén (S2S4E){{:library:external:20202810_amanrique_s2swebinar.pdf |pdf}}
      - Sub-seasonal and Seasonal predictions for energy: breaking the barrier of chaos in the atmosphere (International Symposium on Forecasting, online, 26 October 2020), Ll. Lledó {{:library:external:20201026_llledo_isf2020.pdf |pdf}}      - Sub-seasonal and Seasonal predictions for energy: breaking the barrier of chaos in the atmosphere (International Symposium on Forecasting, online, 26 October 2020), Ll. Lledó {{:library:external:20201026_llledo_isf2020.pdf |pdf}}
      - Digital Twin: Climate information for climate change adaptation (Destination Earth Workshop on Climate change Adaptation, online, 22 October 2020), F.J. Doblas-Reyes {{:library:external:20201022_fdoblas_DestinationEarth.pptx |ppt}} {{:library:external:20201022_fdoblas_DestinationEarth.pdf |pdf}}      - Digital Twin: Climate information for climate change adaptation (Destination Earth Workshop on Climate change Adaptation, online, 22 October 2020), F.J. Doblas-Reyes {{:library:external:20201022_fdoblas_DestinationEarth.pptx |ppt}} {{:library:external:20201022_fdoblas_DestinationEarth.pdf |pdf}}
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      - Contributions of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center to the Copernicus services (User’s Workshop on the Copernicus Climate and Atmosphere Services, online, 6 October 2020), F.J. Doblas-Reyes {{:library:external:20201006_fdoblas_CDTICopernicus.pptx |ppt}} {{:library:external:20201006_fdoblas_CDTICopernicus.pdf |pdf}}      - Contributions of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center to the Copernicus services (User’s Workshop on the Copernicus Climate and Atmosphere Services, online, 6 October 2020), F.J. Doblas-Reyes {{:library:external:20201006_fdoblas_CDTICopernicus.pptx |ppt}} {{:library:external:20201006_fdoblas_CDTICopernicus.pdf |pdf}}
      - Improving NEMO Diagnostics with GPU Port and Asynchronous Execution (18 September 2020), Maicon Faria {{ : library:external:immerse_report.pdf | pdf }}      - Improving NEMO Diagnostics with GPU Port and Asynchronous Execution (18 September 2020), Maicon Faria {{ : library:external:immerse_report.pdf | pdf }}
 +     - Climate response to the Pinatubo and Tambora eruptions in idealised experiments with EC-Earth3.2 (Workshop on Impacts of large volcanic eruptions on climate and societies: proxies, models and solutions for the future, Virtual, 11-15 August 2020), Pablo Ortega {{:library:external:20200812-riederalp-workshop.ppt | ppt}}
      - Evaluation and optimization of the I/O scalability of the (Open)IFS atmospheric model using XIOS (11th JLESC Workshop, Virtual, 8 September 2020) - Xavier Yepes {{ :library:external:20200908_xyepes_jlesc.pdf | pdf}}      - Evaluation and optimization of the I/O scalability of the (Open)IFS atmospheric model using XIOS (11th JLESC Workshop, Virtual, 8 September 2020) - Xavier Yepes {{ :library:external:20200908_xyepes_jlesc.pdf | pdf}}
-     - Scaling NEMO4 I/O using the new ORCA36 configuration (28 July 2020) - Miguel Castrillo {{ : library:external:20200728-castrillo_nemo_orca36_io.pdf | pdf }}+     - Scaling NEMO4 I/O using the new ORCA36 configuration (NEMO HPC group, online, 28th July 2020), M. Castrillo {{ : library:external:20200728-castrillo_nemo_orca36_io.pdf | pdf }}
      - Huawei-BSC collaboration kick-off meeting (21st July 2020) - Paco Doblas-Reyes & Kim Serradell {{ :library:external:20200721_kserrade_bsc-huawei.pptx |pptx}}      - Huawei-BSC collaboration kick-off meeting (21st July 2020) - Paco Doblas-Reyes & Kim Serradell {{ :library:external:20200721_kserrade_bsc-huawei.pptx |pptx}}
      - Air quality modelling at BSC and contribution to the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service activities (Copernicus First on line JOINT USER FORUM ITALY-SPAIN, 10th July 2020) Oriol Jorba {{ :library:external:20200709_ojorba_firstcopernicususerforumitalyspain.pdf |pdf}}      - Air quality modelling at BSC and contribution to the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service activities (Copernicus First on line JOINT USER FORUM ITALY-SPAIN, 10th July 2020) Oriol Jorba {{ :library:external:20200709_ojorba_firstcopernicususerforumitalyspain.pdf |pdf}}
      - Climate services coproduction: How close are we to transdisciplinary knowledge production (Workshop Advancing Research for Regional Climate Information, online, 2nd July 2020) Dragana Bojovic {{ :library:external:20200702_dbojovic_regionalcinformatinoworkshop.pdf |pdf}}      - Climate services coproduction: How close are we to transdisciplinary knowledge production (Workshop Advancing Research for Regional Climate Information, online, 2nd July 2020) Dragana Bojovic {{ :library:external:20200702_dbojovic_regionalcinformatinoworkshop.pdf |pdf}}
 +     - The new CAMS global and regional emission temporal profiles (19th GEIA Conference, online, 23rd June 2020) M. Guevara (CAMS_81) {{ :library:external:20200623_mguevara_geia.pdf|pdf}}
      - Communication and visualisation of uncertainty in climate services (MED-GOLD Living Lab, online, June 18 2020) Marta Terrado (MED-GOLD, S2S4E, VISCA, EUPORIAS, Seasonal Hurricane Predictions) {{ :library:external:20200618_mterrado_medgold_livinglab.pptx |pptx}}           - Communication and visualisation of uncertainty in climate services (MED-GOLD Living Lab, online, June 18 2020) Marta Terrado (MED-GOLD, S2S4E, VISCA, EUPORIAS, Seasonal Hurricane Predictions) {{ :library:external:20200618_mterrado_medgold_livinglab.pptx |pptx}}     
      - Integration of climate modelling and climate services. Chapter 5 of Matching new demands of climate services with evolving Earth System modelling and prediction capabilities (Climateurope Webstival, online, June 18 2020) Marta Terrado (Climateurope) {{ :library:external:20200618_mterrado_climateurope_webstival.pptx |pptx}}      - Integration of climate modelling and climate services. Chapter 5 of Matching new demands of climate services with evolving Earth System modelling and prediction capabilities (Climateurope Webstival, online, June 18 2020) Marta Terrado (Climateurope) {{ :library:external:20200618_mterrado_climateurope_webstival.pptx |pptx}}
 +     - Visual communication of forecasts for renewable energy (S2S4E Energy Day, online, June 8 2020) Isadora Jiménez (S2S4E) {{ :library:external:20200608_ijimenez_s2s4energyday.pptx |pptx}}
      - Integrated Kinetic Energy of Tropical Cyclones in PRIMAVERA simulations (PRIMAVERA General Assembly, May 27 2020) Philip Kreussler {{ :library:external:20200527_kreussler_primavera_tc_ike.pdf |pdf}}{{ :library:external:20200527_kreussler_primavera_tc_ike.pptx |pptx}}      - Integrated Kinetic Energy of Tropical Cyclones in PRIMAVERA simulations (PRIMAVERA General Assembly, May 27 2020) Philip Kreussler {{ :library:external:20200527_kreussler_primavera_tc_ike.pdf |pdf}}{{ :library:external:20200527_kreussler_primavera_tc_ike.pptx |pptx}}
      - Sensitivity of future projected precipitation changes over Europe to model resolution (PRIMAVERA General Assembly, May 27 2020) Eduardo Moreno-Chamarro {{ :library:external:prim_ga_2020_talk.pdf |pdf}}      - Sensitivity of future projected precipitation changes over Europe to model resolution (PRIMAVERA General Assembly, May 27 2020) Eduardo Moreno-Chamarro {{ :library:external:prim_ga_2020_talk.pdf |pdf}}
-     - The NEMO ORCA36 configuration and approaches to increase NEMO4 efficiency (6th ENES HPC workshop, Virtual, 25 May 2020, Miguel Castrillo{{ :library:external:20200525_castrillo__nemo_orca36_efficiency.pptx |pptx}} {{ :library:external:20200525_castrillo__nemo_orca36_efficiency.pdf | pdf}}+     - The NEMO ORCA36 configuration and approaches to increase NEMO4 efficiency (6th ENES HPC workshop, Virtual, 25th May 2020)M. Castrillo {{ :library:external:20200525_castrillo__nemo_orca36_efficiency.pptx |pptx}} {{ :library:external:20200525_castrillo__nemo_orca36_efficiency.pdf | pdf}} (ESiWACE2)
      - MEDSCOPE prototype for renewable energy: wind power capacity factor forecasts. (MEDSCOPE WP4 meeting), online, 25 May 2020, Llorenç Lledó (MEDSCOPE) {{ library:external:20200525_medscopeprototype_llledo.pdf | pdf }}      - MEDSCOPE prototype for renewable energy: wind power capacity factor forecasts. (MEDSCOPE WP4 meeting), online, 25 May 2020, Llorenç Lledó (MEDSCOPE) {{ library:external:20200525_medscopeprototype_llledo.pdf | pdf }}
      - Impacts of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on the Tropical Pacific – At the origins of the inter-model spread (PRIMAVERA Webinar, May 21st 2020) Y. Ruprich-Robert {{ :library:external:amv_troppac_primaveraga_042020_yrr.pdf |pdf}}      - Impacts of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on the Tropical Pacific – At the origins of the inter-model spread (PRIMAVERA Webinar, May 21st 2020) Y. Ruprich-Robert {{ :library:external:amv_troppac_primaveraga_042020_yrr.pdf |pdf}}
      - Tropical Cyclones in PRIMAVERA HighResMIP Simulations (PRIMAVERA Webinar, May 21st 2020) L-P Caron {{ :library:external:20200521_Caron_PRIMAVERA_TC.pdf |pdf}}{{ :library:external:20200521_Caron_PRIMAVERA_TC.pptx |pptx}}      - Tropical Cyclones in PRIMAVERA HighResMIP Simulations (PRIMAVERA Webinar, May 21st 2020) L-P Caron {{ :library:external:20200521_Caron_PRIMAVERA_TC.pdf |pdf}}{{ :library:external:20200521_Caron_PRIMAVERA_TC.pptx |pptx}}
 +     - Visualisation in climate services (Climateurope webinar, Online, 14 May 2020), I. Jiménez (S2S4E, Seasonal Hurricanes Predictions, C3S_429g_BSC) {{ :library:external:20200514_ijimenez_climateuropewebinar.pdf |pdf}}{{ :library:external:20200514_ijimenez_climateuropewebinar.pptx |pptx}}
      - HARMONIE performance analysis: summary of the 1st phase (Virtual HARMONIE System Working Week, At home, 7 May 2020) Xavier Yepes-Arbós {{ :library:external:20200507_xyepes_harmonie.pdf |pdf}}{{ :library:external:20200507_xyepes_harmonie.pptx |pptx}}      - HARMONIE performance analysis: summary of the 1st phase (Virtual HARMONIE System Working Week, At home, 7 May 2020) Xavier Yepes-Arbós {{ :library:external:20200507_xyepes_harmonie.pdf |pdf}}{{ :library:external:20200507_xyepes_harmonie.pptx |pptx}}
      - Seasonal dynamics of mesopelagic organic particles in the subpolar North Atlantic. Learning from the crosstalk between biogeochemical Argo float measurements and PISCESv2 simulations (EGU 2020: Sharing Geoscience online, 7 May 2020), Martí Galí (ORCAS) {{ :library:external:20200507_gali_egu.v3.pdf |pdf}}      - Seasonal dynamics of mesopelagic organic particles in the subpolar North Atlantic. Learning from the crosstalk between biogeochemical Argo float measurements and PISCESv2 simulations (EGU 2020: Sharing Geoscience online, 7 May 2020), Martí Galí (ORCAS) {{ :library:external:20200507_gali_egu.v3.pdf |pdf}}
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      - Bojos per la Computació (Barcelona, April 27th 2020), Pablo Echevarría {{library:external:bojos_2020.pptx | slides }}      - Bojos per la Computació (Barcelona, April 27th 2020), Pablo Echevarría {{library:external:bojos_2020.pptx | slides }}
      - Bojos per la Computació (Barcelona, April 27th 2020), Nicola Cortesi {{library:external:bojos_2020_ncortesi.pdf | slides }}      - Bojos per la Computació (Barcelona, April 27th 2020), Nicola Cortesi {{library:external:bojos_2020_ncortesi.pdf | slides }}
-     - BSC-ES Performance team updates from IMMERSE and ESiWACE2 H2020 projects (NEMO HPC group, Virtual, 22 April 2020, Miguel Castrillo{{ :library:external:20200422_miguel_castrillo_performance_team_updates.pptx |pptx}} {{ :library:external:20200422_miguel_castrillo_performance_team_updates.pdf | pdf}}+     - BSC-ES Performance team updates from IMMERSE and ESiWACE2 H2020 projects (NEMO HPC group, Virtual, 22nd April 2020)M. Castrillo {{ :library:external:20200422_miguel_castrillo_performance_team_updates.pptx |pptx}} {{ :library:external:20200422_miguel_castrillo_performance_team_updates.pdf | pdf}} (ESiWACE2, IMMERSE) 
 +     - Open Data i canvi climàtic (Iniciativa Open Data Barcelona, Online, 4 April 2020), I. Jiménez (C3S_429g_BSC) {{:library:external:20200407_ijimenez_iopendatabcn_cat.pptx|pptx cat}}{{:library:external:20200407_ijimenez_iopendatabcn_esp.pptx|pptx esp}}
      - ESiWACE Centre of Excellence (High Performance Innovation Conference, Virtual, 30 March 2020), Kim Serradell {{ :library:external:20200330_kserrade_esiwace_res_innovation.pptx |pptx}}      - ESiWACE Centre of Excellence (High Performance Innovation Conference, Virtual, 30 March 2020), Kim Serradell {{ :library:external:20200330_kserrade_esiwace_res_innovation.pptx |pptx}}
 +     - Accelerating Chemistry Modules in Atmospheric Models using GPUs (NVIDIA's GPU Technology Conference (GTC), Virtual, 23-26 March 2020), Christian Guzman {{ :library:external:gtc_2020_accelerating_chemistry_modules_in_atmospheric_models_using_gpus.pdf |pdf}}
 +     - Assessment of the predictive skill and related issues in the DCPP retrospective forecasts from BSC (EC-Earth Meeting 2020, Virtual, 3-5 March 2020), Pablo Ortega (EUCP, APPLICATE, PRIMAVERA, TRIATLAS, 4C) {{:library:external:20200304_portega_bsc-prediction.ppt | pptx}} {{:library:external:20200304_portega_bsc-prediction.pdf | pdf}}
      - Energy forecasts that take climate variability into account: the S2S4E Decision Support Tool (e-World 2020, Essen, 11 February 2020), Llorenç Lledó (S2S4E) {{ library:external:20200211_eWorld_llledo.pdf | pdf }}      - Energy forecasts that take climate variability into account: the S2S4E Decision Support Tool (e-World 2020, Essen, 11 February 2020), Llorenç Lledó (S2S4E) {{ library:external:20200211_eWorld_llledo.pdf | pdf }}
 +     - El lideratge científic en els reptes ambientals i climàtics (XXIX Jornada Europea del Consell Català del Moviment Europeu, 18 January 2020) I. Jiménez (Climateurope, S2S4E) (No slides)
      - Towards shortwave reflectance data assimilation for aerosols: a radiative transfer model benchmark and the 1D-Var assimilation efforts in CAMS 43 (ECMWF atmospheric composition internal seminar, Reading (by remote conference), UK, 23 January 2020), J. Escribano (CAMS43) {{ :library:external:20200123_jescriba_ecmwf_ecmwfinternalseminar.pdf |pdf}}       - Towards shortwave reflectance data assimilation for aerosols: a radiative transfer model benchmark and the 1D-Var assimilation efforts in CAMS 43 (ECMWF atmospheric composition internal seminar, Reading (by remote conference), UK, 23 January 2020), J. Escribano (CAMS43) {{ :library:external:20200123_jescriba_ecmwf_ecmwfinternalseminar.pdf |pdf}} 
      - APPLICATE climate services: Sharing knowledge through the co-production of case studies (APPLICATE GA, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 20 January 2020), M. Terrado and D. Bojovic (APPLICATE) {{:library:external:20200120_mterrado_bsc.pdf | pdf}}      - APPLICATE climate services: Sharing knowledge through the co-production of case studies (APPLICATE GA, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 20 January 2020), M. Terrado and D. Bojovic (APPLICATE) {{:library:external:20200120_mterrado_bsc.pdf | pdf}}
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      - Improving geophysical air quality forecasts with machine learning (AMS / 19th conference on AI for environmental science, Boston, US, 15 January 2020), H. Petetin (STARS) {{ library:external:20200115_ams_boston_hervepetetin.pdf | pdf}}           - Improving geophysical air quality forecasts with machine learning (AMS / 19th conference on AI for environmental science, Boston, US, 15 January 2020), H. Petetin (STARS) {{ library:external:20200115_ams_boston_hervepetetin.pdf | pdf}}     
      - Quality Assessment of Decadal Predictions with EC-Earth (AMS / 33rd Conference on Climate Variability and Change, Boston, US, 14 January 2020), Simon Wild (STARS_Simon, EUCP) {{ library:external:20200114_ams_boston_simonwild.pdf | pdf }}      - Quality Assessment of Decadal Predictions with EC-Earth (AMS / 33rd Conference on Climate Variability and Change, Boston, US, 14 January 2020), Simon Wild (STARS_Simon, EUCP) {{ library:external:20200114_ams_boston_simonwild.pdf | pdf }}
-     - Prediccions climàtiques pel sector de l'energia (Jornada tècnica del grup d'experts en canvi climàtic de Catalunya (GECCC), Barcelona, 10 January 2020), Llorenç Lledó (S2S4E) {{ library:external:20200110_geccc_llledo.pdf | pdf }}+     - Prediccions climàtiques pel sector de l'energia (Jornada tècnica del grup d'experts en canvi climàtic de Catalunya (GECCC), Barcelona, 10 January 2020), Ll. Lledó (S2S4E) {{ library:external:20200110_geccc_llledo.pdf | pdf }}
 ====2019====  ====2019==== 
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      - Paraver hands-on for HARMONIE (HARMONIE System Working Week, MET Norway, Oslo, 26 November 2019) Xavier Yepes-Arbós {{ :library:external:20191126_xyepes_hands-on.pdf |pdf}}      - Paraver hands-on for HARMONIE (HARMONIE System Working Week, MET Norway, Oslo, 26 November 2019) Xavier Yepes-Arbós {{ :library:external:20191126_xyepes_hands-on.pdf |pdf}}
      - Optimizing numerical precision in NEMO 4 (NEMO HPC Group, 25 November 2019), O. Tintó {{:library:external:20191125_otintopr_optnemonum.pptx | pptx }}       - Optimizing numerical precision in NEMO 4 (NEMO HPC Group, 25 November 2019), O. Tintó {{:library:external:20191125_otintopr_optnemonum.pptx | pptx }} 
-    - Present models & machines running future resolutions. The ORCA36 configuration and approaches to increase NEMO4 efficiency (Mercator Ocèan / MetOffice / NOC / ECMWF, Toulouse / Exeter / Southampton / Reading, France / UK, 20/25-27 November 2019), M. Castrillo {{:library:external:20191127_mcastril_nemotourorca36.pptx | pptx }} {{ :library:external:20191127_mcastril_nemotourorca36.pdf | pdf }} +    - Present models & machines running future resolutions. The ORCA36 configuration and approaches to increase NEMO4 efficiency (Mercator Ocèan / MetOffice / NOC / ECMWF, Toulouse / Exeter / Southampton / Reading, France / UK, 20/25-27 November 2019), M. Castrillo {{:library:external:20191127_mcastril_nemotourorca36.pptx | pptx }} {{ :library:external:20191127_mcastril_nemotourorca36.pdf | pdf }} (IMMERSE)
     - Natural and anthropogenic contributions to mineral dust aerosol (Staubtag, Karlsruhe, Germany, 18-19 November 2019), M. Klose (DUST.ES, InDUST) {{ :library:external:staubtag_kit_2019_mklose.pptx |pptx}} {{ :library:external:staubtag_kit_2019_mklose.pdf |pdf}}     - Natural and anthropogenic contributions to mineral dust aerosol (Staubtag, Karlsruhe, Germany, 18-19 November 2019), M. Klose (DUST.ES, InDUST) {{ :library:external:staubtag_kit_2019_mklose.pptx |pptx}} {{ :library:external:staubtag_kit_2019_mklose.pdf |pdf}}
 +    - Making S2S data actionable: the visualisation challenge (Climate Sprint, Paris, 13 November 2019), I. Jiménez (S2S4E)  {{:library:external:20191113_ijimenez_climatesprint.pdf | pdf }}
     - Current status of MEDSCOPE CS-Tools R package (MedCOF-13, November 21 2019) {{:library:external:20191121_MedCOF_lpcaron.pdf | pdf }}     - Current status of MEDSCOPE CS-Tools R package (MedCOF-13, November 21 2019) {{:library:external:20191121_MedCOF_lpcaron.pdf | pdf }}
     - Evaluation and Quality Control Function for the CDS (Copernicus Climate Change Service General Assembly, Warsaw, Poland, 30 October 2019), F.J. Doblas-Reyes {{:library:external:20191030_fdoblas_C3SGA_EQCCDS.pptx |ppt}} {{:library:external:20191030_fdoblas_C3SGA_EQCCDS.pdf |pdf}}     - Evaluation and Quality Control Function for the CDS (Copernicus Climate Change Service General Assembly, Warsaw, Poland, 30 October 2019), F.J. Doblas-Reyes {{:library:external:20191030_fdoblas_C3SGA_EQCCDS.pptx |ppt}} {{:library:external:20191030_fdoblas_C3SGA_EQCCDS.pdf |pdf}}
     - Decadal predictability of wildfires within the ESM EC-Earth (FireMIP Workshop, Letaba Rest Camp, South Africa, October 23 2019), Etienne Tourigny {{ :library:external:20191023_firemip-etourign.pdf | pdf}}      - Decadal predictability of wildfires within the ESM EC-Earth (FireMIP Workshop, Letaba Rest Camp, South Africa, October 23 2019), Etienne Tourigny {{ :library:external:20191023_firemip-etourign.pdf | pdf}} 
     - S2S4E Development of user-oriented services in the energy sector (InDust General Assembly, Porto, Poland, 23 October 2019) {{ :library:external:s2s4e_development_of_user-oriented_services_in_the_energy_sector_jc_231019.pptx | ppt}}     - S2S4E Development of user-oriented services in the energy sector (InDust General Assembly, Porto, Poland, 23 October 2019) {{ :library:external:s2s4e_development_of_user-oriented_services_in_the_energy_sector_jc_231019.pptx | ppt}}
-    - Reproducible science at large scale within a continous delivery pipeline: the BSC vision (Workshop on reproducible workflows, ECMWF - Reading, UK, 14-16 October 2019) Miguel Castrillo {{ :library:external:20191014_mcastril_ecmwf_workflows.pptx | pptx }} {{ :library:external:20191014_mcastril_ecmwf_workflows.pdf | pdf }}+    - Reproducible science at large scale within a continous delivery pipeline: the BSC vision (Workshop on reproducible workflows, ECMWF - Reading, UK, 14-16 October 2019), M. Castrillo {{ :library:external:20191014_mcastril_ecmwf_workflows.pptx | pptx }} {{ :library:external:20191014_mcastril_ecmwf_workflows.pdf | pdf }} (ESiWACE2)
     - Coupling between traffic and emission models for the evaluation of mobility plans (FAIRMODE, CIEMAT - Madrid, Spain, 07-09 October 2019) Daniel Rodríguez {{ :library:external:fairmode_071019.pptx |pptx}} {{ :library:external:fairmode_071019.pdf |pdf}}     - Coupling between traffic and emission models for the evaluation of mobility plans (FAIRMODE, CIEMAT - Madrid, Spain, 07-09 October 2019) Daniel Rodríguez {{ :library:external:fairmode_071019.pptx |pptx}} {{ :library:external:fairmode_071019.pdf |pdf}}
     - Importance of constraining robustly the climate impacts for reconstruction purposes (CLIMOVAR Workshop , Cosmocaixa - Barcelona , Spain, 25-27 September 2019) Pablo Ortega {{ :library:external:climovar-26-09-2019.pdf |pdf}}{{ :library:external:climovar-26-09-2019.ppt |ppt}}     - Importance of constraining robustly the climate impacts for reconstruction purposes (CLIMOVAR Workshop , Cosmocaixa - Barcelona , Spain, 25-27 September 2019) Pablo Ortega {{ :library:external:climovar-26-09-2019.pdf |pdf}}{{ :library:external:climovar-26-09-2019.ppt |ppt}}
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     - Mineral dust modeling for optimizing operation and maintenance procedures in concentrated solar power plants (European Meteorological Society Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 11 September 2019), Eleni Karnezi {{:library:external:20190911_ekarnezi_solwaris_EMS2019.pptx |ppt}} {{:library:external:20190911_ekarnezi_solwaris_EMS2019.pdf |pdf}}     - Mineral dust modeling for optimizing operation and maintenance procedures in concentrated solar power plants (European Meteorological Society Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 11 September 2019), Eleni Karnezi {{:library:external:20190911_ekarnezi_solwaris_EMS2019.pptx |ppt}} {{:library:external:20190911_ekarnezi_solwaris_EMS2019.pdf |pdf}}
     - Evaluation and quality control function of the C3S (European Meteorological Society Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 12 September 2019), F.J. Doblas-Reyes {{:library:external:20190913_fdoblas_C3S512_EMS.pptx |ppt}} {{:library:external:20190913_fdoblas_C3S512_EMS.pdf |pdf}}     - Evaluation and quality control function of the C3S (European Meteorological Society Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 12 September 2019), F.J. Doblas-Reyes {{:library:external:20190913_fdoblas_C3S512_EMS.pptx |ppt}} {{:library:external:20190913_fdoblas_C3S512_EMS.pdf |pdf}}
 +    - Global climate and air quality research for services and operations (ESA Phi Week, Frascati, Italy, 10 September 2019), F.J. Doblas-Reyes {{:library:external:20190910_fdoblas_ESA_phiweek.pdf |pdf}}
     - Sub-seasonal and seasonal climate forecast applications (ECMWF Annual Seminar, Reading, UK, 5 September 2019), F.J. Doblas-Reyes {{ :library:external:20190905_fdoblas_ECMWF_AS.pptx |ppt}} {{ :library:external:20190905_fdoblas_ECMWF_AS.pdf |pdf}}     - Sub-seasonal and seasonal climate forecast applications (ECMWF Annual Seminar, Reading, UK, 5 September 2019), F.J. Doblas-Reyes {{ :library:external:20190905_fdoblas_ECMWF_AS.pptx |ppt}} {{ :library:external:20190905_fdoblas_ECMWF_AS.pdf |pdf}}
     - The WMO SDS-WAS Regional Center for Northern Africa,Middle East and Europe, APDIM Side Event on Sand and Dust Storms, Bangkok 27-28 August 2019, Sara Basart (attending remotely) (SDS-WAS, DustClim, inDust, AXA SDS) {{:library:external:20190827_apdim_dustclim_sbasart.pptx|pptx}}     - The WMO SDS-WAS Regional Center for Northern Africa,Middle East and Europe, APDIM Side Event on Sand and Dust Storms, Bangkok 27-28 August 2019, Sara Basart (attending remotely) (SDS-WAS, DustClim, inDust, AXA SDS) {{:library:external:20190827_apdim_dustclim_sbasart.pptx|pptx}}
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     - MEDSCOPE WP3: CSTools - BSC functions (MEDSCOPE GA, Milan, May 15-17 2019) Louis-Philippe Caron (MEDSCOPE){{:library:external:20190516_Caron_MEDSCOPE_WP3_BSC_functions.pptx|pptx}}     - MEDSCOPE WP3: CSTools - BSC functions (MEDSCOPE GA, Milan, May 15-17 2019) Louis-Philippe Caron (MEDSCOPE){{:library:external:20190516_Caron_MEDSCOPE_WP3_BSC_functions.pptx|pptx}}
     - MEDSCOPE WP4 - Wind Energy (MEDSCOPE GA, Milan, May 15-17 2019) Llorenç Lledó/Louis-Philippe Caron (MEDSCOPE){{:library:external:20190516_Lledo_MEDSCOPE_WP4_WindEnergy.pptx|pptx}}     - MEDSCOPE WP4 - Wind Energy (MEDSCOPE GA, Milan, May 15-17 2019) Llorenç Lledó/Louis-Philippe Caron (MEDSCOPE){{:library:external:20190516_Lledo_MEDSCOPE_WP4_WindEnergy.pptx|pptx}}
-    - Making global coupled 15km simulations possible (PRACEdays 2019 @ EuroHPC Summit Week, Andersia Hotel, Poznan, 14 May 2019, Miguel Castrillo{{:library:external:20190514_making_global_coupled_15km_miguel_castrillo.pptx|pptx}} {{:library:external:20190514_making_global_coupled_15km_miguel_castrillo.pdf|pdf}}+    - Making global coupled 15km simulations possible (PRACEdays 2019 @ EuroHPC Summit Week, Andersia Hotel, Poznan, 14th May 2019)M. Castrillo {{:library:external:20190514_making_global_coupled_15km_miguel_castrillo.pptx|pptx}} {{:library:external:20190514_making_global_coupled_15km_miguel_castrillo.pdf|pdf}} (ESiWACE2, PRACE)
     - Satellite data assimilation of dust aerosol observations for the MONARCH forecasting system (ESA: Living Planet Symposium 2019, 13-17 May 2019, Milano, Italy, Enza Di Tomaso){{:library:external:20190517_lps19_ditomaso.pptx|pptx}} {{:library:external:20190517_lps19_ditomaso.pdf|pdf}} (ACTRIS-2)     - Satellite data assimilation of dust aerosol observations for the MONARCH forecasting system (ESA: Living Planet Symposium 2019, 13-17 May 2019, Milano, Italy, Enza Di Tomaso){{:library:external:20190517_lps19_ditomaso.pptx|pptx}} {{:library:external:20190517_lps19_ditomaso.pdf|pdf}} (ACTRIS-2)
     - Models de pronòstic d’ozó troposfèric  (Jornada Campanya d'ozó 2019, Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat, Barcelona, 13 May 2019, María Teresa Pay) {{:library:external:20190513_jornada_ozo_mtpay_final.pptx|pptx}} (PAISA)     - Models de pronòstic d’ozó troposfèric  (Jornada Campanya d'ozó 2019, Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat, Barcelona, 13 May 2019, María Teresa Pay) {{:library:external:20190513_jornada_ozo_mtpay_final.pptx|pptx}} (PAISA)
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     - inDust overview (inDust User Workshop on Aviation products, Cranfield, UK, 14-15 March 2019) S. Basart {{ :library:external:01_20190214_15_indust_welcome_basart.ppt| ppt }}     - inDust overview (inDust User Workshop on Aviation products, Cranfield, UK, 14-15 March 2019) S. Basart {{ :library:external:01_20190214_15_indust_welcome_basart.ppt| ppt }}
     - inDust overview (inDust User Workshop on Air Quality products, Rome, Italy, 11-12 March 2019) S. Basart {{ :library:external:01_20190211_12_indust_basart.ppt| ppt }}     - inDust overview (inDust User Workshop on Air Quality products, Rome, Italy, 11-12 March 2019) S. Basart {{ :library:external:01_20190211_12_indust_basart.ppt| ppt }}
-    - Implementation of EC-Earth 10km global coupled demonstrator and performance analysis (ESiWACE GA, Hamburg, Germany, 11 March 2019) M. Castrillo {{:library:external:20190311_esiwace2019_mcastril.pptx |pptx}} {{:library:external:20190311_esiwace2019_mcastril.pdf | pdf}}+    - Implementation of EC-Earth 10km global coupled demonstrator and performance analysis (ESiWACE GA, Hamburg, Germany, 11th March 2019)M. Castrillo {{:library:external:20190311_esiwace2019_mcastril.pptx |pptx}} {{:library:external:20190311_esiwace2019_mcastril.pdf | pdf}} (ESiWACE2)
     - ESiWACE WP3 Usability (ESiWACE GA, Hamburg, Germany, 11 March 2019) K. Serradell {{:library:external:20190311_esiwace_wp3_usability.pptx |pptx}}     - ESiWACE WP3 Usability (ESiWACE GA, Hamburg, Germany, 11 March 2019) K. Serradell {{:library:external:20190311_esiwace_wp3_usability.pptx |pptx}}
     - Climate information for the next two decades: A user perspective (Scoping workshop for C3S prototype decadal component, Paris, France, 25-26 February 2019) {{:library:external:20190225_fdoblas_C3S_NTCP.ppt|ppt}} {{:library:external:20190225_fdoblas_C3S_NTCP.pdf|pdf}}     - Climate information for the next two decades: A user perspective (Scoping workshop for C3S prototype decadal component, Paris, France, 25-26 February 2019) {{:library:external:20190225_fdoblas_C3S_NTCP.ppt|ppt}} {{:library:external:20190225_fdoblas_C3S_NTCP.pdf|pdf}}
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     - (Open)IFS-XIOS integration for the future EC-Earth 4 version: the benefits of outputting CMORized netCDF files (EC-Earth meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, 22-24 October 2018) X. Yepes {{ :library:external:20181023_xyepes_ec-earth-meeting.pptx |pptx}}{{ :library:external:20181023_xyepes_ec-earth-meeting.pdf |pdf}}     - (Open)IFS-XIOS integration for the future EC-Earth 4 version: the benefits of outputting CMORized netCDF files (EC-Earth meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, 22-24 October 2018) X. Yepes {{ :library:external:20181023_xyepes_ec-earth-meeting.pptx |pptx}}{{ :library:external:20181023_xyepes_ec-earth-meeting.pdf |pdf}}
     - Assessing stratospheric winter variability in EC-Earth (EC-Earth meeting, Lisbon, Portugal 22-24 October 2018) Froila M Palmeiro{{ :library:external:20181023_fpalmeiro_ecearthmeeting.pptx |ppt}}     - Assessing stratospheric winter variability in EC-Earth (EC-Earth meeting, Lisbon, Portugal 22-24 October 2018) Froila M Palmeiro{{ :library:external:20181023_fpalmeiro_ecearthmeeting.pptx |ppt}}
-    - EC-Earth workflow activities in the BSC - Update on Cylc prototype (EC-Earth meeting, Lisbon, Portugal 22-24 October 2018) Miguel Castrillo {{library:external:20181023_mcastril_ecearth-meeting.pdf|pdf}}+    - EC-Earth workflow activities in the BSC - Update on Cylc prototype (EC-Earth meeting, Lisbon, Portugal 22-24 October 2018), M. Castrillo {{library:external:20181023_mcastril_ecearth-meeting.pdf|pdf}}
   - BSC's potential contribution to C4MIP...and some results too - (EC-Earth meeting, Lisbon, Portugal 22-24 October 2018)Raffaele Bernardello {{library:external:20181023_rbernard_ecearth-meeting.pdf|pdf}}   - BSC's potential contribution to C4MIP...and some results too - (EC-Earth meeting, Lisbon, Portugal 22-24 October 2018)Raffaele Bernardello {{library:external:20181023_rbernard_ecearth-meeting.pdf|pdf}}
     - The callenges of probabilistic predictions (2nd Climateurope festival, Belgrade, Serbia, 17-19 October 2018) Isadora Jiménez (S2S4E) {{library:external:20181019_ijimenez_climateurope.pptx|pptx}} {{library:external:20181019_ijimenez_climateurope.pdf|pdf}}      - The callenges of probabilistic predictions (2nd Climateurope festival, Belgrade, Serbia, 17-19 October 2018) Isadora Jiménez (S2S4E) {{library:external:20181019_ijimenez_climateurope.pptx|pptx}} {{library:external:20181019_ijimenez_climateurope.pdf|pdf}} 
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     - Towards an optimal use of numerical precision in Earth Science models (JLESC 2018, Barcelona, 18 April 2018). Oriol Tintó {{:library:external:20180418_otinto-jlesc2018-towardsoptimalnumericalprecisioninesmodels.pdf|pdf}}{{:library:external:20180418_otinto-jlesc2018-towardsoptimalnumericalprecisioninesmodels.pptx|ppt}}     - Towards an optimal use of numerical precision in Earth Science models (JLESC 2018, Barcelona, 18 April 2018). Oriol Tintó {{:library:external:20180418_otinto-jlesc2018-towardsoptimalnumericalprecisioninesmodels.pdf|pdf}}{{:library:external:20180418_otinto-jlesc2018-towardsoptimalnumericalprecisioninesmodels.pptx|ppt}}
     - Improving the throughput of Earth System Models using an asynchronous parallel I/O server (JLESC18 Climate BoS, Barcelona, 17 April 2018). Xavier Yepes {{:library:external:20180417_xyepes_ifs-xios.pdf|pdf}}{{:library:external:20180417_xyepes_ifs-xios.pptx|ppt}}     - Improving the throughput of Earth System Models using an asynchronous parallel I/O server (JLESC18 Climate BoS, Barcelona, 17 April 2018). Xavier Yepes {{:library:external:20180417_xyepes_ifs-xios.pdf|pdf}}{{:library:external:20180417_xyepes_ifs-xios.pptx|ppt}}
-    -  JLESC - Earth Science models & developments at BSC (JLESC18 Climate BoS, Barcelona, 17 April 2018). Pablo Ortega, Miguel Castrillo & Mario Acosta {{:library:external:20180417_mcastril_earth-models.pdf|pdf}} {{:library:external:20180417_mcastril_earth-models.pptx|ppt}}  +    -  JLESC - Earth Science models & developments at BSC (JLESC18 Climate BoS, Barcelona, 17th April 2018), P. Ortega, M. Castrillo & M. Acosta {{:library:external:20180417_mcastril_earth-models.pdf|pdf}} {{:library:external:20180417_mcastril_earth-models.pptx|ppt}}  
-    - JLESC Performance activities in Earth Science Department (JLESC18 Performance Session, Barcelona, 17 April 2018). Mario Acosta and Miguel Castrillo {{:library:external:201804_macosta-JLESC-performance.pdf|pdf}} {{:library:external:201804_macosta-JLESC-performance.pptx|ppt}} +    - JLESC Performance activities in Earth Science Department (JLESC18 Performance Session, Barcelona, 17th April 2018), M. Acosta and M. Castrillo {{:library:external:201804_macosta-JLESC-performance.pdf|pdf}} {{:library:external:201804_macosta-JLESC-performance.pptx|ppt}} 
     - How Unusual was the 2005 Hurricane Season in the Atlantic? (33rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Ponte Vedra, USA, April 15-20). {{:library:external:20180416_Caron_maxtcs.pptx|pptx}}     - How Unusual was the 2005 Hurricane Season in the Atlantic? (33rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Ponte Vedra, USA, April 15-20). {{:library:external:20180416_Caron_maxtcs.pptx|pptx}}
     - JLESC Research Collaboration: Monitoring the Arctic Climate (JLESC Scientific Committee, Barcelona, 16 April 2018). P. Ortega {{:library:external:201804_portega-JLESC-scientific-committee.pdf|pdf}} {{:library:external:201804_portega-JLESC-scientific-committee.pptx|ppt}}     - JLESC Research Collaboration: Monitoring the Arctic Climate (JLESC Scientific Committee, Barcelona, 16 April 2018). P. Ortega {{:library:external:201804_portega-JLESC-scientific-committee.pdf|pdf}} {{:library:external:201804_portega-JLESC-scientific-committee.pptx|ppt}}
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     - Implementation of a 4D stratospheric aerosol forcing in EC-Earth (presentation at the EC-Earth Meeting, Reading, 30 January 2018). K. Wyser and M. Ménégoz. presentation also given at Météo-France (Toulouse, 01 February 2018) {{:library:external:menegoz_cmip6_volcanoes.pdf|}}     - Implementation of a 4D stratospheric aerosol forcing in EC-Earth (presentation at the EC-Earth Meeting, Reading, 30 January 2018). K. Wyser and M. Ménégoz. presentation also given at Météo-France (Toulouse, 01 February 2018) {{:library:external:menegoz_cmip6_volcanoes.pdf|}}
     - Update on the ongoing CPG activities with EC-Earth (presentation at the EC-Earth Meeting, Reading, 30 Juanuary 2018). P. Ortega {{:library:external:20180130_portega_ecearth.pdf|pdf}}     - Update on the ongoing CPG activities with EC-Earth (presentation at the EC-Earth Meeting, Reading, 30 Juanuary 2018). P. Ortega {{:library:external:20180130_portega_ecearth.pdf|pdf}}
-    - Increasing EC-Earth productivity & usability(EC-Earth Meeting, Reading, 30 Juanuary 2018). Miguel Castrillo {{:library:external:20180130_mcastrillo_ec-earth.pdf|pdf}} +    - Increasing EC-Earth productivity & usability (EC-Earth Meeting, Reading, 30th January 2018), M. Castrillo {{:library:external:20180130_mcastrillo_ec-earth.pdf|pdf}} 
     - Sea ice modes of interannual variability (APPLICATE general assembly, Barcelona, 15-17 January 2018). J.C. Acosta Navarro {{:library:external:applicate_ga_2018_acostanavarro.pdf|pdf}}      - Sea ice modes of interannual variability (APPLICATE general assembly, Barcelona, 15-17 January 2018). J.C. Acosta Navarro {{:library:external:applicate_ga_2018_acostanavarro.pdf|pdf}} 
 ====2017==== ====2017====
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     - Adaptive Ensemble Climate simulations (AMS 2017, BAltimore, MD, USA, 28 July 2017) Alicia Sanchez{{:library:external:copy_of_20170728_asanchez_ams2017.pptx.pdf|pdf}}      - Adaptive Ensemble Climate simulations (AMS 2017, BAltimore, MD, USA, 28 July 2017) Alicia Sanchez{{:library:external:copy_of_20170728_asanchez_ams2017.pptx.pdf|pdf}} 
     - Online diagnostics generation in high resolution climate simulations (JLESC2017, Urbana, USA, 17 July 2017) Kim Serradell {{:library:external:20170717_kserrade_jlesc2017.pptx|ppt}} {{:library:external:20170717_kserrade_jlesc2017.pdf|pdf}}     - Online diagnostics generation in high resolution climate simulations (JLESC2017, Urbana, USA, 17 July 2017) Kim Serradell {{:library:external:20170717_kserrade_jlesc2017.pptx|ppt}} {{:library:external:20170717_kserrade_jlesc2017.pdf|pdf}}
-    - Optimización de modelos de Ciencias de la Tierra (RES workshop at XXXVI Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, Santiago de Compostela, 18 July 2017). Miguel Castrillo {{:library:external:20170718_mcastril_rsef-res.odp|odp}} {{:library:external:20170718_mcastril_rsef-res.pdf|pdf}}+    - Optimización de modelos de Ciencias de la Tierra (RES workshop at XXXVI Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, Santiago de Compostela, 18th July 2017), M. Castrillo {{:library:external:20170718_mcastril_rsef-res.odp|odp}} {{:library:external:20170718_mcastril_rsef-res.pdf|pdf}}
     - Global climate modelling - EC-EARTH (RES workshop at XXXVI Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, Santiago de Compostela, 18 July 2017). J. García-Serrano {{:library:external:20170718_jgarcia_rsef-res.ppt|ppt}} {{:library:external:20170718_jgarcia_rsef-res.pdf|pdf}}     - Global climate modelling - EC-EARTH (RES workshop at XXXVI Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, Santiago de Compostela, 18 July 2017). J. García-Serrano {{:library:external:20170718_jgarcia_rsef-res.ppt|ppt}} {{:library:external:20170718_jgarcia_rsef-res.pdf|pdf}}
     - User-driven climate modelling research for a better climate information (Lloyd's, London, UK, 4 July 2017) F.J. Doblas-Reyes {{:library:external:20170704_fdoblas_XLCatlin.pdf|pdf}} {{:library:external:20170704_fdoblas_XLCatlin.ppt|ppt}}     - User-driven climate modelling research for a better climate information (Lloyd's, London, UK, 4 July 2017) F.J. Doblas-Reyes {{:library:external:20170704_fdoblas_XLCatlin.pdf|pdf}} {{:library:external:20170704_fdoblas_XLCatlin.ppt|ppt}}
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   - WG2 Summary and recommendations for the next workplan (FAIRMODE Technical Meeting, Zagreb, Croatia, 27-29 June 2016) Marc Guevara, Leonor Tarrason {{:library:external:wg2_session7_tarrason_guevara.pdf|pdf}}    - WG2 Summary and recommendations for the next workplan (FAIRMODE Technical Meeting, Zagreb, Croatia, 27-29 June 2016) Marc Guevara, Leonor Tarrason {{:library:external:wg2_session7_tarrason_guevara.pdf|pdf}} 
   - Good practice guidelines on urban traffic emission compilation (FAIRMODE Technical Meeting, Zagreb, Croatia, 27-29 June 2016) Marc Guevara {{:library:external:wg2_session1_guevara.pdf|pdf}}    - Good practice guidelines on urban traffic emission compilation (FAIRMODE Technical Meeting, Zagreb, Croatia, 27-29 June 2016) Marc Guevara {{:library:external:wg2_session1_guevara.pdf|pdf}} 
-  - Performance tools for climate models optimization (International HPC Summer School 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 27 June 2016) M.Castrillo {{:library:external:20160627_mcastrillo_IHPCSS16EP.pdf|pdf}}  {{:library:external:20160627_mcastrillo_IHPCSS16EP.pptx|pptx}}+  - Performance tools for climate models optimization (International HPC Summer School 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 27 June 2016)M.Castrillo {{:library:external:20160627_mcastrillo_IHPCSS16EP.pdf|pdf}}  {{:library:external:20160627_mcastrillo_IHPCSS16EP.pptx|pptx}}
   - Which sea ice models does the climate community need? (NEMO Users meeting, Lecce, 22-23 June 2016 - remote attendance). F. Massonnet. {{:library:external:20160622_massonnet_NEMO.pdf|pdf}} {{:library:external:20160622_massonnet_NEMO.pptx|pptx}}   - Which sea ice models does the climate community need? (NEMO Users meeting, Lecce, 22-23 June 2016 - remote attendance). F. Massonnet. {{:library:external:20160622_massonnet_NEMO.pdf|pdf}} {{:library:external:20160622_massonnet_NEMO.pptx|pptx}}
   - Alta disponibilidad de los servicios del SDS-WAS y BDFC (SDS-WAS Steering Board Extraordinary Meeting, Madrid, Spain, 13 June 2016) F.J. Doblas-Reyes {{:library:external:20160613_fdoblas_SDS-WAS_extraordinarymeeting.pdf|pdf}} {{:library:external:20160613_fdoblas_SDS-WAS_extraordinarymeeting.pptx|pptx}}   - Alta disponibilidad de los servicios del SDS-WAS y BDFC (SDS-WAS Steering Board Extraordinary Meeting, Madrid, Spain, 13 June 2016) F.J. Doblas-Reyes {{:library:external:20160613_fdoblas_SDS-WAS_extraordinarymeeting.pdf|pdf}} {{:library:external:20160613_fdoblas_SDS-WAS_extraordinarymeeting.pptx|pptx}}
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   - Autosubmit: investigando el clima con Python (PyConES Python conference in Spain, UPV, València, 20-22 November 2015), D. Manubens {{20151121_dmanubens_pycones.odp|odp}} {{20151121_dmanubens_pycones.pdf|pdf}}   - Autosubmit: investigando el clima con Python (PyConES Python conference in Spain, UPV, València, 20-22 November 2015), D. Manubens {{20151121_dmanubens_pycones.odp|odp}} {{20151121_dmanubens_pycones.pdf|pdf}}
-  - Working  Group on Seasonal Predictions for Wind (SP4Wind) (Paris, 19th November 2015), I. Jiménez {{20151119_ijimenez_ewea_sp4wind.pptx|pptx}} {{20151119_ijimenez_ewea_sp4wind.pdf|pdf}}+  - Working  Group on Seasonal Predictions for Wind (SP4WindParis, 19th November 2015), I. Jiménez {{20151119_ijimenez_ewea_sp4wind.pptx|pptx}} {{20151119_ijimenez_ewea_sp4wind.pdf|pdf}}
   - Opportunities for seasonal forecasting application in fisheries (ICAWA conference, Dakar, Senegal, 17-19 November 2015), D. Volpi {{20151216_dvolpi_ICAWA.pdf|pdf}}   - Opportunities for seasonal forecasting application in fisheries (ICAWA conference, Dakar, Senegal, 17-19 November 2015), D. Volpi {{20151216_dvolpi_ICAWA.pdf|pdf}}
   - Decadal predictability and prediction in a complex international context (CLIVAR-ICTP Workshop on Decadal Climate Variability and Predictability, ICTP, Trieste, 16-20 November 2015), F.J. Doblas-Reyes {{20151120_fdoblasreyes_DCVP.ppt|ppt}} {{20151120_fdoblasreyes_DCVP.pdf|pdf}}   - Decadal predictability and prediction in a complex international context (CLIVAR-ICTP Workshop on Decadal Climate Variability and Predictability, ICTP, Trieste, 16-20 November 2015), F.J. Doblas-Reyes {{20151120_fdoblasreyes_DCVP.ppt|ppt}} {{20151120_fdoblasreyes_DCVP.pdf|pdf}}
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   - Drift, bias, variability and skill in the Tropical Atlantic - IC3 contribution to PREFACE, PREFACE General Assembly 2015, (Cape Town, South Africa, 27/08/2015), Chloé Prodhomme {{20150827_PREFACE.pdf|pdf}}{{20150827_PREFACE.odp|odp}}   - Drift, bias, variability and skill in the Tropical Atlantic - IC3 contribution to PREFACE, PREFACE General Assembly 2015, (Cape Town, South Africa, 27/08/2015), Chloé Prodhomme {{20150827_PREFACE.pdf|pdf}}{{20150827_PREFACE.odp|odp}}
   - Polar-lower latitude linkages (YOPP Summit, Geneva, Switzerland, 13-15 July 2015). Presentation {{20150714_fdoblasreyes_yoppsummit.pdf|pdf}}  {{20150714_fdoblasreyes_YOPPsummit.ppt|ppt}}   - Polar-lower latitude linkages (YOPP Summit, Geneva, Switzerland, 13-15 July 2015). Presentation {{20150714_fdoblasreyes_yoppsummit.pdf|pdf}}  {{20150714_fdoblasreyes_YOPPsummit.ppt|ppt}}
-  - Leuven, predicting wind power markets: a new generation of climate risk management tools (9 July 2015), I.Jimenez (RESILIENCE) {{:library:external:services:20150709-leuven-resilience_prototype.pdf|pdf}}{{:library:external:services:20150709-leuven-resilience_prototype.pptx|ppt}}+  - Predicting wind power markets: a new generation of climate risk management tools (Leuven, Brussels, 9 July 2015), I.Jimenez (RESILIENCE) {{:library:external:services:20150709-leuven-resilience_prototype.pdf|pdf}}{{:library:external:services:20150709-leuven-resilience_prototype.pptx|ppt}}
   - El proyecto SPECS y la multidisciplinaridad en la investigación en servicios climáticos (Jornada Servicios Climáticos de CDTI, Madrid, 7 July 2015). Presentation {{20150708_fdoblasreyes_CDTI_CS.pdf|pdf}}  {{20150708_fdoblasreyes_CDTI_CS.ppt|ppt}}   - El proyecto SPECS y la multidisciplinaridad en la investigación en servicios climáticos (Jornada Servicios Climáticos de CDTI, Madrid, 7 July 2015). Presentation {{20150708_fdoblasreyes_CDTI_CS.pdf|pdf}}  {{20150708_fdoblasreyes_CDTI_CS.ppt|ppt}}
   - Reliability assessment methods (EUCLEIA General Assembly, Paris, France, 6-8 July 2015). Presentation    - Reliability assessment methods (EUCLEIA General Assembly, Paris, France, 6-8 July 2015). Presentation 
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