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working_groups:computational_earth_sciences:big_data [2016/01/04 11:59]
pbretonn [Useful links]
working_groups:computational_earth_sciences:big_data [2016/04/13 11:35]
fbeninca [RDA3 activities]
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 This document ({{:working_groups:computational_earth_sciences:big_data_es_strategy.pdf| Big Data ES strategy}}) also aims at being inserted in the global BSC Big Data strategy and has been circulated internally. This document ({{:working_groups:computational_earth_sciences:big_data_es_strategy.pdf| Big Data ES strategy}}) also aims at being inserted in the global BSC Big Data strategy and has been circulated internally.
 +Another [[|document]] is being written to define a roadmap for the team “Data Diagnostic” as part of the CES group.
 ===== Red Española de Big Data para Ciencias de la Tierra ===== ===== Red Española de Big Data para Ciencias de la Tierra =====
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 An first workshop to initiate the work on this IG will be held the 11th of February 2016. An first workshop to initiate the work on this IG will be held the 11th of February 2016.
 +EGU poster: {{:working_groups:computational_earth_sciences:rda_ig_egu_poster.pdf|pdf}}
 ===== Useful links ===== ===== Useful links =====
working_groups/computational_earth_sciences/big_data.txt · Last modified: 2016/05/09 10:56 by pbretonn