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tools:s2dverification [2016/09/07 18:44]
nmanuben [Change log]
tools:s2dverification [2017/09/15 13:02] (current)
nmanuben [Description]
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   * 2016/05/04: {{tools:s2dverification:20160504_nmanubens_s2dverification_update_meeting.pdf|pdf}} {{tools:s2dverification:20160504_nmanubens_s2dverification_update_meeting.ppt|ppt}}   * 2016/05/04: {{tools:s2dverification:20160504_nmanubens_s2dverification_update_meeting.pdf|pdf}} {{tools:s2dverification:20160504_nmanubens_s2dverification_update_meeting.ppt|ppt}}
   * 2016/06/03: {{tools:s2dverification:20160603_nmanubens_s2dverification_update_meeting.pdf|pdf}} {{tools:s2dverification:20160603_nmanubens_s2dverification_update_meeting.ppt|ppt}}   * 2016/06/03: {{tools:s2dverification:20160603_nmanubens_s2dverification_update_meeting.pdf|pdf}} {{tools:s2dverification:20160603_nmanubens_s2dverification_update_meeting.ppt|ppt}}
 +  * 2016/09/13: {{tools:s2dverification:20160913_nmanubens_s2dverification_update_meeting.pdf|pdf}} {{tools:s2dverification:20160913_nmanubens_s2dverification_update_meeting.ppt|ppt}}
 +  * 2017/02/20: {{tools:s2dverification:20170220_nmanubens_s2dverification_update_meeting.pdf|pdf}} {{tools:s2dverification:20170220_nmanubens_s2dverification_update_meeting.pptx|pptx}}
 +  * 2017/09/15: {{tools:s2dverification:20170915_nmanubens_ahunter_s2dverification_update_meeting.pdf|pdf}} {{|gdoc}}
Line 380: Line 383:
 ^Version name ^Date ^New features  | ^Version name ^Date ^New features  |
 |CFU_tools |????-??-?? |  | |CFU_tools |????-??-?? |  |
-|s2dverification 2.0 |2013-12-19 | · Use of the standard R package structure.\\ · Use of the google's R style guide.\\ · Functions that involved RClim set of funcions have been kept apartfrom the package (AnimVsLTime, BlueRed, PlotMap, ProjMap) as well as the authors.\\ · New functions have been added: Alpha, EnoNew, Filter, FitAcfCoef, FitAutocor,  GenSeries,  Spectrum.\\ · Extended help.  | +|s2dverification 2.0 |2013-08-02| · Use of the standard R package structure.\\ · Use of the google's R style guide.\\ · Functions that involved RClim set of funcions have been kept apartfrom the package (AnimVsLTime, BlueRed, PlotMap, ProjMap) as well as the authors.\\ · New functions have been added: Alpha, EnoNew, Filter, FitAcfCoef, FitAutocor,  GenSeries,  Spectrum.\\ · Extended help.  | 
-|s2dverification 2.1 |2014-01-23 | · Demo scripts 'plot_timeseries.R' and 'plot_maps.R' available in the 'inst/doc' directory in the s2dverification repository.\\ · Documentation on how to specify the grids and masks to the function Load() has been added to its help page, code and package manual.  |+|*s2dverification 2.1 |2014-01-23 | · Demo scripts 'plot_timeseries.R' and 'plot_maps.R' available in the 'inst/doc' directory in the s2dverification repository.\\ · Documentation on how to specify the grids and masks to the function Load() has been added to its help page, code and package manual.  |
 |*s2dverification 2.1.1 |2014-06-27 | · Important bugfixes in Clim(), and other bugfixes in Season(), Smoothing() and Plot2VarsVsLTime().\\ · Bugs with the new version of CDO have been fixed.\\ · Package is under licence GPLv3.\\ · Example datasets and code for each function have been added.  | |*s2dverification 2.1.1 |2014-06-27 | · Important bugfixes in Clim(), and other bugfixes in Season(), Smoothing() and Plot2VarsVsLTime().\\ · Bugs with the new version of CDO have been fixed.\\ · Package is under licence GPLv3.\\ · Example datasets and code for each function have been added.  |
-|*s2dverification 2.1.2 |2014-07-09 | · Bugfix in CDO calls. |+|s2dverification 2.1.2 |2014-07-09 | · Bugfix in CDO calls. |
 |s2dverification 2.2.0 |2014-12-16 | · ACC provides confidence intervals obtained with bootstrap method\\ · Function to plot ACC score\\ · Function to plot variables on a polar stereographic projection\\ · Possibility of loading observations only\\ · Possibility to load more ice variables\\ · Adjustable significance level in the Corr function\\ · Adjustable number size in ColorBar | |s2dverification 2.2.0 |2014-12-16 | · ACC provides confidence intervals obtained with bootstrap method\\ · Function to plot ACC score\\ · Function to plot variables on a polar stereographic projection\\ · Possibility of loading observations only\\ · Possibility to load more ice variables\\ · Adjustable significance level in the Corr function\\ · Adjustable number size in ColorBar |
 |s2dverification 2.3.0 |2015-03-02 | · Configuration file mechanism to specify new dataset or variable paths, grids, etc.\\ · New parameters in Load() to specify maximum and minimum values.\\ · New supported dataset formats. See '?Load' in R after loading s2dverification for more information.\\ · More efficient memory usage in Load() and usage of multiple parallel processes (faster).\\ · NetCDF4 + OPeNDAP support | |s2dverification 2.3.0 |2015-03-02 | · Configuration file mechanism to specify new dataset or variable paths, grids, etc.\\ · New parameters in Load() to specify maximum and minimum values.\\ · New supported dataset formats. See '?Load' in R after loading s2dverification for more information.\\ · More efficient memory usage in Load() and usage of multiple parallel processes (faster).\\ · NetCDF4 + OPeNDAP support |
Line 409: Line 412:
 |s2dverification 2.7.0 | 2016-08-24 | · Enhanced PlotEquiMap() and PlotStereoMap() with lots of new options and fixed issues:\\    - Colour bar with triangle ends and lots of new features.\\    - Margins, labels, ticks, colour bar, titles now arranged properly.\\    - Now possibile to adjust colour and border of continents, size, colour and type of contour lines, size of labels, ticks and margins, colour and width of boxes, etc.\\    - Draw multiple superimposed dot/symbol layers.\\    - Draw boxes in PlotStereoMap().\\    - PlotStereoMap() with bounding circle.\\ · Added function PlotLayout() to automatically generate complex figure layouts and populate with plots from multi-dimensional arrays.\\ · Fixed and updated corrupted example scripts (required for new auto-ecearth releases to work).\\ · Added function Subset() to easily take chunks of data arrays.\\ · Fixed bug in Load() under some particular configurations.\\ · Enhanced margins in PlotAno().\\ · Updated sample data to be together with metadata as provided by Load().\\ · Updates and fixes in the BSC Load() configuration file. |  |s2dverification 2.7.0 | 2016-08-24 | · Enhanced PlotEquiMap() and PlotStereoMap() with lots of new options and fixed issues:\\    - Colour bar with triangle ends and lots of new features.\\    - Margins, labels, ticks, colour bar, titles now arranged properly.\\    - Now possibile to adjust colour and border of continents, size, colour and type of contour lines, size of labels, ticks and margins, colour and width of boxes, etc.\\    - Draw multiple superimposed dot/symbol layers.\\    - Draw boxes in PlotStereoMap().\\    - PlotStereoMap() with bounding circle.\\ · Added function PlotLayout() to automatically generate complex figure layouts and populate with plots from multi-dimensional arrays.\\ · Fixed and updated corrupted example scripts (required for new auto-ecearth releases to work).\\ · Added function Subset() to easily take chunks of data arrays.\\ · Fixed bug in Load() under some particular configurations.\\ · Enhanced margins in PlotAno().\\ · Updated sample data to be together with metadata as provided by Load().\\ · Updates and fixes in the BSC Load() configuration file. | 
 |s2dverification 2.7.1 | 2016-09-07 | · Few enhancements in colour bar and map plot functions. |  |s2dverification 2.7.1 | 2016-09-07 | · Few enhancements in colour bar and map plot functions. | 
 +|s2dverification 2.7.2 | 2016-09-29 | · Enhancements to adjust size and resolution of plots.\\ · Enhancements in Load() to support some specific path patterns. Now possible to send additional variables to the configuration file, specific of each dataset in 'exp' or 'obs'.| 
 +|s2dverification 2.7.3 | 2016-11-09 | · Bugfixes in plot_timeseries.R example script.\\ · Small bugfix in Load().| 
 +|*s2dverification 2.8.0 | 2017-02-13 | · Changed licence from GPL-3 to LGPL-3.\\ · New veriApply compatible score functions (.BrierScore, .Corr, .RMS, .RMSSS, .RatioRMS, .RatioSDRMS and .Trend).\\ · New function CDORemap, to interpolate R arrays with CDO.\\ · New function ArrayToNetCDF, to save R arrays with metadata in NetCDF files.\\ · Enhanced plot_timeseries.R and plot_maps.R example scripts to work with file-per-chunk data, for auto-ecearth v3.2.1a.\\ · Added colour-blind colour bars for the map plots.\\ · Added warning in Load when extrapolating data.\\ · Bugfix in ProbBins when called with cross-validation.\\ · Enhanced documentation.\\ · Adapted UltimateBrier to SpecsVerification 0.5-0.\\ · Enhancements to adjust size and resolution in plotting functions.\\ · Solved PlotEquiMap bug when values equal to the lower limit.\\ · Bugfix in Ano.\\ · Bugfix in PlotVsLTime.\\ · Small update in the configuration file.|
 +|s2dverification 2.8.1 | 2017-02-15 | · Bugfix in ColorBar. |
 *This release is also available on CRAN *This release is also available on CRAN
Line 455: Line 462:
 Programmed in R: Programmed in R:
-  * wux 
   * downscaleR   * downscaleR
-  * loadR+  * loadeR 
 +  * visualizeR. Examples of the available plotting functions in visualizeR can be found {{tools:s2dverification:20160927_visualizeR_plots.pdf|here}}. 
 +  * SpecsVerification. Examples of the available plotting functions in SpecsVerification can be found {{tools:s2dverification:20160915_SpecsVerification_plots.pdf|here}}.  
 +  * easyVerification
   * esd   * esd
 +  * wux
   * rnoaa   * rnoaa
   * RCMIP   * RCMIP
Line 469: Line 479:
   * meteoForecast   * meteoForecast
   * clim.pact   * clim.pact
 +  * climdex.pcic - Pacific Climate Impacts Consortiums's (PCIC) implementation (in R) of the Climdex routines for calculating the ETCCDI's 27 climate extreme indices.
tools/s2dverification.1473273878.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/09/07 18:44 by nmanuben