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working_groups:computational_earth_sciences [2023/01/16 14:17]
ejodry [Data and Diagnostics Team]
working_groups:computational_earth_sciences [2024/05/17 13:12]
avinas [Artur Viñas Ferran]
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 ==== Models and workflows team ==== ==== Models and workflows team ====
-**Current members:** Miguel Castrillo (team leader), Francesca Macchia (team leader), Mario Acosta, Miriam Olid, Carles Tena, Julian Rodrigo Berlín, Marcus Falls, Gilbert Montané, Daniel Beltrán, Wilmer Uruchi, Eric Ferrer, Ragi Ambika, Manuel Giménez de Castro, Cristian Gutiérrez, Genis Bonet.+**Current members:** Miguel Castrillo (team leader), Francesca Macchia (team leader), Mario Acosta, Miriam Olid, Carles Tena, Julian Rodrigo Berlín, Marcus Falls, Gilbert Montané, Daniel Beltrán, Wilmer Uruchi, Eric Ferrer, Ragi Ambika, Manuel Giménez de Castro, Cristian Gutiérrez, Genis Bonet, Francesc Roura Adserias, Aina Gaya Àvila, Pablo Goitia González.
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 ==== Performance team ==== ==== Performance team ====
-**Current members:** Mario Acosta  (team leader), Miguel Castrillo, Sergi Palomas, Stella Paronuzzi, Xavier Yepes, Christian Guzman, Iria Ayan, Manuel Giménez de Castro, Carlos Peña, Oscar Michel.+**Current members:** Stella Paronuzzi Ticco (team leader), Xavier Yepes (team leader), Mario Acosta, Miguel Castrillo, Sergi Palomas, Christian Guzman, Iria Ayan, Carlos Peña, Oscar Michel, Kai Keller, Roc Salvardor, Victor Correal, Vijendra Singh, Alexey Medvedev.
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 ==== Data and Diagnostics Team ==== ==== Data and Diagnostics Team ====
-**Current members:** Francesco Benincasa, Pierre-Antoine Bretonnière (team leaders), An-Chi Ho, Saskia Loosveldt Tomas, Lluís Palma García, Núria Pérez-Zanón, Margarida Samsó, Javier Vegas, Amalia Vradi, Daniel Trujillo, Carlos Gomez, Giulia Carella, Elliott Rose, Amanda Duarte, Marvin Axness, Etienne Jodry.+**Current members:** Francesco Benincasa, Pierre-Antoine Bretonnière (team leaders), An-Chi Ho, Saskia Loosveldt Tomas, Lluís Palma García, Núria Pérez-Zanón, Margarida Samsó, Javier Vegas, Amalia Vradi, Daniel Trujillo, Carlos Gomez, Giulia Carella, Elliott Rose, Amanda Duarte, Marvin Axness, Etienne Jodry, Supriyo Ghosh, Stamen Miroslavov, Santiago Ramírez, Alba Vilanova Cortezón, Paula Serrano Sierra.
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 {{:working_groups:members:pa.jpg?100 |}} \\ {{:working_groups:members:pa.jpg?100 |}} \\
 Software Engineer \\  Software Engineer \\ 
 +Pierre-Antoine Bretonnière holds a Master Degree in Mathematical and Physical Engineering (Matmeca engineering school, Bordeaux, France, 2009). He has worked in CERFACS (Toulouse, France), Institut Català de Ciencies del Clima (IC3, Barcelona, Spain) and BSC, in data management and climate software  anagement. His has worked on different climate data, diagnostics and metadata topics in numerous European and national projects (PRIMAVERA, SPECS, Copernicus, Destination Earth,...). Technically he is in charge in the department of the archive, ESGF, and data management. He also co-coordinates the Data and Diagnostics Team inside CES group.
 Interests: Data management, Big Data Interests: Data management, Big Data
 ---- ----
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 Contact:, [[|Twitter]], [[|Linkedin]] Contact:, [[|Twitter]], [[|Linkedin]]
-Short Bio: Miguel Castrillo (Male), Computer Scientist in the Computational Earth Sciences group: Miguel has an MSc in Computer Science from the University of León and a BA in Geography and History from the National Distance Education University of Spain (UNED). Having experience as an analyst and software developer for different private sector companies, he joined the Computational Earth Sciences group in the Earth Sciences department of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) in 2012. Since then, he has been participating in different projects, due to his experience in various technical fields. Nevertheless, he specialized in HPC performance and workflows for Earth Science models, being involved in the IS-ENES2, IS-ENES3, ESiWACE and ESiWACE2 H2020 projectsas well as the IMMERSE H2020 project and Copernicus CMEMS 87 HPC ORCA36 as PI. Miguel has also contributed to the preparation and research support of several PRACE projects (HiResNTCPGlob15kmLSIHPHiResSIRetc). During this timehe has been a member of the NEMO System Teamthe NEMO HPC working group, the EC-Earth technical working group, and the recently created EC-Earth4 working group. He is currently head of the Models and Workflows Team in the Earth Sciences department at the same time as he is doing a Masters degree in Artificial Intelligence in the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.+Short Bio: Miguel Castrillo (maleis a research support engineer co-leading the Computational Earth Sciences group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. He has a Master's degree in Computer Science, a Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Geography and History. Over the last 15 years, Miguel has worked for various private sector companies as an analyst and software developer before joining the Barcelona Supercomputing Center'Computational Earth Sciences group in 2012. 
 +Miguel's work at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center has focused on technical projects related to high-performance computing (HPCperformance and workflows for Earth Science models. He has contributed to multiple projectsincluding IS-ENES2, IS-ENES3, ESiWACEand ESiWACE2 H2020, and Copernicus CMEMS 87 HPC ORCA36 and IMMERSE H2020 as PI, as well as the preparation and research support of several PRACE projects.  
 +Currentlyhe's involved in several awarded initiatives where he leads different work packagesincluding Climate DTEDITO Model LabEERIEESiWACE3GLORIA, and CDRESM.
 +Miguel is a member of different international working groups, such as the NEMO System Team, EC-Earth Technical Working Group, EC-Earth 4 Working Group, and the Mercator Ocean International Scientific Board. He has also chaired the Earth scientific panel for the Call for Advanced Computing Projects of the RNCA in 2021 and 2022.
 ---- ----
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 \\ \\
-Short bio: Julian is a Research software engineer in the Computational Earth Sciences group: He holds a MSc in Computer Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires. Julian has 17 years of working experience as a software engineer and related disciplines, his expertise varies from Software architecture and design to OOP development and programming  under several technologies and development environments, he has worked for companies and international organizations in Argentina, United States and the Netherlands before joining BSC in Barcelona, such as the Inter-American development bank (IADB) and the Technical university of Delft (TU-Delft) where he participated in research projects funded by the European commission through Marie Curie and Copernicus initiatives ([[|CHANGES]] project). his interests vary from Software engineering topics such as Software Architecture and UI/UX to HPC platforms and Earth Sciences. He is currently assigned to the Models and Workflows team, involved in the maintenance and development of Auto-EC-Earth workflow manager and other internal tools of the department apart of providing support and help on related topics.+Short bio: Julian is a Research software engineer in the Computational Earth Sciences group: He holds a MSc in Computer Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires. Julian has 20 years of working experience as a software engineer and related disciplines, his expertise varies from Software architecture and design to OOP development and programming under several technologies and development environments, he has worked for companies and international organizations in Argentina, the United States and the Netherlands before joining BSC in Barcelona, such as the Inter-American Development bank (IADB) and the Technical University of Delft (TU-Delft) where he participated in research projects funded by the European Commission through Marie Curie and Copernicus initiatives ([[|CHANGES]] project). his interests vary from Software engineering topics such as Software Architecture and UI/UX to HPC platforms and Earth Sciences. He is currently assigned to the Models and Workflows team, involved in several European HPC projects and in charge of the release management f the Autosubmit GUI/API tools.
 ---- ----
 ==== Gilbert Montané Pinto ==== ==== Gilbert Montané Pinto ====
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 ==== Albert Vila ==== ==== Albert Vila ====
-{{:working_groups:albertvila.jpg?100 |}} \\+{{:working_groups:foto_dni_original_2_edit_edit.jpg?100 |}} \\
 Position: IT Technician\\ Position: IT Technician\\
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 ==== Daniel Beltrán Mora ==== ==== Daniel Beltrán Mora ====
 {{:working_groups:daniel_beltran.jpg?100 |}} \\ {{:working_groups:daniel_beltran.jpg?100 |}} \\
-Position: Junior research engineer\\+Position: Workflow Management Software Engineer\\
 Interests: High Performance Computing, computer architecture , Workflows\\ Interests: High Performance Computing, computer architecture , Workflows\\
 Contact: [[|]] \\ Contact: [[|]] \\
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 **Short bio:** Vijendra Singh has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the Maharishi Dayanand University (MDU) , Rohtak India. He has experience of working in compiler codes, Banking software for HSM machines and optimization of weather models. He is currently working in computational earth science department for Performance team. Profiling and optimization of existing and new models is his prime job. He joined BSC in January 2023. **Short bio:** Vijendra Singh has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the Maharishi Dayanand University (MDU) , Rohtak India. He has experience of working in compiler codes, Banking software for HSM machines and optimization of weather models. He is currently working in computational earth science department for Performance team. Profiling and optimization of existing and new models is his prime job. He joined BSC in January 2023.
 +==== Etienne Jodry ====
 +**Position:** Junior Research Engineer\\
 +**Interests:** Machine Learning, Data Science, Image Analysis and Computer Vision, Open Source, Critical Thinking, Humanities\\
 +**Contact:** [[]]\\
 +**Short bio:** Etienne Jodry has studied at Université Savoie Mont-Blanc (France), York University (Canada), Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Sweden) and concluded by an Engineering Degree (eq. MSc) in Computer Science and Applied Math from l'École Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique et de Mathématiques Appliquées de Grenoble. The latter was conducted in apprenticeship, working part time in the industry for a Research & Development department applying Machine Learning techiques for Cybersecurity then Computer Vision. After a Sabbatical he joined BSC in January 2023.
 +==== Aina Gaya i Àvila ====
 +**Position:** Junior Research Engineer\\
 +**Interests:** Computational Physics, HPC
 +**Contact:** [[]], [[|Linkedin]]
 +**Short Bio:** Aina Gaya is a physicist in the Computational Earth Sciences group, Models & Workflows team. She holds a bachelor in Physics from the University of Barcelona. During her bachelor, she did internships at the Institute of Complex Systems and at the Soft Matter Laboratory Group.
 +==== Francesc Roura Adserias ====
 +**Position:** Junior Research Engineer\\
 +Physicist, Atmospheric scientist and a bit of a glaciologist with interest in coding.
 +Keywords: Climate services, NWP, S2S, Open Source, meteorology, mountain meteorology, cryosphere.
 +Contact:, [[|Twitter]], [[|Linkedin]]
 +Short Bio: Francesc Roura Adserias (him), physicist in the Computational Earth Sciences group, Models and Workflows team. Francesc holds a MSc in Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Innsbruck, Austria. During the MSc he worked as software developer at the Open Global Glacier Model 
 + (OGGM) group at the same university. Previously he was enrolled in the ESS group in the Decathlon project (2019-2020), providing seasonal and subseasonal tailored forecasts. He holds a bachelor in Physics from the University of Barcelona. During the bachelor he did some internships: remote sensing in the Catalan Met office (Meteocat), data analist in GAMA group in UB and cloudiness analysis at the Meteorology group at the university of Girona (UdG). He is currently working at the Destination Earth project. He loves music and mountains.
 +==== Victor Correal ====
 +**Position:** Junior Researcher engineer\\
 +**Interests:** High Performance Computing, Parallel computing, Software developing \\
 +**Contact:** [[]]\\
 +**Short bio:** Victor Correal is a last year student of computer science degree (computer engineering mention). Victor has two years experience in the HPC field related with the drug discovery. He joined BSC in February 2023.
 +==== Stamen Miroslavov Minkov ====
 +{{:working_groups:stamen_picture.jpg?120|}} \\
 +**Position:** Junior Research Engineer (Junior IT Specialist) \\
 +**Interests:** Systems and Servers Administration, Computer Science, Software Engineering, High Performance Computing, Biomechanics, Cybersecurity, Mountains, Climbing\\
 +**Contact:** [[|]], [[|LinkedIn]] \\
 +**Short bio:** Stamen holds a BSc in Physics from the University of Barcelona (UB) and a MSc in Biomedical Engineering shared between UB and UPC (Polytechnic University of Catalonia). With over 4 years of professional experience in IT fields and System Administration (including an internship in the Systems-Servers department of Pavelló Rosa in UB (2018-2019)), Stamen is currently a member of the Data and Diagnostics Team (DDT) in the Computational Earth Sciences (CES) group in the Earth Sciences department of BSC. His main duties involve managing the virtual machines and the software installations relative to these, especially for the Bsceshub project, as well as helping the members of the department with the diverse IT issues they may encounter.
 +Stamen joined BSC in March 2023.
 +==== Supriyo Ghosh ====
 +{{:working_groups:supriyo_ghosh_photo.png?100 |}} \\
 +**Position:** Junior Research Engineer (Python Developer) \\
 +**Contact:** [[|]], [[|LinkedIn]] \\
 +**Short bio:** Supriyo is working on developing diagnostics for the Destination earth project and is responsible for data processing in ESMValTool. He joined BSC on Jan 2023. Before that, he was working as a research fellow at National Center for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR), Goa, India. He holds a masters degree in Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Hyderabad (IN) and bachelors degree in Physics from the University of Burdwan (IN). 
 +==== Rohan Ahmed ====
 +**Position:** Workflows Engineer (RE-2) \\
 +**Interests:** High Performance Computing, Data Science & AI, Embedded Systems & IoT, Wireless Communication, Computer Networks\\
 +**Contact:** [[|]], [[|LinkedIn]] \\
 +**Short bio:** Rohan holds a masters degree in Electrical Engineering from the National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Pakistan. With over 3 years of Academic experience teaching at a university in Pakistan at the Electrical Engineering department. More than 4 years of experience in IoT and Embedded System freelance projects. Moreover, more than 1 year of experience working in the HPC domain and Embedded System Software optimization and debugging (Linux Kernel). Rohan is currently a member of the Models & Workflows Team (MWT) in the Computational Earth Sciences (CES) group in the Earth Sciences department of BSC. His main duties involves managing workflows in the DestinE project.
 +Rohan joined BSC in April 2023.
 +==== Amirpasha Mozaffari ====
 +**Position:** Research Engineer \\
 +**Interests:** Geosciences HPC, Workflow, FAIR and reproducibility\\
 +**Contact:** [[|]],[[|personal website]], [[|LinkedIn]], [[|Twitter]] \\
 +**Short bio:**. Amirpasha is a research engineer in the Earth Sciences group and a Models and Workflow team member. He holds a PhD. in computational geophysics from RWTH Aachen University. Before joining the  BSC, Amirpasha worked in the Earth System Data Exploration group at Juelich Supercomputing Centre (JSC). 
 +Amirpasha joined BSC in May 2023.
 +==== Roc Salvador Andreazini ====
 +**Position:** Junior Research Engineer (Performance Team) \\
 +**Interests:** HPC, Computational complexity \\
 +**Contact:** [[]] \\
 +**Short bio:**. Roc is a junior research engineer in the Earth Sciences group and a Performance team member. He holds a BSc in Computer Science from Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona (FIB). He will start the MSc in Research and Innovation in september 2023 at FIB. In the PT, he works in automatic profiling tools for the ESiWACE project.
 +Roc joined BSC in June 2023.
 +==== Pablo Goitia González ====
 +**Position:** Undergraduate Student \\
 +**Interests:** High Performance Computing, Performance \\
 +**Contact:** [[]] \\
 +**Short bio:**. Pablo Goitia is a BSc in Computer Engineering student from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Cantabria (UC), Spain. Before starting at BSC and during his degree, he worked as an IT support in the same Faculty he studied thanks to the Becas Santander Prácticas award, and he also actively participates in student representation activities, such as advising other students or working on a mental health project.
 +Pablo joined BSC in June 2023.
 +==== Alexey Medvedev ====
 +**Position:** Senior Research Engineer \\
 +**Interests:**  parallel programming, CUDA, MPI, HPC, generative programming, best practices in software design \\
 +**Contact:** [[]]  [[|Linkedin]] \\
 +Alexey Medvedev is a Senior Research Engineer from the Performance Team of Computational Earth Sciences Group of the Earth Sciences Department at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). He joined BSC in 2023 to work on accelerator support implementation for Earth system models. His previous experience is related to complex software design in various fields of Math Modeling, including Fluid Dynamics, Solid Mechanics and others. The software packages he was working on are able to run on parallel scales up to 200 nodes equipped with NVIDIA accelerators. He has certain experience in design and implementation of such HPC components as linear algebra libraries and MPI standard implementation libraries. His scientific interests include various practical aspects of parallel computing, he is a co-author and author of 8 papers in Scopus-indexed journals, author of 1 seminar course. He received his Master Degree from Cybernetics Faculty of Tula State University (Russia) in 2001.
 +==== Rommel Quintanilla ====
 +**Position:** Research Engineer \\
 +**Interests:**  GPU computing, HPC \\
 +**Contact:** [[]]  [[|Linkedin]] \\
 +**Short bio:** Rommel holds a Master's degree in Computer Science from the Universidad Federal Fluminense, Brazil. He has experience in parallel and distributed software development. Professionally, he worked as a software intern at the Computational and Dimensional Metrology Laboratory, associated with the Fluminense
 +Federal University and the Brazilian state-owned Petrobras, where he automated a process of detecting geological features in oil well drilling images. Also, he was a C++ software engineer at BlazingDB Inc., where he was in charge of the development of new functionalities for the distributed SQL database engine on NVIDIA GPUs called BlazingSQL. Afterwards, he worked as a C++ software engineer for Voltron Data Inc., a startup around the in-memory format Apache Arrow that develops an ecosystem of portable tools to support high-performance computing for columnar data analysis. He joined the Computational Earth Sciences department in August 2023.
 +==== Okke van Eck ====
 +**Position:** Research Engineer \\
 +**Interests:**  Complexity Theory, HPC \\
 +**Contact:** [[]]  [[|Linkedin]] \\
 +**Short bio:** Okke finished his bachelor's Computer Science at the University of Amsterdam in 2020, and master's Parallel and Distributed Computer Systems at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam in 2023. His interests are mainly in complexity theory and high performance computing. This resulted in some published papers during his masters into the complexity behind protein folding within the HP-model. From September 2023 onwards, he will work on the Destination Earth project for BSC where he will port the digital twins to GPUs.
 +==== Mayssa Kchaou ====
 +**Position:** Junior Research Engineer \\
 +**Interests:**  Machine Learning, AI, NLP\\
 +**Contact:** [[]]  [[|Linkedin]] \\
 +Mayssa Kchaou joined the Computational Earth Sciences Group of the Earth Sciences Department at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) on September 2023 as a Junior Research ML Engineer. She holds a Software Engineering Degree from the University of Arts and Multimedia, Tunisia. Before starting at BSC and during her education, she worked as an Undergraduate Natural Language Processing Engineer and published research scientific papers.
 +==== Luiggi Tenorio Ku ====
 +**Position:** Research Engineer \\
 +**Interests:**  Software Development, HPC, Big Data, Data Science, Best Practices\\
 +**Contact:** [[]]  [[|Linkedin]] \\
 +**Short bio:** Luiggi is a Research Engineer on the Autosubmit Team. He holds a Master's Degree in Computer Engineering: High Performance and Big Data Computing from the University of Padua (Italy). Additionally, he has prior experience in full-stack software development and data engineering, gained through work in healthcare startups and later in a bioinformatics lab within the ELIXIR network.
 +==== Santiago Ramírez A. ====
 +{{:working_groups:sramirez.jpeg?125 |}}
 +**Position:** Research Engineer \\
 +**Interests:**  FullStack Web Development, Data Management, UI/UX\\
 +**Contact:** [[]] \\
 +**Short bio:** Santiago is a Research Engineer on the Data and Diagnostics Team. He holds a Posgraduate Degree in FullStack Web Development from Universitat Politecnic of Catalunya (UPC). Additionally, he has prior experience in FullStack software development. He also studied philosophy in Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia).
 +==== Carmen Piñero Megías ====
 +**Position:** Junior Research Engineer \\
 +**Interests:**  Software Development, HPC, Computational Physics, Earth Sciences, Physics of Complex Systems\\
 +**Contact:** [[]] \\
 +**Short bio:** Carmen is a Junior Research Engineer in the Models and Workflows Team. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Physics from the University of Barcelona (UB). She joined the Computational Earth Sciences group in February 2024.
 +==== Paula Serrano Sierra ====
 +**Position:** Junior Research Engineer \\
 +**Interests:**  HPC, Data Science, Computer Vision, ML, Software development\\
 +**Contact:** [[|]], [[|LinkedIn]] \\
 +**Short bio:** Paula is a Junior Research Engineer in the Data and Diagnostics Team. She holds a Bachelors's degree in Data Engineering from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Previously, she was a research intern in Port d'Informació Científica where she collaborated in a research project related to the CMS experiment at CERN. She joined the Computational Earth Sciences group in March 2024.
 +==== Ariadna Batalla Ferrés ====
 +**Position:** Junior Research Engineer \\
 +**Interests:**  Data Science, Statistics, HPC, Earth Sciences\\
 +**Contact:** [[|]], [[|LinkedIn]] \\
 +**Short bio:** Ariadna is a Junior Research Engineer in the Data and Diagnostics Team. She holds a double Bachelors's degree in Statistics and Sociology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She has experience in research and health data analysis. She joined the Computational Earth Sciences group in March 2024.
 +==== Marta Alerany Solé ====
 +**Position:** Junior Research Engineer \\
 +**Interests:**  Computational Physics, HPC, Earth Sciences\\
 +**Contact:** [[|]], [[é|LinkedIn]] \\
 +**Short bio:** Marta joined the Performance Team of the Computational Earth Sciences group on March 2024 as a Junior Research Engineer. She holds a double Bachelors's degree in Mathematics and Physics from the University of Barcelona (UB), as well as a Master's in Applied Physics from the Technical University of Eindhoven (TUe).
 +==== Maitane Fariñas Argoitia ====
 +**Position:** Junior Research Engineer \\
 +**Interests:**  Computational Physics, Computational Modelling, Earth Sciences\\
 +**Contact:** [[|]], [[ñas-argoitia|LinkedIn]] \\
 +**Short bio:** Maitane has a Bachelor's degree in Physics from Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU) and a Master's degree in Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling from the Universitat de Barcelona (UB). She joined the Performance Team of the Computational Earth Sciences group on April 2024 as a Junior Research Engineer.  
 [[working_groups:ces:former_members|Former members]] [[working_groups:ces:former_members|Former members]]
 +==== H. Andres Gonzalez Gongora====
 +**Position:** Research Machine Learning Engineer \\
 +**Interests:**  Machine Learning, AI, NLP\\
 +**Contact:** [[]]  [[|Linkedin]] \\
 +Andres Gonzalez joined the Computational Earth Sciences Group of the Earth Sciences Department at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) in April 2024 as a Research ML Engineer. He holds an Erasmus M.Sc. in Natural Language Processing and Language Technology from University of Malta and University of Lorraine from which he graduated in Fall of 2023. Prior to joining the BSC, Andres worked at Orange Innovation Labs as an R&D NLP Engineer where he focused on tasked-oriented dialogue systems. Besides his interests in NLP and AI, he loves working out, traveling, reading, dancing and music. 
 +==== Marcel Cases Freixenet ====
 +**Position**: Junior Research Engineer\\
 +**Interests:**  computer languages, computational modeling, optimization, ML, computer networks, logic synthesis (FPGA) \\
 +**Contact**: [[|]]  [[|LinkedIn]] \\
 +**Short bio**: Marcel is a Junior Research Engineer in the Performance Team. He has a Master in Innovation and Research in Informatics (MIRI, FIB-UPC). He joined BSC in May 2024 after having gained experience in modeling, mathematical optimization and forecasting for the energy and transportation industries in different research and innovation teams.
 +==== Artur Viñas Ferran ====
 +**Position:** Junior Research Engineer \\
 +**Interests:**  Software Development, Computational Physics, Earth Sciences\\
 +**Contact:** [[]] \\
 +**Short bio:** Artur is a Junior Research Engineer in the Models and Workflows Team. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Physics from the University of Barcelona (UB). He joined the Computational Earth Sciences group in May 2024.
working_groups/computational_earth_sciences.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/18 14:00 by shearne