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upcoming_events:internal_events:internal_events [2015/11/04 12:13]
upcoming_events:internal_events:internal_events [2016/12/13 11:05]
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 Label: AC (Atmospheric Composition), CP (Climate Prediction), CES (Computational Earth Sciences), ESS (Earth System Services) or All if the event is of general interest.  Label: AC (Atmospheric Composition), CP (Climate Prediction), CES (Computational Earth Sciences), ESS (Earth System Services) or All if the event is of general interest. 
-===== Internal Events =====+===== Internal Seminars =====
 ^ Date^ Speaker(s)^ Topic(s)^ Location^ Hour^ Event^ Label | ^ Date^ Speaker(s)^ Topic(s)^ Location^ Hour^ Event^ Label |
-| 2015/12/04 |Eric Galbraith (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) | From physics to fishermenCoupling human activity with the marine ecosystem in a global model | Nexus II, ground floor meeting room| 12.00|  Invited talk |All | +| 2015/12/14 |Claude Frankignoul (emeritus professor at LOCEAN/IPSL (Université Pierre et Marie Curie)) | Cold season atmospheric response to the variability of the Atlantic overturning circulationon climate model diversity | Nexus II, ground floor meeting room| 12:00 |  BSC-ES Seminars|All | 
-| 2015/11/?? | Chloé Prodhomme | Introduction to Mendeley | Nexus II, ground floor meeting room| ??:00|  BSC-ES Seminars |All | +| 2015/12/14Doo Young Lee Enhancement of seasonal prediction of East Asian summer rainfall related to western tropical Pacific convection | Nexus II, ground floor meeting room| 12:30 |  BSC-ES Seminars |All |
-| 2015/11/?? | Enza Di Tomaso | TBD | Nexus II, ground floor meeting room| ??:00|  BSC-ES Seminars |All | +
-| 2015/12/?? Virginie Guemas Impact of sea ice initialisation on sea ice and atmosphere prediction skill on seasonal timescales  | Nexus II, ground floor meeting room| ??.00|  BSC-ES Seminars |All +
-| | | | | | | |+
upcoming_events/internal_events/internal_events.txt · Last modified: 2016/12/14 14:05 by cotero