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tools:run_1st_exp [2016/05/31 14:14]
tools:run_1st_exp [2018/11/27 17:03]
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 ** Please, feel free to fill and/or correct this documentation ** \\ ** Please, feel free to fill and/or correct this documentation ** \\
-Documentation to be checked and completed (Martin Ménégoz; 31/05/2016). It should be good that people include in this page some **synthesised** information about how to debug climate models at BSC. The part concerning the post-processing of experiment also need to be completed. \\+Documentation to be checked and completed. It should be good that people include in this page some **synthesised** information about how to debug climate models at BSC. The part concerning the post-processing of experiment also need to be completed. \\ 
 +Modification History: \\ 
 +Martin Ménégoz, 31/05/2016 \\ 
 +Simon Wild, 09/04/2018 \\ 
 +This user guide below is rather obsolete - it contains some helpful overview information and is worth reading through, but the links to. For a working tutorial and an updated userguide you should look here: [[]] 
 +There is also a tutorial on changing branches, and making changes to the code here: 
 + [[]]
 ** First step: Use autosubmit** ** First step: Use autosubmit**
-To launch an experiment at BSC, for example a simulation with the ocean-atmosphere coupled version of EC-Earth, we have at our disposal **autosubmit**, a tools designed to run any models, and in particular climate models, on any machines. Use the documentation of autosubmit to get an experiment ID, create an experiment with the model version that you need, and to launch your experiment: [[]]. Autosubmit will provide you a name for your new experiment.+To launch an experiment at BSC, for example a simulation with the ocean-atmosphere coupled version of EC-Earth, we have at our disposal **autosubmit**, a tools designed to run any models, and in particular climate models, on any machines. Use the documentation of autosubmit to get an experiment ID, create an experiment with the model version that you need, and to launch your experiment: [[]]. Autosubmit will provide you a name for your new experiment. \\ 
 +**Using the tutorial under the above link is NOT recommended** as numerous updates are necessary (e.g. HPC name should be changed to 'marenostrum4' and 
 +the gitlab url needs to be updated to ''). For a tutorial, you should go here: [[]] 
 +To load autosubmit in Earth infrastructure, 
 +  module load autosubmit
 NB1: the information needed by autosubmit to prepare an experiment (model version, HPC, etc...) is set up in the file expdef_${exp}.conf. In particular, you have to indicate which model sources you want to use. At BSC, each model version appears generally under a git project: for example: for the 2016 version. NB1: the information needed by autosubmit to prepare an experiment (model version, HPC, etc...) is set up in the file expdef_${exp}.conf. In particular, you have to indicate which model sources you want to use. At BSC, each model version appears generally under a git project: for example: for the 2016 version.
 NB2: to launch an experiment from BSC, do not do it from your local machine, but from the machine bscesautosubmit01 (to avoid overloading your poor own machine). => type ssh -XY bscesautosubmit01 to open the connection to this machine. NB2: to launch an experiment from BSC, do not do it from your local machine, but from the machine bscesautosubmit01 (to avoid overloading your poor own machine). => type ssh -XY bscesautosubmit01 to open the connection to this machine.
 +NB3: MareNosturm users, auto-ecearth3 assumes that you have a SSH alias to connect with a different user depending on the project to account the consumed hours to. Add to your .ssh/config following lines in case your project is bsc32 and your user bsc32704:
 +  Host mn-bsc32
 +  HostName
 +  User bsc32704
 +  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa  
 +Make sure you add all MN login nodes to the config file. See also here: [[]]. 
 +NB4: When creating an experiment and you receive the error that some template/repository etc from gitlab is not found it is likely a permission issue.  
 **Second step: configuration** **Second step: configuration**
Line 26: Line 48:
 * **conf/:** contains configurations files that you will need to fill before running your experiment: * **conf/:** contains configurations files that you will need to fill before running your experiment:
 +  * expdef_${exp}.conf: the definition of your experiment. here you will define startdates, number and length of chunks, and the model version you want to use.  
   * autosubmit_${exp}.conf: autosubmit information. Generally, you will not modify this file that define in particular the version of autosubmit that you are using.   * autosubmit_${exp}.conf: autosubmit information. Generally, you will not modify this file that define in particular the version of autosubmit that you are using.
-  * jobs_${exp}.conf: the information required by autosubmit when it will submit your job (requested time, total number of processor).    +  * jobs_${exp}.conf: the information required by autosubmit when it will submit your job (requested time, total number of processor). For EC-Earth version anterior to EC-Earth 3.2Beta, you can use this table to find the number of processors and wall clock you have to put for each jobs: For EC_earth 3.2Beta: . 
-For EC-Earth version anterior to EC-Earth 3.2Beta, you can use this table to find the number of processors and wall clock you have to put for each jobs: +
-For EC_earth 3.2Beta: . +
   * platforms_${exp}.conf: information related to the way to consume the computing time for your simulation. On which project can you afford such a simulation? You can specify a queue test if you want to test the new development that you are implementing.   * platforms_${exp}.conf: information related to the way to consume the computing time for your simulation. On which project can you afford such a simulation? You can specify a queue test if you want to test the new development that you are implementing.
   * proj_${exp}.conf : resolution, number of processors for each component of the model, initial conditions, options of the different components (atmospheric, oceanic models and coupling interface).   * proj_${exp}.conf : resolution, number of processors for each component of the model, initial conditions, options of the different components (atmospheric, oceanic models and coupling interface).
-* **proj:** contains the directory model/ with all the source files of your climate model. This directory also contains the templates files. There is a version of templates for each HPC and each model version, since these files are used to transmit the information from the configuration files (that are in the conf/ directory) to the code during a simulation. You will find the different namelists defining the values of the flags or variables used by the different components of EC-Earth. For example, the namelists needed by the physical parametrisation in IFS are in the following directory: \\+* **proj:** contains the directory model/ with all the source files of your climate model. This directory also contains the templates files. There is a version of templates for each HPC and each model version, since these files are used to transmit the information from the configuration files (that are in the conf/ directory) to the code during a simulation. You will find the different namelists defining the values of the flags or variables used by the different components of EC-Earth. For example, the following file set up the cloud physical properties needed by the physical parametrisations in IFS: \\
 /esnas/autosubmit/[exp]/git/model/sources/sources/ifs-36r4/src/ifs/phys_ec/sucldp.F90 /esnas/autosubmit/[exp]/git/model/sources/sources/ifs-36r4/src/ifs/phys_ec/sucldp.F90
 +**Test Suite**
 +For a first attempt it might be worth considering to copy the .conf files from a test experiment with bsc_trunk [[]]. 
 ** Small configuration issues - May 2016 ** ** Small configuration issues - May 2016 **
Line 67: Line 92:
 If the simulation is correctly finished, you will find at the end of this output file "End of Heap Utilization Profile". Otherwise, look for "error" in the file. If the simulation is correctly finished, you will find at the end of this output file "End of Heap Utilization Profile". Otherwise, look for "error" in the file.
 +**How to extend an experiment**
 +This session explains how to run extra chunks to an experiment already finished
 +  - Modify the expdef_${exp}.conf and add the chuncks you want (the total n of chuncks you want have at end)
 +  - Create the experiment (autosubmit create exp_ID, see autosubmit manual for more details: [[]])
 +  - Run REMOTESETUP and INI.  In order to run only these jobs set LOCALSETUP to COMPLETED and  SIM1 to SUSPENDED. (use //autosubmit setstus// command, see autosubmit manual for more details: [[]])
 +  - Recovery all the jobs already completed  (//autosubmit recovery exp_ID -all -s//, see autosubmit manual for more datails: [[]])
 +  - Check that LOCALPOST and PLOT are set to WAITING, they might be COMPLETED, if the experiment was finished 
 +  - Transfer the restart file of the last chunk from  **/esnas/exp/ecearth/restartfiles/ID/STARTDATE/fc0/restarts** to **/gpfs/scratch/bsc32/bsc3xxxx/ID/STARTDATE/fc0**
 +The file to be transferred are:  
 +  * RESTC_xxxxxxx for the coupler
 +  * RESTO_xxxxxxxx   for the ocean
 +  * RESTA_xxxxxxx for the atmosphere
 +Untar these files and run the experiment as explained in the previous session
tools/run_1st_exp.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/15 09:41 by etourign